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Old Character Sheet Thread (Locked Apr 2020)


Edited 1516647811
Gary M said: Theodore D. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Welcome to the Guild! Player name needs to be Theodore D.&nbsp; Really minor detail but there was a ton of confusion recently about Nicolas Nicolas S and NicolaS being 3 different people in the campaign. Array.&nbsp; As mentioned on the New Player Checklist you will be asked to justify why you put your&nbsp; +1 from level 4 into Dex rather than Int.&nbsp; If this question seems crazy, please refer to the explanation in the checklist. I do not see a description of what familiar you took. Elven instead of Elvish. You do not have all of your class features listed or accounted for.&nbsp; For example Skill Versatility needs to be under class and you need to update your skills to reflect this. Bards have the ability to wear up to chainmail and a light shield.&nbsp; While wearing only cloth is not wrong, it does drastically shorten your life expectancy.&nbsp; I would highly recommend wearing armor. What type of Songbow are you using?&nbsp; (Longbow, Shortbow, etc)&nbsp; Please label it appropriately. Please give us something under personality / mannerisms / background.&nbsp; While we are primarily checking these sheets for mechanical correctness, we do want to see that you have thought a little bit about who this character is at table rather than being a block of stats. Your attack and damage workspace is mostly correct.&nbsp; You do, however, have too much damage on your staggering note.&nbsp; Staggering note, even when used through an implement, does not get the enhancement bonus to damage because there is no roll associated with the damage (and ENH gives bonus to damage rolls).&nbsp; It does still get the bonus to attack rolls. Optional: You did not select a mechanical background.&nbsp; While it is not required it does add a bit of depth to the character. Optional: You did not select a theme.&nbsp; While it is not required it does add a bit of depth to the character. Pretty good first go through, just a few little things to clean up&nbsp; and possibly a discussion about armor (contrary to what the other players may say I do want people to live!) 1. Fixed&nbsp; 2. Since I have the Songbow as a secondary weapon, I thought having a better to give my extra point to Dex (so I can get the +1 from having 13 instead of 12) rather then to intelligence where adding the one intelligence point has no immediate effect.&nbsp; 3. Fixed (put under allies & companions) 4. Fixed 5. I do not see Skill Versatility on the Bard list in the Compendium. Where can I look to find that information?&nbsp; 6. I chose the cloth for two reasons; the first is that the&nbsp;Robe of Scintillation is perfect (lore-wise) for my bard and that it has some really cool effects, such as replacing a torch and being able to stun enemies close to me. Second I built my bard to fight from afar, so I am hoping that I will not need much armor to defend myself. I can be persuaded to get a light armor, however.&nbsp; 7. Fixed 8. I am transferring a character I created in 5E to 4E, and I have probably given my character more thought than is healthy or sane. I have a backstory for him, and I can write it down if you would like me to.&nbsp; 9. Fixed 10. I do not know how to fill this part out, so I am hesitant to do it until I know more about 4E. 11. Same reason as #10. Thank you for replying so quickly!!!

Edited 1516648161
baldhermit said: Fred D. said: Gary M said: Fred D. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild Fred! What pact did you select?&nbsp; I think it is supposed to be Fey Pact given the list of power but I didn't see it listed. You are missing an at-will.&nbsp; This hybrid with psuedo-free at-wills from pact and virtue can be a bit confusing, but you have 1 more level 1 at-will to pick (It will likely be virtuous strike or eldritch strike) For your attack and damage workspace, please select two powers to break down. What are the 2 +2 damage bonuses in your damage workspace breakdown for 'cha'?&nbsp; This might be cleared up once you have a power name there instead. Your key focus seems to not do much for you.&nbsp; Is there a reason you have it as Serene instead of Accurate? Please explain your expenses.&nbsp; Also it looks as if you have a heavy shield equipped but no heavy shield on your sheet.&nbsp; It is free, but does need to be on the sheet somewhere. Please label what skill you got from your theme (I assume arcana). An excellent first post.&nbsp; Needs a little bit of breakdown of what is going on, but is mostly correct.&nbsp; Please respond in list form and we will get you to the journal pretty soon. It is supposed to be Fey Pact but clearly I didn't list that on the sheet so I'll fix that. I may not have listed my Cavalier Virtue either. &nbsp;I "chose" Facinating Shadows (Binder At-Will) and&nbsp;Vengeful Strike (At-Will 1 Cavalier). The first comes automatically from the Binder Fey Pact and the second comes automatically from the Cavalier Virtue of Valor. Yes, I know I have 10 Strength, I won't use it. If I could have picked a power from the Paladin list then I'd have choosen something that uses Charisma but Vengeful Strike comes with my Valor so I think I'm stuck with it. If we interpret the rules differently here then I'd definitely take one of the at-wills that you suggested. &nbsp;This build will mostly be using&nbsp;Facinating Shadows (Binder At-Will) and, eventually, a melee basic attack (when I take "Wrath of the Crimson Legion" at level 6). I will rename the entries to match. &nbsp;The main attack that I'll be spamming will be Facinating Shadows&nbsp;(Binder At-Will). It targets Will so Resplendent Gloves will kick in a +2 untyped damage bonus. It also does Psychic so the Serene Ki-Focus adds +2 Superior Implement damage. &nbsp;If I spam Facinating Shadows (to pull enemies into my Defender Aura) then the Ki-Focus does everything. I target Will so it is just as accurate as an Accurate Focus and it also provides a +2 damage bonus because of the psychic keyword. &nbsp;Oh yes, I included the math but not the descriptions. There is an assumption that I can buy the Resplendent Gloves from the shop at half price but everything else is from the book. I will go and label everything in the money area. Yes, I also didn't bother to list mundane equipment. There should be a Rapier for when MBAs becomes a thing and a Heavy Shield which is tanking my skills. I'll also include an Adventurer's Kit. Yes, Arcana training comes from the theme. I will go and list that on the sheet. Also, just so you know, this isn't my first character. I have a Leader/Striker hybrid that is level 8 but I've played here before where there were no Defenders in the party so I thought I'd make a backup that had a different role than my original character. Hey Fred. At 1 : check At 2 : That Cavalier at-will is not mandatory. Take a paladin at-will.&nbsp; At 3 : check At 4 : Check. It doesn't matter to me, but why not just straight up ki focus expertise? At 5 : check At 6 : check. Please drop mundane gear at the bottom center of page 1 At 7 : check That is fairly minor stuff though, so journal waiting for you 2. I'll take a paladin at-will that uses Charisma then. 4. The character has some weapon attacks that use a rapier. Versatile Expertise allows me to benefit from Light Blades and from powers that use a Ki-Focus. I've always been confused about whether using a Superior Implement breaks the ability to use a "+2 Ki-Focused Rapier". Obviously you don't get the Superior benefits with a weapon attack but my builder doesn't allow a Superior Implement to bind to a weapon like a regular Ki-Focus would. That may be more of a builder bug than an actual rule though. I'd rather use Ki-Focus Expertise in that case. 6. I'll move it to the proper place when I get back home. Thank you!

Edited 1516648481
Fred D. said: baldhermit said: Fred D. said: Gary M said: Fred D. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> At 2 : That Cavalier at-will is not mandatory. Take a paladin at-will.&nbsp; At 4 : Check. It doesn't matter to me, but why not just straight up ki focus expertise? At 6 : check. Please drop mundane gear at the bottom center of page 1 That is fairly minor stuff though, so journal waiting for you 2. I'll take a paladin at-will that uses Charisma then. 4. The character has some weapon attacks that use a rapier. Versatile Expertise allows me to benefit from Light Blades and from powers that use a Ki-Focus. I've always been confused about whether using a Superior Implement breaks the ability to use a "+2 Ki-Focused Rapier". Obviously you don't get the Superior benefits with a weapon attack but my builder doesn't allow a Superior Implement to bind to a weapon like a regular Ki-Focus would. That may be more of a builder bug than an actual rule though. I'd rather use Ki-Focus Expertise in that case. 6. I'll move it to the proper place when I get back home. Thank you! At 2: sure At 4 : What you are saying here makes no sense to me.&nbsp;It sounds like a builder issue. At 6 : sure

Edited 1516683708
Gary M Plus Permalink Joel H. said:I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the guild! Please put Joel H as your player name. You are missing an expertise feat. Please refer to the New Player Checklist for a list of applicable feats. You need to put your class features under the Class Features section As far as equipment is concerned you are missing one of the big 3 (You do not have a magical neck or cloak). Please buy one of those for your character. You are missing your class bonus to defense You do not currently have your armor equipped. To equip your armor, put the bonus AC you gain from your armor, not including enhancement bonus, on the section under quick lookup for armor. In your attack and damage breakdown you seem to indicate you have a magic crossbow, but there is not one listed on your sheet. In your damage breakdown you have a 'misc' of +1 and +3. What are these from? I do not see the "Natural Linguist" racial feature listed in the compendium. How are you gaining 3 additional languages past common? In your breakdown you want to have things labeled "Ranged Basic Attack" and "Melee Basic Attack". Optional: You do not have a mechanical background selected. This may be something to look into in order to pick up some extra languages. Optional: You do not have a Theme selected. This may be something to look into in order to pick up some extra languages. Please respond to the list of corrections in a similar format by quoting this post. 1. changed 2. Ok chose toughness to help me be less squishy. 3. changed 4. dropped the potions of healing and took necklace of keys 5. added +2 to reflex 6.ok changed 7. ok I think I had some of my class and feat bonuses in the wrong spots. fixed. 8. fixed same as above. 9. I think I was looking in&nbsp;Eberron&nbsp;where the "rules" originally came from. they have the linguistic ability and they&nbsp;know common plus 2 other languages. If that is not okay I can change it. 10.ok I understand what you are saying but there are differences between the shortsword and dagger. 11. Okay, I added what I think a mechanical background&nbsp;about being captured by drow elves and getting the driven by vengeance background. 12.I think if you read my background&nbsp;and other notes you will see a theme and elaborate background. I can't think of anything else but if you can suggest something I am open to suggestion. Hopefully, I corrected most of my mistakes thanks for all the help.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Theodore D. said: Gary M said: Theodore D. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Welcome to the Guild! Player name needs to be Theodore D.&nbsp; Really minor detail but there was a ton of confusion recently about Nicolas Nicolas S and NicolaS being 3 different people in the campaign. Array.&nbsp; As mentioned on the New Player Checklist you will be asked to justify why you put your&nbsp; +1 from level 4 into Dex rather than Int.&nbsp; If this question seems crazy, please refer to the explanation in the checklist. I do not see a description of what familiar you took. Elven instead of Elvish. You do not have all of your class features listed or accounted for.&nbsp; For example Skill Versatility needs to be under class and you need to update your skills to reflect this. Bards have the ability to wear up to chainmail and a light shield.&nbsp; While wearing only cloth is not wrong, it does drastically shorten your life expectancy.&nbsp; I would highly recommend wearing armor. What type of Songbow are you using?&nbsp; (Longbow, Shortbow, etc)&nbsp; Please label it appropriately. Please give us something under personality / mannerisms / background.&nbsp; While we are primarily checking these sheets for mechanical correctness, we do want to see that you have thought a little bit about who this character is at table rather than being a block of stats. Your attack and damage workspace is mostly correct.&nbsp; You do, however, have too much damage on your staggering note.&nbsp; Staggering note, even when used through an implement, does not get the enhancement bonus to damage because there is no roll associated with the damage (and ENH gives bonus to damage rolls).&nbsp; It does still get the bonus to attack rolls. Optional: You did not select a mechanical background.&nbsp; While it is not required it does add a bit of depth to the character. Optional: You did not select a theme.&nbsp; While it is not required it does add a bit of depth to the character. Pretty good first go through, just a few little things to clean up&nbsp; and possibly a discussion about armor (contrary to what the other players may say I do want people to live!) 1. Fixed&nbsp; 2. Since I have the Songbow as a secondary weapon, I thought having a better to give my extra point to Dex (so I can get the +1 from having 13 instead of 12) rather then to intelligence where adding the one intelligence point has no immediate effect.&nbsp; 3. Fixed (put under allies & companions) 4. Fixed 5. I do not see Skill Versatility on the Bard list in the Compendium. Where can I look to find that information?&nbsp; 6. I chose the cloth for two reasons; the first is that the&nbsp;Robe of Scintillation is perfect (lore-wise) for my bard and that it has some really cool effects, such as replacing a torch and being able to stun enemies close to me. Second I built my bard to fight from afar, so I am hoping that I will not need much armor to defend myself. I can be persuaded to get a light armor, however.&nbsp; 7. Fixed 8. I am transferring a character I created in 5E to 4E, and I have probably given my character more thought than is healthy or sane. I have a backstory for him, and I can write it down if you would like me to.&nbsp; 9. Fixed 10. I do not know how to fill this part out, so I am hesitant to do it until I know more about 4E. 11. Same reason as #10. Thank you for replying so quickly!!! Check. Please read the explanation linked in the checklist.&nbsp; The way you have done it gives you, overall, a lower dex score.&nbsp; I will not approve this sheet until you look at why this is a problem. Now that you have your familiar selected you should add in the benefits it gives you.&nbsp; Both of those benefits should be listed under the 'temporary' column where they belong on the sheet. Check It is listed under bard.&nbsp; Look directly below "Majestic Word". I won't require you to build a character that doesn't die when something looks at it.&nbsp; If you think it is more fun to be squishy, then be squishy.&nbsp; It just is very strongly recommended against to go into battle naked unless going into battle naked gives you some benefit (Avengers or Barbarians for example and even barbs wear hide). Please put this under items (I see it under expenses, just put the same thing in both places) That is exactly what is asked for. The damage is incorrect on Misdirected mark.&nbsp; Please correct. No worries, it is optional. See 10.
Gary M said: Joel H. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the guild! Please put Joel H as your player name. You are missing an expertise feat.&nbsp; Please refer to the New Player Checklist for a list of applicable feats. You need to put your class features under the Class Features section As far as equipment is concerned you are missing one of the big 3 (You do not have a magical neck or cloak).&nbsp; Please buy one of those for your character. You are missing your class bonus to defense You do not currently have your armor equipped. To equip your armor, put the bonus AC you gain from your armor, not including enhancement bonus, on the section under quick lookup for armor. In your attack and damage breakdown you seem to indicate you have a magic crossbow, but there is not one listed on your sheet. In your damage breakdown you have a 'misc' of +1 and +3. What are these from? I do not see the "Natural Linguist" racial feature listed in the compendium.&nbsp; How are you gaining 3 additional languages past common? In your breakdown you want to have things labeled "Ranged Basic Attack" and "Melee Basic Attack". Optional: You do not have a mechanical background selected.&nbsp; This may be something to look into in order to pick up some extra languages. Optional: You do not have a Theme selected. This may be something to look into in order to pick up some extra languages. Please respond to the list of corrections in a similar format by quoting this post. Quoting myself due to formatting on your response. You did not do this. Toughness is not one of the feats listed on the new player checklist as an expertise feat.&nbsp; You can recognize an expertise feat as it will have the word "Expertise" in the name under most circumstances.&nbsp; Please refer to the new player checklist for the link that contains all the feats.&nbsp; Just pick one from the list you think applies to you. Check You need to equip your necklace of keys (give the bonus to the skill it gives a bonus to and give the enhancement bonus to your defenses.&nbsp; Also take this moment to move the +1 enhancement you had under Will to another area). Check Check You show a +1 feat bonus to hit and damage with your shortsword.&nbsp; What feat did you take to gives you a +1 feat bonus to attack and damage?&nbsp; You also did not label your attack and damage workspace as Melee basic attack and ranged basic attack.&nbsp; Where you have your melee basic attack and ranged basic attack listed you show a 1d8 for your ranged attack, what weapon are you using that is a 1d8 at range? Please don't write 'fixed' when asked for an explanation.&nbsp; It is also not fixed. First, use the compendium.&nbsp; Second the eberron book contains the following entry which does not mention Linguist.&nbsp; Maybe you are looking at a wiki (don't do that, they are very unreliable) or a different edition (things frequently change between editions): There are differences between short sword and dagger.&nbsp; You aren't using a dagger currently and are using a shortsword.&nbsp; I'm not sure why you mention daggers on a character with a magic shortsword who doesn't have a dagger on his sheet and does have the bonuses for a hand crossbow listed but doesn't have a hand crossbow. What you added seems to be a backstory instead of a mechanical background.&nbsp; Please refer to the link in the New Player Checklist for a list of mechanical backgrounds.&nbsp; Or go to the Backgrounds section in the compendium and select one from there that you like. Again, this is a backstory and not a theme.&nbsp; Please check the themes listed under "Character Themes" in the compendium.&nbsp; These are not required, however many people will find that they are useful for fleshing out a character. Please respond in list form to the listed corrections.&nbsp; I think there might be some confusion on resources here.&nbsp; If you are using things other than the compendium from the Basic Rules and not following along using the list and links in the New Player Checklist you are making this process needlessly hard on yourself.
Mega_Drones said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild. Please list what array you used on your sheet.&nbsp; From what I can see is it not possibly a legal array.&nbsp; You cannot have a stat of 22 by level 5 (Max would be 18 starting, +2 Racial, +1 Cha for 21).&nbsp; You also get level up bumps at 4 not 2. You have also selected Virtue of Valor which provides nearly no benefit to you given your current array (even if it was legal). Tieflings are not small sized.&nbsp;&nbsp; You are missing feats, please select your feats Your Attack workspace and damage workspace are blank.&nbsp; Please fill these out. Under quick lookup you have Inspiring Tune.&nbsp; I don't know what that is, please explain. You are missing several of your class features, including Skill Versatility. Your armor is not equipped under quick look up You do not appear to have bought a neck slot item.&nbsp; This is a mandatory piece of the 'big 3' for new characters.&nbsp; You seem to have bought non-magical mindweave armor which does not exist (and the magical version is level 15+) as well as Armor of sacrifice.&nbsp; Label what type of armor your Armor of sacrifice is, remove the mindweave and purchase a neck slot item.&nbsp; Having multiple armors confers no benefit. Your surges per day are incorrect.&nbsp; You do not add half level to the number of surges you get.&nbsp; Please be aware that this and your HP will likely change once you have a legal array. Your labeling and power selection is a bit off. Stirring Shout is unlabeled. Rhyme of Fire is not level 2. Cruel Fate is unlabeled.&nbsp; Fast Friends is not level 2. You get 2 level 1 At-will powers, not 3. Lesser Dimensional Step is not level 3.&nbsp; You get 2 Level 1 At-wills, 1 level 1 encounter, 1 level 3 encounter, 1 level 2 utility power, 1 level 1 daily and 1 level 5 daily.&nbsp; You also should put any class feature powers (such as Words of Friendship) and any racial powers (Such as Infernal Wrath) under this section. Create Tree of Life is a level 25 ritual that you cannot have. You are missing your class bonuses to defenses Your expenses need to be broken down a bit differently.&nbsp; a Greatbow +1 is not 50gp and you have it labeled in items as a Greatbow +3. You cannot select Abyssal as a level 1 language.&nbsp; Also Infernal is not a language that exists. Optional: I like the little bits I can see of backstory (and Sir Janus).&nbsp; You have not selected a background for your character.&nbsp; It isn't required but there also isn't a reason not to have one either. Optional: Same goes for Theme.&nbsp; It is not required, but should be considered as it adds depth to the character. Please finish filling out your character and respond to the corrections in list form.
Gary M said: Theodore D. said: Gary M said: Theodore D. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Welcome to the Guild! Player name needs to be Theodore D.&nbsp; Really minor detail but there was a ton of confusion recently about Nicolas Nicolas S and NicolaS being 3 different people in the campaign. Array.&nbsp; As mentioned on the New Player Checklist you will be asked to justify why you put your&nbsp; +1 from level 4 into Dex rather than Int.&nbsp; If this question seems crazy, please refer to the explanation in the checklist. I do not see a description of what familiar you took. Elven instead of Elvish. You do not have all of your class features listed or accounted for.&nbsp; For example Skill Versatility needs to be under class and you need to update your skills to reflect this. Bards have the ability to wear up to chainmail and a light shield.&nbsp; While wearing only cloth is not wrong, it does drastically shorten your life expectancy.&nbsp; I would highly recommend wearing armor. What type of Songbow are you using?&nbsp; (Longbow, Shortbow, etc)&nbsp; Please label it appropriately. Please give us something under personality / mannerisms / background.&nbsp; While we are primarily checking these sheets for mechanical correctness, we do want to see that you have thought a little bit about who this character is at table rather than being a block of stats. Your attack and damage workspace is mostly correct.&nbsp; You do, however, have too much damage on your staggering note.&nbsp; Staggering note, even when used through an implement, does not get the enhancement bonus to damage because there is no roll associated with the damage (and ENH gives bonus to damage rolls).&nbsp; It does still get the bonus to attack rolls. Optional: You did not select a mechanical background.&nbsp; While it is not required it does add a bit of depth to the character. Optional: You did not select a theme.&nbsp; While it is not required it does add a bit of depth to the character. Pretty good first go through, just a few little things to clean up&nbsp; and possibly a discussion about armor (contrary to what the other players may say I do want people to live!) 1. Fixed&nbsp; 2. Since I have the Songbow as a secondary weapon, I thought having a better to give my extra point to Dex (so I can get the +1 from having 13 instead of 12) rather then to intelligence where adding the one intelligence point has no immediate effect.&nbsp; 3. Fixed (put under allies & companions) 4. Fixed 5. I do not see Skill Versatility on the Bard list in the Compendium. Where can I look to find that information?&nbsp; 6. I chose the cloth for two reasons; the first is that the&nbsp;Robe of Scintillation is perfect (lore-wise) for my bard and that it has some really cool effects, such as replacing a torch and being able to stun enemies close to me. Second I built my bard to fight from afar, so I am hoping that I will not need much armor to defend myself. I can be persuaded to get a light armor, however.&nbsp; 7. Fixed 8. I am transferring a character I created in 5E to 4E, and I have probably given my character more thought than is healthy or sane. I have a backstory for him, and I can write it down if you would like me to.&nbsp; 9. Fixed 10. I do not know how to fill this part out, so I am hesitant to do it until I know more about 4E. 11. Same reason as #10. Thank you for replying so quickly!!! Check. Please read the explanation linked in the checklist.&nbsp; The way you have done it gives you, overall, a lower dex score.&nbsp; I will not approve this sheet until you look at why this is a problem. Now that you have your familiar selected you should add in the benefits it gives you.&nbsp; Both of those benefits should be listed under the 'temporary' column where they belong on the sheet. Check It is listed under bard.&nbsp; Look directly below "Majestic Word". I won't require you to build a character that doesn't die when something looks at it.&nbsp; If you think it is more fun to be squishy, then be squishy.&nbsp; It just is very strongly recommended against to go into battle naked unless going into battle naked gives you some benefit (Avengers or Barbarians for example and even barbs wear hide). Please put this under items (I see it under expenses, just put the same thing in both places) That is exactly what is asked for. The damage is incorrect on Misdirected mark.&nbsp; Please correct. No worries, it is optional. See 10. 1. \ 2. Fixed (I put my extra point in intelligence) 3. Fixed 4. \ 5. Fixed 6. I will stick with my Robe of Scintillation 7. Fixed 8. Fixed (If you would like more I can probably add a bit more)&nbsp; 9. I am confused. Misdirected Mark says it is 1d8 + Cha modifier, and my Cha modifier is 4. Am I missing something? (And if Misdirected Mark is wrong, is Staggering Note wrong too?) 10. \ 11. \
Gary M said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the guild! Please put Joel H as your player name. You are missing an expertise feat.&nbsp; Please refer to the New Player Checklist for a list of applicable feats. You need to put your class features under the Class Features section As far as equipment is concerned you are missing one of the big 3 (You do not have a magical neck or cloak).&nbsp; Please buy one of those for your character. You are missing your class bonus to defense You do not currently have your armor equipped. To equip your armor, put the bonus AC you gain from your armor, not including enhancement bonus, on the section under quick lookup for armor. In your attack and damage breakdown you seem to indicate you have a magic crossbow, but there is not one listed on your sheet. In your damage breakdown you have a 'misc' of +1 and +3. What are these from? I do not see the "Natural Linguist" racial feature listed in the compendium.&nbsp; How are you gaining 3 additional languages past common? In your breakdown you want to have things labeled "Ranged Basic Attack" and "Melee Basic Attack". Optional: You do not have a mechanical background selected.&nbsp; This may be something to look into in order to pick up some extra languages. Optional: You do not have a Theme selected. This may be something to look into in order to pick up some extra languages. Please respond to the list of corrections in a similar format by quoting this post. Quoting myself due to formatting on your response. You did not do this. Toughness is not one of the feats listed on the new player checklist as an expertise feat.&nbsp; You can recognize an expertise feat as it will have the word "Expertise" in the name under most circumstances.&nbsp; Please refer to the new player checklist for the link that contains all the feats.&nbsp; Just pick one from the list you think applies to you. Check You need to equip your necklace of keys (give the bonus to the skill it gives a bonus to and give the enhancement bonus to your defenses.&nbsp; Also take this moment to move the +1 enhancement you had under Will to another area). Check Check You show a +1 feat bonus to hit and damage with your shortsword.&nbsp; What feat did you take to gives you a +1 feat bonus to attack and damage?&nbsp; You also did not label your attack and damage workspace as Melee basic attack and ranged basic attack.&nbsp; Where you have your melee basic attack and ranged basic attack listed you show a 1d8 for your ranged attack, what weapon are you using that is a 1d8 at range? Please don't write 'fixed' when asked for an explanation.&nbsp; It is also not fixed. First, use the compendium.&nbsp; Second the eberron book contains the following entry which does not mention Linguist.&nbsp; Maybe you are looking at a wiki (don't do that, they are very unreliable) or a different edition (things frequently change between editions): There are differences between short sword and dagger.&nbsp; You aren't using a dagger currently and are using a shortsword.&nbsp; I'm not sure why you mention daggers on a character with a magic shortsword who doesn't have a dagger on his sheet and does have the bonuses for a hand crossbow listed but doesn't have a hand crossbow. What you added seems to be a backstory instead of a mechanical background.&nbsp; Please refer to the link in the New Player Checklist for a list of mechanical backgrounds.&nbsp; Or go to the Backgrounds section in the compendium and select one from there that you like. Again, this is a backstory and not a theme.&nbsp; Please check the themes listed under "Character Themes" in the compendium.&nbsp; These are not required, however many people will find that they are useful for fleshing out a character. Please respond in list form to the listed corrections.&nbsp; I think there might be some confusion on resources here.&nbsp; If you are using things other than the compendium from the Basic Rules and not following along using the list and links in the New Player Checklist you are making this process needlessly hard on yourself. Ok sorry for the confusion on my part. I will keep trying. 1. I changed it and saved this time. I promise lol 2. I replaced toughness with Lightblade expertise. 4. I put the enhancement bonus for the necklace of keys in fortitude, reflex and will. I get a racial bonus to will from changeling&nbsp;race, do I put that in the misc box for will? 7.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg&nbsp;for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk&nbsp;and dmg with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+3dmg with the shortsword&nbsp;and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. 8. My mistake I have purchased a basic non-magical&nbsp;short bow&nbsp;and 20 arrows. This is where I was getting my 1d8 from I forgot to put it in my equipment. 9. You are correct I looked up the portable compendium and took out linguist and corrected my languages. 10. I changed the nomenclature in the quick look up to basic melee and&nbsp;basic ranged attack and I&nbsp;added the short bow&nbsp;and arrows and subtracted the gold. 11. I added the raised by another mechanical background from the compendium so I could add elven to my languages. 12. I chose the spy theme from the compendium and listed the available powers. Sorry for being difficult, I am not trying to be.
Theodore&nbsp; 1. \ 2. Fixed (I put my extra point in intelligence) 3. Fixed 4. \ 5. Fixed 6. I will stick with my Robe of Scintillation 7. Fixed 8. Fixed (If you would like more I can probably add a bit more)&nbsp; 9. I am confused. Misdirected Mark says it is 1d8 + Cha modifier, and my Cha modifier is 4. Am I missing something? (And if Misdirected Mark is wrong, is Staggering Note wrong too?) 10. \ 11. \ 2. The point being made is that, if you want extra dex, starting with extra dex is better.&nbsp; Again, if you read the explanation it makes sense.&nbsp; The short version is that 1 point from 12 to 13 in character generation is worth less than getting from 15 to 16.&nbsp; So you could make your dex higher than 13 if you wanted by starting with higher dex and putting the point in int.&nbsp; What you have now isn't wrong, but I want to make sure you get why I was making such a stink about it. 3. Check 5.&nbsp; Keep reading, still missing two class features. 6. K 8. Cool.&nbsp; Liked the backstory. 9.&nbsp; This is why I pointed it out. Because the damage bonus is different from Staggering Note to Misdirected Mark.&nbsp; One doesn't have a damage roll, one has a damage roll.&nbsp; This means one of them gets a lot more bonuses than the other. Once you get your class features finished and Misdirected Mark damage bonus updated we can move on to journal.&nbsp; Almost there.
Joel H. said: Ok sorry for the confusion on my part. I will keep trying. 1. I changed it and saved this time. I promise lol 2. I replaced toughness with Lightblade expertise. 4. I put the enhancement bonus for the necklace of keys in fortitude, reflex and will. I get a racial bonus to will from changeling&nbsp;race, do I put that in the misc box for will? 7.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg&nbsp;for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk&nbsp;and dmg with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+3dmg with the shortsword&nbsp;and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. 8. My mistake I have purchased a basic non-magical&nbsp;short bow&nbsp;and 20 arrows. This is where I was getting my 1d8 from I forgot to put it in my equipment. 9. You are correct I looked up the portable compendium and took out linguist and corrected my languages. 10. I changed the nomenclature in the quick look up to basic melee and&nbsp;basic ranged attack and I&nbsp;added the short bow&nbsp;and arrows and subtracted the gold. 11. I added the raised by another mechanical background from the compendium so I could add elven to my languages. 12. I chose the spy theme from the compendium and listed the available powers. Sorry for being difficult, I am not trying to be. No worries.&nbsp; Just trying to get your character finished with as little hair pulling as possible. Check Check, although you dont need to put your class features there you will run out of room. -- That works -- -- I'm not sure I can say this any other way.&nbsp; If your Ability 1 in the attack workspace isn't Melee Basic Attack and your Ability 2 in the attack workspace isn't Ranged Basic attack, change it to be those things. Light Blade Expertise gives you a bonus to attack and a conditional bonus to damage.&nbsp; Since its only a sometimes bonus to damage, don't include it.&nbsp; Your class feature does not give you a feat bonus to damage (it would say +2 Feat bonus to damage rolls) So it goes under Misc. You don't need to purchase mundane equipment, just label that you have it is all.&nbsp; So keep it on the sheet, but give yourself back the money you spent on it.&nbsp; Everything that isn't magic, within reason, is free (so feel free to take a shortbow or a few daggers, but no three mast galleon). Check (Still not in the attack and damage workspace, also refund the gold) Excellent.&nbsp; And the benefit is clearly labeled, 10/10. Cool.&nbsp; Keep in mind the Skulking Spy power is the only one you get for free (if you want the level 2 utility for example you have to choose that INSTEAD of your other U2.)&nbsp; You also want to put Skulking Spy in your powers section.&nbsp; Also Backstab is not at-will.&nbsp; Please label your Fleeting Ghost Utility 2 (Or Utility 2 At-will). Almost done, just a couple more things and you will be squared away.
Gary M said: Joel H. said: Ok sorry for the confusion on my part. I will keep trying. 1. I changed it and saved this time. I promise lol 2. I replaced toughness with Lightblade expertise. 4. I put the enhancement bonus for the necklace of keys in fortitude, reflex and will. I get a racial bonus to will from changeling&nbsp;race, do I put that in the misc box for will? 7.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg&nbsp;for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk&nbsp;and dmg with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+3dmg with the shortsword&nbsp;and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. 8. My mistake I have purchased a basic non-magical&nbsp;short bow&nbsp;and 20 arrows. This is where I was getting my 1d8 from I forgot to put it in my equipment. 9. You are correct I looked up the portable compendium and took out linguist and corrected my languages. 10. I changed the nomenclature in the quick look up to basic melee and&nbsp;basic ranged attack and I&nbsp;added the short bow&nbsp;and arrows and subtracted the gold. 11. I added the raised by another mechanical background from the compendium so I could add elven to my languages. 12. I chose the spy theme from the compendium and listed the available powers. Sorry for being difficult, I am not trying to be. No worries.&nbsp; Just trying to get your character finished with as little hair pulling as possible. Check Check, although you dont need to put your class features there you will run out of room. -- That works -- -- I'm not sure I can say this any other way.&nbsp; If your Ability 1 in the attack workspace isn't Melee Basic Attack and your Ability 2 in the attack workspace isn't Ranged Basic attack, change it to be those things. Light Blade Expertise gives you a bonus to attack and a conditional bonus to damage.&nbsp; Since its only a sometimes bonus to damage, don't include it.&nbsp; Your class feature does not give you a feat bonus to damage (it would say +2 Feat bonus to damage rolls) So it goes under Misc. You don't need to purchase mundane equipment, just label that you have it is all.&nbsp; So keep it on the sheet, but give yourself back the money you spent on it.&nbsp; Everything that isn't magic, within reason, is free (so feel free to take a shortbow or a few daggers, but no three mast galleon). Check (Still not in the attack and damage workspace, also refund the gold) Excellent.&nbsp; And the benefit is clearly labeled, 10/10. Cool.&nbsp; Keep in mind the Skulking Spy power is the only one you get for free (if you want the level 2 utility for example you have to choose that INSTEAD of your other U2.)&nbsp; You also want to put Skulking Spy in your powers section.&nbsp; Also Backstab is not at-will.&nbsp; Please label your Fleeting Ghost Utility 2 (Or Utility 2 At-will). Almost done, just a couple more things and you will be squared away. 2 ok took class features out. 7. Ahh I was looking in the wrong area of the worksheet. I changed it and moved the bonus to misc. 10. refer to 7 12. ok I put skulking spy in my powers and switched out fleeting ghost with spy recovery. I think it will benefit me more please give me your opinion on this.&nbsp; I think that is everything and thanks for all your help

Edited 1516729180
Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Ok sorry for the confusion on my part. I will keep trying. 1. I changed it and saved this time. I promise lol 2. I replaced toughness with Lightblade expertise. 4. I put the enhancement bonus for the necklace of keys in fortitude, reflex and will. I get a racial bonus to will from changeling&nbsp;race, do I put that in the misc box for will? 7.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg&nbsp;for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk&nbsp;and dmg with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+3dmg with the shortsword&nbsp;and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. 8. My mistake I have purchased a basic non-magical&nbsp;short bow&nbsp;and 20 arrows. This is where I was getting my 1d8 from I forgot to put it in my equipment. 9. You are correct I looked up the portable compendium and took out linguist and corrected my languages. 10. I changed the nomenclature in the quick look up to basic melee and&nbsp;basic ranged attack and I&nbsp;added the short bow&nbsp;and arrows and subtracted the gold. 11. I added the raised by another mechanical background from the compendium so I could add elven to my languages. 12. I chose the spy theme from the compendium and listed the available powers. Sorry for being difficult, I am not trying to be. No worries.&nbsp; Just trying to get your character finished with as little hair pulling as possible. Check Check, although you dont need to put your class features there you will run out of room. -- That works -- -- I'm not sure I can say this any other way.&nbsp; If your Ability 1 in the attack workspace isn't Melee Basic Attack and your Ability 2 in the attack workspace isn't Ranged Basic attack, change it to be those things. Light Blade Expertise gives you a bonus to attack and a conditional bonus to damage.&nbsp; Since its only a sometimes bonus to damage, don't include it.&nbsp; Your class feature does not give you a feat bonus to damage (it would say +2 Feat bonus to damage rolls) So it goes under Misc. You don't need to purchase mundane equipment, just label that you have it is all.&nbsp; So keep it on the sheet, but give yourself back the money you spent on it.&nbsp; Everything that isn't magic, within reason, is free (so feel free to take a shortbow or a few daggers, but no three mast galleon). Check (Still not in the attack and damage workspace, also refund the gold) Excellent.&nbsp; And the benefit is clearly labeled, 10/10. Cool.&nbsp; Keep in mind the Skulking Spy power is the only one you get for free (if you want the level 2 utility for example you have to choose that INSTEAD of your other U2.)&nbsp; You also want to put Skulking Spy in your powers section.&nbsp; Also Backstab is not at-will.&nbsp; Please label your Fleeting Ghost Utility 2 (Or Utility 2 At-will). Almost done, just a couple more things and you will be squared away. 2 ok took class features out. 7. Ahh I was looking in the wrong area of the worksheet. I changed it and moved the bonus to misc. 10. refer to 7 12. ok I put skulking spy in my powers and switched out fleeting ghost with spy recovery. I think it will benefit me more please give me your opinion on this.&nbsp; I think that is everything and thanks for all your help 2. Cool. 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace?&nbsp; If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong.&nbsp; You also still have a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls. 12.&nbsp; This is fine. We don't really give opinions very often on the thread.&nbsp; I'm just trying to get your character correct, not get it to be good.&nbsp; As long as you hit the baseline for 'functioning character' (which you clearly do), I don't give opinions on stuff.&nbsp; Feel free to ask in guild chat or build chat though. Edit: 13.&nbsp; Did you change your HP total?&nbsp; Because it is now incorrect.&nbsp; Please breakdown your HP for me in the center box. Also, if we snip parts of the responses for space, please repost the link to your sheet.
Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Ok sorry for the confusion on my part. I will keep trying. 1. I changed it and saved this time. I promise lol 2. I replaced toughness with Lightblade expertise. 4. I put the enhancement bonus for the necklace of keys in fortitude, reflex and will. I get a racial bonus to will from changeling&nbsp;race, do I put that in the misc box for will? 7.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg&nbsp;for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk&nbsp;and dmg with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+3dmg with the shortsword&nbsp;and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. 8. My mistake I have purchased a basic non-magical&nbsp;short bow&nbsp;and 20 arrows. This is where I was getting my 1d8 from I forgot to put it in my equipment. 9. You are correct I looked up the portable compendium and took out linguist and corrected my languages. 10. I changed the nomenclature in the quick look up to basic melee and&nbsp;basic ranged attack and I&nbsp;added the short bow&nbsp;and arrows and subtracted the gold. 11. I added the raised by another mechanical background from the compendium so I could add elven to my languages. 12. I chose the spy theme from the compendium and listed the available powers. Sorry for being difficult, I am not trying to be. No worries.&nbsp; Just trying to get your character finished with as little hair pulling as possible. Check Check, although you dont need to put your class features there you will run out of room. -- That works -- -- I'm not sure I can say this any other way.&nbsp; If your Ability 1 in the attack workspace isn't Melee Basic Attack and your Ability 2 in the attack workspace isn't Ranged Basic attack, change it to be those things. Light Blade Expertise gives you a bonus to attack and a conditional bonus to damage.&nbsp; Since its only a sometimes bonus to damage, don't include it.&nbsp; Your class feature does not give you a feat bonus to damage (it would say +2 Feat bonus to damage rolls) So it goes under Misc. You don't need to purchase mundane equipment, just label that you have it is all.&nbsp; So keep it on the sheet, but give yourself back the money you spent on it.&nbsp; Everything that isn't magic, within reason, is free (so feel free to take a shortbow or a few daggers, but no three mast galleon). Check (Still not in the attack and damage workspace, also refund the gold) Excellent.&nbsp; And the benefit is clearly labeled, 10/10. Cool.&nbsp; Keep in mind the Skulking Spy power is the only one you get for free (if you want the level 2 utility for example you have to choose that INSTEAD of your other U2.)&nbsp; You also want to put Skulking Spy in your powers section.&nbsp; Also Backstab is not at-will.&nbsp; Please label your Fleeting Ghost Utility 2 (Or Utility 2 At-will). Almost done, just a couple more things and you will be squared away. 2 ok took class features out. 7. Ahh I was looking in the wrong area of the worksheet. I changed it and moved the bonus to misc. 10. refer to 7 12. ok I put skulking spy in my powers and switched out fleeting ghost with spy recovery. I think it will benefit me more please give me your opinion on this.&nbsp; I think that is everything and thanks for all your help 2. Cool. 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace?&nbsp; If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong.&nbsp; You also still have a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls. 12.&nbsp; This is fine. We don't really give opinions very often on the thread.&nbsp; I'm just trying to get your character correct, not get it to be good.&nbsp; As long as you hit the baseline for 'functioning character' (which you clearly do), I don't give opinions on stuff.&nbsp; Feel free to ask in guild chat or build chat though. Edit: 13.&nbsp; Did you change your HP total?&nbsp; Because it is now incorrect.&nbsp; Please breakdown your HP for me in the center box. Also, if we snip parts of the responses for space, please repost the link to your sheet. 7. In the attack workspace under abil&nbsp;1 it says melee basic and under abil&nbsp;2 it says ranged basic. 13. posted my hit points the way I figured it in the stat box. Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Ok sorry for the confusion on my part. I will keep trying. 1. I changed it and saved this time. I promise lol 2. I replaced toughness with Lightblade expertise. 4. I put the enhancement bonus for the necklace of keys in fortitude, reflex and will. I get a racial bonus to will from changeling&nbsp;race, do I put that in the misc box for will? 7.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg&nbsp;for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk&nbsp;and dmg with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+3dmg with the shortsword&nbsp;and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. 8. My mistake I have purchased a basic non-magical&nbsp;short bow&nbsp;and 20 arrows. This is where I was getting my 1d8 from I forgot to put it in my equipment. 9. You are correct I looked up the portable compendium and took out linguist and corrected my languages. 10. I changed the nomenclature in the quick look up to basic melee and&nbsp;basic ranged attack and I&nbsp;added the short bow&nbsp;and arrows and subtracted the gold. 11. I added the raised by another mechanical background from the compendium so I could add elven to my languages. 12. I chose the spy theme from the compendium and listed the available powers. Sorry for being difficult, I am not trying to be. No worries.&nbsp; Just trying to get your character finished with as little hair pulling as possible. Check Check, although you dont need to put your class features there you will run out of room. -- That works -- -- I'm not sure I can say this any other way.&nbsp; If your Ability 1 in the attack workspace isn't Melee Basic Attack and your Ability 2 in the attack workspace isn't Ranged Basic attack, change it to be those things. Light Blade Expertise gives you a bonus to attack and a conditional bonus to damage.&nbsp; Since its only a sometimes bonus to damage, don't include it.&nbsp; Your class feature does not give you a feat bonus to damage (it would say +2 Feat bonus to damage rolls) So it goes under Misc. You don't need to purchase mundane equipment, just label that you have it is all.&nbsp; So keep it on the sheet, but give yourself back the money you spent on it.&nbsp; Everything that isn't magic, within reason, is free (so feel free to take a shortbow or a few daggers, but no three mast galleon). Check (Still not in the attack and damage workspace, also refund the gold) Excellent.&nbsp; And the benefit is clearly labeled, 10/10. Cool.&nbsp; Keep in mind the Skulking Spy power is the only one you get for free (if you want the level 2 utility for example you have to choose that INSTEAD of your other U2.)&nbsp; You also want to put Skulking Spy in your powers section.&nbsp; Also Backstab is not at-will.&nbsp; Please label your Fleeting Ghost Utility 2 (Or Utility 2 At-will). Almost done, just a couple more things and you will be squared away. 2 ok took class features out. 7. Ahh I was looking in the wrong area of the worksheet. I changed it and moved the bonus to misc. 10. refer to 7 12. ok I put skulking spy in my powers and switched out fleeting ghost with spy recovery. I think it will benefit me more please give me your opinion on this.&nbsp; I think that is everything and thanks for all your help 2. Cool. 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace?&nbsp; If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong.&nbsp; You also still have a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls. 12.&nbsp; This is fine. We don't really give opinions very often on the thread.&nbsp; I'm just trying to get your character correct, not get it to be good.&nbsp; As long as you hit the baseline for 'functioning character' (which you clearly do), I don't give opinions on stuff.&nbsp; Feel free to ask in guild chat or build chat though. Edit: 13.&nbsp; Did you change your HP total?&nbsp; Because it is now incorrect.&nbsp; Please breakdown your HP for me in the center box. Also, if we snip parts of the responses for space, please repost the link to your sheet. 7. In the attack workspace under abil&nbsp;1 it says melee basic and under abil&nbsp;2 it says ranged basic. 13. posted my hit points the way I figured it in the stat box. Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp; Add your con score to your hp.
Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Ok sorry for the confusion on my part. I will keep trying. 1. I changed it and saved this time. I promise lol 2. I replaced toughness with Lightblade expertise. 4. I put the enhancement bonus for the necklace of keys in fortitude, reflex and will. I get a racial bonus to will from changeling&nbsp;race, do I put that in the misc box for will? 7.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg&nbsp;for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk&nbsp;and dmg with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+3dmg with the shortsword&nbsp;and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. 8. My mistake I have purchased a basic non-magical&nbsp;short bow&nbsp;and 20 arrows. This is where I was getting my 1d8 from I forgot to put it in my equipment. 9. You are correct I looked up the portable compendium and took out linguist and corrected my languages. 10. I changed the nomenclature in the quick look up to basic melee and&nbsp;basic ranged attack and I&nbsp;added the short bow&nbsp;and arrows and subtracted the gold. 11. I added the raised by another mechanical background from the compendium so I could add elven to my languages. 12. I chose the spy theme from the compendium and listed the available powers. Sorry for being difficult, I am not trying to be. No worries.&nbsp; Just trying to get your character finished with as little hair pulling as possible. Check Check, although you dont need to put your class features there you will run out of room. -- That works -- -- I'm not sure I can say this any other way.&nbsp; If your Ability 1 in the attack workspace isn't Melee Basic Attack and your Ability 2 in the attack workspace isn't Ranged Basic attack, change it to be those things. Light Blade Expertise gives you a bonus to attack and a conditional bonus to damage.&nbsp; Since its only a sometimes bonus to damage, don't include it.&nbsp; Your class feature does not give you a feat bonus to damage (it would say +2 Feat bonus to damage rolls) So it goes under Misc. You don't need to purchase mundane equipment, just label that you have it is all.&nbsp; So keep it on the sheet, but give yourself back the money you spent on it.&nbsp; Everything that isn't magic, within reason, is free (so feel free to take a shortbow or a few daggers, but no three mast galleon). Check (Still not in the attack and damage workspace, also refund the gold) Excellent.&nbsp; And the benefit is clearly labeled, 10/10. Cool.&nbsp; Keep in mind the Skulking Spy power is the only one you get for free (if you want the level 2 utility for example you have to choose that INSTEAD of your other U2.)&nbsp; You also want to put Skulking Spy in your powers section.&nbsp; Also Backstab is not at-will.&nbsp; Please label your Fleeting Ghost Utility 2 (Or Utility 2 At-will). Almost done, just a couple more things and you will be squared away. 2 ok took class features out. 7. Ahh I was looking in the wrong area of the worksheet. I changed it and moved the bonus to misc. 10. refer to 7 12. ok I put skulking spy in my powers and switched out fleeting ghost with spy recovery. I think it will benefit me more please give me your opinion on this.&nbsp; I think that is everything and thanks for all your help 2. Cool. 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace?&nbsp; If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong.&nbsp; You also still have a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls. 12.&nbsp; This is fine. We don't really give opinions very often on the thread.&nbsp; I'm just trying to get your character correct, not get it to be good.&nbsp; As long as you hit the baseline for 'functioning character' (which you clearly do), I don't give opinions on stuff.&nbsp; Feel free to ask in guild chat or build chat though. Edit: 13.&nbsp; Did you change your HP total?&nbsp; Because it is now incorrect.&nbsp; Please breakdown your HP for me in the center box. Also, if we snip parts of the responses for space, please repost the link to your sheet. 7. In the attack workspace under abil&nbsp;1 it says melee basic and under abil&nbsp;2 it says ranged basic. 13. posted my hit points the way I figured it in the stat box. Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added?
Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added? At 7 : check At 13: why are you making things more complicated? Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 New : 14a: what feat did you take that gives you a +2 bonus to attacks on your MBA? I am missing the Class bonus from Thief Weapon Talent. Thief Weapon Talent also not listed under Class features.&nbsp; 14b : what feat gives you a +1 bonus to attacks with that shortbow? Class bonus also missing. 15 : numbers in the attack workspace do not match numbers in the quick lookup 16: please move all your non-magic gear from the top right of page 2 to the bottom center of page 1.
baldhermit said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added? At 7 : check At 13: why are you making things more complicated? Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 New : 14a: what feat did you take that gives you a +2 bonus to attacks on your MBA? I am missing the Class bonus from Thief Weapon Talent. Thief Weapon Talent also not listed under Class features.&nbsp; 14b : what feat gives you a +1 bonus to attacks with that shortbow? Class bonus also missing. 15 : numbers in the attack workspace do not match numbers in the quick lookup 16: please move all your non-magic gear from the top right of page 2 to the bottom center of page 1. 13. I'm not Gary&nbsp;said my hp was&nbsp;wrong so I'm&nbsp;trying to correct them. I agree with what you have and that is what I had. 14 A and B As I stated before to gary&nbsp;.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+2dmg with the shortsword and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. Moved thieves weapon talent. 15. Adjusted the numbers in the quick look up to match. 16. moved all non-magical gear.
Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added? At 7 : check At 13: why are you making things more complicated? Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 New : 14a: what feat did you take that gives you a +2 bonus to attacks on your MBA? I am missing the Class bonus from Thief Weapon Talent. Thief Weapon Talent also not listed under Class features.&nbsp; 14b : what feat gives you a +1 bonus to attacks with that shortbow? Class bonus also missing. 15 : numbers in the attack workspace do not match numbers in the quick lookup 16: please move all your non-magic gear from the top right of page 2 to the bottom center of page 1. 13. I'm not Gary&nbsp;said my hp was&nbsp;wrong so I'm&nbsp;trying to correct them. I agree with what you have and that is what I had. 14 A and B As I stated before to gary&nbsp;.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+2dmg with the shortsword and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. Moved thieves weapon talent. 15. Adjusted the numbers in the quick look up to match. 16. moved all non-magical gear. At 13 : your current HP as listed on your sheet does not follow the formula i gave you earlier. Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 At 14. Thief Weapon Talents benefit is not listed in your attack calculations. There is an incorrect feat bonus to your MBA and RBA both (even though they are different, they are both incorrect) At 15 : check At 16 : thank you
baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added? At 7 : check At 13: why are you making things more complicated? Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 New : 14a: what feat did you take that gives you a +2 bonus to attacks on your MBA? I am missing the Class bonus from Thief Weapon Talent. Thief Weapon Talent also not listed under Class features.&nbsp; 14b : what feat gives you a +1 bonus to attacks with that shortbow? Class bonus also missing. 15 : numbers in the attack workspace do not match numbers in the quick lookup 16: please move all your non-magic gear from the top right of page 2 to the bottom center of page 1. 13. I'm not Gary&nbsp;said my hp was&nbsp;wrong so I'm&nbsp;trying to correct them. I agree with what you have and that is what I had. 14 A and B As I stated before to gary&nbsp;.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+2dmg with the shortsword and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. Moved thieves weapon talent. 15. Adjusted the numbers in the quick look up to match. 16. moved all non-magical gear. At 13 : your current HP as listed on your sheet does not follow the formula i gave you earlier. Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 At 14. Thief Weapon Talents benefit is not listed in your attack calculations. There is an incorrect feat bonus to your MBA and RBA both (even though they are different, they are both incorrect) At 15 : check At 16 : thank you 13. hp corrected as above 14. thieves weapon talent and weapon finesse are showing in the misc for attack and damage workspaces and light blade&nbsp;expertise is showing in feats. I'm not sure what else I'm missing.
Gary M said: Theodore&nbsp; 1. \ 2. Fixed (I put my extra point in intelligence) 3. Fixed 4. \ 5. Fixed 6. I will stick with my Robe of Scintillation 7. Fixed 8. Fixed (If you would like more I can probably add a bit more)&nbsp; 9. I am confused. Misdirected Mark says it is 1d8 + Cha modifier, and my Cha modifier is 4. Am I missing something? (And if Misdirected Mark is wrong, is Staggering Note wrong too?) 10. \ 11. \ 2. The point being made is that, if you want extra dex, starting with extra dex is better.&nbsp; Again, if you read the explanation it makes sense.&nbsp; The short version is that 1 point from 12 to 13 in character generation is worth less than getting from 15 to 16.&nbsp; So you could make your dex higher than 13 if you wanted by starting with higher dex and putting the point in int.&nbsp; What you have now isn't wrong, but I want to make sure you get why I was making such a stink about it. 3. Check 5.&nbsp; Keep reading, still missing two class features. 6. K 8. Cool.&nbsp; Liked the backstory. 9.&nbsp; This is why I pointed it out. Because the damage bonus is different from Staggering Note to Misdirected Mark.&nbsp; One doesn't have a damage roll, one has a damage roll.&nbsp; This means one of them gets a lot more bonuses than the other. Once you get your class features finished and Misdirected Mark damage bonus updated we can move on to journal.&nbsp; Almost there. 2. I will stick with Int 3. \ 5. Fixed 6. \ 8. \ 9. Fixed (I think) Here is the link for my character:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added? At 7 : check At 13: why are you making things more complicated? Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 New : 14a: what feat did you take that gives you a +2 bonus to attacks on your MBA? I am missing the Class bonus from Thief Weapon Talent. Thief Weapon Talent also not listed under Class features.&nbsp; 14b : what feat gives you a +1 bonus to attacks with that shortbow? Class bonus also missing. 15 : numbers in the attack workspace do not match numbers in the quick lookup 16: please move all your non-magic gear from the top right of page 2 to the bottom center of page 1. 13. I'm not Gary&nbsp;said my hp was&nbsp;wrong so I'm&nbsp;trying to correct them. I agree with what you have and that is what I had. 14 A and B As I stated before to gary&nbsp;.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+2dmg with the shortsword and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. Moved thieves weapon talent. 15. Adjusted the numbers in the quick look up to match. 16. moved all non-magical gear. At 13 : your current HP as listed on your sheet does not follow the formula i gave you earlier. Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 At 14. Thief Weapon Talents benefit is not listed in your attack calculations. There is an incorrect feat bonus to your MBA and RBA both (even though they are different, they are both incorrect) At 15 : check At 16 : thank you 13. hp corrected as above 14. thieves weapon talent and weapon finesse are showing in the misc for attack and damage workspaces and light blade&nbsp;expertise is showing in feats. I'm not sure what else I'm missing. At 13: 32 does not equal 'constitution score + 12 + 5+5+5+5' At 14 :&nbsp;Thief Weapon Talent is a class bonus. Place it in the correct box please
Theodore D. said: Gary M said: Theodore&nbsp; 1. \ 2. Fixed (I put my extra point in intelligence) 3. Fixed 4. \ 5. Fixed 6. I will stick with my Robe of Scintillation 7. Fixed 8. Fixed (If you would like more I can probably add a bit more)&nbsp; 9. I am confused. Misdirected Mark says it is 1d8 + Cha modifier, and my Cha modifier is 4. Am I missing something? (And if Misdirected Mark is wrong, is Staggering Note wrong too?) 10. \ 11. \ 2. The point being made is that, if you want extra dex, starting with extra dex is better.&nbsp; Again, if you read the explanation it makes sense.&nbsp; The short version is that 1 point from 12 to 13 in character generation is worth less than getting from 15 to 16.&nbsp; So you could make your dex higher than 13 if you wanted by starting with higher dex and putting the point in int.&nbsp; What you have now isn't wrong, but I want to make sure you get why I was making such a stink about it. 3. Check 5.&nbsp; Keep reading, still missing two class features. 6. K 8. Cool.&nbsp; Liked the backstory. 9.&nbsp; This is why I pointed it out. Because the damage bonus is different from Staggering Note to Misdirected Mark.&nbsp; One doesn't have a damage roll, one has a damage roll.&nbsp; This means one of them gets a lot more bonuses than the other. Once you get your class features finished and Misdirected Mark damage bonus updated we can move on to journal.&nbsp; Almost there. 2. I will stick with Int 3. \ 5. Fixed 6. \ 8. \ 9. Fixed (I think) Here is the link for my character:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Done.&nbsp; Hit Launch Game and open up your journal on the right hand side.&nbsp; You will see a journal waiting for you.&nbsp; Fill it out and let someone know in chat when you are ready for us to check your macros.
baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added? At 7 : check At 13: why are you making things more complicated? Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 New : 14a: what feat did you take that gives you a +2 bonus to attacks on your MBA? I am missing the Class bonus from Thief Weapon Talent. Thief Weapon Talent also not listed under Class features.&nbsp; 14b : what feat gives you a +1 bonus to attacks with that shortbow? Class bonus also missing. 15 : numbers in the attack workspace do not match numbers in the quick lookup 16: please move all your non-magic gear from the top right of page 2 to the bottom center of page 1. 13. I'm not Gary&nbsp;said my hp was&nbsp;wrong so I'm&nbsp;trying to correct them. I agree with what you have and that is what I had. 14 A and B As I stated before to gary&nbsp;.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+2dmg with the shortsword and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. Moved thieves weapon talent. 15. Adjusted the numbers in the quick look up to match. 16. moved all non-magical gear. At 13 : your current HP as listed on your sheet does not follow the formula i gave you earlier. Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 At 14. Thief Weapon Talents benefit is not listed in your attack calculations. There is an incorrect feat bonus to your MBA and RBA both (even though they are different, they are both incorrect) At 15 : check At 16 : thank you 13. hp corrected as above 14. thieves weapon talent and weapon finesse are showing in the misc for attack and damage workspaces and light blade&nbsp;expertise is showing in feats. I'm not sure what else I'm missing. At 13: 32 does not equal 'constitution score + 12 + 5+5+5+5' At 14 :&nbsp;Thief Weapon Talent is a class bonus. Place it in the correct box please at13 ok changed&nbsp; 14 moved the bonus from feat to class box
Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added? At 7 : check At 13: why are you making things more complicated? Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 New : 14a: what feat did you take that gives you a +2 bonus to attacks on your MBA? I am missing the Class bonus from Thief Weapon Talent. Thief Weapon Talent also not listed under Class features.&nbsp; 14b : what feat gives you a +1 bonus to attacks with that shortbow? Class bonus also missing. 15 : numbers in the attack workspace do not match numbers in the quick lookup 16: please move all your non-magic gear from the top right of page 2 to the bottom center of page 1. 13. I'm not Gary&nbsp;said my hp was&nbsp;wrong so I'm&nbsp;trying to correct them. I agree with what you have and that is what I had. 14 A and B As I stated before to gary&nbsp;.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+2dmg with the shortsword and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. Moved thieves weapon talent. 15. Adjusted the numbers in the quick look up to match. 16. moved all non-magical gear. At 13 : your current HP as listed on your sheet does not follow the formula i gave you earlier. Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 At 14. Thief Weapon Talents benefit is not listed in your attack calculations. There is an incorrect feat bonus to your MBA and RBA both (even though they are different, they are both incorrect) At 15 : check At 16 : thank you 13. hp corrected as above 14. thieves weapon talent and weapon finesse are showing in the misc for attack and damage workspaces and light blade&nbsp;expertise is showing in feats. I'm not sure what else I'm missing. At 13: 32 does not equal 'constitution score + 12 + 5+5+5+5' At 14 :&nbsp;Thief Weapon Talent is a class bonus. Place it in the correct box please at13 ok changed&nbsp; 14 moved the bonus from feat to class box Joel, if you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, I would ask you to please contact a DM to get added. My handle is baldhermit. At 13 : check At 14 : where does the +1 miscellaneous bonus to attack for both the MBA and RBA come from? Why is there no class bonus to attack for the RBA with the shortbow ?
baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added? At 7 : check At 13: why are you making things more complicated? Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 New : 14a: what feat did you take that gives you a +2 bonus to attacks on your MBA? I am missing the Class bonus from Thief Weapon Talent. Thief Weapon Talent also not listed under Class features.&nbsp; 14b : what feat gives you a +1 bonus to attacks with that shortbow? Class bonus also missing. 15 : numbers in the attack workspace do not match numbers in the quick lookup 16: please move all your non-magic gear from the top right of page 2 to the bottom center of page 1. 13. I'm not Gary&nbsp;said my hp was&nbsp;wrong so I'm&nbsp;trying to correct them. I agree with what you have and that is what I had. 14 A and B As I stated before to gary&nbsp;.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+2dmg with the shortsword and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. Moved thieves weapon talent. 15. Adjusted the numbers in the quick look up to match. 16. moved all non-magical gear. At 13 : your current HP as listed on your sheet does not follow the formula i gave you earlier. Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 At 14. Thief Weapon Talents benefit is not listed in your attack calculations. There is an incorrect feat bonus to your MBA and RBA both (even though they are different, they are both incorrect) At 15 : check At 16 : thank you 13. hp corrected as above 14. thieves weapon talent and weapon finesse are showing in the misc for attack and damage workspaces and light blade&nbsp;expertise is showing in feats. I'm not sure what else I'm missing. At 13: 32 does not equal 'constitution score + 12 + 5+5+5+5' At 14 :&nbsp;Thief Weapon Talent is a class bonus. Place it in the correct box please at13 ok changed&nbsp; 14 moved the bonus from feat to class box Joel, if you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, I would ask you to please contact a DM to get added. My handle is baldhermit. At 13 : check At 14 : where does the +1 miscellaneous bonus to attack for both the MBA and RBA come from? Why is there no class bonus to attack for the RBA with the shortbow ? 14. ok my bad my thieves weapon talent I put in misc instead of class. I moved it. I apologize for the confusion on the hp. The last time I played (20years ago) 1st level characters didn't start with so many hp.
Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: baldhermit said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Gary M said: Joel H. said: Here is a link to my character <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 7. Could you tell me what it says for "Ability 1" and "Ability 2" for damage workspace ? If your answer isn't "Melee Basic Attack" and "Ranged Basic Attack" you are doing something wrong 13.&nbsp; You forgot to include your constitution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Add your con score to your hp 7. oops ok I changed it to melee basic and ranged basic. 13. my con is 11 but under mod 1/2 lvl&nbsp;it has +2. I am unsure how to add that? would that be +2/level from 2-5 for a total of 8 hp added? At 7 : check At 13: why are you making things more complicated? Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 New : 14a: what feat did you take that gives you a +2 bonus to attacks on your MBA? I am missing the Class bonus from Thief Weapon Talent. Thief Weapon Talent also not listed under Class features.&nbsp; 14b : what feat gives you a +1 bonus to attacks with that shortbow? Class bonus also missing. 15 : numbers in the attack workspace do not match numbers in the quick lookup 16: please move all your non-magic gear from the top right of page 2 to the bottom center of page 1. 13. I'm not Gary&nbsp;said my hp was&nbsp;wrong so I'm&nbsp;trying to correct them. I agree with what you have and that is what I had. 14 A and B As I stated before to gary&nbsp;.let me check this Weapon finesse gives me my dex bonus instead of str and +2 dmg for light blades and short bows. Thieves weapon talent gives me +1 to attack with light blades and short bows. Light blade expertise gives me +1 bonus to atk with light blades. so this should give me +2 atk/+2dmg with the shortsword and +1atk/+2dmg with the short bow. Moved thieves weapon talent. 15. Adjusted the numbers in the quick look up to match. 16. moved all non-magical gear. At 13 : your current HP as listed on your sheet does not follow the formula i gave you earlier. Constitution score + 12 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 At 14. Thief Weapon Talents benefit is not listed in your attack calculations. There is an incorrect feat bonus to your MBA and RBA both (even though they are different, they are both incorrect) At 15 : check At 16 : thank you 13. hp corrected as above 14. thieves weapon talent and weapon finesse are showing in the misc for attack and damage workspaces and light blade&nbsp;expertise is showing in feats. I'm not sure what else I'm missing. At 13: 32 does not equal 'constitution score + 12 + 5+5+5+5' At 14 :&nbsp;Thief Weapon Talent is a class bonus. Place it in the correct box please at13 ok changed&nbsp; 14 moved the bonus from feat to class box Joel, if you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, I would ask you to please contact a DM to get added. My handle is baldhermit. At 13 : check At 14 : where does the +1 miscellaneous bonus to attack for both the MBA and RBA come from? Why is there no class bonus to attack for the RBA with the shortbow ? 14. ok my bad my thieves weapon talent I put in misc instead of class. I moved it. I apologize for the confusion on the hp. The last time I played (20years ago) 1st level characters didn't start with so many hp. I am amazed by your ability to still have the attack calculation incorrect. Thief Weapon Talent gives you a +1 class bonus to attacks. Why is there a +2 listed for your MBA? Then light blade expertise gives you a feat bonus to attacks with, you guessed it, light blades, and that is now suddenly missing. Please assume very few rules are the same between AD&D and 4th edition. Take your time to go over your sheet, and do not reply today.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
13Sins said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi 13, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. If you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Implement attack powers do not get to add the proficiency bonus of the weapon wielded to make the attack to the attack bonus gained. As such, the calculation for Staggering Note is incorrect. 2) Under Coins and Wealth, please give us a breakdown of your expenses 3) Please move non-magical gear to the center bottom of page 1, rather than listed on the top right of page 2 4) I do not know what language Sylvan is Please review above and reply by using the Quote function. Please use the same number indicators to let us know what, if anything, you changed. Mostly these are minor things, this is a pretty good sheet for a first attempt.
baldhermit said: 13Sins said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi 13, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. If you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Implement attack powers do not get to add the proficiency bonus of the weapon wielded to make the attack to the attack bonus gained. As such, the calculation for Staggering Note is incorrect. 2) Under Coins and Wealth, please give us a breakdown of your expenses 3) Please move non-magical gear to the center bottom of page 1, rather than listed on the top right of page 2 4) I do not know what language Sylvan is Please review above and reply by using the Quote function. Please use the same number indicators to let us know what, if anything, you changed. Mostly these are minor things, this is a pretty good sheet for a first attempt. Hi Baldhermit, I had not yet contacted a DM via skype to get added when I first posted the character sheet. I have, at this point. sent you a message via skype regarding joining the campaign's skype chat, hopefully it worked. I have not used skype in several years so I'm in the process of re-learning its interface. 1) I have removed the proficiency bonus from the Longsword in the implement attack bonus calculation on Staggering Note, and everywhere else I had use that calculated Implement attack bonus. 2) I have added the breakdown of how I went from 4500gp to 260gp in the Coins and Wealth area, I hope the formatting is acceptable. 3) I have moved the non magical gear (the Light Shield and&nbsp;Standard Adventurer’s Kit) to the bottom of the first page in the area you pointed out. 4) That is entirely an error on my part, due to me confusing what is available on the 4e language list compared to 5e list. I have removed Sylvan and replaced it with Elven and added a very minor note in the background for why their second language is Elven. Thank you for the (probably ongoing) help with making my character, and sorry for doing the dumb thing of assuming that the language list would be the same between 4e and 5e..

Edited 1516979187
13Sins said: baldhermit said: 13Sins said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi 13, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. If you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Implement attack powers do not get to add the proficiency bonus of the weapon wielded to make the attack to the attack bonus gained. As such, the calculation for Staggering Note is incorrect. 2) Under Coins and Wealth, please give us a breakdown of your expenses 3) Please move non-magical gear to the center bottom of page 1, rather than listed on the top right of page 2 4) I do not know what language Sylvan is Please review above and reply by using the Quote function. Please use the same number indicators to let us know what, if anything, you changed. Mostly these are minor things, this is a pretty good sheet for a first attempt. Hi Baldhermit, I had not yet contacted a DM via skype to get added when I first posted the character sheet. I have, at this point. sent you a message via skype regarding joining the campaign's skype chat, hopefully it worked. I have not used skype in several years so I'm in the process of re-learning its interface. 1) I have removed the proficiency bonus from the Longsword in the implement attack bonus calculation on Staggering Note, and everywhere else I had use that calculated Implement attack bonus. 2) I have added the breakdown of how I went from 4500gp to 260gp in the Coins and Wealth area, I hope the formatting is acceptable. 3) I have moved the non magical gear (the Light Shield and&nbsp;Standard Adventurer’s Kit) to the bottom of the first page in the area you pointed out. 4) That is entirely an error on my part, due to me confusing what is available on the 4e language list compared to 5e list. I have removed Sylvan and replaced it with Elven and added a very minor note in the background for why their second language is Elven. Thank you for the (probably ongoing) help with making my character, and sorry for doing the dumb thing of assuming that the language list would be the same between 4e and 5e.. When you hit Launch Game, you will find a journal waiting for you in the top right corner. The 2nd video also explains much of the process there. Once you are done with the journal, please contact a DM, ideally on Skype, to get a token created for you.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Jason C. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild! You need to put your Racial bonus and your level up bonus under your array. Your vision goes under special senses You need to equip your gear.&nbsp; You will get enhancement bonuses to defenses from armor and neck and they go in the enh column in your defenses when equipped. Please label what type of armor your Gloaming armor is (for example Shimmering Cloth Armor +1). Please put Jason C as your player name.&nbsp; It sounds silly, but with 2-5 Jasons in guild having it labeled with your R20 name helps resolve a lot of confusion when checking sheets and using the census. Bladesingers get some very specific abilities.&nbsp; Unlike a lot of classes, they get what it says in their class entry and nothing else (so not the normal 2 at-wills, 1 encounter and 1 daily at level 1).&nbsp; Take a minute to review all the things you get on your powers in your class entry.&nbsp; If it doesn't make sense (its ok, its a wierd thing), ask for a bit of help parsing it in guild chat. I don't see Shadow Origin under Race Features.&nbsp; You also denote you have a +1 Racial bonus to Fortitude but I don't know what is supposed to represent that on your defenses (if it is the 1 in Fort under feat, it isn't a feat bonus so it should go in misc). You are missing your Bladesongs as well as Guarded Flourish and other Class Features.&nbsp; Your Class features section should not be blank. Current EXP should be set to 5500. You do not have the Channel Divinity Class Feature.&nbsp; This is a prerequisite for the Raven Queen's Blessing feat. War Wizard's Expertise and Light Blade Expertise do not stack.&nbsp; As such you will want to pick one or the other in nearly every situation. Your attack and damage workspace need some work, however that is likely due to missing class features and some confusion about what powers you have.&nbsp; One thing I do want to say is that you have a 4 under ENH with your Unraveling Dart (which you probably don't have as a power once we get your powers sorted out) and a +4 in that column means you are using a +4 weapon.&nbsp; I'm not sure if that is where you are adding your Ability Modifier instead of Enhancement bonus, but that can get sorted out with some help from guild chat. Optional: I noticed you did not take a mechanical background.&nbsp; It is not required, but it can help round out the character a bit.&nbsp; My bladesinger was extremely squishy and a melee character so I took something to get me some extra hp (which made him only very squishy).&nbsp; You can also become better at a skill or get other minor bonuses from a mechanical background. Optional: You have not selected a theme.&nbsp; While not required it can help round out a character in many of the ways that a mechanical background does.&nbsp; If you do take a theme I would recommend taking one and getting your powers sorted out in the same conversation in guild chat. A good first sheet overall.&nbsp; The basics are there but it mostly looks like some oddities with Eclasses and some small things that need addressing.&nbsp; When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item so we can polish this character off.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I struggled with some of the stuff and not sure I got everything right. Thanks in advance for your help!
Sarah R. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I struggled with some of the stuff and not sure I got everything right. Thanks in advance for your help! Hi Sarah, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. if you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) At the top right of page 2, please include what type of armor you bought into the description (cloth, leather, hide, chain, scale, plate). This armor type comes with an armor bonus. Fill out that armor bonus underneath quick lookup at the left side of page 1. If that armor comes with a check penalty, fill that out as a negative number. If that armor is a heavy armor (chain, scale, plate) check the box at the end of that line. 2) please set your current XP for 5500 3) Also at the top right of page 2, list what weapon that songblade is. Since any heavy or light blade can be enhanced with it, that ranges the options from dagger all the way to greatsword. 4) At the right - center of page 1, please make an attempt at filling out the attack and damage work space for two different powers. I would recommend Vicious Mockery and Cunning Ferocity. 5) While not mandatory, your character can have the benefit of a mechanical background and a character theme. These could give you some flavor and or power options. In all, a pretty good sheet Sarah. When you're done reviewing above, please use the Quote function to reply and indicate with the same numbers I used to let us know what, if anything, you changed.
baldhermit said: Sarah R. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I struggled with some of the stuff and not sure I got everything right. Thanks in advance for your help! Hi Sarah, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. if you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) At the top right of page 2, please include what type of armor you bought into the description (cloth, leather, hide, chain, scale, plate). This armor type comes with an armor bonus. Fill out that armor bonus underneath quick lookup at the left side of page 1. If that armor comes with a check penalty, fill that out as a negative number. If that armor is a heavy armor (chain, scale, plate) check the box at the end of that line. 2) please set your current XP for 5500 3) Also at the top right of page 2, list what weapon that songblade is. Since any heavy or light blade can be enhanced with it, that ranges the options from dagger all the way to greatsword. 4) At the right - center of page 1, please make an attempt at filling out the attack and damage work space for two different powers. I would recommend Vicious Mockery and Cunning Ferocity. 5) While not mandatory, your character can have the benefit of a mechanical background and a character theme. These could give you some flavor and or power options. In all, a pretty good sheet Sarah. When you're done reviewing above, please use the Quote function to reply and indicate with the same numbers I used to let us know what, if anything, you changed. 1. I included the info on the top right of page 2 that the armor is leather armor. I changed the armor that I chose. I filled out the armor bonus as +2. There is a power that the armor has listed. Do I add this to my list of powers? 2. I set my xp to 5500 3.Listed the songblade as a longsword; on page one in the quick lookup, I put the damage of the sword as 1d8+4. is that the right way to do it? 4. Attempted to fill them out. For the attacks, I don't think I need to put aything in the class box, right? For the damage for cunning ferocity, it says if I have virtue of cunning "the bonus to damage rolls equals 1+ your intelligence modifier," so I put "5" in misc. Is that right? For Vicious mockery, it says a hit is "1d6+ charisma modifier," so I put "4" in misc. Is that right? 5. I chose the mechanical background "guide" and added +2 to my misc perception. I chose the theme "animal master" and added "distracting attack" and "timely trick" to my list of powers. Is that right? Or do I have to replace a power I already have with the new animal master power? Also, as an animal master, it says at level 1 I can choose a raven as a companion, but with the DM's discretion I can chose a similar animal. Can I choose a blue jay instead? I think it would be a cuter companion for a pixie. I added that to my list of companions and allies. Thank you for your help!! :)

Edited 1517292270
Sarah R. said: baldhermit said: Sarah R. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I struggled with some of the stuff and not sure I got everything right. Thanks in advance for your help! Hi Sarah, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. if you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) At the top right of page 2, please include what type of armor you bought into the description (cloth, leather, hide, chain, scale, plate). This armor type comes with an armor bonus. Fill out that armor bonus underneath quick lookup at the left side of page 1. If that armor comes with a check penalty, fill that out as a negative number. If that armor is a heavy armor (chain, scale, plate) check the box at the end of that line. 2) please set your current XP for 5500 3) Also at the top right of page 2, list what weapon that songblade is. Since any heavy or light blade can be enhanced with it, that ranges the options from dagger all the way to greatsword. 4) At the right - center of page 1, please make an attempt at filling out the attack and damage work space for two different powers. I would recommend Vicious Mockery and Cunning Ferocity. 5) While not mandatory, your character can have the benefit of a mechanical background and a character theme. These could give you some flavor and or power options. In all, a pretty good sheet Sarah. When you're done reviewing above, please use the Quote function to reply and indicate with the same numbers I used to let us know what, if anything, you changed. 1. I included the info on the top right of page 2 that the armor is leather armor. I changed the armor that I chose. I filled out the armor bonus as +2. There is a power that the armor has listed. Do I add this to my list of powers? 2. I set my xp to 5500 3.Listed the songblade as a longsword; on page one in the quick lookup, I put the damage of the sword as 1d8+4. is that the right way to do it? 4. Attempted to fill them out. For the attacks, I don't think I need to put aything in the class box, right? For the damage for cunning ferocity, it says if I have virtue of cunning "the bonus to damage rolls equals 1+ your intelligence modifier," so I put "5" in misc. Is that right? For Vicious mockery, it says a hit is "1d6+ charisma modifier," so I put "4" in misc. Is that right? 5. I chose the mechanical background "guide" and added +2 to my misc perception. I chose the theme "animal master" and added "distracting attack" and "timely trick" to my list of powers. Is that right? Or do I have to replace a power I already have with the new animal master power? Also, as an animal master, it says at level 1 I can choose a raven as a companion, but with the DM's discretion I can chose a similar animal. Can I choose a blue jay instead? I think it would be a cuter companion for a pixie. I added that to my list of companions and allies. Thank you for your help!! :) At 1 : check. And yes, a power that an item gives you should end up on your sheet At 2 : check At 3 : check. The information for your attacks under quick lookup should match the calculation under the attack and damage workspace At 4a :&nbsp;&nbsp;Vicious Mockery, as an implement power (no weapon keyword) does not get the weapons proficiency bonus added to its attacks. Only weapon powers get the benefit of the weapons proficiency bonus. As far as damage is concerned, the charisma bonus is already added in the "ability" box, so you do not get to add it again under miscellaneous. It does however get the enhancement bonus of the weapon or implement used for these attacks At 4b :&nbsp;Cunning Ferocity, the writing is not exactly clear if you're not used to this. For the attacker the damage expression is 1W + Cha. On a hit, the benefit granted to each ally is 1+ your characters Intelligence modifier instead of the generic +2. At 5 : You do get Distracting Attack, you do not get Timely Trick. Distracting Attack has no level, and counts as a feature benefit of that Character Theme. Timely Trick counts as a level 2 utility power and as such you have the option of choosing it instead of Inspire Competence. As long as the animal companion matches mechanically what a an animal companion granted by the theme could do, you can describe it in any way you see fit.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Azronical said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Please fill your class features selection (Font of Life and others) 2. Your Hit Points seem too low, can you show me the math? (When you increase Constitution Score, you also increase HP as though you had your new value back at level 1) 3. Do note that Dragon Breath's Damage roll always keys from Constitution 4. Optional You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth (not needed when Con is your secondary) common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'm going to give you a journal so can start filling that out, but I need the responses for Dragon Breath and Guardian Might When you hit Launch Game, you will find a journal waiting for you in the top right corner. The 2nd video also explains much of the process there. Once you are done with the journal, please contact a DM, ideally on Skype, to get a token created for you.
Juho G. said: Azronical said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Please fill your class features selection (Font of Life and others) 2. Your Hit Points seem too low, can you show me the math? (When you increase Constitution Score, you also increase HP as though you had your new value back at level 1) 3. Do note that Dragon Breath's Damage roll always keys from Constitution 4. Optional You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth (not needed when Con is your secondary) common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'm going to give you a journal so can start filling that out, but I need the responses for Dragon Breath and Guardian Might When you hit Launch Game, you will find a journal waiting for you in the top right corner. The 2nd video also explains much of the process there. Once you are done with the journal, please contact a DM, ideally on Skype, to get a token created for you. 1. did it 2. changed it might still be wrong i put 17 +17 +7 +7 +7 +7 3.fixed 4. I dont know where i can find a list of those i must of missed it can you link me them. I also thought i posted what i went for guardiens might and on dragons breath i put lightning.
Azronical said: Juho G. said: Azronical said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Please fill your class features selection (Font of Life and others) 2. Your Hit Points seem too low, can you show me the math? (When you increase Constitution Score, you also increase HP as though you had your new value back at level 1) 3. Do note that Dragon Breath's Damage roll always keys from Constitution 4. Optional You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth (not needed when Con is your secondary) common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'm going to give you a journal so can start filling that out, but I need the responses for Dragon Breath and Guardian Might When you hit Launch Game, you will find a journal waiting for you in the top right corner. The 2nd video also explains much of the process there. Once you are done with the journal, please contact a DM, ideally on Skype, to get a token created for you. 1. did it 2. changed it might still be wrong i put 17 +17 +7 +7 +7 +7 3.fixed 4. I dont know where i can find a list of those i must of missed it can you link me them. I also thought i posted what i went for guardiens might and on dragons breath i put lightning. 1. through 4. Thanks You can find Backgrounds and Themes on compendium. Change the "All" (next to the search window) to "Backgrounds" or "Character Themes"

Edited 1517453194
Juho G. said: Azronical said: Juho G. said: Azronical said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Please fill your class features selection (Font of Life and others) 2. Your Hit Points seem too low, can you show me the math? (When you increase Constitution Score, you also increase HP as though you had your new value back at level 1) 3. Do note that Dragon Breath's Damage roll always keys from Constitution 4. Optional You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth (not needed when Con is your secondary) common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'm going to give you a journal so can start filling that out, but I need the responses for Dragon Breath and Guardian Might When you hit Launch Game, you will find a journal waiting for you in the top right corner. The 2nd video also explains much of the process there. Once you are done with the journal, please contact a DM, ideally on Skype, to get a token created for you. 1. did it 2. changed it might still be wrong i put 17 +17 +7 +7 +7 +7 3.fixed 4. I dont know where i can find a list of those i must of missed it can you link me them. I also thought i posted what i went for guardiens might and on dragons breath i put lightning. 1. through 4. Thanks You can find Backgrounds and Themes on compendium. Change the "All" (next to the search window) to "Backgrounds" or "Character Themes" I added a character theme and background. Did i Do it right?
Azronical said: Juho G. said: Azronical said: Juho G. said: Azronical said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Please fill your class features selection (Font of Life and others) 2. Your Hit Points seem too low, can you show me the math? (When you increase Constitution Score, you also increase HP as though you had your new value back at level 1) 3. Do note that Dragon Breath's Damage roll always keys from Constitution 4. Optional You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth (not needed when Con is your secondary) common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'm going to give you a journal so can start filling that out, but I need the responses for Dragon Breath and Guardian Might When you hit Launch Game, you will find a journal waiting for you in the top right corner. The 2nd video also explains much of the process there. Once you are done with the journal, please contact a DM, ideally on Skype, to get a token created for you. 1. did it 2. changed it might still be wrong i put 17 +17 +7 +7 +7 +7 3.fixed 4. I dont know where i can find a list of those i must of missed it can you link me them. I also thought i posted what i went for guardiens might and on dragons breath i put lightning. 1. through 4. Thanks You can find Backgrounds and Themes on compendium. Change the "All" (next to the search window) to "Backgrounds" or "Character Themes" I added a character theme and background. Did i Do it right? I don't see any changes. Did you save? Are they in the bottom box on page three which is for private notes? (nobody else can see them there) On themes I'd add that if the theme has a power with a level ("Attack 3" for example) it becomes an option when you choose powers. If they have powers without levels, they are usually gained through the features explained in the theme meaning you get them when you reach that level Are you on skype yet? I know I'm going to be afk a lot in the next couple of days so I'd suggest you get yourself added there, you might get answers faster that way

Edited 1517527777
Juho G. said: Azronical said: Juho G. said: Azronical said: Juho G. said: Azronical said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Please fill your class features selection (Font of Life and others) 2. Your Hit Points seem too low, can you show me the math? (When you increase Constitution Score, you also increase HP as though you had your new value back at level 1) 3. Do note that Dragon Breath's Damage roll always keys from Constitution 4. Optional You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth (not needed when Con is your secondary) common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'm going to give you a journal so can start filling that out, but I need the responses for Dragon Breath and Guardian Might When you hit Launch Game, you will find a journal waiting for you in the top right corner. The 2nd video also explains much of the process there. Once you are done with the journal, please contact a DM, ideally on Skype, to get a token created for you. 1. did it 2. changed it might still be wrong i put 17 +17 +7 +7 +7 +7 3.fixed 4. I dont know where i can find a list of those i must of missed it can you link me them. I also thought i posted what i went for guardiens might and on dragons breath i put lightning. 1. through 4. Thanks You can find Backgrounds and Themes on compendium. Change the "All" (next to the search window) to "Backgrounds" or "Character Themes" I added a character theme and background. Did i Do it right? I don't see any changes. Did you save? Are they in the bottom box on page three which is for private notes? (nobody else can see them there) On themes I'd add that if the theme has a power with a level ("Attack 3" for example) it becomes an option when you choose powers. If they have powers without levels, they are usually gained through the features explained in the theme meaning you get them when you reach that level Are you on skype yet? I know I'm going to be afk a lot in the next couple of days so I'd suggest you get yourself added there, you might get answers faster that way Ahh i forgot to save. Well ill add them later when i get home. And yea im on skype.

Edited 1517538378
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>