Bug Report Template So, I Dmed yeasterday with the new light system, that is a great improvement over the past one although in the end of this post I will recommend two new functionalities, but for the bug report. What you were trying to do: Play a game that went by multiple homebrew maps What happened: (Screen shots are useful here!) I didn´t think of taking screenshots at the time, so I cannot reproduce the main bug, but I can show the secondary one One of the characters confiigurations, important to say, none of them has darkvision For the main and secondary bugs explanation I prepared everything with the new light system, and tested it before session, everything seemed fine, I could control+L the tokens, and they were seeing what they were supposed to see just fine in multiple maps. The session time comes and things start to become strange, as I control+L player characters that I had already tested before to verify a flaw on the new system, they are simple seeing nothing, but the players reports to me that they are seeing everything they are supposed to, so nothing wrong right? Just a bit weird. So about the first flaw I mentioned, for some reason, the corners of the map were always showing parts of it although the dynamic lighning lines should be closing any vision to the corners. Going on, after an hour of session, in a new map, players start reporting suddenly losing sight, they were just seeing, and as they moved their tokens, they are suddenly not seeing anything, all gray, like I was seeing when I tried to control + L them. I had to quickly switch back to the old light system, and that worked just fine. Steps to Reproduce: After preparing a whole map (With local, lamp tokens illumination - no global illumination or night vision), preparing the tokens, checking if everything is fine with control + L, get out of the roll20, wait for a time, and then comeback, it could happen that your characters won´t see the other tokens in front of them anymore, and the scenario will be show as explored, gray, but currently not having any light. Browser & OS info: Windows 10 + Intel HD 4000 + New Microsoft Edge ( The chrome based one ) Is WebGL supported by your browser? Please visit <a href="https://webglreport.com/" rel="nofollow">https://webglreport.com/</a> and copy/paste the WebGL1 report from there. Yes... Game Link: (The URL when you're looking at your Game Details page) <a href="https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/6746513/1953" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/6746513/1953</a> Game Settings Was anything changed from default? No Map Settings Are you using Legacy or Updated? Were you using Explorer Mode or not? Were you using Daylight Mode or not? Updated with explorer mode Token Settings What kinds of light and vision were utilized on tokens? (bright light, low light, night vision, regular vision) Vision Do you have Hardware Acceleration turned On or Off in your browser or system: Hardware acc., not sure how to check it, but believe it should be on since I can run much more intense games in this PC if I wanted to, I just manually switch to a dedicated card on these cases, an nvidia one. Speedtest Results Upload, Download, and Ping values. Right now internet here is being heavily used by four computers in home office with two of them connected in Microsoft Teams using the educational stream service from it, and mine is on a VPN, so take this as not the actual speed I had at night with everything else off. Down: 5.39 mpbs Up: 3.48 mbps and ping 11 Additional recommedantions I know this is not the place for new feature recommendation, but since we are already talking about the new light system, there two things I wish to recommend. I play Pathfinder 2e, in pathfinder 2e you have 3 actual levels of sight that really matter in the game, unlike 5e that in practice there are only 2 although it say it´s 3 levels. I recommend that you should have an option to say a character have only up to low-light vision, or that it has bright light vision only, like the option you have to say it has night vision, on pathfinder 2e it matters a lot to have this differentiation as I explained before. Second recommendation, as it is right now, if I want to take off a dynamic light from a door, I ahve to switch to the dynamic lightning screen, and more the drwaing off the door, if there could be an special feature for windows and doors easier to DMs to use, it would be great.