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A New Light - Bug Thread - Updated Dynamic Lighting and Fog of War

April 08 (4 years ago)

Edited August 14 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion

This is the official bug thread for A New Light.

This feature has been in Beta on the Dev Server for almost a month, and we're happy to have a wider release.

We Want to Hear from You!

This update is still in active development and will continue to be so until it reaches feature parity with Legacy Dynamic Lighting. To reach that end, we're asking you to try it out and report any new issues. There's a running list of Known Issues there, as well as a template for reporting any bugs you find.

Please post any feedback and bug reports here. Please use the bug report template below.

This thread is now closed. For further discussion, please see our new thread here.

April 08 (4 years ago)

Edited July 31 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion

Currently Working On

We are currently working: 

  • Automatic tool to convert Legacy Dynamic Lighting settings - available on the Dev Server for Pro Subscribers
  • Updated Dynamic Lighting fails on very large maps.
  • When using Explorer Mode on a Mac with Intel integrated graphics, the lighting system may display a wide diagonal black bar across the middle of the screen that scrolls as you pan across the page.

Known Issues List

This list will be updated as issues are discovered and resolved.

  • In certain systems, images from the map layer are being distorted and skewed when viewed using Dynamic Lighting.
  • Unexpected behavior is occurring with masks created by circles.
  • Mask outlines are not as smooth as expected.
  • Zooming out with browser zoom, not the VTT zoom, can cause some strange visual issues.
  • If a player's system crashes, they will occasionally have DL masks revealed to them.
  • There is still slight lag with keyboard movements using UDL.

    Resolved Issues

    These issues have been resolved with dates of the release.
    • There is no way to change a token's light/vision sensitivity yet (previously labeled as Has Sight / Multiplier). Released July 21
    • There is no setting for directional light. Yet. Fixed June 30
    • If your maps use units other than feet, the light distances will not change based on the correct unit. Until this is fixed, assume that the "ft" in the Token Settings for vision and light distances is whatever units your map uses. Fixed April 17
    • When using CTRL-L, GMs see through the token's eyes for purposes of lighting and vision, but can still see objects on the GM layer. Fixed April 28
    • Light bleeds through some corners in Dynamic Lighting barriers (in explorer mode, this can result in areas being revealed). Fixed May 21
    • It can be difficult to see the difference between an illuminated map that is low contrast and a map that has been revealed in Explorer Mode, especially if the GM opacity is low. Fixed May 21
    • With Explorer Mode enabled, when using CTRL-L on a token that is not controlled by anyone in a page (or if there are no players in the game), GMs will only see a grayscale version of the map, without the GM Darkness Overlay.  Fixed May 21
    • Dragging a token next to a Dynamic Lighting barrier can result in vision past the barrier. Fixed June 30
    • Night Vision does not allow for Low Light at the moment and appears the same as Bright Light.  Fixed June 30
    • A "pixel dust" like effect is occurring within certain markings. Fixed June 30
    • Tokens on different pages/accounts sometimes reveal masks for the incorrect page. Fixed April 28
    • Default Token Settings in the game details page do not currently apply when creating new tokens. Fixed Apr 21
    • Setting negative numbers in the token light and vision settings results in tokens revealing more than they should. Fixed Apr 10
    • Decimals in the token light and vision settings result in incorrect light calculations. Fixed April 28
    • Resetting fog more than once is causing issues. Fixed Apr 21
    • Tokens with Light on the GM layer are showing that Light to Tokens on other layers. Fixed May 19
    • Using CTRL+L on a token will occasionally result in vision of what's beyond Dynamic Lighting barriers. Fixed May 19
    • When the GM moves a token, the areas will only be revealed for players who are currently online. Fixed Apr 21
    • There is no "update only on drop" option.  Fixed June 30
    • When a token with Night Vision is at the edge of a lit area, there is a gradient at the edge of the lit area before the night vision begins. Fixed June 30
    • Tokens with light and no vision are not visible to the GM until a token with vision is nearby July 30
    • GM can Manual Hide and Reveal sections with Explorer Mode July 30
    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)
    Forum Champion

    Bug Report Template

    Please, please please report any issues you experience with this feature!

    Here's the information we'll need from you. Please copy/paste and fill this in as much as possible:

    What you were trying to do:

    What happened: (Screen shots are useful here!)

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Browser & OS info:

    Is WebGL supported by your browser?

    Please visit and copy/paste the WebGL1 report from there.

    Game Link: (The URL when you're looking at your Game Details page)

    Game Settings
    Was anything changed from default?

    Map Settings
    Are you using Legacy or Updated?
    Were you using Explorer Mode or not?
    Were you using Daylight Mode or not?

    Token Settings
    What kinds of light and vision were utilized on tokens?
    (bright light, low light, night vision, regular vision)

    Do you have Hardware Acceleration turned On or Off in your browser or system:

    Speedtest Results

    Upload, Download, and Ping values.

    Console Log

    I am not sure if this is a bug or just user error.

    What you were trying to do:

    Trying to use crtl+L on a character token to see what has revealed on players map through Explorer Mode

    What happened: 

    I can only what the character can see currently, and the rooms that the token was in before is just black (as if Explorer Mode is off). I can not verify that Explorer Mode is working.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Select Character Token(As a DM).

    Press crtl+L

    Move Character Token to a different room, or past a dynamic lighting wall that cuts of line of sight from the previous location.

    Not able to see if the previous location is visible to player, to determine if explorer mode is functioning as intended 

    Browser & OS info:

    Chrome  (80.0) on Windows 10

    Is WebGL supported by your browser?


    Game Link:

    Game Settings
    Was anything changed from default?


    Map Settings
    Are you using Legacy or Updated? Updated
    Were you using Explorer Mode or not? Yes
    Were you using Daylight Mode or not? No

    Token Settings
    What kinds of light and vision were utilized on tokens?
    1 with Bright+Dim Light (carrying a torch)

    1 with just darkvision

    Do you have Hardware Acceleration turned On or Off in your browser or system:


    This is the deal breaker for me...

    • When a token with Night Vision is at the edge of a lit area, there is a gradient at the edge of the lit area before the night vision begins.

    The other bugs I can live with for the moment. The above just makes lighting useless unless you make everything just show as Nightvision.  

    Will these bugs be addressed before legacy mode is removed?


    Not sure its a omission or if I'm not understanding how to set this up but in the legacy system there is a Multiplier that's used for low-light vision characters. How do you configure it with the updated system?

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Roll20 Team

    Hi Bekradan,

    Yes-- this will be addressed prior to phasing out Legacy Dynamic Lighting. We will not be transitioning until Updated Dynamic Lighting is at complete feature parity.

    Noxxy, this also speaks to the question of the multiplier. Currently, this is not available in Updated Dynamic Lighting-- but it will be.


    Another thing I have noticed is that the tokens I have set up to represent torches, on the lighting layer, do not have produce their light unless you move the token around. It's as if the lighting only kicks in for the first time when you "drop" the token.

    Kalagari said:

    I am not sure if this is a bug or just user error.

    What you were trying to do:

    Trying to use crtl+L on a character token to see what has revealed on players map through Explorer Mode

    What happened: 

    I can only what the character can see currently, and the rooms that the token was in before is just black (as if Explorer Mode is off). I can not verify that Explorer Mode is working.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Select Character Token(As a DM).

    Press crtl+L

    Move Character Token to a different room, or past a dynamic lighting wall that cuts of line of sight from the previous location.

    Not able to see if the previous location is visible to player, to determine if explorer mode is functioning as intended 

    Browser & OS info:

    Chrome  (80.0) on Windows 10

    Is WebGL supported by your browser?


    Game Link:

    Game Settings
    Was anything changed from default?


    Map Settings
    Are you using Legacy or Updated? Updated
    Were you using Explorer Mode or not? Yes
    Were you using Daylight Mode or not? No

    Token Settings
    What kinds of light and vision were utilized on tokens?
    1 with Bright+Dim Light (carrying a torch)

    1 with just darkvision

    Do you have Hardware Acceleration turned On or Off in your browser or system:


    +1 to this, it makes it difficult to know where players have already been.

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Andreas J.
    Forum Champion
    Sheet Author

    Drespar said:

    Hi Bekradan,

    Yes-- this will be addressed prior to phasing out Legacy Dynamic Lighting. We will not be transitioning until Updated Dynamic Lighting is at complete feature parity.

    is at least at complete feature parity, right?

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)
    Marketplace Creator

    What you were trying to do: set round shape in to Dinamic Light Layer

    What happened: no shadow with round shape

    Steps to Reproduce: Draw a circle in dynamic light layer 

    Browser & OS info: Chrome

    Is WebGL supported by your browser?
    This browser supports WebGL 1

    Browser User Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36
    Context Name:webgl
    GL Version:WebGL 1.0 (OpenGL ES 2.0 Chromium)
    Shading Language Version:WebGL GLSL ES 1.0 (OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0 Chromium)
    Renderer:WebKit WebGL
    Unmasked Vendor:Google Inc.
    Unmasked Renderer:ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0)
    ANGLE:Yes, D3D9
    Major Performance Caveat:No
    Supported Extensions:

    Game Link: (The URL when you're looking at your Game Details page)

    Game Settings

    Map Settings

    Token Settings
    update, with: vision, bright light 20, low light 20

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Roll20 Team


    Both features will remain until Updated Dynamic Lighting is at complete feature parity. The new iteration must accomplish all things that the Legacy Dynamic Lighting can do before it is considered complete.

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)
    Brian C.
    Marketplace Creator
    Compendium Curator

    Ctrl+L with Explorer Mode only shows what a token currently sees

    What you were trying to do:

    Check the new system worked with Ctrl+L

    What happened: (Screen shots are useful here!)

    Ctrl+L for the GM only showed what a token currently sees. Logging in with a second account shows the previously revealed areas in gray (the expected behavior).

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Move token around Dynamic Lighting corners with Ctrl+L

    Browser & OS info:


    Is WebGL supported by your browser?


    Game Link: (The URL when you're looking at your Game Details page)

    Game Settings
    Maps: Euclidian

    Map Settings
    Dynamic Lighting
    Explorer Mode
    Daylight Mode

    Token Settings

    Do you have Hardware Acceleration turned On or Off in your browser or system:


    EDIT: Ninja'd by Kendall-DM

    Drespar:  What about Update on Drop?

    Drespar said:

    Hi Bekradan,

    Yes-- this will be addressed prior to phasing out Legacy Dynamic Lighting. We will not be transitioning until Updated Dynamic Lighting is at complete feature parity.

    Noxxy, this also speaks to the question of the multiplier. Currently, this is not available in Updated Dynamic Lighting-- but it will be.

    Phew!  Many thanks for confirming.

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Roll20 Team

    That is considered feature parity and will be present when Updated Dynamic Lighting is considered "finished."

    Bob P. said:

    Drespar:  What about Update on Drop?

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)

    Win7, latest mozilla available, pro user.

    after i selected updated dynamic lightning on the pages settings the game crashes.

    the problem is i cannot use roll20 at all now as every time i launch game it tries to load said page, hence prompting a browser crash.

    physical memory skyrockets at 99%, mozilla uses over 14,000,000K !!!!!!

    Roll20 is basically unusable for me now.

    can this b fixed plz?I tried clearing cache too bit same thing happens everytime.

    game name: Silverymoon

    Is there a way for the admins to turn off updated dynamic lightning on my game?Fyi, dynamic lightning AND advanced fog of war were working fine prior to selecting updated dynamic lightning!!!

    SOLUTION: Do not not if my bowser decided to co-operate, if my prayers were heard, or if the admins did smth, BUT i managed to briefly open the pages settings n turn off the updated dynamic lightning!!! Thank god, it works now! I still use the older dynamic lightning tab and it works...!! Thanks guys

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Roll20 Team

    Hi Corvin [1],

    Round shapes are actually not supported in Legacy Dynamic Lighting (this includes hand drawn lines) due to performance issues.

    Round shapes will also not be supported in Updated Dynamic Lighting at this time.

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Sheet Author

    Same for me. The new lighting either crashes everything or is so slow it's unusable. I could never get it to work well on the dev server either. Glad to know I'm not the only one.

    Win 10, Chrome 81.0.4044.92.

    Konstantinos G. said:

    Win7, latest mozilla available, pro user.

    after i selected updated dynamic lightning on the pages settings the game crashes.

    the problem is i cannot use roll20 at all now as every time i launch game it tries to load said page, hence prompting a browser crash.

    physical memory skyrockets at 99%, mozilla uses over 14,000,000K !!!!!!

    Roll20 is basically unusable for me now.

    can this b fixed plz?I tried clearing cache too bit same thing happens everytime.

    game name: Silverymoon

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Roll20 Team

    Gedezalu said:

    I am not sure that it is related to the update but since my gifs are no longer displayed (via the command [title] (link))

    I am French my English is bad, I do not understand the other information to fill in

    Hey Gedezalu - 

    This is most likely not related to the release of New Light. However, were still more than happy to help you here! I would suggest either creating a new, general post in the Bug Forums, or submitting a request via this link to get help from our Support Team.

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Roll20 Team

    Hey Konstantinos G. and Spren - 

    For your reports here and here respectively, would you mind telling me if you have Hardware Acceleration on your browser Disabled or Enabled, please? If you need some assistance on how to check for that setting, please let me know.

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Roll20 Team

    Bob P. said:

    Drespar:  What about Update on Drop?

    Hey Bob P. - 

    Yep! This is a known issue and will also be implemented prior to phasing out Legacy Dynamic Lighting. Thanks for checking in on this! :)

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Sheet Author

    Nicholas said:

    Hey Konstantinos G. and Spren - 

    For your reports here and here respectively, would you mind telling me if you have Hardware Acceleration on your browser Disabled or Enabled, please? If you need some assistance on how to check for that setting, please let me know.

    I've tried both enabled and disabled. Doesn't seem to make any difference. Right now I have it disabled. Updated video card drivers, disabled all addons.

    Game is called Mad Mage and the new lighting is only enabled on the map for the third level. There's a player token near the top. You're welcome to take a look if it helps.

    Here's the console log:

    Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'nonce-YgD0iTnFFrvB6n1z' https://* https://* https://* https://* https://*". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-t9gHxNpehG/01MQujXIwEpIAZdvNfOz35/phIOSikeU='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.

    VM1551:13 Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'nonce-YgD0iTnFFrvB6n1z' https://* https://* https://* https://* https://*". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-/XHNKTzdVLpPBcMgsOl9LN6PEC5ufZbaLdoU14BWKr0='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.

    jquery.migrate.js:20 JQMIGRATE: Logging is active
    ?timestamp=1586365126&disablewebgl=false&forcelongpolling=false&offsite=false&fbdebug=false&forcetouch=false:15 CAMPAIGN ID: 5473804
    app.js?1586352142:552 70
    app.js?1586352142:554 TOUCH SUPPORTED: false
    app.js?1586352142:554 USING WEBGL ACCELERATION...
    app.js?1586352142:554 WEBGL STARTUP SUCCESS
    app.js?1586352142:556 Custom Sheet Translation
    app.js?1586352142:574 Loading Custom character sheet.
    app.js?1586352142:574 Including compendium template css.
    tutorial_tips.js:7 tuts loaded
    (index):1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #0: (More info: <input class=​"filter-search_filter-value filtername" data-filter-num=​"name" data-match-type=​"Any" id=​"0" name=​"Name" type=​"text" value>​ <input class=​"filter-search_filter-value filtername" data-filter-num=​"name" data-match-type=​"Any" id=​"0" name=​"Name" type=​"text" value>​
    (index):1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #1: (More info: <select name=​"Level[]​" id=​"1" class=​"chosen filter-search_filter-value multiselect" multiple=​"multiple" aria-selected=​"true" data-filter-num=​"1" data-match-type=​"Any" placeholder=​"Select Some Options">​…​</select>​ <select name=​"Alignment[]​" id=​"1" class=​"chosen filter-search_filter-value multiselect" multiple=​"multiple" aria-selected=​"true" data-filter-num=​"1" data-match-type=​"Any" placeholder=​"Select Some Options">​…​</select>​
    (index):1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #2: (More info: <select name=​"Classes[]​" id=​"2" class=​"chosen filter-search_filter-value multiselect" multiple=​"multiple" aria-selected=​"true" data-filter-num=​"2" data-match-type=​"Any" placeholder=​"Select Some Options">​…​</select>​ <input class=​"filter-search_filter-value" data-filter-num=​"2" data-match-type=​"Any" id=​"2" name=​"Speed" type=​"text" value>​
    (index):1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #3: (More info: <select name=​"School[]​" id=​"3" class=​"chosen filter-search_filter-value multiselect" multiple=​"multiple" aria-selected=​"true" data-filter-num=​"3" data-match-type=​"Any" placeholder=​"Select Some Options">​…​</select>​ <select name=​"Type[]​" id=​"3" class=​"chosen filter-search_filter-value multiselect" multiple=​"multiple" aria-selected=​"true" data-filter-num=​"3" data-match-type=​"Any" placeholder=​"Select Some Options">​…​</select>​
    (index):1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #6: (More info: <select name=​"Casting Time[]​" id=​"6" class=​"chosen filter-search_filter-value multiselect" multiple=​"multiple" aria-selected=​"true" data-filter-num=​"6" data-match-type=​"Any" placeholder=​"Select Some Options">​…​</select>​ <select name=​"Languages[]​" id=​"6" class=​"chosen filter-search_filter-value multiselect" multiple=​"multiple" aria-selected=​"true" data-filter-num=​"6" data-match-type=​"Any" placeholder=​"Select Some Options">​…​</select>​
    (index):1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #7: (More info: <select name=​"Range[]​" id=​"7" class=​"chosen filter-search_filter-value multiselect" multiple=​"multiple" aria-selected=​"true" data-filter-num=​"7" data-match-type=​"Any" placeholder=​"Select Some Options">​…​</select>​ <select aria-selected=​"true" class=​"chosen filter-search_filter-value" data-filter-num=​"7" data-match-type=​"Any" id=​"7" multiple name=​"expansion">​…​</select>​
    (index):1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #color_value: (More info: <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​
    sheetsandboxworker.js?1586365128689:682 Starting up WEB WORKER
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    app.js?1586352142:563 Final page load.
    app.js?1586352142:561 Auth'ed.
    app.js?1586352142:561 Go post auth!
    app.js?1586352142:561 initial setup
    app.js?1586352142:561 joining game...
    app.js?1586352142:559 Player -LuT3v87fvNgKfHwHKrZ is offline...
    app.js?1586352142:559 Player -LuTpc78u-A9I9UG5UsK is offline...
    app.js?1586352142:559 Player -LuUXGEabLaFjwdRCOlL is offline...
    app.js?1586352142:559 Player -LuX8eKcx58xnKC3qgBF is offline...
    app.js?1586352142:559 Player -LuZD4-TUl5GFmz682-7 is offline...
    app.js?1586352142:559 Player -Lu_W4-9cXjvNGg_07fQ is offline...
    app.js?1586352142:559 Player -LwACDaYcgH2jx8BcB5C is offline...
    app.js?1586352142:561 Deferred finish joining...
    app.js?1586352142:552 Firebase Online
    30app.js?1586352142:558 Full load page!
    app.js?1586352142:561 We have 30 pages
    (index):1 [DOM] Found 31 elements with non-unique id #color_value: (More info: <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​ <input type=​"text" size=​"8" id=​"color_value">​
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    tick @ jquery-1.9.1.js:8736
    jQuery.fx.tick @ jquery-1.9.1.js:9317
    setInterval (async)
    jQuery.fx.start @ jquery-1.9.1.js:9338
    jQuery.fx.timer @ jquery-1.9.1.js:9330
    Animation @ jquery-1.9.1.js:8795
    doAnimation @ jquery-1.9.1.js:9121
    dequeue @ jquery-1.9.1.js:1936
    (anonymous) @ jquery-1.9.1.js:1979
    each @ jquery-1.9.1.js:648
    each @ jquery-1.9.1.js:270
    queue @ jquery-1.9.1.js:1972
    animate @ jquery-1.9.1.js:9134
    switchPageByIndex @ app.js?1586352142:561
    switchPageById @ app.js?1586352142:561
    handlePlayerPageChanges @ app.js?1586352142:561
    (anonymous) @ app.js?1586352142:561
    (anonymous) @ base.js?1578419093:6
    setTimeout (async)
    C.delay @ base.js?1578419093:6
    C.defer @ base.js?1578419093:6
    (anonymous) @ app.js?1586352142:561
    (anonymous) @ firebase.2.4.0.js:201
    gc @ firebase.2.4.0.js:52
    cc @ firebase.2.4.0.js:30
    dc @ firebase.2.4.0.js:29
    h.Kb @ firebase.2.4.0.js:220
    h.Ld @ firebase.2.4.0.js:188
    Eh.Ld @ firebase.2.4.0.js:178
    (anonymous) @ firebase.2.4.0.js:176
    yh @ firebase.2.4.0.js:170
    La.onmessage @ firebase.2.4.0.js:169
    (index):1 [.WebGL-00000174DAF08FD0]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_VALUE : glRenderbufferStorage: dimensions too large

    All I can say is YIKES, this does not work at all. Turned it on for one page to test it out and cit aused the all other pages to crash, tokens disappeared for players they could be clicked on but they were transparent, nothing worked as expected.

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Hey Kalagari [1], Kendall [2] and Brian C [3],

    This issue occurs when a token is not assigned to a player. If it goes unassigned, Ctrl-L will expose the entire map. This is a known issue and the Devs are currently working on a fix.

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Thanks for releasing this, looking forward to being able to use Explorer mode.

    In regards to the known bugs below:

    • Light bleeds through some corners in Dynamic Lighting barriers (in explorer mode, this can result in areas being revealed).
    • Dragging a token next to a Dynamic Lighting barrier can result in vision past the barrier.

    Is there any information you want if this is experienced, and are there any ways to mitigate this, since these essentially mean that the Updated Dynamic lighting is unusable if attempting to prevent players from seeing beyond the dynamic light barriers. I have tried multiple barriers layered without success.

    CeeJay B. said:

    Hey Kalagari [1], Kendall [2] and Brian C [3],

    This issue occurs when a token is not assigned to a player. If it goes unassigned, Ctrl-L will expose the entire map. This is a known issue and the Devs are currently working on a fix.

    Hello CeeJay,

    I wanted clarify that the issue I am talking about is happening to assigned tokens. I had one of my players log in so I could get a screenshot from their perspective. When the token assigned to that player was moved, I could now see what the player had explored. Looking through the list of issue, I think this is due to the first issue listed, "When the GM moves a token, the areas will only be revealed for players who are currently online. " The issue I experienced did not match my initial interpretation of this line. But I think I understand what is going on now. Thank you.

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Brian C.
    Marketplace Creator
    Compendium Curator

    Legacy Page Settings Are Cleared When Activating New System

    What you were trying to do:

    Toggle page settings back and forth.

    What happened: (Screen shots are useful here!)

    While the tokens can store settings for both lighting systems ready at the same time, Setting Dynamic Lighting "On" for the new system unchecks the legacy Dynamic Lighting box. Setting Dynamic Lighting to "Off" does not turn legacy Dynamic Lighting back on, leaving the user with nothing active.

    It isn't the end of the world, the legacy Dynamic Lighting settings for the page are still preserved. It just would be nice to have both systems "On" and have the new system take precedence to make it easier to toggle back and forth.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    As above.

    Browser & OS info:


    Is WebGL supported by your browser?


    Game Link: (The URL when you're looking at your Game Details page)

    Game Settings
    Maps: Euclidian

    Map Settings
    Dynamic Lighting

    Token Settings

    Do you have Hardware Acceleration turned On or Off in your browser or system:


    Kalagari said:


    Another thing I have noticed is that the tokens I have set up to represent torches, on the lighting layer, do not have produce their light unless you move the token around. It's as if the lighting only kicks in for the first time when you "drop" the token.

    Adding pictures to demonstrate the issues I am experiencing.

    When I initially load the map:

    After I move the light(yellow dot towards the bottom left):

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Brian C.
    Marketplace Creator
    Compendium Curator

    CeeJay B. said:

    Hey Kalagari [1], Kendall [2] and Brian C [3],

    This issue occurs when a token is not assigned to a player. If it goes unassigned, Ctrl-L will expose the entire map. This is a known issue and the Devs are currently working on a fix.

    Echoing Kalagari, this is happening with assigned tokens. I am having to log in with a second account as a player to see what is actually visible as "explored" to the token.

    Not a bug, per se, but the new light render makes a much smoother transition from bright light to dim light. This is pretty, but also entirely useless from a rules perspective. If I have actual distinct mechanics that function in dim light but not in bright light, I can no longer tell at a glance which squares have which light levels.

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Heath C. said:

    Thanks for releasing this, looking forward to being able to use Explorer mode.

    In regards to the known bugs below:

    • Light bleeds through some corners in Dynamic Lighting barriers (in explorer mode, this can result in areas being revealed).
    • Dragging a token next to a Dynamic Lighting barrier can result in vision past the barrier.

    Is there any information you want if this is experienced, and are there any ways to mitigate this, since these essentially mean that the Updated Dynamic lighting is unusable if attempting to prevent players from seeing beyond the dynamic light barriers. I have tried multiple barriers layered without success.

    As an update ... I see this leak occuring on dynamic barriers in the middle of the continuously drawn line, not jsut at the corners. I use the shift key to click the first square point, and them click the end point 10 or more squares further away, But in some cases, I can see through the line in the middle of it.

    There seems to be a contradiction or inconsistency in the documentation at :

    Set Up the Tokens. . .

    Set the token's light settings for Bright Light and Low Light. Note that, unlike the light settings for Legacy Dynamic Lighting, where the low light starts somewhere in the main light settings, the two values here are added together. So a token with 5 of Bright Light and 10 of Low Light would have 5 and 10 put into those fields, respectively, and the total light displayed would be 15.

    API Support. . .

    low_light_distance - Sets the range of the amount of low light emitting from a token. This is an integer. When setting this value, you must include any Bright Light Distance you have set. The reason for this is because Low Light Distance is calculated from the center of the token. So if you have set Bright Light Distance to 10, and you would like an additional 10 feet of Low Light Distance, the value of low_light_distance must be 20.

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)
    Marco G.
    Sheet Author

    So far I'm really happy with the new settings. They're intuitive and look a lot nicer than before.

    ALTHOUGH, it lacks the multiplier setting from the legacy dynamic lighting. This was quite crucial for my main campaigns (pathfinder) where actually some people have low-light vision and see torchlight twice as far as other characters. 

    If that's in, I can work with that without any doubts.

    Also I discovered that low light and bright light are barely distinguishable. If you make it a lot darker, or add a darkness slider, that would be great as well.

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)

    I don't know if this was mentioned before, but whatever the solution the quality should be equal or better at the previous system. Currently the quality of the graphics, while fast, is horrible. I personally use dim light in order to immerse my players. Here I include 2 pictures to illustrate the issues in quality: the first one is the old system while the second one is in the new one.

    Please see:

    • The jagged lines in the shadows.
    • Once revealed a map in explorer mode the token will not cause shadow on it, breaking an important illusion (see comparison with the old, where the shadow is casted over the drow)
    • overall the linear dim in the previous system feels better, softer,  than the new one. The npc's slowly fade and shadows are clearly visible but not so harsh or with jagged lines.

    I must say I got plus, mostly because of the dynamic lighting... this new system would not have sold it to me. I know it is still early development so please take this as honest criticism.

    (edited for clarity)

    This is a simple one.

    GM using Control+L to see through player's token. Explorer mode is on. 

    I (GM) cannot see the player's explored areas, only what they *currently* see.

    This is problematic with the current lack of update on drop option. 

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)
    Forum Champion

    Thanks for pointing this out, Helen P. [1]

    Actually not a contradiction, but a different use case. The API has more granular control over exactly how a Low Light is set. The User Interface simplifies this process by starting the Low Light distance at the end Bright Light. There will be an "Advanced" User Interface added for (finer control) after feature parity is with the Legacy systems is reached.

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Forum Champion

    Hi Lareonis, your request [1] is a known issue [2] and we're working on that fix.

    * "With Explorer Mode enabled, when using CTRL-L on a token that is not controlled by anyone in a page (or if there are no players in the game), GMs will only see a grayscale version of the map, without the GM Darkness Overlay."

    What you were trying to do:

    Give a player who often casts the Light spell settings for Bright/Dim light that can be turned on/off with a couple clicks.

    What happened:

    Turning light emission on and typing "20" into both Bright/Low emit areas worked fine.

    Turning it off worked fine.

    Turning it on AGAIN put "-20" in Low Lght box. I expected it to be 20, not -20.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    • Double click a token and go to Dynamic Lighting tab
    • Turn on bright and low light emission at 20 ft each
    • Save
    • Double click token again and turn off bright and low emission
    • Save
    • Double click token again and turn on bright and low emission
    • Notice low emission is set to -20

    Browser & OS info:

    Windows 10.  Brave, which uses CHrome

    Is WebGL supported by your browser?


    Game Link:

    Game Settings
    Not that I know of?

    Map Settings
    Are you using Legacy or Updated? Updated
    Were you using Explorer Mode or not? Yes
    Were you using Daylight Mode or not? No

    Token Settings
    What kinds of light and vision were utilized on tokens?

    This bug relates to turning off and on bright/low light emisison. Vision is on.

    I also have night vision set to 1 foot, just so the character can see their immediate surroundings when in darkenss (and so it's obvious when they can't see due to a lack of light).

    Do you have Hardware Acceleration turned On or Off in your browser or system:

    I assume so

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)
    Brian C.
    Marketplace Creator
    Compendium Curator

    Kenton said:

    Hi Lareonis, your request [1] is a known issue [2] and we're working on that fix.

    * "With Explorer Mode enabled, when using CTRL-L on a token that is not controlled by anyone in a page (or if there are no players in the game), GMs will only see a grayscale version of the map, without the GM Darkness Overlay."

    Hi Kenton, I don't know if you saw further up, but this is happening with assigned tokens where the player and GM are both logged in.

    EDIT: I can get Ctrl+L to work correctly once in a while, but I cannot figure out what causes it, and the great majority of the time it does not work. There seemed to also be significant issues if I dragged a token across a DL line as the GM. Once I did it on a large map, and the gray explore map was visible over the normal map, but it was shifted left about 15-20 squares.

    I'm trying to set up dynamic lighting again, as with the new update my settings were reset. I was trying to set the new night vision setting and in attempting to find a way to make the light dim (so players can see the difference between their own vision and lights) and I found that players would see darkness (pure black) wherever I put a light source whether it come from the player themselves or from something like a torch.

    As Colton alluded to above, it would be fantastic if Night Vision were the equivalent of Dim Light, for the purposes of the players being able to see light sources. Not only is this functionally valuable, you can make your makes really pretty by the use of small light sources accentuating the dim light ambience of their dark vision. This is completely lost, when Night Vision lights up the radius as brightly as possible. This is also how darkvision is intended to function in games such as 5e D&D, where it does not let one see as brightly in darkness as in daylight (unlike more niche abilities such as a warlock's Devil's Sight), but lets people see in darkness as if it were dim light.  Attache is a screenshot example from my game. Note the three details that would be lost if the player character were instead surrounded by 60ft of bright light. The small lights along the stream. The light emitting from the monster hiding around the corner. The fact that the corridor to the north is lit.

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    The extremely jagged edges to illumination along walls is seriously bad. Is that something that's intended to be fixed? As it is it feels like a dramatic downgrade in quality.

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    I have yet to see a map where the light didn't bleed through significantly. I am making a simple square/rectangle around the token just to test. This is bizarre. The image below is on the dynamic layer layer. The token can see through the barrier at angles. 

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    The link to the help center in the release post for "common settings" is a dead link; this was the best place I could think of reporting it. 

    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)


    i'm trying to set a new page with the new lightning system... but i've a problem...

    When I set the new lightning and the exporer mode i get this page:

    Agray band appears in my white page

    whitout the explorer mode:

    Setting some "light boundaries" to test with a token ... the situation changes like this:

    Setting the token following the "new way" 

    and using the Control+L to mimic it's view:

    I think i'll stick with the current lightining mode for now ... while I'll try to understand more and check my settings

    I'm using chrome Version 80.0.3987.163 (Official Build) (64-bit) on macOS



    April 08 (4 years ago)

    Edited April 08 (4 years ago)

    EDIT: I am using an up to date version of Firefox with Hardware Acceleration enabled.

    I turned on the new lighting and explorer mode for the Roll20 5e Module - Dungeon of the Mad Mage ( We are on Level 10 and I have made no changes to the light layer or map layer. We had previously been playing with only Dynamic Lighting with Enforce Line of Sight (the old lighting engine was struggling to handle the DotMM maps for all of us).

    We swiftly noticed problems when one player reported being able to see their full vision distance (60ft darkvision) through walls and into the surrounding rooms whenever I moved a Giant Spider token (not their character's token). Overall performance was fine and the WallHacking player reported visibility was corrected and broken again at several moments throughout the 1hr 30min session, usually coinciding with movement of a large (2x2) enemy token.

    Towards the end of the session we moved into area 24b and my view of the game started to slow down significantly, possibly due to the nature of the shape of that room, then my 980ti hit its thermal cut out and my machine hard rebooted.

    I suspect that something to do with the player experiencing unrestricted visibility and the calculations that must have required, but I do not have any evidence to that effect. The machine has never suffered a hard crash before and the graphics card is regularly stressed in playing games without suffering this sort of load failure.

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Roll20 Team

    Hey folks [1234] -

    Would you mind providing me the names of the games and associated pages in which you've noticed this problem occur with, please? 

    April 08 (4 years ago)
    Sheet Author

    Nicholas said:

    Hey folks [1234] -

    Would you mind providing me the names of the games and associated pages in which you've noticed this problem occur with, please? 

    I did in post #3, but here it is again:

    Game is called Mad Mage and the new lighting is only enabled on the map for the third level. There's a player token near the top.

    Also here is a link to the game:

    Nothing worked, tried to go back and nothing works now.