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Old Character Sheet Thread (Locked Apr 2020)


Edited 1517578767
JuanandOnly said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Your stated&nbsp;Array: 16/14/14/11/10/10, doesn't match your Attributes (you have CHA 9 listed). As you work on that, I don't see what you gain by having a STR score, your Melee Basic is not going to be anything that should be feared, I would suggest looking at arrays 17/15/13/10/10/8 and 16/16/12/12/10/8. Additionally your HP is off, most likely because you have used Constitution Modifier instead of Constitution Score and have gained one too many levels (from 1 to 5 is four times the "HP per level gained") 2. Because you are a Hunter (Ranger) instead of a Ranger, you gain the powers your class entry states instead of the normal utilities and at-will / encounter / daily attacks. So you can remove Twin Strike, Warning Shot,&nbsp;Two-Fanged Strike,&nbsp;Thunder Boar Strike,&nbsp;Guardian Arrow,&nbsp;Splintering Shot and&nbsp;Bending Branch. Alternatively you change to Ranger and lose the things you have put in your Class features and all powers above Twin Strike and Warning Shot 3. Armor bonus and Check penalty should be set for what leather gives you, if not stated in the armor description, it is zero. In defense calculations you should add your enhancement bonus to AC for what your enhancement gives you. I think the speed bonus for animal form only applies when you are in that form and in that form you cannot use attack powers. Additionally I think your Stealth Modifier should be higher, are you sure you accounted for everything? 4. Try to fill out your attack and damage workspaces with Ranged Basic Attack and Disruptive Strike. Page 274 and forward on Player's Handbook 1 should help in this 5. Set your exp to 5500 6. Optional &nbsp;You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth as common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'd also apologize for my guildmates when you were added to skype, they love puns. Judging by your handle here, you do too

Edited 1517578791
Teamplayer said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1.&nbsp;Your HP is off, most likely because you have used Constitution Modifier instead of Constitution Score 2. Please fill out your class features 3. Because you are a Slayer (Fighter) instead of a Fighter (Weaponmaster), you gain the powers your class entry states instead of the normal utilities and at-will / encounter / daily attacks. So add Power Strike and lose&nbsp;Brash Strike,&nbsp;Knockdown Assault,&nbsp;Hack and Hew,&nbsp;Bull Charge,&nbsp;Driving Attack and&nbsp;Cometfall Charge.Unstoppable is a legal choice in place of the suggested LV2 Utility powers. Alternatively you can be a Weaponmaster and lose Battle Wrath and&nbsp;Duelist's Assault and follow the Weaponmaster Class Entry 4. List your gear on page 2 under magic items. You do not need to pay the gold for the mundane throwing hammers because the Guild allows Adventurer's Kit to include those. 4e language is Dwarven, not Dwarvish, also see&nbsp;Greataxe not&nbsp;Great-Axe 5. Your Attack and Damage workspaces need work, but exactly how depends on your choice to #3, but for now I can say that both attack workspaces should have a proficiency bonus, the class bonus should not be +2, you have not included Dwarven Weapon Training and the enhancement bonus should match on both workspaces 6. Check penalty should be set for what your armor gives you, if not stated in the armor description, it is zero. Additionally you should list somewhere what armor you are wearing, preferably accompanied by the enhancement you have on your armor. In defense calculations you should add your enhancement bonus to AC for what your enhancement gives you. You seem to not have accounted for Encumbered Speed Trait of dwarfs. 7. I don't see a way how you gain training in intimidate. Set your exp to 5500 8.&nbsp; Optional You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth as common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item.
Juho G. said: JuanandOnly said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Your stated&nbsp;Array: 16/14/14/11/10/10, doesn't match your Attributes (you have CHA 9 listed). As you work on that, I don't see what you gain by having a STR score, your Melee Basic is not going to be anything that should be feared, I would suggest looking at arrays 17/15/13/10/10/8 and 16/16/12/12/10/8. Additionally your HP is off, most likely because you have used Constitution Modifier instead of Constitution Score and have gained one too many levels (from 1 to 5 is four times the "HP per level gained") 2. Because you are a Hunter (Ranger) instead of a Ranger, you gain the powers your class entry states instead of the normal utilities and at-will / encounter / daily attacks. So you can remove Twin Strike, Warning Shot,&nbsp;Two-Fanged Strike,&nbsp;Thunder Boar Strike,&nbsp;Guardian Arrow,&nbsp;Splintering Shot and&nbsp;Bending Branch. Alternatively you change to Ranger and lose the things you have put in your Class features and all powers above Twin Strike and Warning Shot 3. Armor bonus and Check penalty should be set for what leather gives you, if not stated in the armor description, it is zero. In defense calculations you should add your enhancement bonus to AC for what your enhancement gives you. I think the speed bonus for animal form only applies when you are in that form and in that form you cannot use attack powers. Additionally I think your Stealth Modifier should be higher, are you sure you accounted for everything? 4. Try to fill out your attack and damage workspaces with Ranged Basic Attack and Disruptive Strike. Page 274 and forward on Player's Handbook 1 should help in this 5. Set your exp to 5500 6. Optional &nbsp;You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth as common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'd also apologize for my guildmates when you were added to skype, they love puns. Judging by your handle here, you do too 1. Switched to 16/16/12/12/10/8, redid my health with constitution score as well as took away one of my levels. 2. Got rid of all the lower powers. 3. Got the leather armor figured out (I think).&nbsp; Got the stealth up 4.&nbsp; I think I got it i honestly don't know I might need some help I asked people and googled it but I don't know. 5. Done 6.Mechanical background(Silent hunter), Theme(Spy) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Gary M said: Jason C. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild! You need to put your Racial bonus and your level up bonus under your array. Your vision goes under special senses You need to equip your gear.&nbsp; You will get enhancement bonuses to defenses from armor and neck and they go in the enh column in your defenses when equipped. Please label what type of armor your Gloaming armor is (for example Shimmering Cloth Armor +1). Please put Jason C as your player name.&nbsp; It sounds silly, but with 2-5 Jasons in guild having it labeled with your R20 name helps resolve a lot of confusion when checking sheets and using the census. Bladesingers get some very specific abilities.&nbsp; Unlike a lot of classes, they get what it says in their class entry and nothing else (so not the normal 2 at-wills, 1 encounter and 1 daily at level 1).&nbsp; Take a minute to review all the things you get on your powers in your class entry.&nbsp; If it doesn't make sense (its ok, its a wierd thing), ask for a bit of help parsing it in guild chat. I don't see Shadow Origin under Race Features.&nbsp; You also denote you have a +1 Racial bonus to Fortitude but I don't know what is supposed to represent that on your defenses (if it is the 1 in Fort under feat, it isn't a feat bonus so it should go in misc). You are missing your Bladesongs as well as Guarded Flourish and other Class Features.&nbsp; Your Class features section should not be blank. Current EXP should be set to 5500. You do not have the Channel Divinity Class Feature.&nbsp; This is a prerequisite for the Raven Queen's Blessing feat. War Wizard's Expertise and Light Blade Expertise do not stack.&nbsp; As such you will want to pick one or the other in nearly every situation. Your attack and damage workspace need some work, however that is likely due to missing class features and some confusion about what powers you have.&nbsp; One thing I do want to say is that you have a 4 under ENH with your Unraveling Dart (which you probably don't have as a power once we get your powers sorted out) and a +4 in that column means you are using a +4 weapon.&nbsp; I'm not sure if that is where you are adding your Ability Modifier instead of Enhancement bonus, but that can get sorted out with some help from guild chat. Optional: I noticed you did not take a mechanical background.&nbsp; It is not required, but it can help round out the character a bit.&nbsp; My bladesinger was extremely squishy and a melee character so I took something to get me some extra hp (which made him only very squishy).&nbsp; You can also become better at a skill or get other minor bonuses from a mechanical background. Optional: You have not selected a theme.&nbsp; While not required it can help round out a character in many of the ways that a mechanical background does.&nbsp; If you do take a theme I would recommend taking one and getting your powers sorted out in the same conversation in guild chat. A good first sheet overall.&nbsp; The basics are there but it mostly looks like some oddities with Eclasses and some small things that need addressing.&nbsp; When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item so we can polish this character off. 1. bonuses change in array 2. moved vision to the right spot 3. equipped gear and added bonuses 4. labeled gloaming armor 5. added last name initial 6. changed all powers to the bladesong ones 7. this was a mistake from something i added that wasn't allowed. 8. added class features 9. added current ex 10. removed Raven Queen's Blessing feat 11. i get the light blade expertise from bladesinger but then have chosen war wizards expertise for the better bonus. 12. changed attack and dmg workspace 13. added a background 14. added a theme I know there will be other stuff i need to change/fix so thanks for the help

Edited 1517681647
Jason C. said: Gary M said: Jason C. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild! You need to put your Racial bonus and your level up bonus under your array. Your vision goes under special senses You need to equip your gear.&nbsp; You will get enhancement bonuses to defenses from armor and neck and they go in the enh column in your defenses when equipped. Please label what type of armor your Gloaming armor is (for example Shimmering Cloth Armor +1). Please put Jason C as your player name.&nbsp; It sounds silly, but with 2-5 Jasons in guild having it labeled with your R20 name helps resolve a lot of confusion when checking sheets and using the census. Bladesingers get some very specific abilities.&nbsp; Unlike a lot of classes, they get what it says in their class entry and nothing else (so not the normal 2 at-wills, 1 encounter and 1 daily at level 1).&nbsp; Take a minute to review all the things you get on your powers in your class entry.&nbsp; If it doesn't make sense (its ok, its a wierd thing), ask for a bit of help parsing it in guild chat. I don't see Shadow Origin under Race Features.&nbsp; You also denote you have a +1 Racial bonus to Fortitude but I don't know what is supposed to represent that on your defenses (if it is the 1 in Fort under feat, it isn't a feat bonus so it should go in misc). You are missing your Bladesongs as well as Guarded Flourish and other Class Features.&nbsp; Your Class features section should not be blank. Current EXP should be set to 5500. You do not have the Channel Divinity Class Feature.&nbsp; This is a prerequisite for the Raven Queen's Blessing feat. War Wizard's Expertise and Light Blade Expertise do not stack.&nbsp; As such you will want to pick one or the other in nearly every situation. Your attack and damage workspace need some work, however that is likely due to missing class features and some confusion about what powers you have.&nbsp; One thing I do want to say is that you have a 4 under ENH with your Unraveling Dart (which you probably don't have as a power once we get your powers sorted out) and a +4 in that column means you are using a +4 weapon.&nbsp; I'm not sure if that is where you are adding your Ability Modifier instead of Enhancement bonus, but that can get sorted out with some help from guild chat. Optional: I noticed you did not take a mechanical background.&nbsp; It is not required, but it can help round out the character a bit.&nbsp; My bladesinger was extremely squishy and a melee character so I took something to get me some extra hp (which made him only very squishy).&nbsp; You can also become better at a skill or get other minor bonuses from a mechanical background. Optional: You have not selected a theme.&nbsp; While not required it can help round out a character in many of the ways that a mechanical background does.&nbsp; If you do take a theme I would recommend taking one and getting your powers sorted out in the same conversation in guild chat. A good first sheet overall.&nbsp; The basics are there but it mostly looks like some oddities with Eclasses and some small things that need addressing.&nbsp; When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item so we can polish this character off. 1. bonuses change in array 2. moved vision to the right spot 3. equipped gear and added bonuses 4. labeled gloaming armor 5. added last name initial 6. changed all powers to the bladesong ones 7. this was a mistake from something i added that wasn't allowed. 8. added class features 9. added current ex 10. removed Raven Queen's Blessing feat 11. i get the light blade expertise from bladesinger but then have chosen war wizards expertise for the better bonus. 12. changed attack and dmg workspace 13. added a background 14. added a theme I know there will be other stuff i need to change/fix so thanks for the help Hi Jason, since Gary is in a game, helping out: At 1 : in the statistics block with your starting array list where the racial bonuses and your level 4 boost went At 2 : check At 3 AC : your armor is listed as having a +1 enhancement bonus. At the top center under AC in the box Enh. it should therefor list a 1. Currently there is a 3 listed there. Can you tell us what that is based on ? At 3 Fortitude : there is no ability modifier listed for Fortitude, which would be the higher of your Strength or Constitution modifier. There is no enhancement bonus listed from the neck item you purchased.&nbsp; At 3 Reflex :&nbsp;There is no enhancement bonus listed from the neck item you purchased. At 3 Will :&nbsp;There is no enhancement bonus listed from the neck item you purchased. At 4 : check At 5 : check At 6 : I did not see the sheet before, but this looks pretty close to correct for Bladesingers, so well done. Please note, you can only use one level 1 daily per workday, and only one level 3 daily per workday. As such, it is perhaps easier for yourself to just pick one for either slot. At 7 : Still no Shadow Origin listed under racial features. At 8 : check At 9 : check At 10 : check At 11 : while not technically wrong, you are aware the benefit from Light Blade Expertise is only a +1 to damage, right? The two expertise feats do not stack.&nbsp; At 12 : please give the attack and damage calculations another try, as they are currently not worked out at all. I would recommend doing the math for your Melee Basic Attack and for Ray of Enfeeblement. Go through each box, does it apply, and what value if it does apply. What is the ability modifier for your melee basic attack, do you have a class bonus to attack, does the proficiency bonus of the weapon come in to play, etc. At 13 : I see you selected Treasure Hunter as your background. Could you please list what benefit if any you draw from it? The options are to either replace one of your class skills with the skills associated with that background, or gain a +2 to either one of those skills. At 14 : check
JuanandOnly said: Juho G. said: JuanandOnly said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Your stated&nbsp;Array: 16/14/14/11/10/10, doesn't match your Attributes (you have CHA 9 listed). As you work on that, I don't see what you gain by having a STR score, your Melee Basic is not going to be anything that should be feared, I would suggest looking at arrays 17/15/13/10/10/8 and 16/16/12/12/10/8. Additionally your HP is off, most likely because you have used Constitution Modifier instead of Constitution Score and have gained one too many levels (from 1 to 5 is four times the "HP per level gained") 2. Because you are a Hunter (Ranger) instead of a Ranger, you gain the powers your class entry states instead of the normal utilities and at-will / encounter / daily attacks. So you can remove Twin Strike, Warning Shot,&nbsp;Two-Fanged Strike,&nbsp;Thunder Boar Strike,&nbsp;Guardian Arrow,&nbsp;Splintering Shot and&nbsp;Bending Branch. Alternatively you change to Ranger and lose the things you have put in your Class features and all powers above Twin Strike and Warning Shot 3. Armor bonus and Check penalty should be set for what leather gives you, if not stated in the armor description, it is zero. In defense calculations you should add your enhancement bonus to AC for what your enhancement gives you. I think the speed bonus for animal form only applies when you are in that form and in that form you cannot use attack powers. Additionally I think your Stealth Modifier should be higher, are you sure you accounted for everything? 4. Try to fill out your attack and damage workspaces with Ranged Basic Attack and Disruptive Strike. Page 274 and forward on Player's Handbook 1 should help in this 5. Set your exp to 5500 6. Optional &nbsp;You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth as common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'd also apologize for my guildmates when you were added to skype, they love puns. Judging by your handle here, you do too 1. Switched to 16/16/12/12/10/8, redid my health with constitution score as well as took away one of my levels. 2. Got rid of all the lower powers. 3. Got the leather armor figured out (I think).&nbsp; Got the stealth up 4.&nbsp; I think I got it i honestly don't know I might need some help I asked people and googled it but I don't know. 5. Done 6.Mechanical background(Silent hunter), Theme(Spy) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1. through 3. & 5. Thanks 4a). The attack modifier is what gets added to the d20 roll, consisting of half-level, the ability modifier used by the attack (in the power entry, the "Attack"-line, normally something like Dex vs AC, Ranged Basic Attack uses Dex as a default and Melee Basic Attack uses Str as a default), enhancement bonus of your weapon, feat bonus from your expertise (hopefully one picks an expertise they benefit from), and if the attack has the "Weapon" keyword then also proficiency bonus. In your case you also add&nbsp;Weapon Talent bonus. On the Attack workspace you've accounted everything except Ability Modifier 4b). The damage roll consists of the weapon die or multiple sets of them and possibly an ability modifier(in the power entry, the "Hit"-line, normally something like Dex vs AC, Ranged Basic Attack uses Dex as a default and Melee Basic Attack uses Str as a default)&nbsp;(2[W] + Dex for example would roll twice and add together and add Dex modifier, 1[W] would roll once and not add ability modifier),&nbsp;enhancement bonus of your weapon and any other bonuses you've picked up. In your case,&nbsp;Ambush Tactics, Bow Expertise and Draw First Blood happen only sometimes so shouldn't be counted in the workspace, but Weapon Mastery should 6.&nbsp;Spy's Recovery, being a power of the theme with a level, is an option at that level, so you get to keep either that or Stalker's Mist
Juho G. said: JuanandOnly said: Juho G. said: JuanandOnly said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Your stated&nbsp;Array: 16/14/14/11/10/10, doesn't match your Attributes (you have CHA 9 listed). As you work on that, I don't see what you gain by having a STR score, your Melee Basic is not going to be anything that should be feared, I would suggest looking at arrays 17/15/13/10/10/8 and 16/16/12/12/10/8. Additionally your HP is off, most likely because you have used Constitution Modifier instead of Constitution Score and have gained one too many levels (from 1 to 5 is four times the "HP per level gained") 2. Because you are a Hunter (Ranger) instead of a Ranger, you gain the powers your class entry states instead of the normal utilities and at-will / encounter / daily attacks. So you can remove Twin Strike, Warning Shot,&nbsp;Two-Fanged Strike,&nbsp;Thunder Boar Strike,&nbsp;Guardian Arrow,&nbsp;Splintering Shot and&nbsp;Bending Branch. Alternatively you change to Ranger and lose the things you have put in your Class features and all powers above Twin Strike and Warning Shot 3. Armor bonus and Check penalty should be set for what leather gives you, if not stated in the armor description, it is zero. In defense calculations you should add your enhancement bonus to AC for what your enhancement gives you. I think the speed bonus for animal form only applies when you are in that form and in that form you cannot use attack powers. Additionally I think your Stealth Modifier should be higher, are you sure you accounted for everything? 4. Try to fill out your attack and damage workspaces with Ranged Basic Attack and Disruptive Strike. Page 274 and forward on Player's Handbook 1 should help in this 5. Set your exp to 5500 6. Optional &nbsp;You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth as common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'd also apologize for my guildmates when you were added to skype, they love puns. Judging by your handle here, you do too 1. Switched to 16/16/12/12/10/8, redid my health with constitution score as well as took away one of my levels. 2. Got rid of all the lower powers. 3. Got the leather armor figured out (I think).&nbsp; Got the stealth up 4.&nbsp; I think I got it i honestly don't know I might need some help I asked people and googled it but I don't know. 5. Done 6.Mechanical background(Silent hunter), Theme(Spy) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1. through 3. & 5. Thanks 4a). The attack modifier is what gets added to the d20 roll, consisting of half-level, the ability modifier used by the attack (in the power entry, the "Attack"-line, normally something like Dex vs AC, Ranged Basic Attack uses Dex as a default and Melee Basic Attack uses Str as a default), enhancement bonus of your weapon, feat bonus from your expertise (hopefully one picks an expertise they benefit from), and if the attack has the "Weapon" keyword then also proficiency bonus. In your case you also add&nbsp;Weapon Talent bonus. On the Attack workspace you've accounted everything except Ability Modifier 4b). The damage roll consists of the weapon die or multiple sets of them and possibly an ability modifier(in the power entry, the "Hit"-line, normally something like Dex vs AC, Ranged Basic Attack uses Dex as a default and Melee Basic Attack uses Str as a default)&nbsp;(2[W] + Dex for example would roll twice and add together and add Dex modifier, 1[W] would roll once and not add ability modifier),&nbsp;enhancement bonus of your weapon and any other bonuses you've picked up. In your case,&nbsp;Ambush Tactics, Bow Expertise and Draw First Blood happen only sometimes so shouldn't be counted in the workspace, but Weapon Mastery should 6.&nbsp;Spy's Recovery, being a power of the theme with a level, is an option at that level, so you get to keep either that or Stalker's Mist 4a).&nbsp; Added my ability modifier 4b). Think I got that fixed 6. Got rid of spy's recovery <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
JuanandOnly said: Juho G. said: JuanandOnly said: Juho G. said: JuanandOnly said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello and welcome to the Guild 1. Your stated&nbsp;Array: 16/14/14/11/10/10, doesn't match your Attributes (you have CHA 9 listed). As you work on that, I don't see what you gain by having a STR score, your Melee Basic is not going to be anything that should be feared, I would suggest looking at arrays 17/15/13/10/10/8 and 16/16/12/12/10/8. Additionally your HP is off, most likely because you have used Constitution Modifier instead of Constitution Score and have gained one too many levels (from 1 to 5 is four times the "HP per level gained") 2. Because you are a Hunter (Ranger) instead of a Ranger, you gain the powers your class entry states instead of the normal utilities and at-will / encounter / daily attacks. So you can remove Twin Strike, Warning Shot,&nbsp;Two-Fanged Strike,&nbsp;Thunder Boar Strike,&nbsp;Guardian Arrow,&nbsp;Splintering Shot and&nbsp;Bending Branch. Alternatively you change to Ranger and lose the things you have put in your Class features and all powers above Twin Strike and Warning Shot 3. Armor bonus and Check penalty should be set for what leather gives you, if not stated in the armor description, it is zero. In defense calculations you should add your enhancement bonus to AC for what your enhancement gives you. I think the speed bonus for animal form only applies when you are in that form and in that form you cannot use attack powers. Additionally I think your Stealth Modifier should be higher, are you sure you accounted for everything? 4. Try to fill out your attack and damage workspaces with Ranged Basic Attack and Disruptive Strike. Page 274 and forward on Player's Handbook 1 should help in this 5. Set your exp to 5500 6. Optional &nbsp;You are allowed to take the benefit of a mechanical background and a theme. Both can give you more power and flavor. Backgrounds are a big list with Arcane Student Who saw too much and Auspicious Birth as common choices When you have had the time, quote this power and respond to each numbered item. I'd also apologize for my guildmates when you were added to skype, they love puns. Judging by your handle here, you do too 1. Switched to 16/16/12/12/10/8, redid my health with constitution score as well as took away one of my levels. 2. Got rid of all the lower powers. 3. Got the leather armor figured out (I think).&nbsp; Got the stealth up 4.&nbsp; I think I got it i honestly don't know I might need some help I asked people and googled it but I don't know. 5. Done 6.Mechanical background(Silent hunter), Theme(Spy) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1. through 3. & 5. Thanks 4a). The attack modifier is what gets added to the d20 roll, consisting of half-level, the ability modifier used by the attack (in the power entry, the "Attack"-line, normally something like Dex vs AC, Ranged Basic Attack uses Dex as a default and Melee Basic Attack uses Str as a default), enhancement bonus of your weapon, feat bonus from your expertise (hopefully one picks an expertise they benefit from), and if the attack has the "Weapon" keyword then also proficiency bonus. In your case you also add&nbsp;Weapon Talent bonus. On the Attack workspace you've accounted everything except Ability Modifier 4b). The damage roll consists of the weapon die or multiple sets of them and possibly an ability modifier(in the power entry, the "Hit"-line, normally something like Dex vs AC, Ranged Basic Attack uses Dex as a default and Melee Basic Attack uses Str as a default)&nbsp;(2[W] + Dex for example would roll twice and add together and add Dex modifier, 1[W] would roll once and not add ability modifier),&nbsp;enhancement bonus of your weapon and any other bonuses you've picked up. In your case,&nbsp;Ambush Tactics, Bow Expertise and Draw First Blood happen only sometimes so shouldn't be counted in the workspace, but Weapon Mastery should 6.&nbsp;Spy's Recovery, being a power of the theme with a level, is an option at that level, so you get to keep either that or Stalker's Mist 4a).&nbsp; Added my ability modifier 4b). Think I got that fixed 6. Got rid of spy's recovery <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'll give you a journal now, but Disruptive Strikes attack and damage workspace should be identical to the Ranged Basic When you hit Launch Game, you will find a journal waiting for you in the top right corner. The 2nd video also explains much of the process there. Once you are done with the journal, please contact a DM, ideally on Skype, to get a token created for you.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Van S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Victor, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. If you are not yet part of our Skype Guild chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Your calculated HP score is low. Would you mind showing your calculation so we can help where you went wrong? 2) for your defenses, please fill out the enhancement bonus you get from your armor under AC, and the enhancement bonus from your neck item for Fortitude, Reflex and Will. 3) At the top right of page 2, please define what type of armor you bought (cloth, leather, hide, chain mail, scale, plate). Please know that under quick lookup you listed a +2 as the armor bonus your character would get from that armor, only +2 is related to leather armor, and psions are not proficient in wearing leather. 4) Please fill out the check penalty under quick lookup. Even if that value is a zero, we need to know that you know what that value is for this character 5) what feat did you take that gives you a +1 bonus to damage ? 6) While you are able to take the Psionic Celerity feat, and you apparently intend to charge, could you do the attack and damage calculation for a melee basic attack? When you have had a chance to review above, please use the Quote function to reply with the same numbers I used to indicate what, if anything, you changed on your sheet.
baldhermit said: Van S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Victor, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. If you are not yet part of our Skype Guild chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Your calculated HP score is low. Would you mind showing your calculation so we can help where you went wrong? 2) for your defenses, please fill out the enhancement bonus you get from your armor under AC, and the enhancement bonus from your neck item for Fortitude, Reflex and Will. 3) At the top right of page 2, please define what type of armor you bought (cloth, leather, hide, chain mail, scale, plate). Please know that under quick lookup you listed a +2 as the armor bonus your character would get from that armor, only +2 is related to leather armor, and psions are not proficient in wearing leather. 4) Please fill out the check penalty under quick lookup. Even if that value is a zero, we need to know that you know what that value is for this character 5) what feat did you take that gives you a +1 bonus to damage ? 6) While you are able to take the Psionic Celerity feat, and you apparently intend to charge, could you do the attack and damage calculation for a melee basic attack? When you have had a chance to review above, please use the Quote function to reply with the same numbers I used to indicate what, if anything, you changed on your sheet. Thanks, Baldhermit 1)Class HP 1st level (12) + Constitution score (3) + 4 per level (16) So, I did 12+3+4+4+4+4=31 [I hope I'm wrong! I want more]. 2)Done. Thanks. 3)When I checked Feedback Armor in the compendium it said "cloth or leather." I just noted it as cloth. Is it leather because it is +2? If so, I will need to sell that and go with something else. Thank you. 4)I filled in "0," but it's just because I didn't see anything that gave me a check penalty. What may I have missed? 5)I didn't. I just added the +1 from "orb feat" to everything. Thanks for catching that. I changed it to "0." 6)I had actually just thought of using this to be able to run 10 squares, but I can see how it could be a poor use of a feat. I changed it to Cunning stalker. Thank you again, Van
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Van S. said: baldhermit said: Van S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Victor, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. If you are not yet part of our Skype Guild chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Your calculated HP score is low. Would you mind showing your calculation so we can help where you went wrong? 2) for your defenses, please fill out the enhancement bonus you get from your armor under AC, and the enhancement bonus from your neck item for Fortitude, Reflex and Will. 3) At the top right of page 2, please define what type of armor you bought (cloth, leather, hide, chain mail, scale, plate). Please know that under quick lookup you listed a +2 as the armor bonus your character would get from that armor, only +2 is related to leather armor, and psions are not proficient in wearing leather. 4) Please fill out the check penalty under quick lookup. Even if that value is a zero, we need to know that you know what that value is for this character 5) what feat did you take that gives you a +1 bonus to damage ? 6) While you are able to take the Psionic Celerity feat, and you apparently intend to charge, could you do the attack and damage calculation for a melee basic attack? When you have had a chance to review above, please use the Quote function to reply with the same numbers I used to indicate what, if anything, you changed on your sheet. Thanks, Baldhermit 1)Class HP 1st level (12) + Constitution score (3) + 4 per level (16) So, I did 12+3+4+4+4+4=31 [I hope I'm wrong! I want more]. 2)Done. Thanks. 3)When I checked Feedback Armor in the compendium it said "cloth or leather." I just noted it as cloth. Is it leather because it is +2? If so, I will need to sell that and go with something else. Thank you. 4)I filled in "0," but it's just because I didn't see anything that gave me a check penalty. What may I have missed? 5)I didn't. I just added the +1 from "orb feat" to everything. Thanks for catching that. I changed it to "0." 6)I had actually just thought of using this to be able to run 10 squares, but I can see how it could be a poor use of a feat. I changed it to Cunning stalker. Thank you again, Van At 1 : Your constitution score is 12, not 3. So 12 + 12 + 4+4+4+4 = 40 At 2 : check At 3 : Under Quick Look up there is a +2 listed for your armor bonus. Cloth armor does not give a +2. At 4 : Look at cloth armor in the compendium. Look up plate armor. Compare the entries. (it is zero, by the way, just so in the future you know where to look) At 5 : check At 6 : check
LNG257 said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Top of page 2 armor should be listed by type. I had also expected a breakdown of the expenses. In all though, not wrong, so go do the journal.
baldhermit said: Van S. said: baldhermit said: Van S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Victor, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. If you are not yet part of our Skype Guild chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Your calculated HP score is low. Would you mind showing your calculation so we can help where you went wrong? 2) for your defenses, please fill out the enhancement bonus you get from your armor under AC, and the enhancement bonus from your neck item for Fortitude, Reflex and Will. 3) At the top right of page 2, please define what type of armor you bought (cloth, leather, hide, chain mail, scale, plate). Please know that under quick lookup you listed a +2 as the armor bonus your character would get from that armor, only +2 is related to leather armor, and psions are not proficient in wearing leather. 4) Please fill out the check penalty under quick lookup. Even if that value is a zero, we need to know that you know what that value is for this character 5) what feat did you take that gives you a +1 bonus to damage ? 6) While you are able to take the Psionic Celerity feat, and you apparently intend to charge, could you do the attack and damage calculation for a melee basic attack? When you have had a chance to review above, please use the Quote function to reply with the same numbers I used to indicate what, if anything, you changed on your sheet. Thanks, Baldhermit 1)Class HP 1st level (12) + Constitution score (3) + 4 per level (16) So, I did 12+3+4+4+4+4=31 [I hope I'm wrong! I want more]. 2)Done. Thanks. 3)When I checked Feedback Armor in the compendium it said "cloth or leather." I just noted it as cloth. Is it leather because it is +2? If so, I will need to sell that and go with something else. Thank you. 4)I filled in "0," but it's just because I didn't see anything that gave me a check penalty. What may I have missed? 5)I didn't. I just added the +1 from "orb feat" to everything. Thanks for catching that. I changed it to "0." 6)I had actually just thought of using this to be able to run 10 squares, but I can see how it could be a poor use of a feat. I changed it to Cunning stalker. Thank you again, Van At 1 : Your constitution score is 12, not 3. So 12 + 12 + 4+4+4+4 = 40 At 2 : check At 3 : Under Quick Look up there is a +2 listed for your armor bonus. Cloth armor does not give a +2. At 4 : Look at cloth armor in the compendium. Look up plate armor. Compare the entries. (it is zero, by the way, just so in the future you know where to look) At 5 : check At 6 : check 1)Yes! Changed it. 3)I think I figured out what I was messing up. Feedback armor gives a plus 2 to AC under ENH. First I just put it under Armor, and on the Quick Lookup. I've changed that to zero. 4) I get it. Thank you very much, Van
Van S. said: baldhermit said: Van S. said: baldhermit said: Van S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Victor, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. If you are not yet part of our Skype Guild chat, please contact one of the DMs to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Your calculated HP score is low. Would you mind showing your calculation so we can help where you went wrong? 2) for your defenses, please fill out the enhancement bonus you get from your armor under AC, and the enhancement bonus from your neck item for Fortitude, Reflex and Will. 3) At the top right of page 2, please define what type of armor you bought (cloth, leather, hide, chain mail, scale, plate). Please know that under quick lookup you listed a +2 as the armor bonus your character would get from that armor, only +2 is related to leather armor, and psions are not proficient in wearing leather. 4) Please fill out the check penalty under quick lookup. Even if that value is a zero, we need to know that you know what that value is for this character 5) what feat did you take that gives you a +1 bonus to damage ? 6) While you are able to take the Psionic Celerity feat, and you apparently intend to charge, could you do the attack and damage calculation for a melee basic attack? When you have had a chance to review above, please use the Quote function to reply with the same numbers I used to indicate what, if anything, you changed on your sheet. Thanks, Baldhermit 1)Class HP 1st level (12) + Constitution score (3) + 4 per level (16) So, I did 12+3+4+4+4+4=31 [I hope I'm wrong! I want more]. 2)Done. Thanks. 3)When I checked Feedback Armor in the compendium it said "cloth or leather." I just noted it as cloth. Is it leather because it is +2? If so, I will need to sell that and go with something else. Thank you. 4)I filled in "0," but it's just because I didn't see anything that gave me a check penalty. What may I have missed? 5)I didn't. I just added the +1 from "orb feat" to everything. Thanks for catching that. I changed it to "0." 6)I had actually just thought of using this to be able to run 10 squares, but I can see how it could be a poor use of a feat. I changed it to Cunning stalker. Thank you again, Van At 1 : Your constitution score is 12, not 3. So 12 + 12 + 4+4+4+4 = 40 At 2 : check At 3 : Under Quick Look up there is a +2 listed for your armor bonus. Cloth armor does not give a +2. At 4 : Look at cloth armor in the compendium. Look up plate armor. Compare the entries. (it is zero, by the way, just so in the future you know where to look) At 5 : check At 6 : check 1)Yes! Changed it. 3)I think I figured out what I was messing up. Feedback armor gives a plus 2 to AC under ENH. First I just put it under Armor, and on the Quick Lookup. I've changed that to zero. 4) I get it. Thank you very much, Van Journal waiting for you when you hit Launch Game, in the top right corner. The 2nd video is probably helpful, otherwise ask in skype. When that is done, get some DMs attention, and they can make you a token.
Thank you!
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This character will be a retire of Inanis

Edited 1517875128
Nikolai M. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This character will be a retire of Inanis Hello Nikolai, let's see what we can do for you! 1) Skill Versatility: You seem to have not added the +1 to Athletics. 2) Grasping Limb: "Highest ability modifier + 2 vs. Reflex" the highest ability modifier should include your half level. 3) An alternative to the Chatkcha would be a simple Dagger to give you some more accuracy with your Rhyme of the Blood Seeking Blade, but Chatkcha is perfectly valid, too. I'm guessing you picked it for the range? Should be two quick and easy fixes.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Will (Zarek) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello Will, welcome to the guild! 1) I suggest changing your level 4 attribute boost and/or your chosen attribute array slightly to benefit you with any further costs. Read up on the topic here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... 2) Please explain how you arrived at 14 surges/day. 3) In the Class / Path / Destiny Features field, please list your Class Features, rather than your chosen powers. 4) The bonus to athletics from your Gauntlets is incorrect. 5a) In the quick lookup, Check Penalty and special movement/senses can not be empty. Please enter a 0 if your penalty is 0, enter "none" or "-" if you have no special movement or senses. 5b) Your armor is heavy, please tick the box. 5c) Your armor bonus from your base armor is incorrect. Do not include the enhancement bonus in the quick lookup. 5d) Hafted defense grants you a shield bonus. Enter it into the quick lookup. 6) In your powers, please label your attack powers according to their usage and level, eg: Encounter 1, Daily 5, Utility 2. This will help you avoid mistakes like the fact that you have no Utility power, and that Lunging Strike is mislabeled as utility power despite being an attack power. 7) Please list a breakdown of your spending and remaining money. Note that the field at the very bottom of the sheet is only visible to the owner (you). 8) Check which langauges Minotaurs get. Update your languages accordingly. 9) You have no +1 feat bonus to AC. You do however have Enh.(ancement) bonuses to AC, Fort, Ref and Will and should enter them among your other defenses. 10) How are you getting a feat bonus to damage? When you have had a chance to review above, please use the Quote function to reply with the same numbers I used to indicate how you addressed my concerns. Thank you.
Nico said: Will (Zarek) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello Will, welcome to the guild! 1) I suggest changing your level 4 attribute boost and/or your chosen attribute array slightly to benefit you with any further costs. Read up on the topic here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... 2) Please explain how you arrived at 14 surges/day. 3) In the Class / Path / Destiny Features field, please list your Class Features, rather than your chosen powers. 4) The bonus to athletics from your Gauntlets is incorrect. 5a) In the quick lookup, Check Penalty and special movement/senses can not be empty. Please enter a 0 if your penalty is 0, enter "none" or "-" if you have no special movement or senses. 5b) Your armor is heavy, please tick the box. 5c) Your armor bonus from your base armor is incorrect. Do not include the enhancement bonus in the quick lookup. 5d) Hafted defense grants you a shield bonus. Enter it into the quick lookup. 6) In your powers, please label your attack powers according to their usage and level, eg: Encounter 1, Daily 5, Utility 2. This will help you avoid mistakes like the fact that you have no Utility power, and that Lunging Strike is mislabeled as utility power despite being an attack power. 7) Please list a breakdown of your spending and remaining money. Note that the field at the very bottom of the sheet is only visible to the owner (you). 8) Check which langauges Minotaurs get. Update your languages accordingly. 9) You have no +1 feat bonus to AC. You do however have Enh.(ancement) bonuses to AC, Fort, Ref and Will and should enter them among your other defenses. 10) How are you getting a feat bonus to damage? When you have had a chance to review above, please use the Quote function to reply with the same numbers I used to indicate how you addressed my concerns. Thank you. Hey Nico, thanks for the welcome, and even more for the help! 1) I went ahead and changed my stats to the Dwarf 3 array because it seemed to work for Polearm Momentum, as such I've drastically changed my feats and made a few changes to my powers as well. 2) Minotaurs have the Vitality racial that gives them +1 Healing Surges/day, so I added 1 to the calculated amount, is this incorrect? 3) I've removed the powers and listed the Fighter features here now. 4) This was actually the bonus to Athletics from my mechanical background, and my Gauntlet bonus was missing hehe. I hope it is correct now. 5) I've made the suggested updates to the armor and quick lookup. I had the Protection +1 in the Misc instead of Enhancement I found. 6) I see now that I had put Utility on Lunging Strike and left off Full Extension. I hope the powers are now listed appropriately. I've also changed them up somewhat. 7) I broke this down in the "Wealth" section. 8) Minotaurs get Common and one of their choice, I figured that Giant would be most appropriate for who he is. 9) I had listed the +1 in the Misc rather than Enh. Moved now. 10) I was not, I misread the Polearm Expertise bonus to attack rolls as damage. Hopefully correct now.
Will (Zarek) said: Nico said: Will (Zarek) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello Will, welcome to the guild! 1) I suggest changing your level 4 attribute boost and/or your chosen attribute array slightly to benefit you with any further costs. Read up on the topic here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... 2) Please explain how you arrived at 14 surges/day. 3) In the Class / Path / Destiny Features field, please list your Class Features, rather than your chosen powers. 4) The bonus to athletics from your Gauntlets is incorrect. 5a) In the quick lookup, Check Penalty and special movement/senses can not be empty. Please enter a 0 if your penalty is 0, enter "none" or "-" if you have no special movement or senses. 5b) Your armor is heavy, please tick the box. 5c) Your armor bonus from your base armor is incorrect. Do not include the enhancement bonus in the quick lookup. 5d) Hafted defense grants you a shield bonus. Enter it into the quick lookup. 6) In your powers, please label your attack powers according to their usage and level, eg: Encounter 1, Daily 5, Utility 2. This will help you avoid mistakes like the fact that you have no Utility power, and that Lunging Strike is mislabeled as utility power despite being an attack power. 7) Please list a breakdown of your spending and remaining money. Note that the field at the very bottom of the sheet is only visible to the owner (you). 8) Check which langauges Minotaurs get. Update your languages accordingly. 9) You have no +1 feat bonus to AC. You do however have Enh.(ancement) bonuses to AC, Fort, Ref and Will and should enter them among your other defenses. 10) How are you getting a feat bonus to damage? When you have had a chance to review above, please use the Quote function to reply with the same numbers I used to indicate how you addressed my concerns. Thank you. Hey Nico, thanks for the welcome, and even more for the help! 1) I went ahead and changed my stats to the Dwarf 3 array because it seemed to work for Polearm Momentum, as such I've drastically changed my feats and made a few changes to my powers as well. 2) Minotaurs have the Vitality racial that gives them +1 Healing Surges/day, so I added 1 to the calculated amount, is this incorrect? 3) I've removed the powers and listed the Fighter features here now. 4) This was actually the bonus to Athletics from my mechanical background, and my Gauntlet bonus was missing hehe. I hope it is correct now. 5) I've made the suggested updates to the armor and quick lookup. I had the Protection +1 in the Misc instead of Enhancement I found. 6) I see now that I had put Utility on Lunging Strike and left off Full Extension. I hope the powers are now listed appropriately. I've also changed them up somewhat. 7) I broke this down in the "Wealth" section. 8) Minotaurs get Common and one of their choice, I figured that Giant would be most appropriate for who he is. 9) I had listed the +1 in the Misc rather than Enh. Moved now. 10) I was not, I misread the Polearm Expertise bonus to attack rolls as damage. Hopefully correct now. 2) Let me rephrase that: How did you arrive at 13 before the Vitality bonus? What is the "calculated amount" you mention? 3) Some class features require you to make a choice between several sub-features, you need to list which choice you made. 4a) I missed the background, thinking it was part of your character's story rather than a mechanical thing. Please list it at the end of class features for my convenience. Thanks! 4b) Your Athletics still has a bonus of 1 in the armor penalty column, which really shouldn't happen by any stretch of the imagination. I also don't see the item bonus added. 5a) Please fix this. 9) Your Will defense enhancement bonus. Double-check it. ;) 6) Looking good. 7) I like it. 8) There you go! 11) You can put in your weapon quick lookup whatever you like, as far as I'm concerned, just don't forget that your Halberd is not merely Magical but actually Staggering!
Hey my name is Steven, I read everything and I should have everything in order. Starting array I went with was 16,16,14,10,9,8 Link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1518062940
Kage said: Hey my name is Steven, I read everything and I should have everything in order. Starting array I went with was 16,16,14,10,9,8 Link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Steven.&nbsp; Please note that there is a format to things being posted here.&nbsp; Your sheet will not get reviewed if you do not follow the format (It might seem nit-picky but if you look at the amount of requests we get, it is needed). One of the reasons we make sure everyone has used the checklist is so that when we say things like "That array is not legal, you will not find that array on the list for Step 5 on the New Player Checklist" we know you have at least read the checklist we are referring to in our feedback.

Edited 1518064626
Gary M said: Kage said: Hey my name is Steven, I read everything and I should have everything in order. Starting array I went with was 16,16,14,10,9,8 Link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Steven.&nbsp; Please note that there is a format to things being posted here.&nbsp; Your sheet will not get reviewed if you do not follow the format (It might seem nit-picky but if you look at the amount of requests we get, it is needed). One of the reasons we make sure everyone has used the checklist is so that when we say things like "That array is not legal, you will not find that array on the list for Step 5 on the New Player Checklist" we know you have at least read the checklist we are referring to in our feedback. ok i'll go with 16,16,13,11,10,8 Thought this saw this one on there at a glance and forgot to change it to it when I was finishing the character. Sorry.

Edited 1518065262
Kage said: Gary M said: Kage said: Hey my name is Steven, I read everything and I should have everything in order. Starting array I went with was 16,16,14,10,9,8 Link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Steven.&nbsp; Please note that there is a format to things being posted here.&nbsp; Your sheet will not get reviewed if you do not follow the format (It might seem nit-picky but if you look at the amount of requests we get, it is needed). One of the reasons we make sure everyone has used the checklist is so that when we say things like "That array is not legal, you will not find that array on the list for Step 5 on the New Player Checklist" we know you have at least read the checklist we are referring to in our feedback. ok i'll go with 16,16,13,11,10,8 Thought i saw it on there at a glance That does fix half-ish of the problem. The goal here is to make it really easy for us to read everything on your sheet and get you quickly checked off.&nbsp; Following the format for posting is required.&nbsp; Labeling your feats and what level you got them at, putting the array on the sheet somewhere, breaking down your HP, properly labeling your attack and damage workspaces using 2 powers.&nbsp; All of these are things you need to do and all of them are on the checklist. Take a minute, read through the checklist.&nbsp; Post that you have read the checklist and know how you are to label your stuff and, preferably, label your stuff and then repost.&nbsp; It will not get reviewed otherwise. Edit: For clarity&nbsp; Check this Formatting on the Original Post to see what I'm talking about.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1518080908
Kage said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hey there. Let's get down to it. Solid effort, so just a few minor things and it will be done. To fix: 1- Please add Midnight Blade Student's bonus to acrobatics. 2- Note the kind of armor you are using with the enhancement(I assume hide with your sheet). 3- Add the powers' levels to your selection. 4- Your Player name does not match the roll20 name. For simplicity sake i urge you to change that. 5- Quickdraw and improved initiative are both a typed bonus(feat) and thus do not stack your bonus should be 4 not 6. 6- You have a 2 feat bonus to attack while it should be 1. 7- The tempest bonus to damage is not a feat bonus, so it should be in misc not feat. Suggestions: 1- You can get and benefit from a mechanical background. 2- I understand that effectively increasing Dex or wis at this point results in the same efficiency, but if you are planning on further increasing Dex I recommend a different starting array.

Edited 1518086052
Aaron G. said: Kage said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hey there. Let's get down to it. Solid effort, so just a few minor things and it will be done. To fix: 1- Please add Midnight Blade Student's bonus to acrobatics. 2- Note the kind of armor you are using with the enhancement(I assume hide with your sheet). 3- Add the powers' levels to your selection. 4- Your Player name does not match the roll20 name. For simplicity sake i urge you to change that. 5- Quickdraw and improved initiative are both a typed bonus(feat) and thus do not stack your bonus should be 4 not 6. 6- You have a 2 feat bonus to attack while it should be 1. 7- The tempest bonus to damage is not a feat bonus, so it should be in misc not feat. Suggestions: 1- You can get and benefit from a mechanical background. 2- I understand that effectively increasing Dex or wis at this point results in the same efficiency, but if you are planning on further increasing Dex I recommend a different starting array. Fixed: 1- Bonus applied 2- The magic armor can only be used with hide, added it for clarification 3- Levels noted 4- Name Changed 5- feat bonus fixed 6- feat attack bonus fixed 7- bonus switched to misc Suggestions: 1- Mechanical Background selected and bonus applied. Geography - Forest: +2 Perception 2- It's a Strength melee build, Dex is not likely to receive increases.
Kage said: Aaron G. said: Kage said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hey there. Let's get down to it. Solid effort, so just a few minor things and it will be done. To fix: 1- Please add Midnight Blade Student's bonus to acrobatics. 2- Note the kind of armor you are using with the enhancement(I assume hide with your sheet). 3- Add the powers' levels to your selection. 4- Your Player name does not match the roll20 name. For simplicity sake i urge you to change that. 5- Quickdraw and improved initiative are both a typed bonus(feat) and thus do not stack your bonus should be 4 not 6. 6- You have a 2 feat bonus to attack while it should be 1. 7- The tempest bonus to damage is not a feat bonus, so it should be in misc not feat. Suggestions: 1- You can get and benefit from a mechanical background. 2- I understand that effectively increasing Dex or wis at this point results in the same efficiency, but if you are planning on further increasing Dex I recommend a different starting array. Fixed: 1- Bonus applied 2- The magic armor can only be used with hide, added it for clarification 3- Levels noted 4- Name Changed 5- feat bonus fixed 6- feat attack bonus fixed 7- bonus switched to misc Suggestions: 1- Mechanical Background selected and bonus applied. Geography - Forest: +2 Perception 2- It's a Strength melee build, Dex is not likely to receive increases. Good stuff. Keep in mind the hide note becomes more important once you start using masterworks. Journal is waiting for you.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This is my mulligan of Yuka.
riddlememiss said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi and welcome to the Guild, I looked over your sheet and got a few things I'd like for you to take a look at: 1. Please change the field "Player" to your Roll20 name, so we have an easier time telling who the sheet belongs to 2. Your class is just "Warlock", Deceptive is just one of the templates the books offer as a starting point, but not actually a thing as far as game terms go 3. Please put your Paragon Path in brackets or otherwise denote that you don't have it yet 4. Set your starting XP to 5500 5. Please put your starting array into the Statistic Block and note which racial attributes you chose 6. As a side note, it is highly recommended to start with at least an 18 in your primary attribute, you can find a more detailed reasoning for this here 7. Also, please include a breakdown of your HP in the Statistic Block (can be as simple as "X + Attribute + Y per level") 8. You seem to be missing your racial Elven Accuracy power 9. Please put your Theme and its benefits under the Class Feature section, into the bottom lines, noting what you get at which level 9.1 Dirty Deed is also missing under Powers 10. You gain a feat at levels 1, 2 and 4, plus a free expertise feat at level 1, please choose them and note the levels you gained them at under "Loc." 11. You're missing your racial and theme skill bonuses 12. Please familiarize yourself with how powers are chosen, as you're missing quite a few (for instance your 2 level 1 At-Wills and all dailies) and then note for each power their level (where applicable), uasge and source, for example "Sinister Extraction, Warlock Encounter 3" 13. You're required to start with a magic item each of the "big three", meaning weapon/implement, armor and neck slot. Currently you only seem to have a magical neck slot and otherwise mundane items. Once you buy the correct equip, please make sure to note their enhancement bonus (+1, +2 , etc.) with their entry in the Magic Items section 13.1 Defiant Rods are a superior implement and require a proficiency feat to use 14. Please also include a breakdown of your expenses under "Coins and Other Wealth", instead of writing the price in the item section 15. Under Quick Lookup, please list just one or two relevant attacks as an example of your attack and damage values 16. Group Awareness is not a special sense, an entry under Race Features is enough 17. Many things are wrong with your defenses. Take a look at your bonuses and where they come from, i.e. defense bonuses from your class under "Class", from feats under "Feats", enhancement bonuses from items under "Enh." and so on 18. Please fill out your attack and damage workspaces with examples of relevant attacks 19. You also don't have to pay gold for your Adventurer's Kit, as you start with one free of charge That should cover most of it for the time being. Please take the time to look over your sheet, peruse the Basic Rules , New Player Checklist , and the Video Tutorial as needed and ask in the Skype chat if you have any issues or need some help with creating your character. Once you're done with that, please respond to my post with the quote function and tick off the points. And again, please don't hesitate to ask if you have any troubles, we're happy to help.
Han S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This is my mulligan of Yuka. Age, Height, Weight, Alignment, Adventure Company Under quick lookup the check penalty entry Protective Hex is not a benefit to your character What do the question marks behind Superior Implement Training, Martial Resolve and Shared Pact in your class features indicate? What do the question marks indicate with the listings of some of the wondrous items and the tattoo under your magic gear listing?

Edited 1518192511
baldhermit said: Age, Height, Weight, Alignment, Adventure Company Under quick lookup the check penalty entry Protective Hex is not a benefit to your character What do the question marks behind Superior Implement Training, Martial Resolve and Shared Pact in your class features indicate? What do the question marks indicate with the listings of some of the wondrous items and the tattoo under your magic gear listing? Added. Added. I put it there since I thought it was conditional, but removed. Those are just potential alternate feats I'm considering trying to put into my lineup. I moved the stuff to other items (which I never use) in case that makes it easier to read. Bracketed stuff is stuff that I don't have yet, and the question marks were for the items that I was less sure about getting or wanting.
Han S. said: baldhermit said: Age, Height, Weight, Alignment, Adventure Company Under quick lookup the check penalty entry Protective Hex is not a benefit to your character What do the question marks behind Superior Implement Training, Martial Resolve and Shared Pact in your class features indicate? What do the question marks indicate with the listings of some of the wondrous items and the tattoo under your magic gear listing? Added. Added. I put it there since I thought it was conditional, but removed. Those are just potential alternate feats I'm considering trying to put into my lineup. I moved the stuff to other items (which I never use) in case that makes it easier to read. Bracketed stuff is stuff that I don't have yet, and the question marks were for the items that I was less sure about getting or wanting. Well, go do the thing. For future reference, the bottom of page 3 is a private box that no one but the owner can see. That is a safe space to put all your future development plans.

Edited 1518573855
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Trevor E. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1. Hafted Defense is a shield bonus and should be added next to armor, not in feat slot. 2. How is your chainmail providing +8 to armor instead of +6? 3. I assume your expertise feat is intended to be polearm expertise? 4. Please put your class features in the class features section
Blooper said: Trevor E. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1. Hafted Defense is a shield bonus and should be added next to armor, not in feat slot. 2. How is your chainmail providing +8 to armor instead of +6? 3. I assume your expertise feat is intended to be polearm expertise? 4. Please put your class features in the class features section 1. Ah i was not sure so i put it in the feat. thank you for clarification. 2. I tried to do scale and realized i didnt have enough strength and forgot to change it. fixed 3. Yes it is. Should it be something different? 4. Fixed!
Posting for Posterity. I was the one who wrote the Basic Rules/FAQ I have read and edited the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium and made substantive changes to it. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources (and some other super-secret ones I shall not tell you about). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Matt W. said: Posting for Posterity. I was the one who wrote the Basic Rules/FAQ I have read and edited the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium and made substantive changes to it. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources (and some other super-secret ones I shall not tell you about). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Approved! Great work! You can find a journal for this character at the table on roll20. Also, you're very handsome.
Matt W. said: Matt W. said: Posting for Posterity. I was the one who wrote the Basic Rules/FAQ I have read and edited the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium and made substantive changes to it. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources (and some other super-secret ones I shall not tell you about). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Approved! Great work! You can find a journal for this character at the table on roll20. Also, you're very handsome. 1. Please set your starting XP to 5500
I have&nbsp;read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have&nbsp;read the New Player Checklist. I have&nbsp;downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1518851967
Alex C. said: I have&nbsp;read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have&nbsp;read the New Player Checklist. I have&nbsp;downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Alex, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. if you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, please contact one of the Dms to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Your chosen starting array does not appear to be a legal choice. Please check out step 5 of the New Player Checklist. You also seem to have forgotten Kapak Draconian gives a +2 Dex and a +2 Cha racial. 2) Your HP is low. With the Auspicious Birth background, the math should be your Dexterity score + 12 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 3) Please fill out the check penalty box under quick look up. Even if that value is zero, we need to know that you know what the value is. 4) With the feat, please include what specialty you took for your Superior implement Training. For example Accurate Dagger or in this case probably Lancing Dagger. Then under Magic gear, top right of page 2, please include the full name of this implement. In your case Lightning Lancing Dagger +1, though that only costs 1000gp. 5) As you have several different attacks, I would recommend you name the slots for your attack and damage work space to specific powers. For example both your at wills, one being a weapon and the other being an implement attack. As it stands I would venture your weapon attack calculation is missing a feat bonus. 6) please note Tempest Magic grants a feat bonus to damage, please list it as such in the damage workspace. 7) not wrong, but please use the Guild Reference Index to read up on the Minor Ruling in regards to Draconian Flight, just so you know how it works. 8) with the breakdown of expenses under Coin and Wealth, please tell us what cost goes with what item. 9) also not wrong, but I am really lost at your chosen skills. This is a team game, I would recommend you choose skills associated with abilities you excel at, and let the barbarian worry about getting his Athletics high enough to breakdown the big bad guys door. On top of that, you get Arcana +3, and you only selected 2. Pretty decent first attempt overall. Please take some time to read through it before you respond, and when you do, please use the quote function and the same number indicators to let us know what, if anything, you changed.
baldhermit said: Alex C. said: I have&nbsp;read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have&nbsp;read the New Player Checklist. I have&nbsp;downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Alex, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. if you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, please contact one of the Dms to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Your chosen starting array does not appear to be a legal choice. Please check out step 5 of the New Player Checklist. You also seem to have forgotten Kapak Draconian gives a +2 Dex and a +2 Cha racial. 2) Your HP is low. With the Auspicious Birth background, the math should be your Dexterity score + 12 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 3) Please fill out the check penalty box under quick look up. Even if that value is zero, we need to know that you know what the value is. 4) With the feat, please include what specialty you took for your Superior implement Training. For example Accurate Dagger or in this case probably Lancing Dagger. Then under Magic gear, top right of page 2, please include the full name of this implement. In your case Lightning Lancing Dagger +1, though that only costs 1000gp. 5) As you have several different attacks, I would recommend you name the slots for your attack and damage work space to specific powers. For example both your at wills, one being a weapon and the other being an implement attack. As it stands I would venture your weapon attack calculation is missing a feat bonus. 6) please note Tempest Magic grants a feat bonus to damage, please list it as such in the damage workspace. 7) not wrong, but please use the Guild Reference Index to read up on the Minor Ruling in regards to Draconian Flight, just so you know how it works. 8) with the breakdown of expenses under Coin and Wealth, please tell us what cost goes with what item. 9) also not wrong, but I am really lost at your chosen skills. This is a team game, I would recommend you choose skills associated with abilities you excel at, and let the barbarian worry about getting his Athletics high enough to breakdown the big bad guys door. On top of that, you get Arcana +3, and you only selected 2. Pretty decent first attempt overall. Please take some time to read through it before you respond, and when you do, please use the quote function and the same number indicators to let us know what, if anything, you changed. 1. Fixed the array to actually display it as it was picked,as well as swapped to a legal one. I'd already included the +2 Dex +2 Cha under racial features. 2. I remembered this as I laid in bed, I've been playing 5e for 2 years and completely forgot that 4e adds the entire stat and not just the modifier at first level. It has now been fixed and displays my HP accordingly! 3. I have filled out the easy lookup entirely now. 4. Fixed everything regarding the Lightning Lance Dagger and its associated feat. 5. I have added my At-Wills to the easy lookup damage, as well as added the missing feat bonus to weapon attacks. 6. Tempest Magic's bonus has been properly added as a feat bonus. 7. Added some extra wording to the Instinctual Flight racial ability as well as the full excerpt from the rulings under Notes. 8. I have added the items to their prices into the maths. 9. I have fixed my skill selection, added a racial bonus to Intimidate and History I'd forgotten, and picked something more in line with a Sorcerer. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
For posterity: Retiring Ember to create Kilroy at level 5 I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1518882744
Alex C. said: baldhermit said: Alex C. said: I have&nbsp;read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have&nbsp;read the New Player Checklist. I have&nbsp;downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Alex, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. if you are not yet part of the Guild Skype chat, please contact one of the Dms to get added. My handle is baldhermit. 1) Your chosen starting array does not appear to be a legal choice. Please check out step 5 of the New Player Checklist. You also seem to have forgotten Kapak Draconian gives a +2 Dex and a +2 Cha racial. 2) Your HP is low. With the Auspicious Birth background, the math should be your Dexterity score + 12 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 3) Please fill out the check penalty box under quick look up. Even if that value is zero, we need to know that you know what the value is. 4) With the feat, please include what specialty you took for your Superior implement Training. For example Accurate Dagger or in this case probably Lancing Dagger. Then under Magic gear, top right of page 2, please include the full name of this implement. In your case Lightning Lancing Dagger +1, though that only costs 1000gp. 5) As you have several different attacks, I would recommend you name the slots for your attack and damage work space to specific powers. For example both your at wills, one being a weapon and the other being an implement attack. As it stands I would venture your weapon attack calculation is missing a feat bonus. 6) please note Tempest Magic grants a feat bonus to damage, please list it as such in the damage workspace. 7) not wrong, but please use the Guild Reference Index to read up on the Minor Ruling in regards to Draconian Flight, just so you know how it works. 8) with the breakdown of expenses under Coin and Wealth, please tell us what cost goes with what item. 9) also not wrong, but I am really lost at your chosen skills. This is a team game, I would recommend you choose skills associated with abilities you excel at, and let the barbarian worry about getting his Athletics high enough to breakdown the big bad guys door. On top of that, you get Arcana +3, and you only selected 2. Pretty decent first attempt overall. Please take some time to read through it before you respond, and when you do, please use the quote function and the same number indicators to let us know what, if anything, you changed. 1. Fixed the array to actually display it as it was picked,as well as swapped to a legal one. I'd already included the +2 Dex +2 Cha under racial features. 2. I remembered this as I laid in bed, I've been playing 5e for 2 years and completely forgot that 4e adds the entire stat and not just the modifier at first level. It has now been fixed and displays my HP accordingly! 3. I have filled out the easy lookup entirely now. 4. Fixed everything regarding the Lightning Lance Dagger and its associated feat. 5. I have added my At-Wills to the easy lookup damage, as well as added the missing feat bonus to weapon attacks. 6. Tempest Magic's bonus has been properly added as a feat bonus. 7. Added some extra wording to the Instinctual Flight racial ability as well as the full excerpt from the rulings under Notes. 8. I have added the items to their prices into the maths. 9. I have fixed my skill selection, added a racial bonus to Intimidate and History I'd forgotten, and picked something more in line with a Sorcerer. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> At 1 : check At 2 : check At 3 : check At 4 : check At 5 : check At 6 : check At 7 : check At 8 : check At 9 : check When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal to be filled out in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. If you have any questions, you know where to find me. Once that is done, contact one of the DMs by leaving a message here or, ideally, on Skype, that can then make you a token.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>