Thanks for the feedback Rey; and for the compliments. You've made some good points and suggestions. Here's my thinking on them:
Rey G. said:
- When you create a sheet, it lists circumstance Bonuses and Luck Bonuses as default stacking. I just wanted point out that Luck bonuses stacking isn't supported by the Core Rulebook, only Circumstance bonuses from different sources stack. This makes it kind of a pain to always have to correct the sheet. (pg 266-267)
Thank you for pointing this out. I apparently misread that page and thought that luck bonuses worked the same as in Pathfinder. I'll put a ticket in to get that updated.
- When a character has an odd Strength score, your character sheet rounds up on a character's encumbrance (A Str 11 character would have a 6 encumbrance on your sheet) which isn't correct as you always round down unless it's said otherwise.
This is a UI decision on my part. The sheet displays the bulk at which you would be encumbered (6 in your example), not the highest bulk you can carry without being encumbered (5 in your example). What this has made me realize is that the default value for the encumber bulk does not follow this design decision, which is probably where the confusion stems from.
- This isn't a problem with the sheet itself but rather with the Starfinder Official wiki post which gets Backpacks encumbrance changes backwards. Commercial backpacks increase the wearer's effective Str score by 1 for Bulk calculations, which means it would always increase Overburden by 1 and would increase Encumbrance by 1 if it made the wearers Str effectively even (Str 11 to Str 12 for example) while Industrial would increase Overburden by 2 and Encumber by 1. I can make the wiki edits but I feel kinda like I'm overstepping by editing a more official page.
Thank you for pointing this out. I'll update the wiki to note that, and that it is something that may have to be updated periodically as your ability scores change from 1-20.
- Finally, Vesk's Armor Savant and Bodyguard can lower Armor Check Penalty and the armor upgrade Agility Enhancer can sometimes only reduce ACP for Acrobatics alone but the Mod section doesn't seem to allow positive direction changes to ACP (thereby negating the ACP on a suit of armor). You might have implemented it this way due to a technical limitation (inability to hard cap ACP to 0 perhaps) but if that isn't the case, I thought I'd let you know. [[It looks like the die rolls for ACP skills calculates the ACP negation correctly (though it doesn't hard cap to 0) but the character sheet doesn't display correctly]]
Hmm, I'll need to take a look at the code here. The original reason that I didn't support modifiers to the ACP was that it was handled differently from other bonuses and I couldn't come up with a simple syntax for modifying the ACP, but as I was responding to your comment I'm not sure this logic still holds (and it sounds like at least half the work to fully implement it is done). I'll add a ticket to investigate this, but it's going to be behind some other features that are in development at the moment and are a higher priority.
Thanks again for your feedback; see you out in the Drift,