Okay, conditions look awesome. They are working nicely along with FX calls. But, can someone help me with these API calls? I'm not sure I quite know how to format the commands for it to execute properly in CM. For example: {{!token-mod {{--ids tokenid}} {{--set bar2_value|?{Wild Shape HP|}}} {{bar2_max|?{Wild Shape HP|}}}}} I use that command when my druid Wild Shapes to make her secondary hp bar appear. The macro is supposed to query how much hp the creature she has transformed into has so that the bar can be auto applied. When she wild shapes back I have: {{!token-mod {{--ids tokenid}} {{--set bar2_value|}}}} to make the second bar disappear again. (I also made her token attached to a roll table full of her Wild Shapes so she can just right click her token and use the slider bar to change her image to the beast in question.) Now, I may be asking too much with the query. If so I can do a cheeky workaround where it calls a Macro that spits a macro button in chat to call the actual command. Calling a macro to call another macro in a way. But if there's a way to prompt that correctly that'd for it to work I would love to know. As far as the second command, I know there should be a way to get that to work. It just wont execute the way I have it now. The query gets prompted immediately when I input the API into the condition and comes out like this. So, as far as messing with the Macro & API settings.. thats where my knowledge gap reallyyyyyy shows. I have no idea even where to begin with that. And I'm not entirely sure how to use OnMyTurn. So, uh, in conclusion; Can a query be triggered through the API in CM, if so how is it formatted? What is wrong, if anything, with my current API for CM formatting? Do any of these issues have to do with making changes to the Macro & API setup.. if so (o.o) . . . help