Adam S. said: Han S. said: Adam S. said: Han S. said: Adam S. said: Han S. said: Adam S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. Ansys - Level 5 Deva Avenger - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello, and welcome to the guild. Please fill out one of your attack and damage workspaces for a melee weapon attack. - FIXED Please put an explicit breakdown of your purchases with starting gold and the value of your purchases in Coins and Other Wealth. - FIXED Avenger does not have History as an Class Skill, if this was obtained with a background please indicate it as such. - FIXED, removed and added stealth instead Your HP seems wrong. Please note that your HP also adjusts if you raise your CON. - FIXED - added +1 CON Your Healing Surges also seem a bit short, similar to point 4. - FIXED - added +1 CON Please put the numerical amount of resist you gain from Astral Resistance in your Conditional Modifiers. - FIXED (optional) Please note that you can select a background and a theme for this character. - FIXED, had them in the wrong place and elaborated a bit. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please
use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us
know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like
"Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search
through your sheet to see what was changed. This looks... incorrect. To be clear, I want the attack and damage macro for a melee weapon Avenger attack, so your ability score shouldn't be -1. Avenger does not have a class bonus to accuracy, and the proficiency bonus of a flail is not 1. - Should all be good now, I have no idea how I screwed that up so much! Check. Check. Check. I was more asking you to calculate what "5 + 1/2 Level" is for your character at this point. - Sorry for the misunderstanding, I've got it now I'm not seeing it, could you please place your background and theme either in Race Features or Class / Path / Destiny Features? If it's at the very bottom box of the third page, note that only you can read things from there. - Copied and pasted to Race Features. Thanks for checking this out again for me! 1. You're almost there, but you're missing your ability modifier (WIS) in the attack and damage. - Got that updated, should be all set now! 6. Check. 7. Discussed/explained this in private. Don't forget to add Sohei Flurry to your list of powers, but journal granted. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal in the top right
corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the
templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the
welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.