I am not sure if this is a bug or just user error.
What you were trying to do:
Trying to use crtl+L on a character token to see what has revealed on players map through Explorer Mode
What happened:
I can only what the character can see currently, and the rooms that the token was in before is just black (as if Explorer Mode is off). I can not verify that Explorer Mode is working.
Steps to Reproduce:
Select Character Token(As a DM).
Press crtl+L
Move Character Token to a different room, or past a dynamic lighting wall that cuts of line of sight from the previous location.
Not able to see if the previous location is visible to player, to determine if explorer mode is functioning as intended
Browser & OS info:
Chrome (80.0) on Windows 10
Is WebGL supported by your browser?
Game Link: https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/4437899/pota
Game Settings
Was anything changed from default?
Map Settings
Are you using Legacy or Updated? Updated
Were you using Explorer Mode or not? Yes
Were you using Daylight Mode or not? No
Token Settings
What kinds of light and vision were utilized on tokens?
1 with Bright+Dim Light (carrying a torch)
1 with just darkvision
Do you have Hardware Acceleration turned On or Off in your browser or system: