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Old Character Sheet Thread (Locked Apr 2020)

I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I forgot to save the sheet lol. It is now fixed. Nikolai M. said: Kaleb C. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This sheet is completely blank, please fill it out or make sure you linked the correct sheet after it has been saved

Edited 1544464232
Nikolai M. said: Patrick O. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) You cannot pick Dex and Int as a Pixie it is Cha and Dex or Cha and Int. 2) Please lable what "+" the enhancement is on your equipment 3) At level 2 you would choose a utility power from either your theme or 2 class utilities for your spellbook. This means you cannot take 1 class utility and your theme utility. 4) Because of choosing your prepared spells at the start of a session the chances of you being able to take time to change your prepared spells is slim, therefore if you wish to just choose 1 power for each level the spellbook would grant you two that is fine. (i.e. 1 level 1 encounter as a daily, 1 level 2 encounter ect...) Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Switched race bonus to +2 Dex and +2 Cha, and changed Array to&nbsp;8/11/14/18/10/10 2) Added the +1 label to magic equipment 3) Removed class utility for theme utility 4) Changed it so that my learned spells match the number of prepared spells
Patrick O. said: Nikolai M. said: Patrick O. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) You cannot pick Dex and Int as a Pixie it is Cha and Dex or Cha and Int. 2) Please lable what "+" the enhancement is on your equipment 3) At level 2 you would choose a utility power from either your theme or 2 class utilities for your spellbook. This means you cannot take 1 class utility and your theme utility. 4) Because of choosing your prepared spells at the start of a session the chances of you being able to take time to change your prepared spells is slim, therefore if you wish to just choose 1 power for each level the spellbook would grant you two that is fine. (i.e. 1 level 1 encounter as a daily, 1 level 2 encounter ect...) Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Switched race bonus to +2 Dex and +2 Cha, and changed Array to&nbsp;8/11/14/18/10/10 2) Added the +1 label to magic equipment 3) Removed class utility for theme utility 4) Changed it so that my learned spells match the number of prepared spells When you updated your array you forgot to change to number of healing surges to match appropriately please make sure this is corrected However as it is a small fix I will still set you up with a journal. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal waiting for you. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token.&nbsp; Don't forget to add this character to the census.
Nikolai, am I clear to make a token too? Heres my sheet link again:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Kaleb C. said: Nikolai, am I clear to make a token too? Heres my sheet link again:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I was unable to perform a full sheet check earlier in the day since it was blank when I had last tried to look. Also welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Please fill out your current XP, level and adventure company 2) Your stat line up for your class is highly incompatible, Monk relies a lot on Dex for attacks. This means you will be highly inaccurate and do little to no damage with most of your powers. if you are looking to be a dragonborn I would recommend looking at Kapak Draconian 3) Where is the 2 Feat bonus from in you defenses coming from? 4) Please list your feat names as they appear in the compendium, you are also missing your free expertise feat 5) You do not have all of your big 3, which is mention in step 9 of the new player checklist, that are required I see you have armor, which needs its enhancement bonus listed and what type of armor it is, your weapon but are still missing a neck slot. Also as another note with magic items in the guild setting the bag of holding will not do much for you as encumbrance is not a thing that is tracked as long as you are not obviously carrying more than a character should reasonably be able to. 6) For your powers please list where they come from and their level, example Dragon's Tail (Monk At-Will 1), as well as make sure they are listed as their name appears in the compendium 7) You are missing your level 5 daily power 8) Please list your known languages in the proper space 9) HP total is incorrect please provide a breakdown of your math 10) Please provide a break down of expenditure 11) Fill out your attack and damage work spaces as well even if it is just you melee basic and ranged basic attacks. As well as make sure your check penalty under quick look up is filled out even if it is 0 12) This is more than a stat sheet, please fill out the personality traits, mannerisms and appearance as well as some background to give the character more life. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
AurZeed said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please fill out current XP 2) Missing special senses from race 3) Missing class bonus to Will 4) As a level 5 it is impossible for you to have a 3 Enh bonus to your AC 5) HP is incorrect please provide a break down of math 6) Please fill out quick look up, you appear to be in leather armor but your armor bonus is still at 0. Check penalty should be filled out as well even if it is 0. 7) You are a skill short, you get arcana and 3 more for a total of 4 but you only have 3 8) Escalating Pursuit is not a feat 9) For your powers they should be labeled with their actual level 10) Gnomish is not a language 11) There is no Farbound Spellblade, I'm guessing you mean Farbond Spellblade 12) Please fill out some background for the character 13) This is optional but please know you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.

Edited 1544515845
Nikolai M. said: AurZeed said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please fill out current XP 2) Missing special senses from race 3) Missing class bonus to Will 4) As a level 5 it is impossible for you to have a 3 Enh bonus to your AC 5) HP is incorrect please provide a break down of math 6) Please fill out quick look up, you appear to be in leather armor but your armor bonus is still at 0. Check penalty should be filled out as well even if it is 0. 7) You are a skill short, you get arcana and 3 more for a total of 4 but you only have 3 8) Escalating Pursuit is not a feat 9) For your powers they should be labeled with their actual level 10) Gnomish is not a language 11) There is no Farbound Spellblade, I'm guessing you mean Farbond Spellblade 12) Please fill out some background for the character 13) This is optional but please know you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Filled the starting xp 2) Added racial special senses 3) Added class bonus to WILL 4) Put in my actual enh from my armor. 5) I have made a mistake during hp calculation, it is correct now. The math is 15+4(con)+6+6+6+6=43 6) Added both my leather armor AC and check penalty 7) Picked my forth skill 8) Changed Escalating Assault to Aegis Vitality 9) I have labeled them with my actual levels 10) Changed it to Infernal 11) Yes, I misstyped that, it is Farbond Spellblade 12) Added some character background 13) Picked the Officer out of Retirement Background and Guardian character theme I have also changed Blade of Judgement to Deep freeze, it was originally Deep freeze but I must have forgotten to save the page
Changed my whole sheet basically. Switched to Warlord because I actually had all the materials from it and wasn't just trusting the internet for feats, powers, etc. 1) I have now filled out my XP and adventuring company. 2) Stat lineup is now much better, since I switched classes. 3) I don't know where the +2 feat bonus was coming from, but it has been removed. 4) Feat names have been fixed. 5) I now have my "big 3" 6) My powers now include things such as (Warlord 1 At Will), etc. 7) I have included a Level 5 Daily Power 8) I have listed my&nbsp;known languages. 9) I think my&nbsp;HP total is correct. I have 12+CONMOD starting, and then 5 for each level for a total of 33.&nbsp; 10) I have included a breakdown of my expenditures. 11) I have filled out my attack and damage workspaces. 12) I have added some personality traits, mannerisms, etc. Thank you for all the help! Nikolai M. said: Kaleb C. said: Nikolai, am I clear to make a token too? Heres my sheet link again:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I was unable to perform a full sheet check earlier in the day since it was blank when I had last tried to look. Also welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Please fill out your current XP, level and adventure company 2) Your stat line up for your class is highly incompatible, Monk relies a lot on Dex for attacks. This means you will be highly inaccurate and do little to no damage with most of your powers. if you are looking to be a dragonborn I would recommend looking at Kapak Draconian 3) Where is the 2 Feat bonus from in you defenses coming from? 4) Please list your feat names as they appear in the compendium, you are also missing your free expertise feat 5) You do not have all of your big 3, which is mention in step 9 of the new player checklist, that are required I see you have armor, which needs its enhancement bonus listed and what type of armor it is, your weapon but are still missing a neck slot. Also as another note with magic items in the guild setting the bag of holding will not do much for you as encumbrance is not a thing that is tracked as long as you are not obviously carrying more than a character should reasonably be able to. 6) For your powers please list where they come from and their level, example Dragon's Tail (Monk At-Will 1), as well as make sure they are listed as their name appears in the compendium 7) You are missing your level 5 daily power 8) Please list your known languages in the proper space 9) HP total is incorrect please provide a breakdown of your math 10) Please provide a break down of expenditure 11) Fill out your attack and damage work spaces as well even if it is just you melee basic and ranged basic attacks. As well as make sure your check penalty under quick look up is filled out even if it is 0 12) This is more than a stat sheet, please fill out the personality traits, mannerisms and appearance as well as some background to give the character more life. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
AurZeed said: Nikolai M. said: AurZeed said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please fill out current XP 2) Missing special senses from race 3) Missing class bonus to Will 4) As a level 5 it is impossible for you to have a 3 Enh bonus to your AC 5) HP is incorrect please provide a break down of math 6) Please fill out quick look up, you appear to be in leather armor but your armor bonus is still at 0. Check penalty should be filled out as well even if it is 0. 7) You are a skill short, you get arcana and 3 more for a total of 4 but you only have 3 8) Escalating Pursuit is not a feat 9) For your powers they should be labeled with their actual level 10) Gnomish is not a language 11) There is no Farbound Spellblade, I'm guessing you mean Farbond Spellblade 12) Please fill out some background for the character 13) This is optional but please know you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Filled the starting xp 2) Added racial special senses 3) Added class bonus to WILL 4) Put in my actual enh from my armor. 5) I have made a mistake during hp calculation, it is correct now. The math is 15+4(con)+6+6+6+6=43 6) Added both my leather armor AC and check penalty 7) Picked my forth skill 8) Changed Escalating Assault to Aegis Vitality 9) I have labeled them with my actual levels 10) Changed it to Infernal 11) Yes, I misstyped that, it is Farbond Spellblade 12) Added some character background 13) Picked the Officer out of Retirement Background and Guardian character theme I have also changed Blade of Judgement to Deep freeze, it was originally Deep freeze but I must have forgotten to save the page 1) HP is still incorrect incorrect, if you look at the class listing for hp is states con score not con modifier 2) Infernal is also not a language, if you look up languages in the compendium you will find a list
Nicolai, I realized my HP was also incorrect. I have now fixed it. (I did con mod not con score)

Edited 1544559066
Nikolai M. said: AurZeed said: Nikolai M. said: AurZeed said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please fill out current XP 2) Missing special senses from race 3) Missing class bonus to Will 4) As a level 5 it is impossible for you to have a 3 Enh bonus to your AC 5) HP is incorrect please provide a break down of math 6) Please fill out quick look up, you appear to be in leather armor but your armor bonus is still at 0. Check penalty should be filled out as well even if it is 0. 7) You are a skill short, you get arcana and 3 more for a total of 4 but you only have 3 8) Escalating Pursuit is not a feat 9) For your powers they should be labeled with their actual level 10) Gnomish is not a language 11) There is no Farbound Spellblade, I'm guessing you mean Farbond Spellblade 12) Please fill out some background for the character 13) This is optional but please know you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Filled the starting xp 2) Added racial special senses 3) Added class bonus to WILL 4) Put in my actual enh from my armor. 5) I have made a mistake during hp calculation, it is correct now. The math is 15+4(con)+6+6+6+6=43 6) Added both my leather armor AC and check penalty 7) Picked my forth skill 8) Changed Escalating Assault to Aegis Vitality 9) I have labeled them with my actual levels 10) Changed it to Infernal 11) Yes, I misstyped that, it is Farbond Spellblade 12) Added some character background 13) Picked the Officer out of Retirement Background and Guardian character theme I have also changed Blade of Judgement to Deep freeze, it was originally Deep freeze but I must have forgotten to save the page 1) HP is still incorrect incorrect, if you look at the class listing for hp is states con score not con modifier 2) Infernal is also not a language, if you look up languages in the compendium you will find a list 1) Fixed, put in correct hp now, I put in 57 instead of 58 because the con at lvl 1 would've been 18 not 19 2) Changed language to Dwarven
Aur, supernal is the other language you can't start with lol
AurZeed said: Nikolai M. said: AurZeed said: Nikolai M. said: AurZeed said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) Please fill out current XP 2) Missing special senses from race 3) Missing class bonus to Will 4) As a level 5 it is impossible for you to have a 3 Enh bonus to your AC 5) HP is incorrect please provide a break down of math 6) Please fill out quick look up, you appear to be in leather armor but your armor bonus is still at 0. Check penalty should be filled out as well even if it is 0. 7) You are a skill short, you get arcana and 3 more for a total of 4 but you only have 3 8) Escalating Pursuit is not a feat 9) For your powers they should be labeled with their actual level 10) Gnomish is not a language 11) There is no Farbound Spellblade, I'm guessing you mean Farbond Spellblade 12) Please fill out some background for the character 13) This is optional but please know you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Filled the starting xp 2) Added racial special senses 3) Added class bonus to WILL 4) Put in my actual enh from my armor. 5) I have made a mistake during hp calculation, it is correct now. The math is 15+4(con)+6+6+6+6=43 6) Added both my leather armor AC and check penalty 7) Picked my forth skill 8) Changed Escalating Assault to Aegis Vitality 9) I have labeled them with my actual levels 10) Changed it to Infernal 11) Yes, I misstyped that, it is Farbond Spellblade 12) Added some character background 13) Picked the Officer out of Retirement Background and Guardian character theme I have also changed Blade of Judgement to Deep freeze, it was originally Deep freeze but I must have forgotten to save the page 1) HP is still incorrect incorrect, if you look at the class listing for hp is states con score not con modifier 2) Infernal is also not a language, if you look up languages in the compendium you will find a list 1) Fixed, put in correct hp now, I put in 57 instead of 58 because the con at lvl 1 would've been 18 not 19 2) Changed language to Dwarven Your hp increases with your con so 58 is correct, sheet says supernal not dwarven. Make sure these are corrected but I will get you set up with a journal.
Kaleb C. said: Changed my whole sheet basically. Switched to Warlord because I actually had all the materials from it and wasn't just trusting the internet for feats, powers, etc. 1) I have now filled out my XP and adventuring company. 2) Stat lineup is now much better, since I switched classes. 3) I don't know where the +2 feat bonus was coming from, but it has been removed. 4) Feat names have been fixed. 5) I now have my "big 3" 6) My powers now include things such as (Warlord 1 At Will), etc. 7) I have included a Level 5 Daily Power 8) I have listed my&nbsp;known languages. 9) I think my&nbsp;HP total is correct. I have 12+CONMOD starting, and then 5 for each level for a total of 33.&nbsp; 10) I have included a breakdown of my expenditures. 11) I have filled out my attack and damage workspaces. 12) I have added some personality traits, mannerisms, etc. Thank you for all the help! Nikolai M. said: Kaleb C. said: Nikolai, am I clear to make a token too? Heres my sheet link again:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I was unable to perform a full sheet check earlier in the day since it was blank when I had last tried to look. Also welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Please fill out your current XP, level and adventure company 2) Your stat line up for your class is highly incompatible, Monk relies a lot on Dex for attacks. This means you will be highly inaccurate and do little to no damage with most of your powers. if you are looking to be a dragonborn I would recommend looking at Kapak Draconian 3) Where is the 2 Feat bonus from in you defenses coming from? 4) Please list your feat names as they appear in the compendium, you are also missing your free expertise feat 5) You do not have all of your big 3, which is mention in step 9 of the new player checklist, that are required I see you have armor, which needs its enhancement bonus listed and what type of armor it is, your weapon but are still missing a neck slot. Also as another note with magic items in the guild setting the bag of holding will not do much for you as encumbrance is not a thing that is tracked as long as you are not obviously carrying more than a character should reasonably be able to. 6) For your powers please list where they come from and their level, example Dragon's Tail (Monk At-Will 1), as well as make sure they are listed as their name appears in the compendium 7) You are missing your level 5 daily power 8) Please list your known languages in the proper space 9) HP total is incorrect please provide a breakdown of your math 10) Please provide a break down of expenditure 11) Fill out your attack and damage work spaces as well even if it is just you melee basic and ranged basic attacks. As well as make sure your check penalty under quick look up is filled out even if it is 0 12) This is more than a stat sheet, please fill out the personality traits, mannerisms and appearance as well as some background to give the character more life. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) A glaive is a polearm and heavy blade, not a spear, so your expertise does nothing for you. 2) Impaling Spear is a paragon feat, so you do not qualify. 3) Your proficiency bonus is incorrect. 4) The armor bonus for hide is 3, not 4. 5) You are listed as having a +2 neck item, but your enhancement bonus to your NADs (Fort, Ref and Will) does not match. 6) Please specify the choice of damage type for dragon breath. 7) Please fill in your armor check penalty. 8) Your two attack/damage workspace calculations are identical. Since you have an attack that does not rely on the same calculation (Dragon Breath), please use that to fill in one of the spaces for each.&nbsp; 9) You also benefit from your combat leader class feature, so it can be added to your initiative.
Nikolai M. said: Kaleb C. said: Changed my whole sheet basically. Switched to Warlord because I actually had all the materials from it and wasn't just trusting the internet for feats, powers, etc. 1) I have now filled out my XP and adventuring company. 2) Stat lineup is now much better, since I switched classes. 3) I don't know where the +2 feat bonus was coming from, but it has been removed. 4) Feat names have been fixed. 5) I now have my "big 3" 6) My powers now include things such as (Warlord 1 At Will), etc. 7) I have included a Level 5 Daily Power 8) I have listed my&nbsp;known languages. 9) I think my&nbsp;HP total is correct. I have 12+CONMOD starting, and then 5 for each level for a total of 33.&nbsp; 10) I have included a breakdown of my expenditures. 11) I have filled out my attack and damage workspaces. 12) I have added some personality traits, mannerisms, etc. Thank you for all the help! Nikolai M. said: Kaleb C. said: Nikolai, am I clear to make a token too? Heres my sheet link again:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I was unable to perform a full sheet check earlier in the day since it was blank when I had last tried to look. Also welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Please fill out your current XP, level and adventure company 2) Your stat line up for your class is highly incompatible, Monk relies a lot on Dex for attacks. This means you will be highly inaccurate and do little to no damage with most of your powers. if you are looking to be a dragonborn I would recommend looking at Kapak Draconian 3) Where is the 2 Feat bonus from in you defenses coming from? 4) Please list your feat names as they appear in the compendium, you are also missing your free expertise feat 5) You do not have all of your big 3, which is mention in step 9 of the new player checklist, that are required I see you have armor, which needs its enhancement bonus listed and what type of armor it is, your weapon but are still missing a neck slot. Also as another note with magic items in the guild setting the bag of holding will not do much for you as encumbrance is not a thing that is tracked as long as you are not obviously carrying more than a character should reasonably be able to. 6) For your powers please list where they come from and their level, example Dragon's Tail (Monk At-Will 1), as well as make sure they are listed as their name appears in the compendium 7) You are missing your level 5 daily power 8) Please list your known languages in the proper space 9) HP total is incorrect please provide a breakdown of your math 10) Please provide a break down of expenditure 11) Fill out your attack and damage work spaces as well even if it is just you melee basic and ranged basic attacks. As well as make sure your check penalty under quick look up is filled out even if it is 0 12) This is more than a stat sheet, please fill out the personality traits, mannerisms and appearance as well as some background to give the character more life. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) A glaive is a polearm and heavy blade, not a spear, so your expertise does nothing for you. 2) Impaling Spear is a paragon feat, so you do not qualify. 3) Your proficiency bonus is incorrect. 4) The armor bonus for hide is 3, not 4. 5) You are listed as having a +2 neck item, but your enhancement bonus to your NADs (Fort, Ref and Will) does not match. 6) Please specify the choice of damage type for dragon breath. 7) Please fill in your armor check penalty. 8) Your two attack/damage workspace calculations are identical. Since you have an attack that does not rely on the same calculation (Dragon Breath), please use that to fill in one of the spaces for each.&nbsp; 9) You also benefit from your combat leader class feature, so it can be added to your initiative. 1) Oops. I changed to glaive after adding the feat. I have replaced this with Heavy Blade Expertise. 2) I have replaced Impaling Spear with Polearm Expertise 3)I have fixed the Proficiency bonus. 4) I have fixed the hide armor bonus from 4-&gt;3. I was adding in the magic item bonus in the wrong spot. AC should now be correct. 5) The +2 neck item is now properly applied. 6) I have chosen my type of damage and my chosen attack skill for dragon breath. 7) I have added the armor check penalty (of -1) 8)I have changed the second attack and damage workshop thing to Dragon Breath. 9) I have added the benefit from Combat Leader to my initiative.
Kaleb C. said: Nikolai M. said: Kaleb C. said: Changed my whole sheet basically. Switched to Warlord because I actually had all the materials from it and wasn't just trusting the internet for feats, powers, etc. 1) I have now filled out my XP and adventuring company. 2) Stat lineup is now much better, since I switched classes. 3) I don't know where the +2 feat bonus was coming from, but it has been removed. 4) Feat names have been fixed. 5) I now have my "big 3" 6) My powers now include things such as (Warlord 1 At Will), etc. 7) I have included a Level 5 Daily Power 8) I have listed my&nbsp;known languages. 9) I think my&nbsp;HP total is correct. I have 12+CONMOD starting, and then 5 for each level for a total of 33.&nbsp; 10) I have included a breakdown of my expenditures. 11) I have filled out my attack and damage workspaces. 12) I have added some personality traits, mannerisms, etc. Thank you for all the help! Nikolai M. said: Kaleb C. said: Nikolai, am I clear to make a token too? Heres my sheet link again:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I was unable to perform a full sheet check earlier in the day since it was blank when I had last tried to look. Also welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Please fill out your current XP, level and adventure company 2) Your stat line up for your class is highly incompatible, Monk relies a lot on Dex for attacks. This means you will be highly inaccurate and do little to no damage with most of your powers. if you are looking to be a dragonborn I would recommend looking at Kapak Draconian 3) Where is the 2 Feat bonus from in you defenses coming from? 4) Please list your feat names as they appear in the compendium, you are also missing your free expertise feat 5) You do not have all of your big 3, which is mention in step 9 of the new player checklist, that are required I see you have armor, which needs its enhancement bonus listed and what type of armor it is, your weapon but are still missing a neck slot. Also as another note with magic items in the guild setting the bag of holding will not do much for you as encumbrance is not a thing that is tracked as long as you are not obviously carrying more than a character should reasonably be able to. 6) For your powers please list where they come from and their level, example Dragon's Tail (Monk At-Will 1), as well as make sure they are listed as their name appears in the compendium 7) You are missing your level 5 daily power 8) Please list your known languages in the proper space 9) HP total is incorrect please provide a breakdown of your math 10) Please provide a break down of expenditure 11) Fill out your attack and damage work spaces as well even if it is just you melee basic and ranged basic attacks. As well as make sure your check penalty under quick look up is filled out even if it is 0 12) This is more than a stat sheet, please fill out the personality traits, mannerisms and appearance as well as some background to give the character more life. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) A glaive is a polearm and heavy blade, not a spear, so your expertise does nothing for you. 2) Impaling Spear is a paragon feat, so you do not qualify. 3) Your proficiency bonus is incorrect. 4) The armor bonus for hide is 3, not 4. 5) You are listed as having a +2 neck item, but your enhancement bonus to your NADs (Fort, Ref and Will) does not match. 6) Please specify the choice of damage type for dragon breath. 7) Please fill in your armor check penalty. 8) Your two attack/damage workspace calculations are identical. Since you have an attack that does not rely on the same calculation (Dragon Breath), please use that to fill in one of the spaces for each.&nbsp; 9) You also benefit from your combat leader class feature, so it can be added to your initiative. 1) Oops. I changed to glaive after adding the feat. I have replaced this with Heavy Blade Expertise. 2) I have replaced Impaling Spear with Polearm Expertise 3)I have fixed the Proficiency bonus. 4) I have fixed the hide armor bonus from 4-&gt;3. I was adding in the magic item bonus in the wrong spot. AC should now be correct. 5) The +2 neck item is now properly applied. 6) I have chosen my type of damage and my chosen attack skill for dragon breath. 7) I have added the armor check penalty (of -1) 8)I have changed the second attack and damage workshop thing to Dragon Breath. 9) I have added the benefit from Combat Leader to my initiative. 1) Basic Attack in the attack workspace is incorrect, please know bonuses of the same type do not stack and the highest bonus is used if there is more than one bonus of the same kind (unless they are untyped bonuses). This means you do not get a +1 feat bonus from both your expertise feats. 2) Please try to give a bit of a background for your character as I see it is still blank. 3) Also this had not been mentioned previously but do know you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme if you so choose to.
" 1) Basic Attack in the attack workspace is incorrect, please know bonuses of the same type do not stack and the highest bonus is used if there is more than one bonus of the same kind (unless they are untyped bonuses). This means you do not get a +1 feat bonus from both your expertise feats. 2) Please try to give a bit of a background for your character as I see it is still blank. 3) Also this had not been mentioned previously but do know you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme if you so choose to." 1) Oh dang. I'mma&nbsp;swap one feat then. I have now swapped Polearm Expertise for Hafted Defense and added the +1 to my AC and Ref since I'll pretty much always be wielding one. 2) Done =) 3) I think that is a step too in depth for me at this point. I might choose one before level 7, but for now I'll keep him free of constraint and kinda see what comes naturally, if that's cool.
Kaleb C. said: " 1) Basic Attack in the attack workspace is incorrect, please know bonuses of the same type do not stack and the highest bonus is used if there is more than one bonus of the same kind (unless they are untyped bonuses). This means you do not get a +1 feat bonus from both your expertise feats. 2) Please try to give a bit of a background for your character as I see it is still blank. 3) Also this had not been mentioned previously but do know you can benefit from a mechanical background and character theme if you so choose to." 1) Oh dang. I'mma&nbsp;swap one feat then. I have now swapped Polearm Expertise for Hafted Defense and added the +1 to my AC and Ref since I'll pretty much always be wielding one. 2) Done =) 3) I think that is a step too in depth for me at this point. I might choose one before level 7, but for now I'll keep him free of constraint and kinda see what comes naturally, if that's cool. Hafted Defense gives a shield bonus not a feat bonus so it does not belong in those slots, but rather in the appropriate slot under the quick look up. Be sure to fix this and you are all set. I will get you set up with a journal. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal waiting for you. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token.&nbsp; Don't forget to add this character to the census.
Thanks so much!
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Zxion, DotV said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) For Superior Implement Training please specify which superior implement it is not just the implement category 2) Since you are using the Scholar theme I would like to point out that eventually Mark of Scribing will just be for ritual casting and the diplomacy bonus rather than extra languages, and dragonmarks cannot be retrained out of. 3) Kinetic Drawl is not a power 4) Please list what level powers are as well rather than just source 5) You are missing a 2nd level 1 psion at will power 6) Please fill out both sections for the attack and damage workspaces even if it is with the melee basic you will likely never use. 7) You are missing you bonus to initiative from your Orb Enchantment 8) In your breakdown rather than listing "orb, armor, ect." please put what the + of the item is as well as the enchantment. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
1. Fixed, specified Accurate Orbs 2. Yup, I'm aware of that, but I was gonna take Ritual Caster anyways, so I might as well get the effects of it along with some added lore and a minor skill bonus. 3. Fixed, I misspelt Kinetic Trawl as Kinetic Drawl. 4. Fixed, added levels for all abilities that have one. (For the ones that don't have a level (i.e. Racial, Magic Items) I just left them as-is.) 5. From what? I know I can switch out my level 1 one for a level 3 one, but I don't want to do that. 6. Done, added a Dex attack/Dex damage, as a Ranged Basic Attack 7. Added to the Misc box for initiative. 8. Done, as you said, I added the enhancement bonus and enchantments to the items in the breakdown, along with specifying that the orb is an Accurate orb. Nikolai M. said: Zxion, DotV said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) For Superior Implement Training please specify which superior implement it is not just the implement category 2) Since you are using the Scholar theme I would like to point out that eventually Mark of Scribing will just be for ritual casting and the diplomacy bonus rather than extra languages, and dragonmarks cannot be retrained out of. 3) Kinetic Drawl is not a power 4) Please list what level powers are as well rather than just source 5) You are missing a 2nd level 1 psion at will power 6) Please fill out both sections for the attack and damage workspaces even if it is with the melee basic you will likely never use. 7) You are missing you bonus to initiative from your Orb Enchantment 8) In your breakdown rather than listing "orb, armor, ect." please put what the + of the item is as well as the enchantment. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.

Edited 1544726642
Zxion, DotV said: 1. Fixed, specified Accurate Orbs 2. Yup, I'm aware of that, but I was gonna take Ritual Caster anyways, so I might as well get the effects of it along with some added lore and a minor skill bonus. 3. Fixed, I misspelt Kinetic Trawl as Kinetic Drawl. 4. Fixed, added levels for all abilities that have one. (For the ones that don't have a level (i.e. Racial, Magic Items) I just left them as-is.) 5. From what? I know I can switch out my level 1 one for a level 3 one, but I don't want to do that. 6. Done, added a Dex attack/Dex damage, as a Ranged Basic Attack 7. Added to the Misc box for initiative. 8. Done, as you said, I added the enhancement bonus and enchantments to the items in the breakdown, along with specifying that the orb is an Accurate orb. Nikolai M. said: Zxion, DotV said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) For Superior Implement Training please specify which superior implement it is not just the implement category 2) Since you are using the Scholar theme I would like to point out that eventually Mark of Scribing will just be for ritual casting and the diplomacy bonus rather than extra languages, and dragonmarks cannot be retrained out of. 3) Kinetic Drawl is not a power 4) Please list what level powers are as well rather than just source 5) You are missing a 2nd level 1 psion at will power 6) Please fill out both sections for the attack and damage workspaces even if it is with the melee basic you will likely never use. 7) You are missing you bonus to initiative from your Orb Enchantment 8) In your breakdown rather than listing "orb, armor, ect." please put what the + of the item is as well as the enchantment. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. It was my mistake on the Power Point and number of At-Wills, I had mixed up the order of what happens when with Hybrid Psionic Augmentation. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal waiting for you once we can assign it, as I am unable to do at this time feel free to message me or ping a DM to get is assigned to you once you have loaded the game once. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token.&nbsp; Don't forget to add this character to the census.
Thanks a lot! Nikolai M. said: Zxion, DotV said: 1. Fixed, specified Accurate Orbs 2. Yup, I'm aware of that, but I was gonna take Ritual Caster anyways, so I might as well get the effects of it along with some added lore and a minor skill bonus. 3. Fixed, I misspelt Kinetic Trawl as Kinetic Drawl. 4. Fixed, added levels for all abilities that have one. (For the ones that don't have a level (i.e. Racial, Magic Items) I just left them as-is.) 5. From what? I know I can switch out my level 1 one for a level 3 one, but I don't want to do that. 6. Done, added a Dex attack/Dex damage, as a Ranged Basic Attack 7. Added to the Misc box for initiative. 8. Done, as you said, I added the enhancement bonus and enchantments to the items in the breakdown, along with specifying that the orb is an Accurate orb. Nikolai M. said: Zxion, DotV said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) For Superior Implement Training please specify which superior implement it is not just the implement category 2) Since you are using the Scholar theme I would like to point out that eventually Mark of Scribing will just be for ritual casting and the diplomacy bonus rather than extra languages, and dragonmarks cannot be retrained out of. 3) Kinetic Drawl is not a power 4) Please list what level powers are as well rather than just source 5) You are missing a 2nd level 1 psion at will power 6) Please fill out both sections for the attack and damage workspaces even if it is with the melee basic you will likely never use. 7) You are missing you bonus to initiative from your Orb Enchantment 8) In your breakdown rather than listing "orb, armor, ect." please put what the + of the item is as well as the enchantment. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. It was my mistake on the Power Point and number of At-Wills, I had mixed up the order of what happens when with Hybrid Psionic Augmentation. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal waiting for you once we can assign it, as I am unable to do at this time feel free to message me or ping a DM to get is assigned to you once you have loaded the game once. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Character Sheet
Adri (5S) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Character Sheet Your sheet is set to private so it cannot be seen to be reviewed.
Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Character Sheet Your sheet is set to private so it cannot be seen to be reviewed. Hi, sorry about that. I thought I did but I guess I got confuse without a save button. It should work now.&nbsp;

Edited 1544844644
Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Character Sheet Your sheet is set to private so it cannot be seen to be reviewed. Hi, sorry about that. I thought I did but I guess I got confuse without a save button. It should work now.&nbsp; Welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Hand Crossbow Expertise is not a real feat. 2) Please fill out your check penalty even if it is 0 under quick look up 3) Your class does not give Weapon Talent (Shuriken) or Weapon Talent (Dagger). 4) 5 please have the Source and level for each of your powers. 5) Please provide a breakdown of your expenditures. 6) Please know you can also benefit from a character theme if you so choose. 7) Please increase your highest stats at LV4, here's a post explaining why. If you want to have Wis 10, use array 18 / 13 / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10 putting racials and LV4 boost into Dex and Cha getting an 11 into one of the others (if nothing else seems useful, Con increase means more HP and Healing Surges). Even 18 / 13 / 13 / 10 / 10 / 8 is an option but then you'd have a low stat. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Character Sheet Your sheet is set to private so it cannot be seen to be reviewed. Hi, sorry about that. I thought I did but I guess I got confuse without a save button. It should work now.&nbsp; Welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Hand Crossbow Expertise is not a real feat. 2) Please fill out your check penalty even if it is 0 under quick look up 3) Your class does not give Weapon Talent (Shuriken) or Weapon Talent (Dagger). 4) 5 please have the Source and level for each of your powers. 5) Please provide a breakdown of your expenditures. 6) Please know you can also benefit from a character theme if you so choose. 7) Please increase your highest stats at LV4, here's a post explaining why. If you want to have Wis 10, use array 18 / 13 / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10 putting racials and LV4 boost into Dex and Cha getting an 11 into one of the others (if nothing else seems useful, Con increase means more HP and Healing Surges). Even 18 / 13 / 13 / 10 / 10 / 8 is an option but then you'd have a low stat. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Thank you, 1) Switch the feat to Crossbow Expertise (I can get the +1 attack on hand crossbows with that feat Correct?) 2) I have filled it up with a 0 3) I am a little confuse. In the player handbook 1 4th edition on page 117 it has the following paragraph: Rogue Weapon Talent When you wield a shuriken, your weapon damage die increases by one size. When you wield a dagger, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls. Could you please clarify to how I should proceed with that? 4) I have added the level and the source of the power (I have pretty much used the PHB 1 for the creation of this character) Second Chance (Encounter-Racial Power -PHB1) Piercing Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Deft Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Dazing Strike (Encounter lv1) PHB1 Fleeting Ghost (At Will - Utility lv2) PHB1 Trickster's Blade (Encounter lv3) PHB1 Easy Target (Daily lv1) PHB1 Clever Riposte (Daily lv5) PHB1 5) &nbsp;Break down of Expenditure: Started $4,500 -$1,700 (+2 Delvers Armor bought at the sale forum Seller: Nikolai M. (Syct)) -$260 (+1 Defensive Weapon bought at the sale forum Seller: macr05s (Makross)_ -$360 (+1 Amulet of protection Player Handbook 1) -$1,800 (+2 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) -$360 (+1 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) with $20 left over 6) I am not really familiar with the character theme and how they work. Could you recommend one? 7) I have change my stats to your recommendation.&nbsp; Started with: 10 Str, 11 Con, 18 Dex, 10 Int, 10 Wis, 13 Cha +2 to Dex and Cha for Race +1 to Cha and Dex for 4th Level

Edited 1544987811
Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Character Sheet Your sheet is set to private so it cannot be seen to be reviewed. Hi, sorry about that. I thought I did but I guess I got confuse without a save button. It should work now.&nbsp; Welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Hand Crossbow Expertise is not a real feat. 2) Please fill out your check penalty even if it is 0 under quick look up 3) Your class does not give Weapon Talent (Shuriken) or Weapon Talent (Dagger). 4) 5 please have the Source and level for each of your powers. 5) Please provide a breakdown of your expenditures. 6) Please know you can also benefit from a character theme if you so choose. 7) Please increase your highest stats at LV4, here's a post explaining why. If you want to have Wis 10, use array 18 / 13 / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10 putting racials and LV4 boost into Dex and Cha getting an 11 into one of the others (if nothing else seems useful, Con increase means more HP and Healing Surges). Even 18 / 13 / 13 / 10 / 10 / 8 is an option but then you'd have a low stat. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Thank you, 1) Switch the feat to Crossbow Expertise (I can get the +1 attack on hand crossbows with that feat Correct?) 2) I have filled it up with a 0 3) I am a little confuse. In the player handbook 1 4th edition on page 117 it has the following paragraph: Rogue Weapon Talent When you wield a shuriken, your weapon damage die increases by one size. When you wield a dagger, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls. Could you please clarify to how I should proceed with that? 4) I have added the level and the source of the power (I have pretty much used the PHB 1 for the creation of this character) Second Chance (Encounter-Racial Power -PHB1) Piercing Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Deft Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Dazing Strike (Encounter lv1) PHB1 Fleeting Ghost (At Will - Utility lv2) PHB1 Trickster's Blade (Encounter lv3) PHB1 Easy Target (Daily lv1) PHB1 Clever Riposte (Daily lv5) PHB1 5) &nbsp;Break down of Expenditure: Started $4,500 -$1,700 (+2 Delvers Armor bought at the sale forum Seller: Nikolai M. (Syct)) -$260 (+1 Defensive Weapon bought at the sale forum Seller: macr05s (Makross)_ -$360 (+1 Amulet of protection Player Handbook 1) -$1,800 (+2 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) -$360 (+1 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) with $20 left over 6) I am not really familiar with the character theme and how they work. Could you recommend one? 7) I have change my stats to your recommendation.&nbsp; Started with: 10 Str, 11 Con, 18 Dex, 10 Int, 10 Wis, 13 Cha +2 to Dex and Cha for Race +1 to Cha and Dex for 4th Level 1) Yes hand crossbows are still crossbows. So Check. 2) Check 3) Rogue Weapon Talent is the name of the feature from your class, it is not two separate features. Weapon Talent typically means a +1 attack rolls, which would not actually apply to shurikens in this case as you had listed. Scoundrel Weapon Talent is actually different than those being the two weapon talents you had listed, it gives the +1 to attack for daggers but instead of the +1 to attack rolls for shuriken they have a larger damage die. 4) Check 5)&nbsp; Check 6) There are a few options that could be good, a few suggestions would be Outlaw, Sohei, Son of Alagondar or Yakuza. There are quite a few possible choices overall, if you do choose to take one do know you only gain powers that are said to be gained by theme features. So if you chose a theme power you would take it in place of a class power you would normally gain at that level. 7) Check With everything else looking fine I will set you up with a journal, if you do decide to pick up a theme just be sure to have someone take a look to make sure everything is in place. When you hit Launch Game ping the DMs on discord so we can assign it, until you have launched the game once I am unable to assign it. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Character Sheet Your sheet is set to private so it cannot be seen to be reviewed. Hi, sorry about that. I thought I did but I guess I got confuse without a save button. It should work now.&nbsp; Welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Hand Crossbow Expertise is not a real feat. 2) Please fill out your check penalty even if it is 0 under quick look up 3) Your class does not give Weapon Talent (Shuriken) or Weapon Talent (Dagger). 4) 5 please have the Source and level for each of your powers. 5) Please provide a breakdown of your expenditures. 6) Please know you can also benefit from a character theme if you so choose. 7) Please increase your highest stats at LV4, here's a post explaining why. If you want to have Wis 10, use array 18 / 13 / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10 putting racials and LV4 boost into Dex and Cha getting an 11 into one of the others (if nothing else seems useful, Con increase means more HP and Healing Surges). Even 18 / 13 / 13 / 10 / 10 / 8 is an option but then you'd have a low stat. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Thank you, 1) Switch the feat to Crossbow Expertise (I can get the +1 attack on hand crossbows with that feat Correct?) 2) I have filled it up with a 0 3) I am a little confuse. In the player handbook 1 4th edition on page 117 it has the following paragraph: Rogue Weapon Talent When you wield a shuriken, your weapon damage die increases by one size. When you wield a dagger, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls. Could you please clarify to how I should proceed with that? 4) I have added the level and the source of the power (I have pretty much used the PHB 1 for the creation of this character) Second Chance (Encounter-Racial Power -PHB1) Piercing Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Deft Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Dazing Strike (Encounter lv1) PHB1 Fleeting Ghost (At Will - Utility lv2) PHB1 Trickster's Blade (Encounter lv3) PHB1 Easy Target (Daily lv1) PHB1 Clever Riposte (Daily lv5) PHB1 5) &nbsp;Break down of Expenditure: Started $4,500 -$1,700 (+2 Delvers Armor bought at the sale forum Seller: Nikolai M. (Syct)) -$260 (+1 Defensive Weapon bought at the sale forum Seller: macr05s (Makross)_ -$360 (+1 Amulet of protection Player Handbook 1) -$1,800 (+2 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) -$360 (+1 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) with $20 left over 6) I am not really familiar with the character theme and how they work. Could you recommend one? 7) I have change my stats to your recommendation.&nbsp; Started with: 10 Str, 11 Con, 18 Dex, 10 Int, 10 Wis, 13 Cha +2 to Dex and Cha for Race +1 to Cha and Dex for 4th Level 1) Yes hand crossbows are still crossbows. So Check. 2) Check 3) Rogue Weapon Talent is the name of the feature from your class, it is not two separate features. Weapon Talent typically means a +1 attack rolls, which would not actually apply to shurikens in this case as you had listed. Scoundrel Weapon Talent is actually different than those being the two weapon talents you had listed, it gives the +1 to attack for daggers but instead of the +1 to attack rolls for shuriken they have a larger damage die. 4) Check 5)&nbsp; Check 6) There are a few options that could be good, a few suggestions would be Outlaw, Sohei, Son of Alagondar or Yakuza. There are quite a few possible choices overall, if you do choose to take one do know you only gain powers that are said to be gained by theme features. So if you chose a theme power you would take it in place of a class power you would normally gain at that level. 7) Check With everything else looking fine I will set you up with a journal, if you do decide to pick up a theme just be sure to have someone take a look to make sure everything is in place. When you hit Launch Game ping the DMs on discord so we can assign it, until you have launched the game once I am unable to assign it. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census. Great! 3) Oh I just wrote those 2 down mainly so I won't forget that I get a plus 1 on atk with daggers or a bigger die on dmg with shuriken. 6) Could I use the Ghost of the Past theme? Guidance of the Past&nbsp;is a 1st- level &nbsp; utility &nbsp; power &nbsp;granted to&nbsp; characters &nbsp;with the&nbsp; Ghost of the Past &nbsp; character theme . Which power will I have to switch to take this power? the 1st level encounter or a 2nd level utility? I will add training in my history skill as the theme describes it at first level.
Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Character Sheet Your sheet is set to private so it cannot be seen to be reviewed. Hi, sorry about that. I thought I did but I guess I got confuse without a save button. It should work now.&nbsp; Welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Hand Crossbow Expertise is not a real feat. 2) Please fill out your check penalty even if it is 0 under quick look up 3) Your class does not give Weapon Talent (Shuriken) or Weapon Talent (Dagger). 4) 5 please have the Source and level for each of your powers. 5) Please provide a breakdown of your expenditures. 6) Please know you can also benefit from a character theme if you so choose. 7) Please increase your highest stats at LV4, here's a post explaining why. If you want to have Wis 10, use array 18 / 13 / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10 putting racials and LV4 boost into Dex and Cha getting an 11 into one of the others (if nothing else seems useful, Con increase means more HP and Healing Surges). Even 18 / 13 / 13 / 10 / 10 / 8 is an option but then you'd have a low stat. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Thank you, 1) Switch the feat to Crossbow Expertise (I can get the +1 attack on hand crossbows with that feat Correct?) 2) I have filled it up with a 0 3) I am a little confuse. In the player handbook 1 4th edition on page 117 it has the following paragraph: Rogue Weapon Talent When you wield a shuriken, your weapon damage die increases by one size. When you wield a dagger, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls. Could you please clarify to how I should proceed with that? 4) I have added the level and the source of the power (I have pretty much used the PHB 1 for the creation of this character) Second Chance (Encounter-Racial Power -PHB1) Piercing Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Deft Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Dazing Strike (Encounter lv1) PHB1 Fleeting Ghost (At Will - Utility lv2) PHB1 Trickster's Blade (Encounter lv3) PHB1 Easy Target (Daily lv1) PHB1 Clever Riposte (Daily lv5) PHB1 5) &nbsp;Break down of Expenditure: Started $4,500 -$1,700 (+2 Delvers Armor bought at the sale forum Seller: Nikolai M. (Syct)) -$260 (+1 Defensive Weapon bought at the sale forum Seller: macr05s (Makross)_ -$360 (+1 Amulet of protection Player Handbook 1) -$1,800 (+2 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) -$360 (+1 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) with $20 left over 6) I am not really familiar with the character theme and how they work. Could you recommend one? 7) I have change my stats to your recommendation.&nbsp; Started with: 10 Str, 11 Con, 18 Dex, 10 Int, 10 Wis, 13 Cha +2 to Dex and Cha for Race +1 to Cha and Dex for 4th Level 1) Yes hand crossbows are still crossbows. So Check. 2) Check 3) Rogue Weapon Talent is the name of the feature from your class, it is not two separate features. Weapon Talent typically means a +1 attack rolls, which would not actually apply to shurikens in this case as you had listed. Scoundrel Weapon Talent is actually different than those being the two weapon talents you had listed, it gives the +1 to attack for daggers but instead of the +1 to attack rolls for shuriken they have a larger damage die. 4) Check 5)&nbsp; Check 6) There are a few options that could be good, a few suggestions would be Outlaw, Sohei, Son of Alagondar or Yakuza. There are quite a few possible choices overall, if you do choose to take one do know you only gain powers that are said to be gained by theme features. So if you chose a theme power you would take it in place of a class power you would normally gain at that level. 7) Check With everything else looking fine I will set you up with a journal, if you do decide to pick up a theme just be sure to have someone take a look to make sure everything is in place. When you hit Launch Game ping the DMs on discord so we can assign it, until you have launched the game once I am unable to assign it. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census. Great! 3) Oh I just wrote those 2 down mainly so I won't forget that I get a plus 1 on atk with daggers or a bigger die on dmg with shuriken. 6) Could I use the Ghost of the Past theme? Guidance of the Past&nbsp;is a 1st- level &nbsp; utility &nbsp; power &nbsp;granted to&nbsp; characters &nbsp;with the&nbsp; Ghost of the Past &nbsp; character theme . Which power will I have to switch to take this power? the 1st level encounter or a 2nd level utility? I will add training in my history skill as the theme describes it at first level. Yes Ghost of the Past is a fine choice to use, Guidance of the Past is given to you through the Level 1 Feature of the theme so it is a power that you just acquire and it will not replace any of your other powers. Do not forget to also add a language from the Level 1 Feature as well but remember it cannot be Supernal or Abyssal.
Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: Nikolai M. said: Adri (5S) said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Character Sheet Your sheet is set to private so it cannot be seen to be reviewed. Hi, sorry about that. I thought I did but I guess I got confuse without a save button. It should work now.&nbsp; Welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. 1) Hand Crossbow Expertise is not a real feat. 2) Please fill out your check penalty even if it is 0 under quick look up 3) Your class does not give Weapon Talent (Shuriken) or Weapon Talent (Dagger). 4) 5 please have the Source and level for each of your powers. 5) Please provide a breakdown of your expenditures. 6) Please know you can also benefit from a character theme if you so choose. 7) Please increase your highest stats at LV4, here's a post explaining why. If you want to have Wis 10, use array 18 / 13 / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10 putting racials and LV4 boost into Dex and Cha getting an 11 into one of the others (if nothing else seems useful, Con increase means more HP and Healing Surges). Even 18 / 13 / 13 / 10 / 10 / 8 is an option but then you'd have a low stat. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Thank you, 1) Switch the feat to Crossbow Expertise (I can get the +1 attack on hand crossbows with that feat Correct?) 2) I have filled it up with a 0 3) I am a little confuse. In the player handbook 1 4th edition on page 117 it has the following paragraph: Rogue Weapon Talent When you wield a shuriken, your weapon damage die increases by one size. When you wield a dagger, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls. Could you please clarify to how I should proceed with that? 4) I have added the level and the source of the power (I have pretty much used the PHB 1 for the creation of this character) Second Chance (Encounter-Racial Power -PHB1) Piercing Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Deft Strike (At Will lv1) PHB1 Dazing Strike (Encounter lv1) PHB1 Fleeting Ghost (At Will - Utility lv2) PHB1 Trickster's Blade (Encounter lv3) PHB1 Easy Target (Daily lv1) PHB1 Clever Riposte (Daily lv5) PHB1 5) &nbsp;Break down of Expenditure: Started $4,500 -$1,700 (+2 Delvers Armor bought at the sale forum Seller: Nikolai M. (Syct)) -$260 (+1 Defensive Weapon bought at the sale forum Seller: macr05s (Makross)_ -$360 (+1 Amulet of protection Player Handbook 1) -$1,800 (+2 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) -$360 (+1 Magic Weapon Player Handbook 1) with $20 left over 6) I am not really familiar with the character theme and how they work. Could you recommend one? 7) I have change my stats to your recommendation.&nbsp; Started with: 10 Str, 11 Con, 18 Dex, 10 Int, 10 Wis, 13 Cha +2 to Dex and Cha for Race +1 to Cha and Dex for 4th Level 1) Yes hand crossbows are still crossbows. So Check. 2) Check 3) Rogue Weapon Talent is the name of the feature from your class, it is not two separate features. Weapon Talent typically means a +1 attack rolls, which would not actually apply to shurikens in this case as you had listed. Scoundrel Weapon Talent is actually different than those being the two weapon talents you had listed, it gives the +1 to attack for daggers but instead of the +1 to attack rolls for shuriken they have a larger damage die. 4) Check 5)&nbsp; Check 6) There are a few options that could be good, a few suggestions would be Outlaw, Sohei, Son of Alagondar or Yakuza. There are quite a few possible choices overall, if you do choose to take one do know you only gain powers that are said to be gained by theme features. So if you chose a theme power you would take it in place of a class power you would normally gain at that level. 7) Check With everything else looking fine I will set you up with a journal, if you do decide to pick up a theme just be sure to have someone take a look to make sure everything is in place. When you hit Launch Game ping the DMs on discord so we can assign it, until you have launched the game once I am unable to assign it. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census. Great! 3) Oh I just wrote those 2 down mainly so I won't forget that I get a plus 1 on atk with daggers or a bigger die on dmg with shuriken. 6) Could I use the Ghost of the Past theme? Guidance of the Past&nbsp;is a 1st- level &nbsp; utility &nbsp; power &nbsp;granted to&nbsp; characters &nbsp;with the&nbsp; Ghost of the Past &nbsp; character theme . Which power will I have to switch to take this power? the 1st level encounter or a 2nd level utility? I will add training in my history skill as the theme describes it at first level. Yes Ghost of the Past is a fine choice to use, Guidance of the Past is given to you through the Level 1 Feature of the theme so it is a power that you just acquire and it will not replace any of your other powers. Do not forget to also add a language from the Level 1 Feature as well but remember it cannot be Supernal or Abyssal. Great. I have added the power to my power list then. I have added the theme to my race features. I added each level of the theme. Level 1 the skill, language and power, and level 5 bonus. I did it like that so as to keep everything organize. I added the language also, I took Dwarven for it. Thank you for your help. I will add it to the census and launch a game.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Donavon said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. The sheet itself looks pretty solid there are just a few concerns that I want to make sure are addressed so we know you are aware of them. 1) As a fair warning with your current stat array choice your defenses are going to be below average and as a melee striker this means you are likely to get hit very often. 2) Under race features for "use your highest ability to determine HP" please specify which of the several mechanical backgrounds you are taking to use this. 3) For your Infernal Prince theme without having a reliable way to make your attacks fire this does not give you much benefit currently if your goal was the power bonus. Themes can be retrained if you plan to use this once you have a reliable way to type your attacks to fire you can retrain into it then but for now there are other options that could do more for you. This does not mean you need to change it just making sure its known. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.

Edited 1545339788
Nikolai M. said: Donavon said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. The sheet itself looks pretty solid there are just a few concerns that I want to make sure are addressed so we know you are aware of them. 1) As a fair warning with your current stat array choice your defenses are going to be below average and as a melee striker this means you are likely to get hit very often. 2) Under race features for "use your highest ability to determine HP" please specify which of the several mechanical backgrounds you are taking to use this. 3) For your Infernal Prince theme without having a reliable way to make your attacks fire this does not give you much benefit currently if your goal was the power bonus. Themes can be retrained if you plan to use this once you have a reliable way to type your attacks to fire you can retrain into it then but for now there are other options that could do more for you. This does not mean you need to change it just making sure its known. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Checking the recommended arrays, I don't believe the tradeoff of grabbing a higher dex is worth losing the wis/str. Genasi's int bonus definitely doesn't help, but could you elaborate on what sort of array you'd recommend here? 2) My bad, I've added Born Under A Bad Sign. 3) Oh wow, that's lovely. I was unaware. Updated to Sohei, will swap out once Infernal Prince is actually useful. Fun Fact: I actually had Sohei when I initially posted this, but then thought I'd kick myself in a few levels for not having taken Infernal Prince. Edit: I also swapped out improved initiative for Two-Weapon Fighting. Don't know if that's something I need to mention here, but safe than sorry.
Donavon said: Nikolai M. said: Donavon said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome to the guild if you have not already joined discord please do so the link is&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and if you already have please make sure both your roll20 name and discord name match. The sheet itself looks pretty solid there are just a few concerns that I want to make sure are addressed so we know you are aware of them. 1) As a fair warning with your current stat array choice your defenses are going to be below average and as a melee striker this means you are likely to get hit very often. 2) Under race features for "use your highest ability to determine HP" please specify which of the several mechanical backgrounds you are taking to use this. 3) For your Infernal Prince theme without having a reliable way to make your attacks fire this does not give you much benefit currently if your goal was the power bonus. Themes can be retrained if you plan to use this once you have a reliable way to type your attacks to fire you can retrain into it then but for now there are other options that could do more for you. This does not mean you need to change it just making sure its known. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Checking the recommended arrays, I don't believe the tradeoff of grabbing a higher dex is worth losing the wis/str. Genasi's int bonus definitely doesn't help, but could you elaborate on what sort of array you'd recommend here? 2) My bad, I've added Born Under A Bad Sign. 3) Oh wow, that's lovely. I was unaware. Updated to Sohei, will swap out once Infernal Prince is actually useful. Fun Fact: I actually had Sohei when I initially posted this, but then thought I'd kick myself in a few levels for not having taken Infernal Prince. Edit: I also swapped out improved initiative for Two-Weapon Fighting. Don't know if that's something I need to mention here, but safe than sorry. With being a melee ranger and using Str over Dex for basically everything with the genasi racial being to int it would be beneficial to have int be thee higher between Dex and Int, now depending on feats you are planning to take you might not meet the prereqs. This was more to point out your defenses are lower so you don't find yourself wondering why you are getting hit a lot in the future. As for a suggestion I would say maybe concider the 17/14/13/12/10/8 array and having the stats be 17 Str/14 Int/13 Dex/12 Wis/10 Con/8 Cha. This will drop your wisdom bonuses by 1 but it will increase your defenses and still keep you with the 13 dex needed for the two weapon fighting. Which is still showing as improved initiative on your sheet under feats and the related spaces not matching. However everything else seems fine and you can keep your current array if you so choose. When you hit Launch Game ping the DMs on discord so we can assign it, until you have launched the game once I am unable to assign it. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
VoidFox said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello VoidFox, welcome to the Guild. 1) please fill out the current XP in the top right of page 1 2) define the type of armor (on page 2) you bought for this character. Is it cloth, leather, hide, chain, scale or plate 3) After you've done #2, under Quick Look Up, fill out the armor bonus and the check penalty this armor gives your character 4) Please list the enhancement bonus of this armor in the enhancement box of the AC calculation in the defense calculations on the top center of page 1 5) could you please explain the math that led to this number of healing surges? I am not understanding how you get to that number. 6) Please list what sort of superior implement you took the superior implement training feat for with the feat. 7) Once #6 is done, please amend the name of the implement on page 2 and check the consequences for the attack and damage work space. 8) Under Coins and Wealth, please provide us with a breakdown of your expenses 9) on page 2, please list the slot for your chosen powers. Like Changeling Disguise and Changeling Trick are racial at will and racial encounter. Telekinetic Mail is a daily 5, Borrow Training is a utility 2, etc Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
baldhermit said: VoidFox said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello VoidFox, welcome to the Guild. 1) please fill out the current XP in the top right of page 1 2) define the type of armor (on page 2) you bought for this character. Is it cloth, leather, hide, chain, scale or plate 3) After you've done #2, under Quick Look Up, fill out the armor bonus and the check penalty this armor gives your character 4) Please list the enhancement bonus of this armor in the enhancement box of the AC calculation in the defense calculations on the top center of page 1 5) could you please explain the math that led to this number of healing surges? I am not understanding how you get to that number. 6) Please list what sort of superior implement you took the superior implement training feat for with the feat. 7) Once #6 is done, please amend the name of the implement on page 2 and check the consequences for the attack and damage work space. 8) Under Coins and Wealth, please provide us with a breakdown of your expenses 9) on page 2, please list the slot for your chosen powers. Like Changeling Disguise and Changeling Trick are racial at will and racial encounter. Telekinetic Mail is a daily 5, Borrow Training is a utility 2, etc Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Set current xp to 5500 2) Set armor type to cloth 3) Put in 0's to clarify the non-existent armor bonus and check penalty given by normal cloth armor. 4) Added the +1 in the ench. box for AC due to the +1 armor. 5) Psion's healing surges per day = 6+ CHA modifier which showed as +4, thus giving me 10 total healing surges per day. (was also written in statistic block before the first check of the sheet.) 6) Added "(Staff)" behind the superior implement feat to clarify which implement. 7) Think i'm gonna need a little help with this one. 8) Added a list of expences under Coins and other Wealth. 9) Added slots for chosen powers.
VoidFox said: baldhermit said: VoidFox said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello VoidFox, welcome to the Guild. 1) please fill out the current XP in the top right of page 1 2) define the type of armor (on page 2) you bought for this character. Is it cloth, leather, hide, chain, scale or plate 3) After you've done #2, under Quick Look Up, fill out the armor bonus and the check penalty this armor gives your character 4) Please list the enhancement bonus of this armor in the enhancement box of the AC calculation in the defense calculations on the top center of page 1 5) could you please explain the math that led to this number of healing surges? I am not understanding how you get to that number. 6) Please list what sort of superior implement you took the superior implement training feat for with the feat. 7) Once #6 is done, please amend the name of the implement on page 2 and check the consequences for the attack and damage work space. 8) Under Coins and Wealth, please provide us with a breakdown of your expenses 9) on page 2, please list the slot for your chosen powers. Like Changeling Disguise and Changeling Trick are racial at will and racial encounter. Telekinetic Mail is a daily 5, Borrow Training is a utility 2, etc Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Set current xp to 5500 2) Set armor type to cloth 3) Put in 0's to clarify the non-existent armor bonus and check penalty given by normal cloth armor. 4) Added the +1 in the ench. box for AC due to the +1 armor. 5) Psion's healing surges per day = 6+ CHA modifier which showed as +4, thus giving me 10 total healing surges per day. (was also written in statistic block before the first check of the sheet.) 6) Added "(Staff)" behind the superior implement feat to clarify which implement. 7) Think i'm gonna need a little help with this one. 8) Added a list of expences under Coins and other Wealth. 9) Added slots for chosen powers. At 1 : check At 2 : check At 3 : check At 4 : check At 5 : That is not how Psion class healing surges are calculated. Where did you get this information ? At 6 : I suggest in the compendium you type "superior implement", uncheck the box for 'search by name only' and use the dropdown to only view items. One of those is the Superior Implement your character took the training feat for. Accurate Staff is a possible, and often common choice, due to its property that lends an additional +1 to attack. You could also select the Mindwarp Staff for its damage bonus on psychic. At 7 : So after you make your choice for #6, you could end up with a +2 Accurate Defensive Staff. That would give you a +1 to hit, as well as a +1 to Fortitude, Reflex and Will defense. By the way, if you do keep the defensive staff, you need to list that +1 at the defense calculations at the top center of page 1 under misc. At 8 : check At 9 : check and thank you.
baldhermit said: VoidFox said: baldhermit said: VoidFox said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello VoidFox, welcome to the Guild. 1) please fill out the current XP in the top right of page 1 2) define the type of armor (on page 2) you bought for this character. Is it cloth, leather, hide, chain, scale or plate 3) After you've done #2, under Quick Look Up, fill out the armor bonus and the check penalty this armor gives your character 4) Please list the enhancement bonus of this armor in the enhancement box of the AC calculation in the defense calculations on the top center of page 1 5) could you please explain the math that led to this number of healing surges? I am not understanding how you get to that number. 6) Please list what sort of superior implement you took the superior implement training feat for with the feat. 7) Once #6 is done, please amend the name of the implement on page 2 and check the consequences for the attack and damage work space. 8) Under Coins and Wealth, please provide us with a breakdown of your expenses 9) on page 2, please list the slot for your chosen powers. Like Changeling Disguise and Changeling Trick are racial at will and racial encounter. Telekinetic Mail is a daily 5, Borrow Training is a utility 2, etc Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Set current xp to 5500 2) Set armor type to cloth 3) Put in 0's to clarify the non-existent armor bonus and check penalty given by normal cloth armor. 4) Added the +1 in the ench. box for AC due to the +1 armor. 5) Psion's healing surges per day = 6+ CHA modifier which showed as +4, thus giving me 10 total healing surges per day. (was also written in statistic block before the first check of the sheet.) 6) Added "(Staff)" behind the superior implement feat to clarify which implement. 7) Think i'm gonna need a little help with this one. 8) Added a list of expences under Coins and other Wealth. 9) Added slots for chosen powers. At 1 : check At 2 : check At 3 : check At 4 : check At 5 : That is not how Psion class healing surges are calculated. Where did you get this information ? At 6 : I suggest in the compendium you type "superior implement", uncheck the box for 'search by name only' and use the dropdown to only view items. One of those is the Superior Implement your character took the training feat for. Accurate Staff is a possible, and often common choice, due to its property that lends an additional +1 to attack. You could also select the Mindwarp Staff for its damage bonus on psychic. At 7 : So after you make your choice for #6, you could end up with a +2 Accurate Defensive Staff. That would give you a +1 to hit, as well as a +1 to Fortitude, Reflex and Will defense. By the way, if you do keep the defensive staff, you need to list that +1 at the defense calculations at the top center of page 1 under misc. At 8 : check At 9 : check and thank you. 5) I got it off the compendium... but i thought it said CHA... but i now see it said CON... &gt;-&gt; yeeeees... healing surges per day changed to 7. 6) Added superior implement Mindwarp. 7) Added +1 to fort, ref and will under misc. boxes, and +2 in the damage checkbox for Mind Thrust under misc from Mindwarp.
VoidFox said: baldhermit said: VoidFox said: baldhermit said: VoidFox said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello VoidFox, welcome to the Guild. 1) please fill out the current XP in the top right of page 1 2) define the type of armor (on page 2) you bought for this character. Is it cloth, leather, hide, chain, scale or plate 3) After you've done #2, under Quick Look Up, fill out the armor bonus and the check penalty this armor gives your character 4) Please list the enhancement bonus of this armor in the enhancement box of the AC calculation in the defense calculations on the top center of page 1 5) could you please explain the math that led to this number of healing surges? I am not understanding how you get to that number. 6) Please list what sort of superior implement you took the superior implement training feat for with the feat. 7) Once #6 is done, please amend the name of the implement on page 2 and check the consequences for the attack and damage work space. 8) Under Coins and Wealth, please provide us with a breakdown of your expenses 9) on page 2, please list the slot for your chosen powers. Like Changeling Disguise and Changeling Trick are racial at will and racial encounter. Telekinetic Mail is a daily 5, Borrow Training is a utility 2, etc Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommend as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Set current xp to 5500 2) Set armor type to cloth 3) Put in 0's to clarify the non-existent armor bonus and check penalty given by normal cloth armor. 4) Added the +1 in the ench. box for AC due to the +1 armor. 5) Psion's healing surges per day = 6+ CHA modifier which showed as +4, thus giving me 10 total healing surges per day. (was also written in statistic block before the first check of the sheet.) 6) Added "(Staff)" behind the superior implement feat to clarify which implement. 7) Think i'm gonna need a little help with this one. 8) Added a list of expences under Coins and other Wealth. 9) Added slots for chosen powers. At 1 : check At 2 : check At 3 : check At 4 : check At 5 : That is not how Psion class healing surges are calculated. Where did you get this information ? At 6 : I suggest in the compendium you type "superior implement", uncheck the box for 'search by name only' and use the dropdown to only view items. One of those is the Superior Implement your character took the training feat for. Accurate Staff is a possible, and often common choice, due to its property that lends an additional +1 to attack. You could also select the Mindwarp Staff for its damage bonus on psychic. At 7 : So after you make your choice for #6, you could end up with a +2 Accurate Defensive Staff. That would give you a +1 to hit, as well as a +1 to Fortitude, Reflex and Will defense. By the way, if you do keep the defensive staff, you need to list that +1 at the defense calculations at the top center of page 1 under misc. At 8 : check At 9 : check and thank you. 5) I got it off the compendium... but i thought it said CHA... but i now see it said CON... &gt;-&gt; yeeeees... healing surges per day changed to 7. 6) Added superior implement Mindwarp. 7) Added +1 to fort, ref and will under misc. boxes, and +2 in the damage checkbox for Mind Thrust under misc from Mindwarp. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Harrad Tideshifter

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Vice said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Harrad Tideshifter Hi Vice, 1) please look at the math for # of healing surges 2) the speed penalty as a consequence of wearing heavy armor is not zero
baldhermit said: Vice said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Harrad Tideshifter Hi Vice, 1) please look at the math for # of healing surges 2) the speed penalty as a consequence of wearing heavy armor is not zero 1) All healing surges are now using the classes specified 8+CON mod 2) Speed penalty has been applied: -1 Issue came up due to a misreading of a race feature. I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources&nbsp; Harrad 'Happy' Tideshifter
Vice said: baldhermit said: Vice said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Harrad Tideshifter Hi Vice, 1) please look at the math for # of healing surges 2) the speed penalty as a consequence of wearing heavy armor is not zero 1) All healing surges are now using the classes specified 8+CON mod 2) Speed penalty has been applied: -1 Issue came up due to a misreading of a race feature. I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources&nbsp; Harrad 'Happy' Tideshifter When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Boras Furnor &nbsp;