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New to Roll20 or RPGs? Need Guidance? Click Here. (Read the OP First)

Hi everyone.... New to roll20... and relatively new to tabletop games... hopefully I can find a game with my time schedule.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
patrick e. said: Can someone tell me how i know if im invited? do i get an email of some kind? If you are invited to a game, usually you'll get an email. Someone could send you an invitation via a private message, which you could click to join. There may be another notification if you are invited to a LFG game you posted on.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Alvin P. said: Hi everyone.... New to roll20... and relatively new to tabletop games... hopefully I can find a game with my time schedule. There are many games out there, probably one for each person's schedule. I'd suggest looking in the Looking for Group Tool . Also, be sure to fill out Your Profile to be included in the player directory.
The Aaron said: Alvin P. said: Hi everyone.... New to roll20... and relatively new to tabletop games... hopefully I can find a game with my time schedule. There are many games out there, probably one for each person's schedule. I'd suggest looking in the Looking for Group Tool . Also, be sure to fill out Your Profile to be included in the player directory. Thanks for the tip. o7

Edited 1433975010
Hey, newbie here. So, I've kind of grown up in a nerdy household (Dad used to play tabletops all the time when I was young), but I've never actually had an opportunity to latch onto a group myself. This, unfortunately, means that I know next to nothing about the specifics of tabletops. I understand the main concepts, how to play, and all that jazz, and I think I could learn how to build a character myself pretty quickly, but I'm more worried about joining a group and then being so grossly naive of how these things work that I'm dead weight. I'm a fan of learning through experience, but I don't want to learn through bad experience. Are there for certain games willing to take on players of my calibre? I assume so, but I'd rather not join a game completely blind.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Hi Adam, There absolutely are games out there that readily accept new players. If you use the Looking For Group tool, you can click Advanced Options and select Only find games that welcome new players checkbox to see only games that have declared they have a place for new players. If you haven't already, checkout our tutorial videos at the top of the post to get familiar with the Roll20 Virtual Table Top. There is even a video for people new to player tabletop RPGs. And definitely feel free to ask lots of questions!
Is there a way to search for one time only games to join? I have an awfully inconsistent work schedule, and a regular game might be hard for me at the moment.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Probably the best you could hope for is including "one shot" in your search. There might be some other terms I'm not aware of, like "OS", or "one time". You'd probably need to poke around a bit to find them. Sorry I'm not more help. Maybe someone that knows a bit more about that will come by.
Hi ~ Two questions: What's "OP"? :D and the other one is this: Is there a way to use a Macro to roll 3D dice in two different colors?? (I know that it defaults to the player's colors. I did a search but could not find the topic listed. Thanks.
Sheet Author
Hi Don. OP=Original Post? There isn't a method AFAIK to roll multiple colored dice.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Though if you're trying to get 3d percentile dice, you'll be pleased to know that's coming.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
OP probably means Original Post or Original Poster, depending on the context ("See the OP for videos." "The OP is interested in dice"). It could also mean Over Powered when talking about certain aspects of a game ("Warlocks are so OP!").
I'm trying to edit character sheets but all of them have grey boxes and I can't do anything.
Hey Somebody I am having a major account problem and need assistance my email is no longer associated with my account and i created a new account with the same email. my mentor account is not accessible, as well as all the games I am running will some one please help me out Dave P
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Dave, please send an email to the devs at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> about this problem. They will be able to help you.
i Already sent the email a while agowas hoping to catch someone attention
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Geomancer said: I'm trying to edit character sheets but all of them have grey boxes and I can't do anything. Hi Geomancer, if you are a player start by contacting your GM to see if they have given you permission to edit the sheet and not just to view it. If you are the GM it may be that some sheets have automatically calculated fields that will not allow you to enter data, they should fill themselves in as you enter data into the boxes that aren't greyed out. For further assistance please use the character sheets forum and make sure to mention which sheet you are using so that the author or other users can help you quicker.
Dave P. said: i Already sent the email a while agowas hoping to catch someone attention Hey Dave, just in case you missed our email... We did write you back and your issue should be resolved now.
Hi, I just joined and was thinking about dm' ing a campaign. The amount of data entry required is...daunting. Surely there is regenerated content available?
I've been playing a little, and while I've noticed a "Block Player" option, I can't find any kind of "Friends list" option. A few players and myself got around this by sending PMs and using Steam, but it'd be nice for making a list of players for regular.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Brice Z. said: Hi, I just joined and was thinking about dm' ing a campaign. The amount of data entry required is...daunting. Surely there is regenerated content available? Hi Brice, what do you mean "regenerated content?" Are you maybe describing published content such as DnD monsters and such? That type of content is owned by its publisher and would require certain licensing to be made available, which isn't currently the case. There are features in the works which might make such things more likely. Check out information about the Compendium: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Thomas M. said: I've been playing a little, and while I've noticed a "Block Player" option, I can't find any kind of "Friends list" option. A few players and myself got around this by sending PMs and using Steam, but it'd be nice for making a list of players for regular. Roll20 doesn't currently have a contact list management system. I was thinking there was a suggestion about this in the Suggestions and Ideas forum but couldn't spot it. It has been talked about in the past. Some options beyond using external organization that have been used inclined creating a campaign just for housing players you would like to keep track of or bookmarking the profile pages of those players.
Hello, I've been a member on Roll20 for a few years, and I've checked in a few times but never made the step to get into a game. However, I've been getting the urge to getting into tabletop games more and more. So, I decided to give it a serious try this time. I've got very little experience with tabletop games and have only ever played Mines of phandelver with pre-generated characters.Hopefully I'll find a nice group of people to play and enjoy the game with here.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
We hope so too! To get kicked off right, I'd suggestion watching one or both of the introductory video series: We have two video series that are at your disposal for help getting started. 1) If you're absolutely brand new to RPGs and want to know the general idea of how they are played, which game to choose and then find a group of fellow gamers: Check out our Introduction to Tabletop RPGs series . 2) If you've played tabletop RPGs before and just want to get a understanding of how Roll20 can be used: Check out our Roll20 Crash Course . This is a step-by-step overview for creating your very first Roll20 campaign. This tutorial uses the Pathfinder RPG to frame itself, but it's not a system specific tutorial and you should be able to follow along without knowing one single thing about Pathfinder. Also, checkout the Looking For Group Tool and be certain to fill out your User Profile to maximize your exposure in the Player Directory . Feel free to ask any questions you have about Roll20 and post in the various forums on their particular topics. Happy rolling!
Does this work in mobil web bro
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
You have a couple of options: If the game you are in was created by a Supporter or Mentor level account or you have a Supporter or Mentor level account, you have access to Table on Tablet If you have a supported tablet, you can use the Roll20 for iPad and Android native apps.
I am brand new to this site and DnD in general. Im not sure what to do. I am very interested in getting involved. If there is anything i should do first please let me know. Thank you for your time
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
To get kicked off right, I'd suggestion watching one or both of the introductory video series: We have two video series that are at your disposal for help getting started. 1) If you're absolutely brand new to RPGs and want to know the general idea of how they are played, which game to choose and then find a group of fellow gamers: Check out our Introduction to Tabletop RPGs series . 2) If you've played tabletop RPGs before and just want to get a understanding of how Roll20 can be used: Check out our Roll20 Crash Course . This is a step-by-step overview for creating your very first Roll20 campaign. This tutorial uses the Pathfinder RPG to frame itself, but it's not a system specific tutorial and you should be able to follow along without knowing one single thing about Pathfinder. Also, checkout the Looking For Group Tool and be certain to fill out your User Profile to maximize your exposure in the Player Directory . Feel free to ask any questions you have about Roll20 and post in the various forums on their particular topics. Happy rolling!
Hey I'm not new to using rolls20 but community wise I am. I joined awhile ago to play pathfinder with some buddies but they're busy lately so I'm hoping I can meet some people to play with. I've played some pathfinder and can play it pretty well I've only played DnD once but wouldn't mind playing it. I don't mind trying new games on here either. Hopefully we can play some games together I'm down to play anything really.

Edited 1435379359
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Draxxias, welcome to Roll20! In case your browser dropped you at the end of the thread and you didn't see the first post: We have two video series that are at your disposal for help getting started. 1) If you're absolutely brand new to RPGs and want to know the general idea of how they are played, which game to choose and then find a group of fellow gamers: Check out our Introduction to Tabletop RPGs series . 2) If you've played tabletop RPGs before and just want to get a understanding of how Roll20 can be used: Check out our Roll20 Crash Course . This is a step-by-step overview for creating your very first Roll20 campaign. This tutorial uses the Pathfinder RPG to frame itself, but it's not a system specific tutorial and you should be able to follow along without knowing one single thing about Pathfinder. Also, check out the Looking For Group Tool on a daily basis and be certain to fill out your User Profile to stand a cut above the crowd in the Player Directory . Feel free to ask any questions you have about Roll20 and post in the various forums on their particular topics. Don't worry too much about hitting the exact right forum, as we friendly mods really don't mind moving threads to the right homes. Good luck and good gaming!
Hello, I am so over whelmed with everything. Is there a group/chat room that helps people setup a new character, learn how to roll dice, etc?
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Ahoy, Anthony P., First, welcome to Roll20! We hope you enjoy your stay here. We have two video series that are at your disposal for help getting started. 1) If you're absolutely brand new to RPGs and want to know the general idea of how they are played, which game to choose and then find a group of fellow gamers: Check out our Introduction to Tabletop RPGs series . 2) If you've played tabletop RPGs before and just want to get a understanding of how Roll20 can be used: Check out our Roll20 Crash Course . This is a step-by-step overview for creating your very first Roll20 campaign. This tutorial uses the Pathfinder RPG to frame itself, but it's not a system specific tutorial and you should be able to follow along without knowing one single thing about Pathfinder. Think of Roll20 as your kitchen table, anything you can do at your table, you can do here one way or another: Draw, lay down maps, chat with the other players. Be as fancy or as plain as you like. Don't be afraid to start a test campaign of your own and fool around with the controls -- you really can't break anything, promise! Secondly, no we have no chat room here, but we do have extensive forums for discussing matters relating to Roll20. We have a wiki page covering how the forums work that you can review. Please pay special attention to the Code of Conduct for the site. If you're new to gaming in general and have questions relating to topics other than Roll20 itself, we ask that you post those questions on forums dedicated to them: reddit/r/rpg , , or a system publisher's specific forums for a system. Good luck and happy gaming!
Hi. I joined this site fairly recently and i am curious as to whether or not the virtual tabletop will work on console browsers?
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Owen C. said: Hi. I joined this site fairly recently and i am curious as to whether or not the virtual tabletop will work on console browsers? If the console runs Firefox or Chrome , it is likely to run Roll20 to some extent. However, the more specialized the browser build for the console, the less likely you'll have a satisfactory experience or for the site to run at all. For best performance, use Firefox of Chrome on a desktop or laptop.
how do i join a game?
Hello, I've never played D&D before and I am looking for some people to have my first experience with. Anyone would like to help?
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Hello Robert and Matthew. I would recommend you looking over the Looking for Group forum and looking through the Looking for Game Listings for games that catch your interest then post an interested in joining to the appropriate thread. Make sure you read and follow any instructions the GM lists along with including your timezone, days you can play, any gaming experience you might have, etc... If you are unfamiliar with gaming in general then feel free to watch the videos that the original poster supplied links to (I will quote the post here for you). Avacyn said: First, Welcome to Roll20! We hope you enjoy your stay here. We have two video series that are at your disposal for help getting started. 1) If you're absolutely brand new to RPGs and want to know the general idea of how they are played, which game to choose and then find a group of fellow gamers: Check out our Introduction to Tabletop RPGs series . 2) If you've played tabletop RPGs before and just want to get a understanding of how Roll20 can be used: Check out our Roll20 Crash Course . This is a step-by-step overview for creating your very first Roll20 campaign. This tutorial uses the Pathfinder RPG to frame itself, but it's not a system specific tutorial and you should be able to follow along without knowing one single thing about Pathfinder. You can also review the last New to Roll20 thread to see what other new users have been asking. Hopefully this will make acclimating to RPGs and Roll20 a lot easier. Happy Gaming! Good luck and happy gaming.
I would like to move the player Avatars around, as they block the map. I have been able to shrink them and change to name only, however, this does not help. Is there a way I can move the grid I am using, if I cannot move the avatars. Thanks.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
At this time you can not change the location of the Player/Video Avatar, they will always be at the bottom of the screen, overlaying the bottom edge of the map. You can scroll around your map by using the scroll bars to the right and bottom of the Tabletop OR click and drag with the right mouse button.
I signed up the other day, and posted a question in two games in the Looking for Group section. Now, when I type in the same perimeters, I can't find those games. Is there a way to go directly to threads I've posted in in the past?
I'm completely new to Roll20 and Table top RPGS but Pathfinder and ShadowRun seem to be really interesting concepts to me. I can be pretty creative about creating a character (been writing original fantasy and sci-fi stories for a few years) and and looking for someone/someones willing to help a newbie out and maybe get in a game with them (preferable Sunday and Tuesday afternoons EST