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Old Character Sheet Thread (Locked Apr 2020)

baldhermit said: Bob said: baldhermit said: Bob said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Bob, welcome to the Guild Living campaign. 1) your HP score is not correct. You seem to have missed the 12 points base Rangers start out with. 2) At the top right of page 2, please define what sort of axes your weapons are 3) Optionally you could select a character theme for Dura, as well as enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background. Neither is mandatory, but could enhance your character by giving it more power / flavor. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. 1. Base Hp for ranger is 12, my Con modifier is 1, I get 4x5=20 hp from lving up to 5th lv and i get extra 5 hp from Toughness feat. 12+1+20+5=38, correct? I don't see where I made a mistake. 2. Fixed. The +2 battleaxe shoould've been Frightful battleaxe so I also changed that. 3. Added background. Didn't like any of the themes so I chose none. At 1 : The base is 12, your characters constitution score is 13, you get 4x5 from 4 level ups, and 5 from Toughness. At 2 : check At 3 : check Because that is a simple thing to fix, I will set you up with a journal. Please address the HP score on your myth weavers sheet first though. When you hit Launch Game, you will find your journal in the top right corner. Our second video also addresses this. When that is done, flag down a DM on discord (our welcome channel explains this as well), and they can then set you up with a token. 1. Fixed Ok, gotta make those macros.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1526638686
Shimbius said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello Matthew, welcome to the Guild.&nbsp;If you have not yet joined us on Discord, come find us : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> In regards to your sheet : 1) please in the Statistics Block, list your chosen array, your racial bonuses and your level 4 boost, as per Step 5 of the new Player Checklist. I would also recommend reading that step for an additional reason, please start out (at level 5) with at least in 18 in your primary ability as to not needlessly gimp yourself. 2) Please list the enhancement bonus of the armor in the AC calculation at the top center of page 1. You may also have misplaced the enhancement bonus of the neck item. 3) Hybrid Fighter gets you +1 Fortitude, Hybrid Warlord gets you +1 Fortitude or +1 Will. I see a class bonus of +2 Fortitude and +1 Will. Could you please explain where they come from? 4) Please fill out the attack and damage calculations on the right side of page 1. 5) Please fill out your chosen races' special senses under Quick Look Up. 6) You can only have one Hybrid Talent option as a heroic character 7) How does this character get 11 healing surges per day ? 8) Under Coins and Wealth, please provide us with a breakdown of your expenses 7) You are free to spend your cash the way you see fit, but please know that a bag of holding rarely comes into play the way the Guild has its sessions set up. I would recommend, but that is entirely your choice, to spend your coin on something else. 8) Please fill out page 3 a little. Give this guy some traits, an appearance, let us know what sort of character we can expect. 9) There is a feat called Heavy Blade Expertise which frankly is better than Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade). The New Player Checklist gives an overview of all the expertise feats. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Drogon&nbsp;is being retired.&nbsp;

Edited 1526741845
Shaun N. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Drogon&nbsp;is being retired.&nbsp; Hi Shaun, welcome back. 1) Could you do the attack calculation for an implement power? Or alternative, and this I would suggest, look at an expertise feat that supports the majority of your chosen powers? 2) Where does the miscellaneous bonus to reflex come from (aside of being human) ? 3) please fill out the number of healing surges 4) what is the +2 misc. bonus to damage based on? 5) Please know ranged attacks are not the same as area attacks. This is not technically incorrect on the sheet, but might be something you are misunderstanding of how your chosen paragon path interacts with your chosen powers. 6) Expert Combat Leader and Combat Commander are mutually exclusive. Again, not technically wrong, if you want to you can take both, but I think it indicates something you are misunderstanding of how those feats work. 7) What power does Amulet of Protection give you? And Alter Time is missing. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. This is retiring Aiyala - as a result, started with level 7 gold(11200) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Andy P. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. This is retiring Aiyala - as a result, started with level 7 gold(11200) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) HP is incorrect unless you are useing one of the mechanical backgrounds that change your HP stat which should be listed under your race features, this needs to be clear somewhere on the sheet 2) Character theme is not listed but based off powers it appears to be Firecrafter, please make sure this gets listed under class features, this needs to be clear somewhere on the sheet 3) Your feats should indicate your choices, Which hybrid talent you chose or the weapon and implement choice for Versatile Expertise. 4) Your powers should have their source and level indicated on them, you are also missing your mark punish powers Since these are just mostly adding missing text, go ahead and start changing up the journal but please make sure these are addressed
Nikolai M. said: Andy P. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. This is retiring Aiyala - as a result, started with level 7 gold(11200) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) HP is incorrect unless you are useing one of the mechanical backgrounds that change your HP stat which should be listed under your race features, this needs to be clear somewhere on the sheet 2) Character theme is not listed but based off powers it appears to be Firecrafter, please make sure this gets listed under class features, this needs to be clear somewhere on the sheet 3) Your feats should indicate your choices, Which hybrid talent you chose or the weapon and implement choice for Versatile Expertise. 4) Your powers should have their source and level indicated on them, you are also missing your mark punish powers Since these are just mostly adding missing text, go ahead and start changing up the journal but please make sure these are addressed Thanks! Fixed. Will start with the journal tomorrow probably…
ScrubbyTrashcan said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild Scrubby. If you have not yet joined us on Discord, come find us : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please set your starting XP to 5500 2) Under the quicklook up for check penalty you are missing the penalty from your armor, also because you appear to be using a class feature changing your AC stat please check the Armor is Heavy box 3) You are missing your racial skill bonuses on your skills 4) Under class features insead of putting the text of what each feature does please list the name of the feature, ie. Guardian Might - Wildblood 5) Under defenses please have the correct stat modifier for your AC under class rather than Misc since its coming from a class feature. Where is the 1 under feat from Fort and Will coming from? Your feat bonus to reflex is also incorrect 6) Under the damage workspace please make sure both powers are fully filled out 7) Under coins and other wealth please provide a breakdown of your purchases 8) Please make this more than just a stat sheet, bring your character a bit of life by filling out personality traits, mannerisms and appearance and background a bit. 9) Please know that you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme to enhance the character further, however this is not required Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say fixed.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild Scrubby. If you have not yet joined us on Discord, come find us : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please set your starting XP to 5500 2) Under the quicklook up for check penalty you are missing the penalty from your armor, also because you appear to be using a class feature changing your AC stat please check the Armor is Heavy box 3) You are missing your racial skill bonuses on your skills 4) Under class features insead of putting the text of what each feature does please list the name of the feature, ie. Guardian Might - Wildblood 5) Under defenses please have the correct stat modifier for your AC under class rather than Misc since its coming from a class feature. Where is the 1 under feat from Fort and Will coming from? Your feat bonus to reflex is also incorrect 6) Under the damage workspace please make sure both powers are fully filled out 7) Under coins and other wealth please provide a breakdown of your purchases 8) Please make this more than just a stat sheet, bring your character a bit of life by filling out personality traits, mannerisms and appearance and background a bit. 9) Please know that you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme to enhance the character further, however this is not required Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say fixed. I've already joined on discord, no need to worry in regards to that. 1.) Done, set to 5500XP 2.) I changed my penalty, but I'm wearing Hide armor, not any heavy, so I'm not sure why you brought that up. 3.) Fixed the racial skill bonus'. 4.) Done, all are set and which Warden sub-type they're from. 5.) Moved the AC from misc to class. The 1 to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude are all coming from my Healers Brooch +1. Fixed the Reflex feat value. 6.) Done, both are filled out. 7.) Purchase run down completed, and total value is represented, too. 8.) Character description is filled out. 9.) I have decided not to opt into a mechanical background or a character theme, but I appreciate the suggestion.
ScrubbyTrashcan said: Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild Scrubby. If you have not yet joined us on Discord, come find us : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please set your starting XP to 5500 2) Under the quicklook up for check penalty you are missing the penalty from your armor, also because you appear to be using a class feature changing your AC stat please check the Armor is Heavy box 3) You are missing your racial skill bonuses on your skills 4) Under class features insead of putting the text of what each feature does please list the name of the feature, ie. Guardian Might - Wildblood 5) Under defenses please have the correct stat modifier for your AC under class rather than Misc since its coming from a class feature. Where is the 1 under feat from Fort and Will coming from? Your feat bonus to reflex is also incorrect 6) Under the damage workspace please make sure both powers are fully filled out 7) Under coins and other wealth please provide a breakdown of your purchases 8) Please make this more than just a stat sheet, bring your character a bit of life by filling out personality traits, mannerisms and appearance and background a bit. 9) Please know that you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme to enhance the character further, however this is not required Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say fixed. I've already joined on discord, no need to worry in regards to that. 1.) Done, set to 5500XP 2.) I changed my penalty, but I'm wearing Hide armor, not any heavy, so I'm not sure why you brought that up. 3.) Fixed the racial skill bonus'. 4.) Done, all are set and which Warden sub-type they're from. 5.) Moved the AC from misc to class. The 1 to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude are all coming from my Healers Brooch +1. Fixed the Reflex feat value. 6.) Done, both are filled out. 7.) Purchase run down completed, and total value is represented, too. 8.) Character description is filled out. 9.) I have decided not to opt into a mechanical background or a character theme, but I appreciate the suggestion. 2.) By checking the armor is heavy box it will prevent the sheet from trying to pull your dex or int modifier into your ac defenses. This is done as a precaution if it were to gain a modifier so it does not interfere with using a different stat. Also your stat bonus is missing from the class section on the ac table 5.) The bonus from your brooch is under the enh, which is correct, I'm referring to the 1 in fort and will in the feat section of the defense table. 7.) +2 lifefont armor does not cost 840 gp, your brooch should also be with your equipment not your feats.
Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild Scrubby. If you have not yet joined us on Discord, come find us : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please set your starting XP to 5500 2) Under the quicklook up for check penalty you are missing the penalty from your armor, also because you appear to be using a class feature changing your AC stat please check the Armor is Heavy box 3) You are missing your racial skill bonuses on your skills 4) Under class features insead of putting the text of what each feature does please list the name of the feature, ie. Guardian Might - Wildblood 5) Under defenses please have the correct stat modifier for your AC under class rather than Misc since its coming from a class feature. Where is the 1 under feat from Fort and Will coming from? Your feat bonus to reflex is also incorrect 6) Under the damage workspace please make sure both powers are fully filled out 7) Under coins and other wealth please provide a breakdown of your purchases 8) Please make this more than just a stat sheet, bring your character a bit of life by filling out personality traits, mannerisms and appearance and background a bit. 9) Please know that you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme to enhance the character further, however this is not required Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say fixed. I've already joined on discord, no need to worry in regards to that. 1.) Done, set to 5500XP 2.) I changed my penalty, but I'm wearing Hide armor, not any heavy, so I'm not sure why you brought that up. 3.) Fixed the racial skill bonus'. 4.) Done, all are set and which Warden sub-type they're from. 5.) Moved the AC from misc to class. The 1 to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude are all coming from my Healers Brooch +1. Fixed the Reflex feat value. 6.) Done, both are filled out. 7.) Purchase run down completed, and total value is represented, too. 8.) Character description is filled out. 9.) I have decided not to opt into a mechanical background or a character theme, but I appreciate the suggestion. 2.) By checking the armor is heavy box it will prevent the sheet from trying to pull your dex or int modifier into your ac defenses. This is done as a precaution if it were to gain a modifier so it does not interfere with using a different stat. Also your stat bonus is missing from the class section on the ac table 5.) The bonus from your brooch is under the enh, which is correct, I'm referring to the 1 in fort and will in the feat section of the defense table. 7.) +2 lifefont armor does not cost 840 gp, your brooch should also be with your equipment not your feats. 2.) Ah I didn't know about the "armor is heavy" being a save against dex and int mods. Removed the extra 1 in fort and will feats, and left the ones in class instead. 5.) I have a feeling i accidentally duped my class and feat values, but they should be fixed now 7.) Changed my armor from summoned to Lifefront and forgot to knock the enhancement down by one, fixed now though, and moved the brooch's location.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
ScrubbyTrashcan said: Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild Scrubby. If you have not yet joined us on Discord, come find us : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please set your starting XP to 5500 2) Under the quicklook up for check penalty you are missing the penalty from your armor, also because you appear to be using a class feature changing your AC stat please check the Armor is Heavy box 3) You are missing your racial skill bonuses on your skills 4) Under class features insead of putting the text of what each feature does please list the name of the feature, ie. Guardian Might - Wildblood 5) Under defenses please have the correct stat modifier for your AC under class rather than Misc since its coming from a class feature. Where is the 1 under feat from Fort and Will coming from? Your feat bonus to reflex is also incorrect 6) Under the damage workspace please make sure both powers are fully filled out 7) Under coins and other wealth please provide a breakdown of your purchases 8) Please make this more than just a stat sheet, bring your character a bit of life by filling out personality traits, mannerisms and appearance and background a bit. 9) Please know that you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme to enhance the character further, however this is not required Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say fixed. I've already joined on discord, no need to worry in regards to that. 1.) Done, set to 5500XP 2.) I changed my penalty, but I'm wearing Hide armor, not any heavy, so I'm not sure why you brought that up. 3.) Fixed the racial skill bonus'. 4.) Done, all are set and which Warden sub-type they're from. 5.) Moved the AC from misc to class. The 1 to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude are all coming from my Healers Brooch +1. Fixed the Reflex feat value. 6.) Done, both are filled out. 7.) Purchase run down completed, and total value is represented, too. 8.) Character description is filled out. 9.) I have decided not to opt into a mechanical background or a character theme, but I appreciate the suggestion. 2.) By checking the armor is heavy box it will prevent the sheet from trying to pull your dex or int modifier into your ac defenses. This is done as a precaution if it were to gain a modifier so it does not interfere with using a different stat. Also your stat bonus is missing from the class section on the ac table 5.) The bonus from your brooch is under the enh, which is correct, I'm referring to the 1 in fort and will in the feat section of the defense table. 7.) +2 lifefont armor does not cost 840 gp, your brooch should also be with your equipment not your feats. 2.) Ah I didn't know about the "armor is heavy" being a save against dex and int mods. Removed the extra 1 in fort and will feats, and left the ones in class instead. 5.) I have a feeling i accidentally duped my class and feat values, but they should be fixed now 7.) Changed my armor from summoned to Lifefront and forgot to knock the enhancement down by one, fixed now though, and moved the brooch's location. 2.) This is the last bit to be fixed, under AC Enh still reflects armor is +2 instead of +1, and class is set to 0 rather than your Wis Mod
Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild Scrubby. If you have not yet joined us on Discord, come find us : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please set your starting XP to 5500 2) Under the quicklook up for check penalty you are missing the penalty from your armor, also because you appear to be using a class feature changing your AC stat please check the Armor is Heavy box 3) You are missing your racial skill bonuses on your skills 4) Under class features insead of putting the text of what each feature does please list the name of the feature, ie. Guardian Might - Wildblood 5) Under defenses please have the correct stat modifier for your AC under class rather than Misc since its coming from a class feature. Where is the 1 under feat from Fort and Will coming from? Your feat bonus to reflex is also incorrect 6) Under the damage workspace please make sure both powers are fully filled out 7) Under coins and other wealth please provide a breakdown of your purchases 8) Please make this more than just a stat sheet, bring your character a bit of life by filling out personality traits, mannerisms and appearance and background a bit. 9) Please know that you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme to enhance the character further, however this is not required Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say fixed. I've already joined on discord, no need to worry in regards to that. 1.) Done, set to 5500XP 2.) I changed my penalty, but I'm wearing Hide armor, not any heavy, so I'm not sure why you brought that up. 3.) Fixed the racial skill bonus'. 4.) Done, all are set and which Warden sub-type they're from. 5.) Moved the AC from misc to class. The 1 to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude are all coming from my Healers Brooch +1. Fixed the Reflex feat value. 6.) Done, both are filled out. 7.) Purchase run down completed, and total value is represented, too. 8.) Character description is filled out. 9.) I have decided not to opt into a mechanical background or a character theme, but I appreciate the suggestion. 2.) By checking the armor is heavy box it will prevent the sheet from trying to pull your dex or int modifier into your ac defenses. This is done as a precaution if it were to gain a modifier so it does not interfere with using a different stat. Also your stat bonus is missing from the class section on the ac table 5.) The bonus from your brooch is under the enh, which is correct, I'm referring to the 1 in fort and will in the feat section of the defense table. 7.) +2 lifefont armor does not cost 840 gp, your brooch should also be with your equipment not your feats. 2.) Ah I didn't know about the "armor is heavy" being a save against dex and int mods. Removed the extra 1 in fort and will feats, and left the ones in class instead. 5.) I have a feeling i accidentally duped my class and feat values, but they should be fixed now 7.) Changed my armor from summoned to Lifefront and forgot to knock the enhancement down by one, fixed now though, and moved the brooch's location. 2.) This is the last bit to be fixed, under AC Enh still reflects armor is +2 instead of +1, and class is set to 0 rather than your Wis Mod 2.) All fixed! AC has my wis mod as well as my enh mod is set to the proper value.
ScrubbyTrashcan said: Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: Nikolai M. said: ScrubbyTrashcan said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the Guild Scrubby. If you have not yet joined us on Discord, come find us : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please set your starting XP to 5500 2) Under the quicklook up for check penalty you are missing the penalty from your armor, also because you appear to be using a class feature changing your AC stat please check the Armor is Heavy box 3) You are missing your racial skill bonuses on your skills 4) Under class features insead of putting the text of what each feature does please list the name of the feature, ie. Guardian Might - Wildblood 5) Under defenses please have the correct stat modifier for your AC under class rather than Misc since its coming from a class feature. Where is the 1 under feat from Fort and Will coming from? Your feat bonus to reflex is also incorrect 6) Under the damage workspace please make sure both powers are fully filled out 7) Under coins and other wealth please provide a breakdown of your purchases 8) Please make this more than just a stat sheet, bring your character a bit of life by filling out personality traits, mannerisms and appearance and background a bit. 9) Please know that you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme to enhance the character further, however this is not required Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say fixed. I've already joined on discord, no need to worry in regards to that. 1.) Done, set to 5500XP 2.) I changed my penalty, but I'm wearing Hide armor, not any heavy, so I'm not sure why you brought that up. 3.) Fixed the racial skill bonus'. 4.) Done, all are set and which Warden sub-type they're from. 5.) Moved the AC from misc to class. The 1 to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude are all coming from my Healers Brooch +1. Fixed the Reflex feat value. 6.) Done, both are filled out. 7.) Purchase run down completed, and total value is represented, too. 8.) Character description is filled out. 9.) I have decided not to opt into a mechanical background or a character theme, but I appreciate the suggestion. 2.) By checking the armor is heavy box it will prevent the sheet from trying to pull your dex or int modifier into your ac defenses. This is done as a precaution if it were to gain a modifier so it does not interfere with using a different stat. Also your stat bonus is missing from the class section on the ac table 5.) The bonus from your brooch is under the enh, which is correct, I'm referring to the 1 in fort and will in the feat section of the defense table. 7.) +2 lifefont armor does not cost 840 gp, your brooch should also be with your equipment not your feats. 2.) Ah I didn't know about the "armor is heavy" being a save against dex and int mods. Removed the extra 1 in fort and will feats, and left the ones in class instead. 5.) I have a feeling i accidentally duped my class and feat values, but they should be fixed now 7.) Changed my armor from summoned to Lifefront and forgot to knock the enhancement down by one, fixed now though, and moved the brooch's location. 2.) This is the last bit to be fixed, under AC Enh still reflects armor is +2 instead of +1, and class is set to 0 rather than your Wis Mod 2.) All fixed! AC has my wis mod as well as my enh mod is set to the proper value. Everything looks all set so I'll get you set up with a journal to make your macros, don't forget to add your character to the guild census. When you hit Launch Game, you will find your journal in the top right corner. Our second video also addresses this. When that is done, flag down a DM on discord (our welcome channel explains this as well), and they can then set you up with a token.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
DarkDragon2344 said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi DarkDragon, and welcome to the Guild. I went over your sheet and got a few minor things I'd like for you to look at: Please add your enhancement level to your equipment Add your item powers to the powers section For completion's sake, please also add your Mercenary Level 1 feature to the Class Feature section and put a short note about what it does for each feature (can be as simple as "Mercenary 5: +2 PB Intimidate & Streetwise") Also, please add a short breakdown of your expenses in the Coins & Other Wealth box As a note: You can use the Items for Sale thread to purchase starting equipment for your character and maybe get a more impactful or just cheaper +2 weapon than Dynamic. I also had a laugh at "Age: 4", and I honestly don't know whether that's even a legal starting age for Gnolls, but I'll trust that it is. Once you've had a chance to look over your sheet again, just reply to my post with the Quote function. Cheers
Chris D. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Chris, and welcome to the Guild. I checked out your sheet, which is mostly okay, but got a few things I'd like for you to take another look at: Please add a breakdown of your expenses in the Coins & Other Wealth box at the top of page 3 Your HP (and with that your bloodied and surge values) are off by quite a bit, Druids start with 12+Con HP, and gain +5 HP each level Note nonmagical equipment under Other Items, as the magic item section usually gets pretty cluttered Also, please add source and level to each of your powers (e.g. "Savage Rend (Druid At-Will 1)") Pounce and Savage Rend are Implement attacks and as such do not get the Staff's proficiency bonus to attack rolls. Please correct this in your Attack Workspace The attack value for your staff MBA in the Quick Look-Up section is off by two (half level + enhancement + proficiency + staff expertise) The attack value for your dagger RBA in the Quick Look-Up section is off by two for the +1 dagger (dex + half level + enhancement + proficiency) Similarly, your damage is off by quite a bit (don't forget that RBA's always add your dex-mod to damage) You also don't need the values for an RBA with your nonmagical dagger, as magic thrown weapons immediately return to your hand after every attack Please correct the above and reply to this post using the quote function once you're done. Cheers
Saladful said: Chris D. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Chris, and welcome to the Guild. I checked out your sheet, which is mostly okay, but got a few things I'd like for you to take another look at: Please add a breakdown of your expenses in the Coins & Other Wealth box at the top of page 3 Your HP (and with that your bloodied and surge values) are off by quite a bit, Druids start with 12+Con HP, and gain +5 HP each level Note nonmagical equipment under Other Items, as the magic item section usually gets pretty cluttered Also, please add source and level to each of your powers (e.g. "Savage Rend (Druid At-Will 1)") Pounce and Savage Rend are Implement attacks and as such do not get the Staff's proficiency bonus to attack rolls. Please correct this in your Attack Workspace The attack value for your staff MBA in the Quick Look-Up section is off by two (half level + enhancement + proficiency + staff expertise) The attack value for your dagger RBA in the Quick Look-Up section is off by two for the +1 dagger (dex + half level + enhancement + proficiency) Similarly, your damage is off by quite a bit (don't forget that RBA's always add your dex-mod to damage) You also don't need the values for an RBA with your nonmagical dagger, as magic thrown weapons immediately return to your hand after every attack Please correct the above and reply to this post using the quote function once you're done. Cheers 1. Done 2. Whoops misread Con score as con modifier. Done 3. Done 4. Done 5. Done 6. Done 7. Done 8. Done for the dagger. Is the staff correct? 9. I wasn't aware, I have removed the RBA with the nonmagic dagger
Chris D. said: Saladful said: Chris D. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Chris, and welcome to the Guild. I checked out your sheet, which is mostly okay, but got a few things I'd like for you to take another look at: Please add a breakdown of your expenses in the Coins & Other Wealth box at the top of page 3 Your HP (and with that your bloodied and surge values) are off by quite a bit, Druids start with 12+Con HP, and gain +5 HP each level Note nonmagical equipment under Other Items, as the magic item section usually gets pretty cluttered Also, please add source and level to each of your powers (e.g. "Savage Rend (Druid At-Will 1)") Pounce and Savage Rend are Implement attacks and as such do not get the Staff's proficiency bonus to attack rolls. Please correct this in your Attack Workspace The attack value for your staff MBA in the Quick Look-Up section is off by two (half level + enhancement + proficiency + staff expertise) The attack value for your dagger RBA in the Quick Look-Up section is off by two for the +1 dagger (dex + half level + enhancement + proficiency) Similarly, your damage is off by quite a bit (don't forget that RBA's always add your dex-mod to damage) You also don't need the values for an RBA with your nonmagical dagger, as magic thrown weapons immediately return to your hand after every attack Please correct the above and reply to this post using the quote function once you're done. Cheers 1. Done 2. Whoops misread Con score as con modifier. Done 3. Done 4. Done 5. Done 6. Done 7. Done 8. Done for the dagger. Is the staff correct? 9. I wasn't aware, I have removed the RBA with the nonmagic dagger Check Check Check Source/Class and Levels are still missing from your power entries for me, did you hit save on your sheet after adding them? Check Check Check Check and yes Check Since 4. is just a minor readability and form thing, I have created a journal in the campaign for you to use. Once you're done with your macros, ping @DM in discord for a macro check. Should you need any assistance, just ask around, someone will be able to help. Please also add your character to the census if you haven't done that yet.
Saladful said: DarkDragon2344 said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi DarkDragon, and welcome to the Guild. I went over your sheet and got a few minor things I'd like for you to look at: Please add your enhancement level to your equipment Add your item powers to the powers section For completion's sake, please also add your Mercenary Level 1 feature to the Class Feature section and put a short note about what it does for each feature (can be as simple as "Mercenary 5: +2 PB Intimidate & Streetwise") Also, please add a short breakdown of your expenses in the Coins & Other Wealth box As a note: You can use the Items for Sale thread to purchase starting equipment for your character and maybe get a more impactful or just cheaper +2 weapon than Dynamic. I also had a laugh at "Age: 4", and I honestly don't know whether that's even a legal starting age for Gnolls, but I'll trust that it is. Once you've had a chance to look over your sheet again, just reply to my post with the Quote function. Cheers 1: Got it, added the bonuses to the item listing. 2: Jeez there really isn't much room for powers on these things, but done. 3: Done, now we know where I got such a high Intimidate as well as Takedown Strike. 4: Done, where my gold was spent is now explained. I'm good on the cheaper items personally. Gnolls age fast during youth and elder years, what can I say.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1527218024
Liam P. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Liam, welcome to the Guild. 1) please fill our the race features, including what boost to the ability scores your race gives you. 2) please fill out the class features 3) what feat did you take that gives your character a +3 to attack with your melee basic? 4) under quick look up, please fill out the check penalty box from your armor, even if that value is a zero, we need to know that you know what that value is. 5) Please buy magic items to outfit your character and list them at the top right of page 2. This will affect the defense calculations at the top of page 1 and the attack and damage calculations at the mid right of page 1. Please read Step 9 of the New Player Checklist, and ask in chat if that is unclear. 6) Also from the New Player Checklist, please read Step 5. That level 4 boost to Cha is a complete waste, while if you were to put that in Strength it would boost both your attack accuracy and your damage. 7) Elvin is not the spelling of that language in this edition. At that, and it may seem nitpicky, but please make sure people can look up features and gear that make your character work mechanically in the compendium. So try to adhere to US spelling of "armor", for example. 8) with Ranger's Powerful Strike, note which power you are losing in favor of it. Currently this sheet appears to have a full set of encounter powers, which would not be possible with that feat selected. 9) Optionally you can select to have your character enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither of those is mandatory, but they could give your character more flavor and/or power. There are some elements to this sheet I cannot really judge until you have the class and race features defined, but there do seem to be some mutually exclusive choices. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say 'fixed', as that leaves us searching for what was changed.
DarkDragon2344 said: Saladful said: DarkDragon2344 said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi DarkDragon, and welcome to the Guild. I went over your sheet and got a few minor things I'd like for you to look at: Please add your enhancement level to your equipment Add your item powers to the powers section For completion's sake, please also add your Mercenary Level 1 feature to the Class Feature section and put a short note about what it does for each feature (can be as simple as "Mercenary 5: +2 PB Intimidate & Streetwise") Also, please add a short breakdown of your expenses in the Coins & Other Wealth box As a note: You can use the Items for Sale thread to purchase starting equipment for your character and maybe get a more impactful or just cheaper +2 weapon than Dynamic. I also had a laugh at "Age: 4", and I honestly don't know whether that's even a legal starting age for Gnolls, but I'll trust that it is. Once you've had a chance to look over your sheet again, just reply to my post with the Quote function. Cheers 1: Got it, added the bonuses to the item listing. 2: Jeez there really isn't much room for powers on these things, but done. 3: Done, now we know where I got such a high Intimidate as well as Takedown Strike. 4: Done, where my gold was spent is now explained. I'm good on the cheaper items personally. Gnolls age fast during youth and elder years, what can I say. Check Check Check Check I've created a journal in the campaign for you to use, once you're done with macros ping @DM in the discord general channel for a macro check. If you need help with anything, just ask around. Also, please add your character to the census if you haven't done that already. Cheers
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Warwick S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Warwick, and welcome to the Guild. I checked over your sheet, which looks good for the most part, but got a few minor things I'd like you to fix: In the field for Class you wrote "Hybrid Barbarian/Warden", we use a slightly different notation for class entries. A pipe | denotes hybrid, a slash / denotes multiclassing. So in your case, you'd be a Barbarian|Warden. If you ever multiclassed, say, Fighter, your entry would change to Barbarian|Warden/Fighter. Please change the entry to avoid confusion You forgot your expertise/feat bonus to attacks in your calculations Also, you do not need to pay for your Adventurer's Kit, you receive it for free You can also choose a mechanical background and a theme, neither of those are required, but can be used to give your character a bit more flavour and/or power You have a +2 enhancement bonus to AC, but your inventory shows a +1 armor, your expenses however show that you bought a +2. Please fix at least one of those so the values are consistent Your HP are slightly off, every increase to Con is applied to your HP retroactively As an additional note, I would generally suggest prioritizing +2 weapons over armor, especially hide armor, as hitting with your important powers is usually worth more than avoiding an additional 5% of attacks, but it's up to you. Once you fixed the above points, reply to this post with the quote function. Cheers
Saladful said: Warwick S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Warwick, and welcome to the Guild. I checked over your sheet, which looks good for the most part, but got a few minor things I'd like you to fix: In the field for Class you wrote "Hybrid Barbarian/Warden", we use a slightly different notation for class entries. A pipe | denotes hybrid, a slash / denotes multiclassing. So in your case, you'd be a Barbarian|Warden. If you ever multiclassed, say, Fighter, your entry would change to Barbarian|Warden/Fighter. Please change the entry to avoid confusion You forgot your expertise/feat bonus to attacks in your calculations Also, you do not need to pay for your Adventurer's Kit, you receive it for free You can also choose a mechanical background and a theme, neither of those are required, but can be used to give your character a bit more flavour and/or power You have a +2 enhancement bonus to AC, but your inventory shows a +1 armor, your expenses however show that you bought a +2. Please fix at least one of those so the values are consistent Your HP are slightly off, every increase to Con is applied to your HP retroactively As an additional note, I would generally suggest prioritizing +2 weapons over armor, especially hide armor, as hitting with your important powers is usually worth more than avoiding an additional 5% of attacks, but it's up to you. Once you fixed the above points, reply to this post with the quote function. Cheers 1. Notation fixed 2. I'm not seeing this. I already included Expertise as the 1 in the feat column, totalling +10 (+11 after change in point 5). Do I have 2 feats granting a bonus? 3. Removed Adventurer's Kit from costings. 4. Besides Opportunity Gore (since I've used it in the past) I'm only taking options from the materials I own (checking them against the&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; compendium) and none of the mechanical backgrounds work for the character I built in my head. I'll pass on these. 5. Changed to +2 weapon instead of armour as per your suggestion (it was originally decided by coin flip) and corrected other inconsistent figures. 6. Fixed HP amount. Thanks for the help
Warwick S. said: Saladful said: Warwick S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Warwick, and welcome to the Guild. I checked over your sheet, which looks good for the most part, but got a few minor things I'd like you to fix: In the field for Class you wrote "Hybrid Barbarian/Warden", we use a slightly different notation for class entries. A pipe | denotes hybrid, a slash / denotes multiclassing. So in your case, you'd be a Barbarian|Warden. If you ever multiclassed, say, Fighter, your entry would change to Barbarian|Warden/Fighter. Please change the entry to avoid confusion You forgot your expertise/feat bonus to attacks in your calculations Also, you do not need to pay for your Adventurer's Kit, you receive it for free You can also choose a mechanical background and a theme, neither of those are required, but can be used to give your character a bit more flavour and/or power You have a +2 enhancement bonus to AC, but your inventory shows a +1 armor, your expenses however show that you bought a +2. Please fix at least one of those so the values are consistent Your HP are slightly off, every increase to Con is applied to your HP retroactively As an additional note, I would generally suggest prioritizing +2 weapons over armor, especially hide armor, as hitting with your important powers is usually worth more than avoiding an additional 5% of attacks, but it's up to you. Once you fixed the above points, reply to this post with the quote function. Cheers 1. Notation fixed 2. I'm not seeing this. I already included Expertise as the 1 in the feat column, totalling +10 (+11 after change in point 5). Do I have 2 feats granting a bonus? 3. Removed Adventurer's Kit from costings. 4. Besides Opportunity Gore (since I've used it in the past) I'm only taking options from the materials I own (checking them against the&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; compendium) and none of the mechanical backgrounds work for the character I built in my head. I'll pass on these. 5. Changed to +2 weapon instead of armour as per your suggestion (it was originally decided by coin flip) and corrected other inconsistent figures. 6. Fixed HP amount. Thanks for the help Check, although the extra "Hybrid" is not needed Check, it is correct now, but when I checked the sheet, the attack values were at +9 with no feat bonus noted. Oh well Check Check Check, but take care to fix your damage values in the Quick Lookup section Check I created a journal in the campaign for you. Once you've finished your macros, ping the DMs in chat for a macro check. If you need any help with your coding, just ask around, someone will be able to provide an answer. Also, please add your character to the census. Cheers

Edited 1527263126
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. [url=<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>]

Edited 1527273777
Wajih M. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. [url= <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ] Hi Wajih, welcome to the Guild. 1) Please list your current XP in the top right of page 1 2) please list your race features and choices 3) please list your class features and choices 4) please complete the attack calculation for for example an MBA and an RBA 5) please complete the damage calculations for the same powers chosen at #4 6) please for your feats list what slot they take. See Step 8 of the New Player Checklist for more information on this. Also, Necklace of Keys and Lightning Weapon are not feats. 7) please list the chosen character array, the racial bonus and the level 4 boost in the statistic block 8) under Quick Look Up, please complete the check penalty and speed penalty for your chosen armor, list your characters speed and special senses 9) check out page 3. Please give your your characters known languages, provide us with a breakdown of your purchases under Coins and Wealth, and describe this characters appeareance and traits somewhat 10) reading Step 9 of the New Player Checklist, please buy some appropriate gear. 11) Please check out Step 7 of the New Player Checklist for listing your chosen powers on page 2 of the sheet. For example : Adaptive Assault (D5). Know there are several powers you have chosen your character does not legally have access to, such as a level 16 utility and a level 25 daily 12) Optionally, you can choose to enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither is mandatory, but they could give your character more flavor and/or power. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say 'fixed', as that leaves us searching for what was changed. EDIT : just noticed the paragon path is used to list your starting stat array. Please read the new Player Check list, watch the video, read the recommended sections of the player handbook, and give this sheet a complete new try when you're ready.
baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Drogon&nbsp;is being retired.&nbsp; Hi Shaun, welcome back. 1) Could you do the attack calculation for an implement power? Or alternative, and this I would suggest, look at an expertise feat that supports the majority of your chosen powers? 2) Where does the miscellaneous bonus to reflex come from (aside of being human) ? 3) please fill out the number of healing surges 4) what is the +2 misc. bonus to damage based on? 5) Please know ranged attacks are not the same as area attacks. This is not technically incorrect on the sheet, but might be something you are misunderstanding of how your chosen paragon path interacts with your chosen powers. 6) Expert Combat Leader and Combat Commander are mutually exclusive. Again, not technically wrong, if you want to you can take both, but I think it indicates something you are misunderstanding of how those feats work. 7) What power does Amulet of Protection give you? And Alter Time is missing. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Thanks for the warm welcome :)&nbsp; 1) Switched to crossbow exptertise 2) Inix Leather Armor gives a +1 to reflex as well 3)Done 4) Bracers of Archery (Heroic) 5) noted and replaced a few spells to account for it. 6) thanks removed Expert Combat Leader 7) none / removed from the spell slot

Edited 1527301503
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Second character, will post in the items for sale thread once Journal is created.
Thomas A. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Second character, will post in the items for sale thread once Journal is created. The sheet link is not correct, it goes to another players pc.
Nikolai M. said: Thomas A. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Second character, will post in the items for sale thread once Journal is created. The sheet link is not correct, it goes to another players pc. Freaking weirdness, gave me a different link this time, original post edited and new link posted here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1527303012
Thomas A. said: Nikolai M. said: Thomas A. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Second character, will post in the items for sale thread once Journal is created. The sheet link is not correct, it goes to another players pc. Freaking weirdness, gave me a different link this time, original post edited and new link posted here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Looks good to me. Looks like you put 12 in the racial statistics block instead of +2, and you should set your exp to 5500. Record your extra consumables and items in the items section, and figure out which type of armor you actually have. Just minor nitpicks though, giving you a journal.&nbsp;
Shaun N. said: baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Drogon&nbsp;is being retired.&nbsp; Hi Shaun, welcome back. 1) Could you do the attack calculation for an implement power? Or alternative, and this I would suggest, look at an expertise feat that supports the majority of your chosen powers? 2) Where does the miscellaneous bonus to reflex come from (aside of being human) ? 3) please fill out the number of healing surges 4) what is the +2 misc. bonus to damage based on? 5) Please know ranged attacks are not the same as area attacks. This is not technically incorrect on the sheet, but might be something you are misunderstanding of how your chosen paragon path interacts with your chosen powers. 6) Expert Combat Leader and Combat Commander are mutually exclusive. Again, not technically wrong, if you want to you can take both, but I think it indicates something you are misunderstanding of how those feats work. 7) What power does Amulet of Protection give you? And Alter Time is missing. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Thanks for the warm welcome :)&nbsp; 1) Switched to crossbow exptertise 2) Inix Leather Armor gives a +1 to reflex as well 3)Done 4) Bracers of Archery (Heroic) 5) noted and replaced a few spells to account for it. 6) thanks removed Expert Combat Leader 7) none / removed from the spell slot At 1 : check At 2 : check At 3 : please fill out the number of healing surges At 4 : check at 5 ; check at 6 : check At 7 : check Since the healing surges thing is minor, please go ahead and change your journal to this new character
baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Drogon&nbsp;is being retired.&nbsp; Hi Shaun, welcome back. 1) Could you do the attack calculation for an implement power? Or alternative, and this I would suggest, look at an expertise feat that supports the majority of your chosen powers? 2) Where does the miscellaneous bonus to reflex come from (aside of being human) ? 3) please fill out the number of healing surges 4) what is the +2 misc. bonus to damage based on? 5) Please know ranged attacks are not the same as area attacks. This is not technically incorrect on the sheet, but might be something you are misunderstanding of how your chosen paragon path interacts with your chosen powers. 6) Expert Combat Leader and Combat Commander are mutually exclusive. Again, not technically wrong, if you want to you can take both, but I think it indicates something you are misunderstanding of how those feats work. 7) What power does Amulet of Protection give you? And Alter Time is missing. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Thanks for the warm welcome :)&nbsp; 1) Switched to crossbow exptertise 2) Inix Leather Armor gives a +1 to reflex as well 3)Done 4) Bracers of Archery (Heroic) 5) noted and replaced a few spells to account for it. 6) thanks removed Expert Combat Leader 7) none / removed from the spell slot At 1 : check At 2 : check At 3 : please fill out the number of healing surges At 4 : check at 5 ; check at 6 : check At 7 : check Since the healing surges thing is minor, please go ahead and change your journal to this new character Accedently put surges under used as opposed to per day..updated. Journal, macros, journal picture (for token) and census are all updated and ready for review.&nbsp;
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Shaun N. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Shaun,&nbsp;is this a new character, a rebuild, a mulligan ? 1) please give it an age, height, weight, etc 2) Under Quick Look UP, please fill our the check penalty. Even if that value is zero, we need to know that you know what that value is. 3) if you're going to be using thri kreen thrower, what will your character be wielding in what hand? 4) I would recommend you do an attack and damage calculation for a non-class power. 5) your HP calculation is incorrect. Can you please show the math so I know where you went wrong? 6) Optional, but you can choose to enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background. This is not mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed.

Edited 1527373804
baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Shaun,&nbsp;is this a new character, a rebuild, a mulligan ? 1) please give it an age, height, weight, etc 2) Under Quick Look UP, please fill our the check penalty. Even if that value is zero, we need to know that you know what that value is. 3) if you're going to be using thri kreen thrower, what will your character be wielding in what hand? 4) I would recommend you do an attack and damage calculation for a non-class power. 5) your HP calculation is incorrect. Can you please show the math so I know where you went wrong? 6) Optional, but you can choose to enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background. This is not mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. It's a new Character.&nbsp; Since I have two paragons.&nbsp; 1) updated.&nbsp; 2) updated. 3) I plan on wilding a dagger of speed in each hand.&nbsp; 4)updated for Vezzuvu's Eruption 5) Changed my stats and didn't update the HP. Current HP calculation listed in background&nbsp;& Notes section.&nbsp; 6) Former Gladiator is the mechanical background as well. 4 death save throws to kill.&nbsp;
Shaun N. said: baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Shaun,&nbsp;is this a new character, a rebuild, a mulligan ? 1) please give it an age, height, weight, etc 2) Under Quick Look UP, please fill our the check penalty. Even if that value is zero, we need to know that you know what that value is. 3) if you're going to be using thri kreen thrower, what will your character be wielding in what hand? 4) I would recommend you do an attack and damage calculation for a non-class power. 5) your HP calculation is incorrect. Can you please show the math so I know where you went wrong? 6) Optional, but you can choose to enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background. This is not mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. It's a new Character.&nbsp; Since I have two paragons.&nbsp; 1) updated.&nbsp; 2) updated. 3) I plan on wilding a dagger of speed in each hand.&nbsp; 4)updated for Vezzuvu's Eruption 5) Changed my stats and didn't update the HP. Current HP calculation listed in background&nbsp;& Notes section.&nbsp; 6) Former Gladiator is the mechanical background as well. 4 death save throws to kill.&nbsp; At 1 : check At 2 : wait. How does cloth armor give you an armor bonus? I assumed that was an error and you were really wearing leather.&nbsp; At 3 : Please read Thri Kreen Thrower carefully At 4 : was hoping for Thri Kreen Claws or an attack with a different weapon / implement, but sure.&nbsp; at 5 : check At 6 : check No adventurer's kit, no other mundane gear. Please list the background under race or class features so it can be easily found. That is all easy stuff. Please do check out #2 and #3 though.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Shaun,&nbsp;is this a new character, a rebuild, a mulligan ? 1) please give it an age, height, weight, etc 2) Under Quick Look UP, please fill our the check penalty. Even if that value is zero, we need to know that you know what that value is. 3) if you're going to be using thri kreen thrower, what will your character be wielding in what hand? 4) I would recommend you do an attack and damage calculation for a non-class power. 5) your HP calculation is incorrect. Can you please show the math so I know where you went wrong? 6) Optional, but you can choose to enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background. This is not mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. It's a new Character.&nbsp; Since I have two paragons.&nbsp; 1) updated.&nbsp; 2) updated. 3) I plan on wilding a dagger of speed in each hand.&nbsp; 4)updated for Vezzuvu's Eruption 5) Changed my stats and didn't update the HP. Current HP calculation listed in background&nbsp;& Notes section.&nbsp; 6) Former Gladiator is the mechanical background as well. 4 death save throws to kill.&nbsp; At 1 : check At 2 : wait. How does cloth armor give you an armor bonus? I assumed that was an error and you were really wearing leather.&nbsp; At 3 : Please read Thri Kreen Thrower carefully At 4 : was hoping for Thri Kreen Claws or an attack with a different weapon / implement, but sure.&nbsp; at 5 : check At 6 : check No adventurer's kit, no other mundane gear. Please list the background under race or class features so it can be easily found. That is all easy stuff. Please do check out #2 and #3 though. 2)&nbsp; Elemental Resilience: While you are not wearing heavy armour, you can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC......put it as armour is heavy and put my con mod in class for clarity 3) Thanks for the clarification in build chat.&nbsp; purchased mundane gear. put background under race features.&nbsp;
Shaun N. said: baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: baldhermit said: Shaun N. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Shaun,&nbsp;is this a new character, a rebuild, a mulligan ? 1) please give it an age, height, weight, etc 2) Under Quick Look UP, please fill our the check penalty. Even if that value is zero, we need to know that you know what that value is. 3) if you're going to be using thri kreen thrower, what will your character be wielding in what hand? 4) I would recommend you do an attack and damage calculation for a non-class power. 5) your HP calculation is incorrect. Can you please show the math so I know where you went wrong? 6) Optional, but you can choose to enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background. This is not mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. It's a new Character.&nbsp; Since I have two paragons.&nbsp; 1) updated.&nbsp; 2) updated. 3) I plan on wilding a dagger of speed in each hand.&nbsp; 4)updated for Vezzuvu's Eruption 5) Changed my stats and didn't update the HP. Current HP calculation listed in background&nbsp;& Notes section.&nbsp; 6) Former Gladiator is the mechanical background as well. 4 death save throws to kill.&nbsp; At 1 : check At 2 : wait. How does cloth armor give you an armor bonus? I assumed that was an error and you were really wearing leather.&nbsp; At 3 : Please read Thri Kreen Thrower carefully At 4 : was hoping for Thri Kreen Claws or an attack with a different weapon / implement, but sure.&nbsp; at 5 : check At 6 : check No adventurer's kit, no other mundane gear. Please list the background under race or class features so it can be easily found. That is all easy stuff. Please do check out #2 and #3 though. 2)&nbsp; Elemental Resilience: While you are not wearing heavy armour, you can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC......put it as armour is heavy and put my con mod in class for clarity 3) Thanks for the clarification in build chat.&nbsp; purchased mundane gear. put background under race features.&nbsp; Journal waiting for you
João A. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Joao, welcome to the Guild 1) Could you please explain your number of healing surges? I think you may have added your half level score, which would be incorrect. 2) you seem to have skipped 8 of the New player Checklist, where you get told about a free feat. This will then also have consequences for your attack calculation. 3) under quick look up, please fill out the check penalty from your armor. Even if that value is zero and won't change any of the math, we need to know that you know what that value is. 4) in your defense calculations, top centre of page 1, please fill out the enhancement bonuses granted to you by your armor and neck item 5) Please help me understand the power selection on page 2. Normally, you get two at-wills at level 1, a level 1 daily, a level 2 utility, another at-will at level 3, another daily at level 5. Instead of the two level 1 at-wills and one level 3 at-will, I see four level 3 at-wills. Instead of the level 1 daily and level 5 daily (with the option to choose a level 1 in that slot) I see 2 level 5 dailies. 6) Optionally, you can choose to enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither is mandatory, but they could give your character more flavor and/or power. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say 'fixed', as that leaves us searching for what was changed.
baldhermit said: João A. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Joao, welcome to the Guild 1) Could you please explain your number of healing surges? I think you may have added your half level score, which would be incorrect. 2) you seem to have skipped 8 of the New player Checklist, where you get told about a free feat. This will then also have consequences for your attack calculation. 3) under quick look up, please fill out the check penalty from your armor. Even if that value is zero and won't change any of the math, we need to know that you know what that value is. 4) in your defense calculations, top centre of page 1, please fill out the enhancement bonuses granted to you by your armor and neck item 5) Please help me understand the power selection on page 2. Normally, you get two at-wills at level 1, a level 1 daily, a level 2 utility, another at-will at level 3, another daily at level 5. Instead of the two level 1 at-wills and one level 3 at-will, I see four level 3 at-wills. Instead of the level 1 daily and level 5 daily (with the option to choose a level 1 in that slot) I see 2 level 5 dailies. 6) Optionally, you can choose to enjoy the benefit of a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither is mandatory, but they could give your character more flavor and/or power. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready, please use the Quote function to repost, and use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Please do not just say 'fixed', as that leaves us searching for what was changed. 1) Fixed 2) Fixed (I hope) 3) Fixed (I hope) 4) Fixed&nbsp; 5) Fixed (Psionic Augmentation got me quite confused) 6) I am not sure that I understand your suggestion, could you explain what you mean?