New Dynamic Lighting Test Test Done: 5/16/2020 @ 2:13 PM The Setup I'll be running two instances of Roll20 Side-by-Side. On the Right, you'll see GM Views. On the Left, you'll see Player Views. The Map The Map is setup in a way that a player token can be led through the rooms and have different varying levels of view. Light and Other Info Torches are used to shed 20' of Normal Light + 20' of Dim Light Enemies will show up as Red E and do not have player views. Players have different capabilities. 30' NV: Normal Vision DV: 60' Dark Vision NV+L: Normal Vision + 30' Light + 30' Dim Light Test 1 - Normal Vision Lines The first test involved me just giving all players access to the 30' NV Token. Problem 1 (Medium Severity with Workaround): At first, all I saw was the token, but no light, despite the fact that there's a Sunlight token on the Dynamic Lighting Layer, and it being visible on the setup. However, after moving the Sunlight token, I was able to see. Problem 2 (Low Severity): Jagged Edges started appearing along the walls that cut into the wall a bit. Greying seemed to work well, with the light being stopped properly. Problem 3 (Medium-High Severity with Workaround): However, when moving around the corner, it looks like the Sunlight Emitting token wasn't providing light, even though it said it was just fine on the GM side. However, once the Sunlight Token was moved a bit, it affected the light level properly. Moving the token into the top hall, it seems the same issue occurred. GM shows the light being fine, but the Player view is definitely incorrect. Each light moved did correct the issue, but moving every light is annoying. Also, the lights seemed to have this weird cut in effect, even though it doesn't show up on GM view. Test 2 - Normal Vision + 30' Light In this test, the player entering is carrying a 30' Light and Normal vision. I noticed the Grey background was interfering with seeing low light vision on the Player View, so I switched the ground to Brown. Moving into the Main Hall, I could definitely tell that the light was much better. No more light seepage. Test 3 - Darkvision This last test is having a character with 60' Darkvision. While complicated because of the previous player in here (Normal Vision + Light), the lights all matched up. Problem 1 (Medium Severity) The problem was with the overlap between Darkvision and Dimmed light. Darkvision should be overwriting the dim grey out: Problem 2 (Low Severity) The next problem was this random spackling that was created in unexplored areas as the player explored the maze area. Conclusions and Review Updated Dynamic Lighting is getting there, but its not ready for primetime yet. I'll be keeping UDL off on my own games for right now as the UDL still has some lighting issues. Performance is definitely a *lot* better, and its better than Advanced FoW + Old Dynamic Lighting now, but I'll be waiting to enable it until the next update. Things its missing in order to go Live Low-Light Vision Support Update on Token Drop Support