Is anyone else having an issue with the turn order markers not working? They were working fine and as of today no longer work. There are no errors running in the script. It is just not showing up. Not sure what the issue is here. I have deleted script, reinstalled and reset the script. {"content":"!cmaster --turn,start --main","playerid":"-M4_MLkQ8nXX-7Im75dT","selected":[{"_id":"-M4uCYZsoeZi1IoVHZu6","_type":"text"},{"_id":"-M4jYNcHxDdLft2OpssO","_type":"graphic"},{"_id":"-M4f59VhO9APnMJ5PFJ1","_type":"graphic"},{"_id":"-M4f59WtFgY_1NFs7WVp","_type":"graphic"}],"type":"api","who":"Obannon (GM)"} "Lookup:" "Tokens:turn,start" {"details":{"start":"start"},"action":["turn"]} "Command Handler" "Start Combat" "Verify Setup" "CombatMaster" ["initiative_bonus"] ["initiative_bonus"] ["initiative_bonus"] "Add to Turnorder" "Add to Turnorder" "Add to Turnorder" "Lookup:" "Tokens:main" {"details":{"main":"main"},"action":["main"]} "Command Handler" "Send Main Menu" "Do Turnorder External Calls" "Get or Create Marker" "Check Marker Turn" 20 "Get or Create Marker" "Check Marker Turn" 20 "Get or Create Marker" "Check Marker Turn" 24 "Get or Create Marker" "Check Marker Turn" "Turn Order Change" "Get or Create Marker" "Check Marker Turn" "Change Marker" "Announce Player" "Announce Condition" "Do Turn External Calls" "Get or Create Marker" "Check Marker Turn" "Get or Create Marker" "Change Marker" {"content":"!cmaster --turn,next","playerid":"-M4_MLkQ8nXX-7Im75dT","selected":[{"_id":"-M4uCYZsoeZi1IoVHZu6","_type":"text"},{"_id":"-M4jYNcHxDdLft2OpssO","_type":"graphic"},{"_id":"-M4f59VhO9APnMJ5PFJ1","_type":"graphic"},{"_id":"-M4f59WtFgY_1NFs7WVp","_type":"graphic"}],"type":"api","who":"Obannon (GM)"} "Lookup:" "Tokens:turn,next" {"details":{"next":"next"},"action":["turn"]} "Command Handler" "Next Turn" "Get or Create Marker" "Check Marker Turn" "Turn Order Change" "Get or Create Marker" "Check Marker Turn" "Change Marker" "Announce Player" "Announce Condition" "Do Turn External Calls" "Get or Create Marker" "Check Marker Turn" "Get or Create Marker" "Change Marker" thats from starting combat, i see no error, just no marker generation. any ideas? thank you!