If that is the problem, wrap the comma in curly braces:
So here's an odd questions.
I've updated to the latest version of Combat Master (thank you to everyone's who has worked on maintaining it and updating it btw!) and I'm noticing a macro I have that uses Token Mod to set/remove statuses no longer triggers statuses being displayed in chat. Before it would work like setting the status from the token's icon does not, it would populate that status into chat when it saw a change in that status icon on the token. However now it doesn't seem to have any effect on that. Is there a way to create a macro using Combat Master commands that could toggle on/off status icons like that and send the relevant status to chat?
The macro in question is actually from Robin Kuiper's github, which is why I used it in conjunction with the old Combat Tracker before it borked on me and I had to find and roll over to Combat Master:
https://github.com/RobinKuiper/Roll20APIScripts/blob/master/Macros.md (very last macro under Token Mod at the bottom of the page).
I have indeed used those in the descriptions of the condition. I will look if this is the problem. thx
Edit: Yes this was the problem. thx again
I'm noticing that the API crashes if the turn tracker goes to the turn of a token that is not connected to a character sheet, as in there's no sheet selected for the "Represents Character" setting in the token settings. The same thing happens if I add a custom item through the Roll20 turn tracker settings. This is the error I'm getting when this happens:
ReferenceError: doTurnorderCalls is not defined
ReferenceError: doTurnorderCalls is not defined
at doTurnorderChange (apiscript.js:2455:13)
at handleTurnorderChange (apiscript.js:2515:13)
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:154:1), <anonymous>:65:16)
at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:154:1), <anonymous>:70:8)
at TrackedObj.set (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1024:14)
at updateLocalCache (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1322:18)
at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1612:7
at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560
at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147)
at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546)
keithcurtis said:
If that is the problem, wrap the comma in curly braces:
That.... I didn't know!
Ravenknight said:
keithcurtis said:
If that is the problem, wrap the comma in curly braces:
That.... I didn't know!
!cmaster --help is very... helpful.
Me and my two groups have been loving the new Combat Master a *lot*. First of all: Thank you so much for your awesome work.
A small thing I noticed: I can apply the condition through the CMaster menu, but not by applying the corresponding status marker to the character token directly. Similarly, when I remove the condition in the CMaster menu it does *not* remove the icon.
Is it possible you might add these functions in future updates?
Now for the actual main reason I'm posting here: I'm unfortunately experiencing a bit of a bug.
As you can see here, there are quite a lot of Faerie Fire tokens on poor Brunwilder. This happens whenever I set a status up with a Duration/Direction. The tokens on the character with increase in number with every passing turn. I'm not sure what's causing this or how to fix it. Can anyone help?
I've only noticed that happen with a duration of 10 or longer and only with market-purchased custom markers. It's a bug that has yet to be fixed. It exponentially adds new markers for each value (one at 9, two at 8, four at 7, eight at 6, etc.) Shouldn't happen with durations of less than 10 or with default or uploaded markers, at least in my experience.
@Victor I also recently installed Group Init to try to see if maybe letting that handle the rolls would work, but even using the Group-Init --reroll function does nothing on its own, and then toggling the option for Reroll init in CMaster goes right back to the Possible Infinite Loop thing. Feel free to toggle Group-Init back to CMaster for handling initiative rolls when you are testing , I don't have anything super depending on either rolling system either way, I just wanna know what needs to be done to get this fixed
And I know you were waiting on Aaron for Group-Init, so I'm not looking for some kind of forced compatibility between those. If it comes down to CMaster or Group-Init, I'm choosing CMaster Everytime
Hi! First off, I wanted to say thank you for creating this script, and I'm loving it, lovin it ever since Combat Tracker.
Everything's is working fine, except I've been getting the handlegraphicmovement errors everytime I move a token outside of combat
Here's the error to be exact:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of undefined
at handleGraphicMovement (apiscript.js:8909:52)
at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:154:1), <anonymous>:65:16)
at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:154:1), <anonymous>:70:8)
at TrackedObj.set (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1024:14)
at updateLocalCache (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1322:18)
at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1506:11
at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560
at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147)
at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546)
at Id.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:489)
at Rd.Ld.Mb (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:94:425)
I've noticed that this is the error occured only when I move any token outside of combat, otherwise inside combat the script run just fine.
Another error I've come across is when we keep on progressing turns in the combat (about 2-3 turns in combat), eventually this error seems to come up:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined at announcePlayer (apiscript.js:7404:40) at doTurnorderChange (apiscript.js:7112:13) at nextTurn (apiscript.js:7232:9) at commandHandler (apiscript.js:5697:17) at _.each (apiscript.js:5566:21) at Function._.each._.forEach (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/underscore/underscore.js:186:9) at inputHandler (apiscript.js:5561:19) at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:154:1), <anonymous>:65:16) at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:154:1), <anonymous>:70:8) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1638:12
This one... I'm not so sure what's causing it to be exact, but it's true that it occurred everytime around 2-3 turns into combat.
I have ver.1.8 of Combat Master and also Group Init,Token Mod, libTokenMarker, Token Conditions, Roll20, Audio Master,OnMyTurn installed
I hope for the best for this script, such utility in one API!
Persephone said:
I've only noticed that happen with a duration of 10 or longer and only with market-purchased custom markers. It's a bug that has yet to be fixed. It exponentially adds new markers for each value (one at 9, two at 8, four at 7, eight at 6, etc.) Shouldn't happen with durations of less than 10 or with default or uploaded markers, at least in my experience.
Thank you! The workaround with keeping the duration below 10 did the trick for now!
Did some more testing with my group and found that all players could use "!combatmaster --turn,next" to advance the turnorder even when it wasn't their turn. Skipping past monsters or other players.
Feature request: a "toggle" command for starting and stopping combat (i.e. start it if it's off, stop it if it's on), for macro efficiency.
Ravenknight said:
Did some more testing with my group and found that all players could use "!combatmaster --turn,next" to advance the turnorder even when it wasn't their turn. Skipping past monsters or other players.
Tell them to stop that!
keithcurtis said:
Ravenknight said:
Did some more testing with my group and found that all players could use "!combatmaster --turn,next" to advance the turnorder even when it wasn't their turn. Skipping past monsters or other players.
Tell them to stop that!:)
I should probably re-phrase that to "Being able to skip monsters or other players." since I only play with nice (old) people :D I can easily see it being a problem with a pick-up-game though.
Alright folks I moved, getting my house ready for the market, fought others for toilet paper and back now. There's a few strange issues rolling around. Some errors I haven't seen.
@Ariel, CM checks if the token is player controlled. A non-linked token shouldn't be in the turnorder. I do a series of checks to verify when rolling init so the non linked token doesn't make it into turnorder. Are you seeing this token in turnorder when starting up CM or are you adding it in for some reason?
@Inkcharm, that's a bug I haven't fixed yet. I'll fix it soon
@Alexander, I've lost track of the number of games I've joined. If I'm in yours please let me know which one. If I'm not, please invite and promote me to GM. I need to see what's going on with the import. That export file has something strange in it.
@Onigensou, what do you mean by outside and inside of combat? Combat is started and stopped? I move tokens all the time with combat not started, no issues. Please invite me to game (private PM) and promote me to GM so I can take a look.
@Jay, there's already a toggle in place. If using the menus, the "play" icon starts and the "stop" icon stops. Up arrow in chat for the exact syntax, but you can issue a start/stop via macro.
@Victor Alright, invite sent!
I did a bit more testing for clarification, so it seems to give a handle graphic error if I try to move a token after stopped the combat but still have the Turn Tracker window open, otherwise if combat is completely stopped (with turn tracker window close) it give no errors.
Other than that, the announcePlayer errors still happenes after 1-2 turns progress in combat.
Forgot to mention another thing I found:
"Clear Conditions on Close: False" still removes any conditions on the character except the markers that remain.
@Onigensou, I already know the issue and I thought I fixed it. When you stop CM that should bring down the turnorder, no choice on that. If turnorder is still actitve but combat has stopped, the issues your seeing will happen.
One thing that I tried fixing myself that I couldn't quite get to work was using this with custom markers and Concentration API. I got Death Tracker to work simply by modifying the available token markers with the one that I'm using for unconscious. I couldn't do the same thing with the Concentration API, any incite?
@Victor - I noticed the error was happening during a game where some players weren't using Roll20 character sheets, but I had still given them a token and manually added them as being able to control the token under the token settings (so the tokens were all player-controlled, but half of them weren't linked to a character sheet). The same thing also happened when I added a custom item label to represent a Lair Action at initiative 20.
@Jerry - I don't support Conccentration API, though that's another Robin API (who created original combat tracker/status info). Some APIs won't work based on their structure
@Alexandar, I'll need the game you are importing into and the file you want to import.
@Ariel - that won't work with CM. You need to assign even a generic character sheet to all tokens in the turn order.
EDITED. The script is now standalone. Please ignore any quoted versions below. Also note that for full functionality, a user should also install token-mod. (All users should install token-mod anyway, because it's awesome.)
You could use this concentration scrip by ThreeofSwords:
var TOKEN_CONCENTRATING_STATUS_MARKER = "status_" + "Concentrating::35390"; on("change:graphic:bar1_value", function(obj, prev) { if (obj.get(TOKEN_CONCENTRATING_STATUS_MARKER)) { var playerPage = Campaign().get("playerpageid"); var tokenPage = obj.get("_pageid"); if (prev["bar1_value"] > obj.get("bar1_value")) { var final_conc_DC = 10; var calc_conc_DC = (prev["bar1_value"] - obj.get("bar1_value")) / 2; if (calc_conc_DC > final_conc_DC) { final_conc_DC = Math.floor(calc_conc_DC); } sendChat("TokenDamage", "/w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Concentration Check}} {{description=[DC " +final_conc_DC + " Constitution](~selected|constitution_save)"+ " " +"*[Toggle Concentration Marker](!token-mod --sel --set statusmarkers|!Concentrating)*}}"); } } });
Just reconfigure the first line to use the token marker you are using for Concentration. Ditto with the marker names in the sendChat line. You can get the number version of the name in the first line from "!token-mod --help".
You may also need to reconfigure the bar number if you are using somethign other than bar1 for hp.
I use this in conjunction with Combat Tracker and it works great.
That "35390" might be different in your game. Check using token-mod.
And thanks, I hope you are enjoying the markers.
Victor B. said:
@Jay, there's already a toggle in place. If using the menus, the "play" icon starts and the "stop" icon stops. Up arrow in chat for the exact syntax, but you can issue a start/stop via macro.
Oh, so if CT is off, issuing the "stop" command will start it? I know about the play and stop buttons in the menus, but I wasn't sure if there was a single command that could both start combat (if it was off) or stop it (if it was on). I'll try that tonight. Thanks.
Also, @Victor, my game name is Road to Baldur's Gate (Fix)
You are in it and a GM. Rerolling init test
keithcurtis said:
You could use this concentration script:
Just reconfigure the first line to use the token marker you are using for Concentration. Ditto with the marker names in the sendChat line. You can get the number version of the name in the first line from "!token-mod --help".
You may also need to reconfigure the bar number if you are using somethign other than bar1 for hp.
I use this in conjunction with Combat Tracker and it works great.
Okay wait, so does this stand on its own or is this an amendment to Robin's script?
The Devilish DM said:
keithcurtis said:
You could use this concentration script:
var TOKEN_CONCENTRATING_STATUS_MARKER = "status_" + "Concentrating::35390";
on("change:graphic:bar1_value", function(obj, prev) {
var playerPage = Campaign().get("playerpageid");
var tokenPage = obj.get("_pageid");
if (prev["bar1_value"] > obj.get("bar1_value")) {
var final_conc_DC = 10;
var calc_conc_DC = (prev["bar1_value"] - obj.get("bar1_value")) / 2;
if (calc_conc_DC > final_conc_DC) {
final_conc_DC = Math.floor(calc_conc_DC);
sendChat("TokenDamage", "/w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Concentration Check}} {{description=[DC " +final_conc_DC + " Constitution](~Macros|Concentration-Check)"+ " " +"*[Toggle Concentration Marker](!token-mod --sel --set statusmarkers|!Concentrating)*}}"); }
Just reconfigure the first line to use the token marker you are using for Concentration. Ditto with the marker names in the sendChat line. You can get the number version of the name in the first line from "!token-mod --help".
You may also need to reconfigure the bar number if you are using somethign other than bar1 for hp.
I use this in conjunction with Combat Tracker and it works great.
Okay wait, so does this stand on its own or is this an amendment to Robin's script?
It is lone wolf.
Thanks for the PM Jerry! There's a problem in the concentration script as I originally posted it. It was calling for a macro resident in my own game. I have rewritten the offending line to be generic toward the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet. If anyone who quoted it, would delete that part of the quote, it would help avoid confusion. derp.
keithcurtis said:
That "35390" might be different in your game. Check using token-mod.
How does one do this?
EDIT: Just kidding I figured it out.
EDIT: EDIT: okay i'm still stuck. It's not triggering.
var TOKEN_CONCENTRATING_STATUS_MARKER = "status_" + "stopwatch::302453"; on("change:graphic:bar1_value", function(obj, prev) { if (obj.get(TOKEN_CONCENTRATING_STATUS_MARKER)) { var playerPage = Campaign().get("playerpageid"); var tokenPage = obj.get("_pageid"); if (prev["bar1_value"] > obj.get("bar1_value")) { var final_conc_DC = 10; var calc_conc_DC = (prev["bar1_value"] - obj.get("bar1_value")) / 2; if (calc_conc_DC > final_conc_DC) { final_conc_DC = Math.floor(calc_conc_DC); } sendChat("TokenDamage", "/w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Concentration Check}} {{description=[DC " +final_conc_DC + " Constitution](~selected|constitution_save)"+ " " +"*[Toggle Concentration Marker](!token-mod --sel --set statusmarkers|!stopwatch)*}}"); } } });
Hmm, one more hiccup maybe someone here can help with.
Trying to set up some macro buttons to spit out to the players at the start of each turn. A couple of them are macro buttons that are supposed to apply a certain condition. The macros work great on their own but when trying to trigger through the chat button it doesn't work.. Don't suppose anyone could spot why?
EX. Players get presented with a [Climb] button on their turn. If they click the button it should set off this macro, but it doesn't go off when prompted this way. But works when you do #Climb in chat.
!cmaster --add,condition=climbing,duration=?{How many squares up?|},direction=0,message=NONE
Upon further inspection it seems to be all my buttons that get spit out at the top of each round. Hmm.
!power {{{{--whisper|self}} {{--format|pcstats}} {{--name|Additional Options}} {{--Actions:|[Dash](!#Dash)[Disarm](!#Disarm)[Disengage](!#Disengage)[Dodge](!#Dodge)[Help](!#Help)[Grapple](!#Grapple)[Search](!#Search)[Shove](!#Shove)}} {{--Movement:|[Flying](!#Flying)[Swimming](!#Swim)[Climbing](!#Climb)}}}}
I imagine since its all of them that it has something to do with how the API command is being processed through !cmaster. @Victor do you have any ideas as to why they won't trigger?
EDIT: Damn it. I figured it out. Gotta put the HTML entries in for the !cmaster api command.
!power {{{{--whisper|self}} {{--format|pcstats}} {{--name|Additional Options}} {{--Actions:|[Dash](! #Dash)[Disarm](! #Disarm)[Disengage](! #Disengage)[Dodge](! #Dodge)[Help](! #Help)[Grapple](! #Grapple)[Search](! #Search)[Shove](! #Shove)}} {{--Movement:|[Flying](! #Flying)[Swimming](! #Swim)[Climbing](! #Climb)}}}}
The Devilish DM said:
keithcurtis said:
That "35390" might be different in your game. Check using token-mod.
How does one do this?
EDIT: Just kidding I figured it out.
EDIT: EDIT: okay i'm still stuck. It's not triggering.
Why don't you PM me so we don't take over Victor's thread?
This is one of the first times that we are really trying to have an API call another API or API call Macro, etc. What we want is full integration. Mix and Match what you want and it magically works. We aren't there yet. There's going to be some hardship. Keep posting here. An integrated approach to API development isn't really there yet. Hopefully this will start it with some more "standard" aspects of API development which don't exist yet. Keeping posting. Post, post, post. Highlight functional deficiencies. Post fixes to those scripts where no one is supporting them (in a long time). Keith, post the fixes for concentration API. Robin has been missing in action for a LONG time. Integration is what we want. Independent APIs need to go the way of the Dodo, but again, I don't fault developers. The concept of integration wasn't in their vocabulary. Let's change that.
Thanks Victor, I didn't want to inadvertently threadjack. For anyone working with the Concentration script, the intended behavior is:
1) Apply the concentration token marker you specify in the code. This can be done manually or by Combat Master
2) Whenever you reduce the HP of that marked token, it will trigger a chat box that states the concentration DC, and give you two buttons to push. The first will roll a constitution save for the selected token. The second will toggle the concentration token marker. The script doesn't know if you pass or fail the save, though. That's why the manual button.
The second button requires that token-mod be installed. The script is designed for the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet, but could be altered by changing the name of the con save ability where I have used (~selected|constitution_save).
Ravenknight said:
Forgot to mention another thing I found:
"Clear Conditions on Close: False" still removes any conditions on the character except the markers that remain.
Victor B. said:
@Ravenknight, that's a bug. Markers should be removed.
I think they were pointing out that 'Clear Conditions on Close' set to false properly keeps markers when combat is closed, but removes the conditions associated with them. I think you said a few weeks back you would look into preserving the conditions and durations between combat when that setting is set to false so 1) GMs could set conditions ahead of a session and not have them reset when combat starts (this was accomplished) and 2) a session could be ended mid-combat without needing to re-apply conditions (can't remember where exactly, so I could be wrong).
Keith, one cool feature that the Concentration API did was apply conc automatically when you cast a concentration spell. Robin really had some good APIs, too bad they all aren't taken over by Script creators in the community.
That is pretty cool. You might be able to get that functionality with Customizable Roll Listener by Scott C.
@Jerry, I'm using Concentration 0.1.15 and one thing I've noticed when I asked Victor about it, was that Concentration DOES work, but only on Spells that output a Spellcard instead of an attack roll.
Example Taken just now (3/22/2020 6:40 PM CST)
Witch Bolt is a concentration spell that requires an attack roll. Spider Climb is a Concentration spell that outputs a Spellcard. Robin was working on it but reached a brick wall. If you my workaround, you can build inline rolls into the spellcard and set all your concentration spells to output a spellcard. (As you can see in the description of Witch Bolt, it has inline rolls for damage)
GKDM said:
@Jerry, I'm using Concentration 0.1.5 (I think thats the version, anyone, its 1 behind the latest version) and one thing I've noticed when I asked Victor about it, was that Concentration DOES work, but only on Spells that output a Spellcard instead of an attack roll.
Example Taken just now (3/22/2020 6:41 PM CST)
Witch Bolt is a concentration spell that requires an attack roll. Spider Climb is a Concentration spell that outputs a Spellcard. Robin was working on it but reached a brick wall. If you my workaround, you can build inline rolls into the spellcard and set all your concentration spells to output a spellcard. (As you can see in the description of Witch Bolt, it has inline rolls for damage)
Concentration works with !cmaster just fine but not with custom markers. The original inquiry was about getting a custom marker for the concentration condition to work with the concentration script. This resulted in Keith Curtis sharing his concentration script. This script does make it easy to use a custom marker, but it lacks the functionality that the previous script had where it would auto apply when a concentration spell was cast.
However, I believe Robin did have a workaround for your issue in previous script.
Check out her version 1.16 HERE
@The Devilish DM Oh, sorry, I misread then.
I also tried that workaround, and it didn't trigger for me, but I'll try it again (I've had 1.16 previously)
Edit: Yeah, that workaround doesn't work for me lol
GKDM said:
@The Devilish DM Oh, sorry, I misread then.
I also tried that workaround, and it didn't trigger for me, but I'll try it again (I've had 1.16 previously)
Edit: Yeah, that workaround doesn't work for me lol
If that doesn't work I would make a macro button in each spell description [Concentrate](!#Concentrate). That's one way to handle it anyway. Otherwise, Keith's script above works well.
The Devilish DM said:
GKDM said:
@The Devilish DM Oh, sorry, I misread then.
I also tried that workaround, and it didn't trigger for me, but I'll try it again (I've had 1.16 previously)
Edit: Yeah, that workaround doesn't work for me lolIf that doesn't work I would make a macro button in each spell description [Concentrate](!#Concentrate). That's one way to handle it anyway. Otherwise, Keith's script above works well.
This works!