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CombatMaster Alpha

March 27 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Or should I combine?  I hate replacing existing code for fear of blowing out what worked for others

@Victor you mean combine keith's Concentrate API with Robin's?

March 27 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

It's a totally different one, and likely much, much simpler than Robin's. It just did exactly what I needed it to do, with very little that could go wrong, and no cruft.

March 27 (4 years ago)

Edited April 03 (4 years ago)

@Victor I pulled together the requests and reports that haven't been addressed yet so that they're all in one spot for you

I'll try to keep this updated and cross out any that are dealt with :)

Bug Reports

Feature Requests

March 27 (4 years ago)
Lucas X.

@Persephone nice!

March 27 (4 years ago)

Persephone said:

@Victor I pulled together the requests and reports that haven't been addressed yet so that they're all in one spot for you

Bug Reports

Feature Requests

The crossed out issue was a user error. I was using a macro to roll initiative outside of CMaster instead of !CMaster Start 
CombatTracker functioned regardless of where initiative was rolled from but CMaster is a bigger beast with a -lot- of moving parts, so the tradeoff is more than understandable. 

March 27 (4 years ago)

I managed to make this happen by setting up a token-mod command in the triggering condition. I.e. When Stunned is applied it triggers this to apply incapacitated as well.

!token-mod {{ids tokenidentifier}} {{--set statusmarkers|+incapacitated}}

March 27 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@Persephone - You are awesome!  I'll look into all of these issues.  

I've seen Keith do similar, so I take inspiration from him! =D

The Devilish DM said:

I managed to make this happen by setting up a token-mod command in the triggering condition. I.e. When Stunned is applied it triggers this to apply incapacitated as well.

!token-mod {{ids tokenidentifier}} {{--set statusmarkers|+incapacitated}}

How'd you manage to get TokenMod to work with CM? I still can't get it to work, and I'm using CombatMaster v1.8 and TokenMod v0.8.49.

I'm trying to get Confused to trigger Flat-Footed in my PF2e game by setting this as its API call:

{{!token-mod {{--ids tokidentifier}} {{--set statusmarkers|+boot-stomp::5485}}}}

Plus using a TokenMod command to set statusmarkers isn't triggering the associated condition. I've tried with both default and custom markers.

March 28 (4 years ago)

Edited March 28 (4 years ago)

Persephone said:

How'd you manage to get TokenMod to work with CM? I still can't get it to work, and I'm using CombatMaster v1.8 and TokenMod v0.8.49.

I'm trying to get Confused to trigger Flat-Footed in my PF2e game by setting this as its API call:

{{!token-mod {{--ids tokidentifier}} {{--set statusmarkers|+boot-stomp::5485}}}}

Plus using a TokenMod command to set statusmarkers isn't triggering the associated condition. I've tried with both default and custom markers.

Hmm, odd. Just double checked and it triggers for me.

  • Yeah you're right about it not triggering the condition tho it just sets the marker. I haven't noticed that because I haven't had a game yet since I set the condition. Bummer. 

    Back to the drawing board with the !cmaster command I suppose.

Getting this error when I try importing my config to a new game:

Here's the config, copied directly from the output given when clicking the Export button:

{"command":"cm","duration":false,"favorite":false,"previousPage":"main","initiative":{"rollInitiative":"None","initiativeDie":20,"initiativeAttributes":"initiative_bonus","showInitiative":false,"rollEachRound":false,"apiTargetTokens":"None"},"turnorder":{"markerType":"External URL","externalMarkerURL":"","nextMarkerType":"External URL","nextExternalMarkerURL":"","tokenMarkerName":"None","tokenMarkerURL":null,"nextTokenMarkerName":"None","nextTokenMarkerURL":null,"sortTurnOrder":false,"centerToken":false,"turnAPI":"None","turnRoll20AM":"None","turnFX":"None","turnMacro":"None","roundAPI":"None","roundRoll20AM":"None","roundFX":"None","roundMacro":"None","characterRoundMacro":"None","allRoundMacro":"None","useMarker":true},"timer":{"useTimer":true,"time":"240","skipTurn":false,"sendTimerToChat":true,"showTokenTimer":false,"timerFont":"Candal","timerFontSize":16,"timerFontColor":"rgb(255, 0, 0)"},"announcements":{"announceTurn":true,"whisperToGM":false,"announceRound":true,"handleLongName":false,"showNPCTurns":false},"macro":{"substitutions":[{"type":"CharID","action":"charidentifier"},{"type":"CharName","action":"charnombre"},{"type":"TokenID","action":"tokidentifier"}]},"status":{"userAllowed":false,"userChanges":false,"sendOnlyToGM":false,"sendConditions":true,"clearConditions":false,"showConditions":"all","useMessage":false},"conditions":{"doomed":{"name":"Doomed","description":"A powerful force has gripped your soul, calling you closer to death. Doomed always includes a value. The dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. If your maximum dying value is reduced to 0, you instantly die. When you die, you’re no longer doomed.  Your doomed value decreases by 1 each time you get a full night’s rest.","icon":"tear-tracks","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"doomed","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"dying":{"name":"Dying","description":"You are bleeding out or otherwise at death’s door. While you have this condition, you are unconscious. Dying always includes a value, and if it ever reaches dying 4, you die. If you’re dying, you must attempt a recovery check (page 459) at the start of your turn each round to determine whether you get better or worse. Your dying condition increases by 1 if you take damage while dying, or by 2 if you take damage from an enemy’s critical hit or a critical failure on your save.  If you lose the dying condition by succeeding at a recovery check and are still at 0 Hit Points, you remain unconscious, but you can wake up as described in that condition. You lose the dying condition automatically and wake up if you ever have 1 Hit Point or more. Any time you lose the dying condition, you gain the wounded 1 condition, or increase your wounded condition value by 1 if you already have that condition.","icon":"Death Door","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"dying","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"unconscious":{"name":"Unconscious","description":"You’re sleeping, or you’ve been knocked out. You can’t act. You take a –4 status penalty to AC, Perception, and Reflex saves, and you have the blinded and flat-footed conditions. When you gain this condition, you fall prone and drop items you are wielding or holding unless the effect states otherwise or the GM determines you’re in a position in which you wouldn’t.  If you’re unconscious because you’re dying, you can’t wake up while you have 0 Hit Points. If you are restored to 1 Hit Point or more via healing, you lose the dying and unconscious conditions and can act normally on your next turn.  If you are unconscious and at 0 Hit Points, but not dying, you naturally return to 1 Hit Point and awaken after sufficient time passes. The GM determines how long you remain unconscious, from a minimum of 10 minutes to several hours. If you receive healing during this time, you lose the unconscious condition and can act normally on your next turn.  If you’re unconscious and have more than 1 Hit Point (typically because you are asleep or unconscious due to an effect), you wake up in one of the following ways. Each causes you to lose the unconscious condition.      You take damage, provided the damage doesn’t reduce you to 0 Hit Points. If the damage reduces you to 0 Hit Points, you remain unconscious and gain the dying condition as normal.      You receive healing, other than the natural healing you get from resting.      Someone shakes you awake with an Interact action.      There’s loud noise going on around you—though this isn’t automatic. At the start of your turn, you automatically attempt a Perception check against the noise’s DC (or the lowest DC if there is more than one noise), waking up if you succeed. If creatures are attempting to stay quiet around you, this Perception check uses their Stealth DCs. Some magical effects make you sleep so deeply that they don’t allow you to attempt this Perception check.      If you are simply asleep, the GM decides you wake up either because you have had a restful night’s sleep or something disrupted that rest.","icon":"pummeled","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"unconscious","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"wounded":{"name":"Wounded","description":"You have been seriously injured. If you lose the dying condition and do not already have the wounded condition, you become wounded 1. If you already have the wounded condition when you lose the dying condition, your wounded condition value increases by 1. If you gain the dying condition while wounded, increase your dying condition value by your wounded value.  The wounded condition ends if someone successfully restores Hit Points to you with Treat Wounds, or if you are restored to full Hit Points and rest for 10 minutes.","icon":"arm-bandage","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"wounded","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"clumsy":{"name":"Clumsy","description":"Your movements become clumsy and inexact. Clumsy always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to the condition value to Dexterity-based checks and DCs, including AC, Reflex saves, ranged attack rolls, and skill checks using Acrobatics, Stealth, and Thievery.","icon":"foot-trip","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"clumsy","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"drained":{"name":"Drained","icon":"glass-heart","description":"When a creature successfully drains you of blood or life force, you become less healthy. Drained always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to your drained value on Constitution-based checks, such as Fortitude saves. You also lose a number of Hit Points equal to your level (minimum 1) times the drained value, and your maximum Hit Points are reduced by the same amount. For example, if you’re hit by an effect that inflicts drained 3 and you’re a 3rd-level character, you lose 9 Hit Points and reduce your maximum Hit Points by 9. Losing these Hit Points doesn’t count as taking damage.  Each time you get a full night’s rest, your drained value decreases by 1. This increases your maximum Hit Points, but you don’t immediately recover the lost Hit Points.","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"drained","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"enfeebled":{"name":"Enfeebled","description":"You’re physically weakened. Enfeebled always includes a value. When you are enfeebled, you take a status penalty equal to the condition value to Strength-based rolls and DCs, including Strength-based melee attack rolls, Strength-based damage rolls, and Athletics checks.","icon":"despair","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"enfeebled","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"stupefied":{"name":"Stupefied","icon":"frontal-lobe","description":"Your thoughts and instincts are clouded. Stupefied always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value on Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks and DCs, including Will saving throws, spell attack rolls, spell DCs, and skill checks that use these ability scores. Any time you attempt to Cast a Spell while stupefied, the spell is disrupted unless you succeed at a flat check with a DC equal to 5 + your stupefied value.","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"stupefied","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"blinded":{"name":"Blinded","icon":"sight-disabled","description":"You can’t see. All normal terrain is difficult terrain to you. You can’t detect anything using vision. You automatically critically fail Perception checks that require you to be able to see, and if vision is your only precise sense, you take a **–4 status penalty** to Perception checks. You are immune to visual effects. **Blinded** overrides **dazzled**.","duration":1,"direction":"-1","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"blinded","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"!modattr --charid charidentifier --perception_temporary|-4","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"!modattr --charid charidentifier --perception_temporary|+4","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"concealed":{"name":"Concealed","icon":"cowled","description":"While you are concealed from a creature, such as in a thick fog, you are difficult for that creature to see. You can still be observed, but you’re tougher to target. A creature that you’re concealed from must succeed at a DC 5 flat check when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect. Area effects aren’t subject to this flat check. If the check fails, the attack, spell, or effect doesn’t affect you.","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"concealed","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"dazzled":{"name":"Dazzled","icon":"bolt-eye","description":"Your eyes are overstimulated. If vision is your only precise sense, all creatures and objects are concealed from you.","duration":1,"direction":"-1","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"dazzled","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"invisible":{"name":"Invisible","description":"While invisible, you can’t be seen. You’re undetected to everyone. Creatures can Seek to attempt to detect you; if a creature succeeds at its Perception check against your Stealth DC, you become hidden to that creature until you Sneak to become undetected again. If you become invisible while someone can already see you, you start out hidden to the observer (instead of undetected) until you successfully Sneak. You can’t become observed while invisible except via special abilities or magic.","icon":"Invisible","duration":1,"direction":-1,"override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"invisible","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"deafened":{"name":"Deafened","description":"You can’t hear. You automatically critically fail Perception checks that require you to be able to hear. You take a –2 status penalty to Perception checks for initiative and checks that involve sound but also rely on other senses. If you perform an action with the auditory trait, you must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the action is lost; attempt the check after spending the action but before any effects are applied. You are immune to auditory effects.","icon":"hearing-disabled","duration":1,"direction":-1,"override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"deafened","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"broken":{"name":"Broken","icon":"broken-shield","description":"Broken is a condition that affects objects. An object is broken when damage has reduced its Hit Points to equal or less than its Broken Threshold. A broken object can’t be used for its normal function, nor does it grant bonuses-with the exception of armor. Broken armor still grants its item bonus to AC, but it also imparts a status penalty to AC depending on its category: -1 for broken light armor, -2 for broken medium armor, or -3 for broken heavy armor.  A broken item still imposes penalties and limitations normally incurred by carrying, holding, or wearing it. For example, broken armor would still impose its Dexterity modifier cap, check penalty, and so forth.  If an effect makes an item broken automatically and the item has more HP than its Broken Threshold, that effect also reduces the item’s current HP to the Broken Threshold.","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"broken","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"confused":{"name":"Confused","icon":"suspicious","description":"You don’t have your wits about you, and you attack wildly. You are flat-footed, you don’t treat anyone as your ally (though they might still treat you as theirs), and you can’t Delay, Ready, or use reactions.  You use all your actions to Strike or cast offensive cantrips, though the GM can have you use other actions to facilitate attack, such as draw a weapon, move so that a target is in reach, and so forth. Your targets are determined randomly by the GM. If you have no other viable targets, you target yourself, automatically hitting but not scoring a critical hit. If it’s impossible for you to attack or cast spells, you babble incoherently, wasting your actions.  Each time you take damage from an attack or spell, you can attempt a DC 11 flat check to recover from your confusion and end the condition.","duration":1,"direction":"-1","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"confused","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"!token-mod --ids tokidentifier --set statusmarkers|+boot-stomp::5485","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"!token-mod --ids tokidentifier --set statusmarkers|-boot-stomp::5485","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"controlled":{"name":"Controlled","icon":"Dominated","description":"Someone else is making your decisions for you, usually because you’re being commanded or magically dominated. The controller dictates how you act and can make you use any of your actions, including attacks, reactions, or even Delay. The controller usually does not have to spend their own actions when controlling you.","duration":1,"direction":"-1","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"controlled","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"encumbered":{"name":"Encumbered","icon":"knapsack","description":"You are carrying more weight than you can manage. While you’re encumbered, you’re clumsy 1 and take a 10-foot penalty to all your Speeds. As with all penalties to your Speed, this can’t reduce your Speed below 5 feet.","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"encumbered","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"fascinated":{"name":"Fascinated","icon":"star-struck","description":"You are compelled to focus your attention on something, distracting you from whatever else is going on around you. You take a –2 status penalty to Perception and skill checks, and you can’t use actions with the concentrate trait unless they or their intended consequences are related to the subject of your fascination (as determined by the GM). For instance, you might be able to Seek and Recall Knowledge about the subject, but you likely couldn’t cast a spell targeting a different creature. This condition ends if a creature uses hostile actions against you or any of your allies.","duration":1,"direction":"-1","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"fascinated","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"fatigued":{"name":"Fatigued","icon":"heart-drop","description":"You’re tired and can’t summon much energy. You take a –1 status penalty to AC and saving throws. While exploring, you can’t choose an exploration activity.  You recover from fatigue after a full night’s rest.","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"fatigued","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"flat-footed":{"name":"Flat-footed","icon":"boot-stomp","description":"You’re distracted or otherwise unable to focus your full attention on defense. You take a –2 circumstance penalty to AC. Some effects give you the flat-footed condition only to certain creatures or against certain attacks. Others—especially conditions—can make you universally flat-footed against everything. If a rule doesn’t specify that the condition applies only to certain circumstances, it applies to all of them; for example, many effects simply say “The target is flat-footed.”","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"flat-footed","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"fleeing":{"name":"Fleeing","description":"You’re forced to run away due to fear or some other compulsion. On your turn, you must spend each of your actions trying to escape the source of the fleeing condition as expediently as possible (such as by using move actions to flee, or opening doors barring your escape). The source is usually the effect or caster that gave you the condition, though some effects might define something else as the source. You can’t Delay or Ready while fleeing.","icon":"sprint","duration":1,"direction":-1,"override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"fleeing","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"frightened":{"name":"Frightened","icon":"shouting","description":"You’re gripped by fear and struggle to control your nerves. The frightened condition always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value to all your checks and DCs. Unless specified otherwise, at the end of each of your turns, the value of your frightened condition decreases by 1.","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"frightened","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"grabbed":{"name":"Grabbed","description":"You’re held in place by another creature, giving you the flat-footed and immobilized conditions. If you attempt a manipulate action while grabbed, you must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or it is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied.","icon":"grab","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"grabbed","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"immobilized":{"name":"Immobilized","description":"You can’t use any action with the move trait. If you’re immobilized by something holding you in place and an external force would move you out of your space, the force must succeed at a check against either the DC of the effect holding you in place or the relevant defense (usually Fortitude DC) of the monster holding you in place.","icon":"bandaged","duration":1,"direction":-1,"override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"immobilized","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"paralyzed":{"name":"Paralyzed","icon":"coma","description":"Your body is frozen in place. You have the flat-footed condition and can’t act except to Recall Knowledge and use actions that require only the use of your mind (as determined by the GM). Your senses still function, but only in the areas you can perceive without moving your body, so you can’t Seek while paralyzed.","duration":1,"direction":"-1","favorite":false,"override":true,"key":"paralyzed","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"persistent-damage":{"name":"Persistent-Damage","description":"Persistent damage comes from effects like acid, being on fire, or many other situations. It appears as “X persistent -type- damage,” where “X” is the amount of damage dealt and “-type-” is the damage type. Instead of taking persistent damage immediately, you take it at the end of each of your turns as long as you have the condition, rolling any damage dice anew each time. After you take persistent damage, roll a DC 15 flat check to see if you recover from the persistent damage. If you succeed, the condition ends.","icon":"bleeding-heart","duration":1,"direction":-1,"override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"persistent-damage","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"petrified":{"name":"Petrified","icon":"Petrified","description":"You have been turned to stone. You can’t act, nor can you sense anything. You become an object with a Bulk double your normal Bulk (typically 12 for a petrified Medium creature or 6 for a petrified Small creature), AC 9, Hardness 8, and the same current Hit Points you had when alive. You don’t have a Broken Threshold. When you’re turned back into flesh, you have the same number of Hit Points you had as a statue. If the statue is destroyed, you immediately die. While petrified, your mind and body are in stasis, so you don’t age or notice the passing of time.","duration":1,"direction":"-1","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"petrified","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"prone":{"name":"Prone","description":"You’re lying on the ground. You are flat-footed and take a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. The only move actions you can use while you’re prone are Crawl and Stand. Standing up ends the prone condition. You can Take Cover while prone to hunker down and gain cover against ranged attacks, even if you don’t have an object to get behind, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks (but you remain flat-footed).  If you would be knocked prone while you’re Climbing or Flying, you fall. You can’t be knocked prone when Swimming.","icon":"Knocked Prone","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"prone","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"quickened":{"name":"Quickened","icon":"fire-dash","description":"You gain 1 additional action at the start of your turn each round. Many effects that make you quickened specify the types of actions you can use with this additional action. If you become quickened from multiple sources, you can use the extra action you’ve been granted for any single action allowed by any of the effects that made you quickened. Because quickened has its effect at the start of your turn, you don’t immediately gain actions if you become quickened during your turn.","duration":"10","direction":"-1","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"quickened","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"restrained":{"name":"Restrained","description":"You’re tied up and can barely move, or a creature has you pinned. You have the flat-footed and immobilized conditions, and you can’t use any actions with the attack or manipulate traits except to attempt to Escape or Force Open your bonds. Restrained overrides grabbed.","icon":"Restrained","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"restrained","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"sickened":{"name":"Sickened","icon":"vomiting","description":"You feel ill. Sickened always includes a value. You take a status penalty equal to this value on all your checks and DCs. You can’t willingly ingest anything—including elixirs and potions—while sickened.  You can spend a single action retching in an attempt to recover, which lets you immediately attempt a Fortitude save against the DC of the effect that made you sickened. On a success, you reduce your sickened value by 1 (or by 2 on a critical success).","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"sickened","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"slowed":{"name":"Slowed","icon":"snail","description":"You have fewer actions. Slowed always includes a value. When you regain your actions at the start of your turn, reduce the number of actions you regain by your slowed value. Because slowed has its effect at the start of your turn, you don’t immediately lose actions if you become slowed during your turn. ","duration":1,"direction":"0","favorite":false,"override":true,"key":"slowed","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"stunned":{"name":"Stunned","description":"You’ve become senseless. You can’t act while stunned. Stunned usually includes a value, which indicates how many total actions you lose, possibly over multiple turns, from being stunned. Each time you regain actions (such as at the start of your turn), reduce the number you regain by your stunned value, then reduce your stunned value by the number of actions you lost. For example, if you were stunned 4, you would lose all 3 of your actions on your turn, reducing you to stunned 1; on your next turn, you would lose 1 more action, and then be able to use your remaining 2 actions normally. Stunned might also have a duration instead of a value, such as “stunned for 1 minute.” In this case, you lose all your actions for the listed duration.  Stunned overrides slowed. If the duration of your stunned condition ends while you are slowed, you count the actions lost to the stunned condition toward those lost to being slowed. So, if you were stunned 1 and slowed 2 at the beginning of your turn, you would lose 1 action from stunned, and then lose only 1 additional action by being slowed, so you would still have 1 action remaining to use that turn.","icon":"Stunned","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"stunned","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"raging":{"name":"Raging","icon":"mighty-force","description":"You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your level plus your Constitution modifier. This frenzy lasts for 1 minute, until there are no enemies you can perceive, or until you fall unconscious, whichever comes first. You can’t voluntarily stop raging. While you are raging:  You deal 2 additional damage with melee weapons and unarmed attacks. This additional damage is halved if your weapon or unarmed attack is agile. You take a –1 penalty to AC. You can’t use actions with the concentrate trait unless they also have the rage trait. You can Seek while raging. After you stop raging, you lose any remaining temporary Hit Points from Rage, and you can’t Rage again for 1 minute.","duration":"10","direction":"-1","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"raging","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"!setattr --charid charidentifier --evaluate --hit_points_temporary|%level%+%constitution_modifier% --armor_class_temporary|-1","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"!setattr --charid charidentifier --hit_points_temporary|0 --armor_class_temporary|0","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"flying":{"name":"Flying","icon":"Flying","description":"You move through the air up to your fly Speed. Moving upward (straight up or diagonally) uses the rules for moving through difficult terrain. You can move straight down 10 feet for every 5 feet of movement you spend. If you Fly to the ground, you don’t take falling damage. You can use an action to Fly 0 feet to hover in place. If you’re airborne at the end of your turn and didn’t use a Fly action this round, you fall.","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"flying","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"shield-up":{"name":"Shield-Up","icon":"bordered-shield","description":"When you have Raised a Shield, you gain its listed circumstance bonus to AC. Your shield remains raised until the start of your next turn.","duration":1,"direction":"-1","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"shield-up","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"bless":{"name":"Bless","icon":"Divine Favor","description":"Allies in the area gain a **+1 status bonus** to Attack Rolls.","duration":"1","direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"bless","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"bane":{"name":"Bane","icon":"Weakened","description":"Targets that fail their Will saves take a **–1 status penalty** to Attack Rolls as long as they are in the area.","duration":"1","direction":"0","override":true,"favorite":false,"key":"bane","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"helpful":{"name":"Helpful","icon":"blue","description":"An NPC with this Condition wants to assist you.","duration":1,"direction":0,"override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"helpful","message":"None","iconType":"Combat Master","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"friendly":{"name":"Friendly","icon":"green","description":"An NPC with this Condition has a good attitude toward you.","duration":1,"direction":0,"override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"friendly","message":"None","iconType":"Combat Master","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"unfriendly":{"name":"Unfriendly","icon":"yellow","description":"An NPC with this Condition doesn't like you.","duration":1,"direction":0,"override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"unfriendly","message":"None","iconType":"Combat Master","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"hostile":{"name":"Hostile","icon":"red","description":"An NPC with this Condition wants to harm you.","duration":1,"direction":0,"override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"hostile","message":"None","iconType":"Combat Master","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"readied-action":{"name":"Readied-Action","icon":"duration","description":"You prepare to use an action that will occur outside your turn. Choose a single action or free action you can use, and designate a trigger. Your turn then ends. If the trigger you designated occurs before the start of your next turn, you can use the chosen action as a reaction (provided you still meet the requirements to use it). You can’t Ready a free action that already has a trigger.  If you have a multiple attack penalty and your readied action is an attack action, your readied attack takes the multiple attack penalty you had at the time you used Ready. This is one of the few times the multiple attack penalty applies when it’s not your turn.","duration":1,"direction":"0","override":false,"favorite":false,"key":"readied-action","message":"None","iconType":"Token Marker","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","targeted":false},"hidden":{"name":"Hidden","key":"hidden","icon":"Stealth","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"While you’re **hidden** from a creature, that creature knows the space you’re in but can’t tell precisely where you are. You typically become **hidden** by using Stealth to Hide. When Seeking a creature using only imprecise senses, it remains **hidden**, rather than **observed**. A creature you’re **hidden** from is **flat-footed** to you, and it must succeed at a **DC 11 flat check** when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect or it fails affect you. Area effects aren’t subject to this flat check. A creature might be able to use the Seek action to try to observe you.","duration":1,"direction":0,"message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":false,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"observed":{"name":"Observed","key":"observed","icon":"True Sight","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"Anything in plain view is **observed** by you. If a creature takes measures to avoid detection, such as by using Stealth to Hide, it can become **hidden** or **undetected** instead of **observed**. If you have another precise sense instead of or in addition to sight, you might be able to observe a creature or object using that sense instead. You can observe a creature only with precise senses. When Seeking a creature using only imprecise senses, it remains **hidden**, rather than **observed**.","duration":1,"direction":0,"message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":false,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"undetected":{"name":"Undetected","key":"undetected","icon":"Gaseous Form","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"When you are **undetected** by a creature, that creature cannot see you at all, has no idea what space you occupy, and can’t target you, though you still can be affected by abilities that target an area. When you’re **undetected** by a creature, that creature is **flat-footed** to you. A creature you’re **undetected** by can guess which square you’re in to try targeting you. It must pick a square and attempt an attack. This works like targeting a **hidden** creature (requiring a **DC 11 flat check**), but the flat check and attack roll are rolled in secret by the GM, who doesn’t reveal whether the attack missed due to failing the flat check, failing the attack roll, or choosing the wrong square. A creature can use the Seek action to try to find you.","duration":1,"direction":0,"message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":false,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"unnoticed":{"name":"Unnoticed","key":"unnoticed","icon":"Nondetection","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"If you are **unnoticed** by a creature, that creature has no idea you are present at all. When you’re **unnoticed**, you’re also **undetected** by the creature. This condition matters for abilities that can be used only against targets totally unaware of your presence.","duration":1,"direction":0,"message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":false,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"guidance":{"name":"Guidance","key":"guidance","icon":"Guidance","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"You are granted a **+1 status bonus** to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check before the spell's duration ends. You choose which roll to use the bonus on before rolling. If you use the bonus, the spell ends. Either way, you are then temporarily immune to *guidance* for **1 hour**.","duration":1,"direction":0,"message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":false,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"ward-ally":{"name":"Ward-Ally","key":"ward-ally","icon":"Mage Armor","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"You are warded against the attacks and hostile spells from the target enemy. You gain a **+1 status bonus** (or **+2** if the spell was heightened) to Armor Class and saving throws against the target enemy's attacks, spells, and other effects.","duration":"1","direction":"-1","message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"ward-enemy":{"name":"Ward-Enemy","key":"ward-enemy","icon":"Heat Metal","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"This enemy has been marked by the *forbidding ward* cantrip.","duration":"9","direction":"-1","message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"feather-fall":{"name":"Feather-Fall","key":"feather-fall","icon":"Feather Fall","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"Your fall slows to 60 feet per round, and the portion of the fall during the spell's duration doesn't count when calculating falling damage. If you reach the ground while the spell is in effect","duration":"10","direction":"-1","message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"sanctuary":{"name":"Sanctuary","key":"sanctuary","icon":"Sanctuary","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"You are warded with protective energy that deters enemy attacks. Creatures attempting to attack you must attempt a Will save each time. If you use a hostile action, the spell ends.","duration":"9","direction":"-1","message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"soothe":{"name":"Soothe","key":"soothe","icon":"Aura of Vitality","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"You gain a **+2 status bonus** to saves against mental effects for the duration.","duration":"9","direction":"-1","message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"mirror-image":{"name":"Mirror-Image","key":"mirror-image","icon":"Mirror Image","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"Three illusory images of you swirl about your space, potentially causing those who attack you to hit one of the images instead of you. Any attack that would hit you has a random chance of hitting one of your images instead of you. If all three images remain, there is a 1 in 4 chance of hitting you (**1 on 1d4**). With two images remaining, there is a 1 in 3 chance of hitting you (**1–2 on 1d6**). With only one image, the chances are 1 in 2 (**1–3 on 1d6**).  Once an image is hit, it is destroyed. If an attack roll fails to hit your AC but doesn't critically fail, it destroys an image but has no additional effect (even if the attack would normally have an effect on a failure). If an attack roll is a critical success and would hit one of the images, one of the images is destroyed and the attack roll becomes a success against you. Once all the images are destroyed, the spell ends.","duration":"10","direction":"-1","message":"None","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"heroism":{"name":"Heroism","key":"heroism","icon":"Death Ward","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"You are granted a **+1 status bonus** (or **+2** if cast at 6th level, or **+3** if cast at 9th level) to attack rolls, Perception checks, saving throws, and skill checks.","duration":"1","direction":"-1","message":")","addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"dead":{"name":"Dead","key":"dead","icon":"dead","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"After you die, you can’t act or be affected by spells that target creatures (unless they specifically target dead creatures), and for all other purposes you are an object. When you die, you are reduced to 0 Hit Points if you had a different amount, and you can’t be brought above 0 Hit Points as long as you remain dead. Some magic can bring creatures back to life, such as the *resurrect* ritual or the *raise dead* spell.","duration":1,"direction":0,"message":"None","tageted":false,"addAPI":"!token-mod --ids tokidentifier --set bar1_value|0","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":false,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"reaction-taken":{"name":"Reaction-Taken","key":"reaction-taken","icon":"anticlockwise-rotation","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"You've taken all of your reactions for the round.","duration":1,"direction":"-1","message":"None","tageted":false,"addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":false,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"rage-cooldown":{"name":"Rage-Cooldown","key":"rage-cooldown","icon":"enrage","iconType":"Token Marker","description":"After you stop raging, you can't rage again for 1 minute.","duration":"10","direction":"-1","message":"None","tageted":false,"addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":false,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"test1":{"name":"test1","key":"test1","icon":"purple","iconType":"Combat Master","description":" ","duration":"10","direction":"-1","message":"None","tageted":false,"addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"test2":{"name":"test2","key":"test2","icon":"brown","iconType":"Combat Master","description":" ","duration":1,"direction":"-1","message":"None","tageted":false,"addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"test3":{"name":"test3","key":"test3","icon":"Water Walk","iconType":"Token Marker","description":" ","duration":"10","direction":"-1","message":"None","tageted":false,"addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"test4":{"name":"test4","key":"test4","icon":"inverted-dice-6","iconType":"Token Marker","description":" ","duration":"1","direction":"-1","message":"None","tageted":false,"addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"test5":{"name":"test5","key":"test5","icon":"apothecary","iconType":"Token Marker","description":" ","duration":"10","direction":"-1","message":"None","tageted":false,"addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false},"test6":{"name":"test6","key":"test6","icon":"Poisoned Weapon","iconType":"Token Marker","description":" ","duration":1,"direction":"-1","message":"None","tageted":false,"addAPI":"None","addRoll20AM":"None","addFX":"None","addMacro":"None","addPersistentMacro":false,"remAPI":"None","remRoll20AM":"None","remFX":"None","remMacro":"None","override":true,"favorite":false,"targeted":false}}}
March 28 (4 years ago)

Edited March 28 (4 years ago)

@Devilish yeah, unfortunately even when normally using TokenMod, it only can set a condition as permanent. I'd like to be able to set a !cmaster command for a condition's API setting, ideally. For example, I have Rage which lasts 10 rounds. When it's removed, it would trigger an API command to apply Rage Cooldown, which also lasts 10 rounds. TokenMod wouldn't be able to do this, even if I could get the command to work through CM.

March 28 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@everyone, The Aaron has fixes for Token Mod and Token Condition.  I'm going to be testing these out today so he can get into Roll20 repo Sunday night.  I'll tackle some of these other published issues as well.  

March 28 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@persephone, I just exported from one and imported into another and it worked fine.  Try the process again.  Make sure nothing extra is after the }}} at the end of the json file

March 28 (4 years ago)

Edited March 28 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@Everyone, for this exponential marker additions, please go to the top of the CM code and look for debug=false and set to debug=true and save the API.  Then add in a custom marker on a token with duration > 10 and go over to the API Server (which I usually have up in another browser window) and look for Add Marker.  Please post here what the marker is being set to.  I just added a custom marker condition > 10 and I'm not getting anything exponential.  This tells me there's something going on with the marker set.  Also I'm able to remove and add conditions with custom markers and they add and remove from the token just fine, so again, this may have something to do with the marker sets you are using.  

March 28 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@everyone, I haven't heard cries for macros running at beginning of each round yet, so I'm tempted to change the beginning of round macro to beginning of combat.  

March 28 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@persephone, more weirdness.  I was able to change a condition name with a filled out description without issue.  Please tell me exactly what you are trying to do.  

March 28 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@Dustin, are you still having the issues you reported? 

@Onigensou, when you stop combat via CM or close down the turnorder, but should remove the turnorder completely.  Is this not happening for you?  

Is there a way to make combat master work when you have things that are not tokens in the turn order? For instance I made  Lair Action tracker at INIT 20 but whenever the round would end and it would go to re roll I would get this error.

For reference, the error message generated was: ReferenceError: doTurnorderCalls is not defined ReferenceError: doTurnorderCalls is not defined at doTurnorderChange (apiscript.js:24515:13) at handleTurnorderChange (apiscript.js:24575:13) at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:154:1), <anonymous>:65:16) at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:154:1), <anonymous>:70:8) at TrackedObj.set (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1034:14) at updateLocalCache (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1332:18) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1622:7 at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560 at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147) at Kd (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:546)

March 28 (4 years ago)

Edited March 28 (4 years ago)

Here's console log where the condition Mage Armor is set to 10 rounds, and uses a market-purchased marker. Worth noting, this doesn't happen with custom uploaded markers. The other token in the turn order has a market-purchased marker as well, but the condition it's linked to was imported from CT, whereas the Mage Armor condition was made post-import:

Spinning up new sandbox...
"Starting webworker script..."
"Loading 919 translation strings to worker..."
"-=> Universal Chat Menu v0.3.7 <=-   [Tue Jun 04 2019 20:31:46 GMT+0000 (UTC)]"
"-=> Delay command loaded (!delay) <=-"
"-=> Ammo v0.3.9 <=-  [Sun Dec 22 2019 21:42:18 GMT+0000 (UTC)]"
"-=> RecursiveTable v0.2.5 <=-  [Fri Oct 18 2019 01:08:14 GMT+0000 (UTC)]"
"-=> ChatSetAttr v1.9 <=-"
"-=> libTokenMarkers v0.1.0 <=-  [Tue Jan 21 2020 04:01:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)]"
"  > Loaded 518 Token Markers."
"Set Defaults"
"CombatMaster Ready! Command: !cm"
"DeathTracker Ready! Command: !dead"
"-=> TokenMod v0.8.49 <=-  [Mon Mar 23 2020 05:27:59 GMT+0000 (UTC)]"
"-=> MotD v0.2.11 <=-  [Wed Jun 26 2019 02:55:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)]"
"Handle Graphic Movement"
"Handle Graphic Movement"
{"content":"!cmaster --main","playerid":"-LlEehSwii8i8gbTho1h","selected":[{"_id":"-LqPIrIYtRGO0MUbpnND","_type":"graphic"}],"type":"api","who":"Seph (GM)"}
"Command Handler"
"Send Main Menu"
{"content":"!cmaster --add,condition=ward-ally,duration=10,direction=-1","playerid":"-LlEehSwii8i8gbTho1h","selected":[{"_id":"-LqPIrIYtRGO0MUbpnND","_type":"graphic"}],"type":"api","who":"Seph (GM)"}
"Command Handler"
"Add Condition"
"Add Condition To Token"
"Verify Condition"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Remove Condition From Token"
"Verify Condition"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Remove Marker"
"Marker:Mage Armor"
"Add Marker"
"Send Condition To Chat"
"Do Add Condition Calls"
"Handle Turnorder Change"
"Handle Turnorder Change"
"Handle Turnorder Change"
"Handle Turnorder Change"
"Handle Turnorder Change"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Turn Order Change"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Next Round"
"Next Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Turn Order Change"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Change Marker"
"Announce Player"
"Announce Condition"
"Add Condition To Token"
"Verify Condition"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Remove Condition From Token"
"Verify Condition"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Remove Marker"
"Marker:Mage Armor"
"Add Marker"
"Do Turn External Calls"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Change Marker"
"Handle Turnorder Change"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Turn Order Change"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Change Marker"
"Announce Player"
"Announce Condition"
"Add Condition To Token"
"Verify Condition"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Remove Condition From Token"
"Verify Condition"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Remove Marker"
"Add Marker"
"Do Turn External Calls"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Change Marker"
"Handle Turnorder Change"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Turn Order Change"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Next Round"
"Next Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Turn Order Change"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Change Marker"
"Announce Player"
"Announce Condition"
"Add Condition To Token"
"Verify Condition"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Remove Condition From Token"
"Verify Condition"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Remove Marker"
"Marker:Mage Armor"
"Add Marker"
"Do Turn External Calls"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Check Marker Turn"
"Get or Create Marker"
"Change Marker"

Victor B. said:

@persephone, I just exported from one and imported into another and it worked fine.  Try the process again.  Make sure nothing extra is after the }}} at the end of the json file

Did you try importing the config I shared? It doesn't look like anything is wrong with the formatting.

March 28 (4 years ago)

Edited March 28 (4 years ago)

Victor B. said:

@persephone, more weirdness.  I was able to change a condition name with a filled out description without issue.  Please tell me exactly what you are trying to do.  

Here's the error I'm getting. I did notice I included bold and italic text in the description, and I think I used markdown format to do so. Could that be the culprit?

I've tried with other conditions with markdown-formatted descriptions, no crash...

March 28 (4 years ago)

Victor B. said:

@everyone, I haven't heard cries for macros running at beginning of each round yet, so I'm tempted to change the beginning of round macro to beginning of combat.  

Omg yes

Can anyone tell me, what would the format be to add fx when applying a condition?

March 29 (4 years ago)

Edited March 29 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@persephone, what is the difference between "custom loaded' and "market purchased"? i did same thing you did and no issues.  Something weird is going on.  I think I'm still in your game and if so, please remind me of your game and help me recreate your issue.

Something in your game is causing the problem.  I'm happy to help.  Markdown format could EASILY be the issue.  APIs weren't meant to inter-operate.  The Aaron has now provided multiple inter-operabilities, which I'm testing now.  

Market-purchased meaning custom markers that I purchased from the Roll20 marketplace and added to my game. Custom uploaded meaning custom markers that I uploaded myself. The bug is occurring with the former, not the latter. I'll PM you an invite link.

On the game details page you'll see this section, the markers from the Marketplace Set are the ones bugging out.

March 30 (4 years ago)

Vic - would there be a way of getting Robin's Death Tracker and Concentration scripts on board?  I'm not sure where it is coming from, but there seems to be an error in Death tracker for the half health/ bloodied condition that spits out 10 notifications for the Bloodied condition when both Combat Tracker and Death Tracker are installed ....

Additionally, would there be a way for Combat Tracker to incorporate some of the features of Sky Captain's Toolkit?  I really liked the ability to apply healing and damage through the api, and the floaty text that came off the token when applied.  Of course, I'd see if they want to be involved first ...

Lastly - what is the point of the "Delay Turn" feature of the Combat Master turn tracker?  When the round changes, I don't see it reminding the person who used it if they want to continue delaying their turn (which IMO would be the equivalent of holding an action), or any other relevance...

March 30 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Wolf Thunderspirit said:
I'm pretty sure that ANY time you use any art from the marketplace, they want you to rename, store, or otherwise identify the material as your own.  Otherwise Roll20 itself will freak out.  Don't know why they have us able to purchase art but there is a complete process we have to go through to actually use it...

For anyone reading along with this thread, this is absolutely not the intent, and rarely required. Token Markers are provided the way they are to give users the ability to customize. For example, my most popular set contains markers for both 5e and Pathfinder. It would be annoying for 5e players to have to use PF tokens and vice versa. I could sell them as individual sets, but then that would screw over users who play both games.

For other art, there is no absolute need to download. It is sometimes more efficient to download a tile set if you want to construct a complete dungeon (Roll20 is not a full-featured image editor, and there are performance concerns with too many images). Most Marketplace users generously allow you to download purchased sets, but this is not a requirement.

Roll20 will NOT freak out if you use art directly from your marketplace purchases without re-naming, re-storing, etc.

Not picking on you, Wolf Thunderspirit, I just didn't want new users (of which there are many, currently) thinking they had to go through an entire process that is not necessary.

March 30 (4 years ago)

Sorry, was confused by things like this:

keithcurtis said:

Wolf Thunderspirit said:
I'm pretty sure that ANY time you use any art from the marketplace, they want you to rename, store, or otherwise identify the material as your own.  Otherwise Roll20 itself will freak out.  Don't know why they have us able to purchase art but there is a complete process we have to go through to actually use it...

For anyone reading along with this thread, this is absolutely not the intent, and rarely required. Token Markers are provided the way they are to give users the ability to customize. For example, my most popular set contains markers for both 5e and Pathfinder. It would be annoying for 5e players to have to use PF tokens and vice versa. I could sell them as individual sets, but then that would screw over users who play both games.

For other art, there is no absolute need to download. It is sometimes more efficient to download a tile set if you want to construct a complete dungeon (Roll20 is not a full-featured image editor, and there are performance concerns with too many images). Most Marketplace users generously allow you to download purchased sets, but this is not a requirement.

Roll20 will NOT freak out if you use art directly from your marketplace purchases without re-naming, re-storing, etc.

Not picking on you, Wolf Thunderspirit, I just didn't want new users (of which there are many, currently) thinking they had to go through an entire process that is not necessary.

March 30 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Gotcha. Yeah, that's an API limitation, for the reasons Scott gave. Otherwise, it would indeed be very handy.

March 30 (4 years ago)
KS Backer

Patrick said:

Can anyone tell me, what would the format be to add fx when applying a condition?

Just add:

/fx nova-frost @{selected|token_id}

on a new line beneath the combatmaster stuff.

March 31 (4 years ago)
KS Backer

Woot! 2.0 is in the script library. Time to play!

March 31 (4 years ago)

Keep getting this error. When adding 2.0

Previous shutdown complete, starting up...
Spinning up new sandbox...
Failed to load Dealer
No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /home/symbly/www/d20-app/apiscripts/Dealer/1.0/Dealer.js
Failed to load Combat Master v2.0
No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /home/symbly/www/d20-app/apiscripts/CombatMaster/2.0/CombatMaster.js
March 31 (4 years ago)

Edited March 31 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

I'm not getting the issue. Did you forget to delete or disable the manual copy.

EDIT: Same issue here. Previously I thought the report was of a sandbox crash. No script is loading

BTW, it's very odd that Roll20 didn't ask to delete the "2.0" from the script name. Putting the version number in the name is usually not done.

March 31 (4 years ago)

Getting same issue when adding from one-click after disabling CM v1.x

Spinning up new sandbox...
Failed to load Combat Master v2.0
No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /home/symbly/www/d20-app/apiscripts/CombatMaster/2.0/CombatMaster.js
March 31 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

I've reported this, as I suspect the problem is on the Roll20 end.

March 31 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Hmmm, well, that's not good

March 31 (4 years ago)

Edited March 31 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@everyone, there's a bug on the import/export if you have API calls in your CM.  The parser is parsing on -- and those API calls have -- and causing some issues.  I'm looking into it

Also, TheAaron posted fixes for Token Mod.  There's a new command syntax to enable the API to API call.  I haven't had time yet to look into hooking it in.  

March 31 (4 years ago)
KS Backer

Yey for Token Mod stuff.

March 31 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Good news on the token-mod front. I hope the push problem is resolved soon.

March 31 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

I have been told the script should load now!

March 31 (4 years ago)

Is there a way to have the duration set based off of line rolls or a stats like a selected tokens con_mod.  Mainly looking to add Suffocating and for 5e it is based on a character concentration_mod, so I was hoping to have something like @{selected|concentration_mod}  but I can't seem to get it to work.

@Kilter, You'd have to make a custom macro for that. Like this:

!cmaster --add,condition=Suffocating,duration=@{selected|concentration_mod},direction=-1
@Victor would it be simple to add a chat announcement when combat is paused or resumed? It's sometimes difficult to tell if it worked, since I don't use the countdown on tokens.
April 01 (4 years ago)

@Persephone  Thanks, that is kinda what I thought I would have to do.

April 01 (4 years ago)
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

@Persephone, do you mean the timer is paused?  Combat isn't paused, you simply don't progress the turnorder. 

@Everyone, the import issue is fixed, the removal of a custom marker, extra parenthesis in the message.  Token Condition is almost integrated.  TheAaron has to make a quick change to avoid my foolishness, so that change won't make it out to the Roll20 Repo until next week.