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Old Character Sheet Thread (Locked Apr 2020)


Edited 1585432514
Bandy said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Bandy, welcome to the Guild 1) Please fill out the characters current XP at the top right corner of page 1 2) Please fill out the class features 3) Please fill out the check penalty underneath Quick Look Up 4) Superior Will is not a free feat as per Step 8 of the New Character Check list ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) 5) As explained in Step 5 of the New Player Checklist, it is generally a bad idea to not prioritize your main ability score every step of the way.&nbsp; 6) Please list the purchased magic gear on the right side column on page 2. Read the fourth paragraph of Step 9 of the New Player Checklist for naming conventions, please.&nbsp; 7) A sloot increases exponentially, and early on you will find your character fight alongside level 6 and level 7 characters meeting appropriately challenging monsters, please make your character the best it can be. And by that I mean, please do not save up your starting cash. 8) Optionally your character could choose to have the benefit of a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither of those are mandatory,. If you do select one or both of them, please list those with the class features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. I am trying to get a dialogue going here.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Jamison L. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Looking good, I will set you up with a journal. When you hit Launch Game you will find it waiting for you in the top right corner. Please fill out the attributes and use the templates provided to set up macros for your characters powers and abilities. Once that is done flag down a DM to check it, they can then make you a token. This is also covered in the #welcome on discord. Please do not forget to add this character to the census
Vanedrim said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Vanedrim, welcome to the Guild 1) can you please explain where the +2 class bonus to attacks comes from? Brawlers receive a +2 enhancement bonus to unarmed attacks, but you have +1 listed in the enhancement box. 2) In the statistics block, please list both the racial bonus to the ability scores as well as where you went with the level 4 boosts. 3) Where does the +3 enhancement bonus to fortitude come from in the defense calculations at the top center of page 1? 4) There is no enhancement listed for the AC calculation in that same area. 5) possibly related to #4, I do not think a scale armor gives an armor bonus of 9, as you filled out under Quick Look Up. Also, scale armor should be checked as "Armor is Heavy" 6) When I calculate this characters HP, I come to a different number. Can you please show the math you used so that we can determine where we differ? 7) For ease of use later, I would suggest you move the cost of items to the Coins adn Wealth section on page 3. 8) Under Rituals on page 2, please list the benefit from the chosen character theme. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. I am trying to get a dialogue going here.
baldhermit said: Vanedrim said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 1) I believe I listed the +2 from Brawler Style as a class bonus instead of enhancement. The +1 listed under enhancement bonus probably comes from my +1 magic weapon. 2) Done. 3) +1 from the Cloak of Resistance. +2 from Brawler Style. 4) +1 gained from Brawler Style now moved to this slot. 5) You are correct, Scale armor is +7, +1 enhancement bonus from magic would give me +8 AC.I probably had included the +1 from Brawler Style in there. And I marked it as heavy, I thought it was medium but didnt know because the entry in the compendium doesnt tell. 6) I re-calculated it's HP and came to 59. 15+20(str) at level 1, plus 24 for the four levels gaining 6hp each. 7) Done. 8) Done.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1585516636
Vanedrim said: baldhermit said: Vanedrim said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Vanedrim. when you reply to this post, please use the quote function so that our reply and your answers are captured in the same forum post. Please also read the section at the bottom before replying. Thank you. My original critique: 1) can you please explain where the +2 class bonus to attacks comes from? Brawlers receive a +2 enhancement bonus to unarmed attacks, but you have +1 listed in the enhancement box. 2) In the statistics block, please list both the racial bonus to the ability scores as well as where you went with the level 4 boosts. 3) Where does the +3 enhancement bonus to fortitude come from in the defense calculations at the top center of page 1? 4) There is no enhancement listed for the AC calculation in that same area. 5) possibly related to #4, I do not think a scale armor gives an armor bonus of 9, as you filled out under Quick Look Up. Also, scale armor should be checked as "Armor is Heavy" 6) When I calculate this characters HP, I come to a different number. Can you please show the math you used so that we can determine where we differ? 7) For ease of use later, I would suggest you move the cost of items to the Coins adn Wealth section on page 3. 8) Under Rituals on page 2, please list the benefit from the chosen character theme. Your reply :&nbsp; 1) I believe I listed the +2 from Brawler Style as a class bonus instead of enhancement. The +1 listed under enhancement bonus probably comes from my +1 magic weapon. 2) Done. 3) +1 from the Cloak of Resistance. +2 from Brawler Style. 4) +1 gained from Brawler Style now moved to this slot. 5) You are correct, Scale armor is +7, +1 enhancement bonus from magic would give me +8 AC.I probably had included the +1 from Brawler Style in there. And I marked it as heavy, I thought it was medium but didnt know because the entry in the compendium doesnt tell. 6) I re-calculated it's HP and came to 59. 15+20(str) at level 1, plus 24 for the four levels gaining 6hp each. 7) Done. 8) Done. My answers now: At 1 : So the benefit you have listed as a class bonus is not a class bonus. Please move it to enhancement, as listed in the rules text At 2 : Check At 3 : The +2 bonus to Fortitude as granted to your character by the Brawler style chosen is not an enhancement bonus and should be listed under Misc At 4 : The +1 to AC benefit from Brawler style is not an enhancement bonus and should be listed under Misc. At 5 : For some light reading you can check out Armor types in the compendium or read page 214 or thereabouts in the player handbook. Scale armor gives this character an armor bonus of 7. The enhancement bonus should be listed in the Enh. box at the top center of page 1 with the defense calculations. At 6 : As the ability that the original HP is based on increases, so does the HP score. So you're actually looking at 21+15 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 At 7 : Check At 8 : Check Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
Simon C. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> hi Simon, welcome to the Guild 1) Please fill out the check penalty under Quick Look Up. Even if the answer is zero, we need to know that you know. 2) The monk unarmed strike benefits from the magi ki focus. Please take that into account for the Attack and damage calculations 3) With the race Features, please list the bonus skill chosen as well as the bonus at will chosen 4) please fill out the special senses / movement section. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 5) With the powers on page 2, please list their slot. Like At-Will, level 1 encounter power (or E1), level 5 daily power (or D5), etc 6) Under Coins and Wealth, please show the gold you spent on gear and how much you have left as a consequence. 7) Optionally you could select a character theme for your Gu Sheng. If you do so, please list it under Class Features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
baldhermit said: Vanedrim said: baldhermit said: Vanedrim said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Vanedrim. when you reply to this post, please use the quote function so that our reply and your answers are captured in the same forum post. Please also read the section at the bottom before replying. Thank you. My original critique: 1) can you please explain where the +2 class bonus to attacks comes from? Brawlers receive a +2 enhancement bonus to unarmed attacks, but you have +1 listed in the enhancement box. 2) In the statistics block, please list both the racial bonus to the ability scores as well as where you went with the level 4 boosts. 3) Where does the +3 enhancement bonus to fortitude come from in the defense calculations at the top center of page 1? 4) There is no enhancement listed for the AC calculation in that same area. 5) possibly related to #4, I do not think a scale armor gives an armor bonus of 9, as you filled out under Quick Look Up. Also, scale armor should be checked as "Armor is Heavy" 6) When I calculate this characters HP, I come to a different number. Can you please show the math you used so that we can determine where we differ? 7) For ease of use later, I would suggest you move the cost of items to the Coins adn Wealth section on page 3. 8) Under Rituals on page 2, please list the benefit from the chosen character theme. Your reply :&nbsp; 1) I believe I listed the +2 from Brawler Style as a class bonus instead of enhancement. The +1 listed under enhancement bonus probably comes from my +1 magic weapon. 2) Done. 3) +1 from the Cloak of Resistance. +2 from Brawler Style. 4) +1 gained from Brawler Style now moved to this slot. 5) You are correct, Scale armor is +7, +1 enhancement bonus from magic would give me +8 AC.I probably had included the +1 from Brawler Style in there. And I marked it as heavy, I thought it was medium but didnt know because the entry in the compendium doesnt tell. 6) I re-calculated it's HP and came to 59. 15+20(str) at level 1, plus 24 for the four levels gaining 6hp each. 7) Done. 8) Done. My answers now: At 1 : So the benefit you have listed as a class bonus is not a class bonus. Please move it to enhancement, as listed in the rules text At 2 : Check At 3 : The +2 bonus to Fortitude as granted to your character by the Brawler style chosen is not an enhancement bonus and should be listed under Misc At 4 : The +1 to AC benefit from Brawler style is not an enhancement bonus and should be listed under Misc. At 5 : For some light reading you can check out Armor types in the compendium or read page 214 or thereabouts in the player handbook. Scale armor gives this character an armor bonus of 7. The enhancement bonus should be listed in the Enh. box at the top center of page 1 with the defense calculations. At 6 : As the ability that the original HP is based on increases, so does the HP score. So you're actually looking at 21+15 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 At 7 : Check At 8 : Check Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Sorry for messing up the formatting by removing the quotes. And thank you for taking the time to help me. 1) Moved +2 to enhancement as told. 3) Moved the +2 to misc as told. 4)Moved the +1 to misc as told. 5) Thank you for the suggested reading. Moved the enhancement bonus from armor to the box at the top as told. 6) Didnt know that. Adjusted HP, new total should be alright this time. I hope I got everything this time. Thank you for the help.
Vanedrim said: baldhermit said: Vanedrim said: baldhermit said: Vanedrim said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Vanedrim. when you reply to this post, please use the quote function so that our reply and your answers are captured in the same forum post. Please also read the section at the bottom before replying. Thank you. My original critique: 1) can you please explain where the +2 class bonus to attacks comes from? Brawlers receive a +2 enhancement bonus to unarmed attacks, but you have +1 listed in the enhancement box. 2) In the statistics block, please list both the racial bonus to the ability scores as well as where you went with the level 4 boosts. 3) Where does the +3 enhancement bonus to fortitude come from in the defense calculations at the top center of page 1? 4) There is no enhancement listed for the AC calculation in that same area. 5) possibly related to #4, I do not think a scale armor gives an armor bonus of 9, as you filled out under Quick Look Up. Also, scale armor should be checked as "Armor is Heavy" 6) When I calculate this characters HP, I come to a different number. Can you please show the math you used so that we can determine where we differ? 7) For ease of use later, I would suggest you move the cost of items to the Coins adn Wealth section on page 3. 8) Under Rituals on page 2, please list the benefit from the chosen character theme. Your reply :&nbsp; 1) I believe I listed the +2 from Brawler Style as a class bonus instead of enhancement. The +1 listed under enhancement bonus probably comes from my +1 magic weapon. 2) Done. 3) +1 from the Cloak of Resistance. +2 from Brawler Style. 4) +1 gained from Brawler Style now moved to this slot. 5) You are correct, Scale armor is +7, +1 enhancement bonus from magic would give me +8 AC.I probably had included the +1 from Brawler Style in there. And I marked it as heavy, I thought it was medium but didnt know because the entry in the compendium doesnt tell. 6) I re-calculated it's HP and came to 59. 15+20(str) at level 1, plus 24 for the four levels gaining 6hp each. 7) Done. 8) Done. My answers now: At 1 : So the benefit you have listed as a class bonus is not a class bonus. Please move it to enhancement, as listed in the rules text At 2 : Check At 3 : The +2 bonus to Fortitude as granted to your character by the Brawler style chosen is not an enhancement bonus and should be listed under Misc At 4 : The +1 to AC benefit from Brawler style is not an enhancement bonus and should be listed under Misc. At 5 : For some light reading you can check out Armor types in the compendium or read page 214 or thereabouts in the player handbook. Scale armor gives this character an armor bonus of 7. The enhancement bonus should be listed in the Enh. box at the top center of page 1 with the defense calculations. At 6 : As the ability that the original HP is based on increases, so does the HP score. So you're actually looking at 21+15 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 At 7 : Check At 8 : Check Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Sorry for messing up the formatting by removing the quotes. And thank you for taking the time to help me. 1) Moved +2 to enhancement as told. 3) Moved the +2 to misc as told. 4)Moved the +1 to misc as told. 5) Thank you for the suggested reading. Moved the enhancement bonus from armor to the box at the top as told. 6) Didnt know that. Adjusted HP, new total should be alright this time. I hope I got everything this time. Thank you for the help. At 1 : Bonuses of the same type in D&amp;D 4e do not stack. So the enhancement from the brawler style does not get added to the enhancement of the weapon. You're only entitled to the highest of the two. At 3 : check and thank you At 4 ; check and thank you At 5 : check and thnak you At 6 : check one thing left!
baldhermit said: Vanedrim said: baldhermit said: Vanedrim said: baldhermit said: Vanedrim said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Vanedrim. when you reply to this post, please use the quote function so that our reply and your answers are captured in the same forum post. Please also read the section at the bottom before replying. Thank you. My original critique: 1) can you please explain where the +2 class bonus to attacks comes from? Brawlers receive a +2 enhancement bonus to unarmed attacks, but you have +1 listed in the enhancement box. 2) In the statistics block, please list both the racial bonus to the ability scores as well as where you went with the level 4 boosts. 3) Where does the +3 enhancement bonus to fortitude come from in the defense calculations at the top center of page 1? 4) There is no enhancement listed for the AC calculation in that same area. 5) possibly related to #4, I do not think a scale armor gives an armor bonus of 9, as you filled out under Quick Look Up. Also, scale armor should be checked as "Armor is Heavy" 6) When I calculate this characters HP, I come to a different number. Can you please show the math you used so that we can determine where we differ? 7) For ease of use later, I would suggest you move the cost of items to the Coins adn Wealth section on page 3. 8) Under Rituals on page 2, please list the benefit from the chosen character theme. Your reply :&nbsp; 1) I believe I listed the +2 from Brawler Style as a class bonus instead of enhancement. The +1 listed under enhancement bonus probably comes from my +1 magic weapon. 2) Done. 3) +1 from the Cloak of Resistance. +2 from Brawler Style. 4) +1 gained from Brawler Style now moved to this slot. 5) You are correct, Scale armor is +7, +1 enhancement bonus from magic would give me +8 AC.I probably had included the +1 from Brawler Style in there. And I marked it as heavy, I thought it was medium but didnt know because the entry in the compendium doesnt tell. 6) I re-calculated it's HP and came to 59. 15+20(str) at level 1, plus 24 for the four levels gaining 6hp each. 7) Done. 8) Done. My answers now: At 1 : So the benefit you have listed as a class bonus is not a class bonus. Please move it to enhancement, as listed in the rules text At 2 : Check At 3 : The +2 bonus to Fortitude as granted to your character by the Brawler style chosen is not an enhancement bonus and should be listed under Misc At 4 : The +1 to AC benefit from Brawler style is not an enhancement bonus and should be listed under Misc. At 5 : For some light reading you can check out Armor types in the compendium or read page 214 or thereabouts in the player handbook. Scale armor gives this character an armor bonus of 7. The enhancement bonus should be listed in the Enh. box at the top center of page 1 with the defense calculations. At 6 : As the ability that the original HP is based on increases, so does the HP score. So you're actually looking at 21+15 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 At 7 : Check At 8 : Check Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Sorry for messing up the formatting by removing the quotes. And thank you for taking the time to help me. 1) Moved +2 to enhancement as told. 3) Moved the +2 to misc as told. 4)Moved the +1 to misc as told. 5) Thank you for the suggested reading. Moved the enhancement bonus from armor to the box at the top as told. 6) Didnt know that. Adjusted HP, new total should be alright this time. I hope I got everything this time. Thank you for the help. At 1 : Bonuses of the same type in D&amp;D 4e do not stack. So the enhancement from the brawler style does not get added to the enhancement of the weapon. You're only entitled to the highest of the two. At 3 : check and thank you At 4 ; check and thank you At 5 : check and thnak you At 6 : check one thing left! 1) Reduced the total enhancement to +2 from +3 as the +1 from the weapon does not get added. Thanks!
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Ahmed A. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Please change your display name to either match R20 in the discord, or match discord in R20 Your armor needs to be labeled.&nbsp; Slick Cloth Armor +1 Fill out starting EXP at 5500 You do not have any race features listed under your race features section.&nbsp; Please fill this out Orcish is not a language.&nbsp; Orcs speak Giant.&nbsp; A list of langauges can be found by typing in 'languages' in the glossary on the compendium You do not currently have a theme.&nbsp; They are not required for play but generally you will want to pick one up at some point.&nbsp; You can look through the dropdown "character themes" to see some of the themes that exist in the game.&nbsp; You do not currently have a mechanical background. They are not required for play but generally you will want to pick one up at some point.&nbsp; You can look through the dropdown "Backgrounds" to see some of the themes that exist in the game.&nbsp; You do not have to deduct the 15gp for your adventurer's kit.&nbsp; Yes I should eventually re-record the video that says this. You want to add in Improved Defenses into your defenses.&nbsp; This is done by putting a 1 in the appropriate spots for your defenses (like the 2 you put for your neck). You gave yourself a +1 STR and +1 CHA at level 4.&nbsp; With the understanding that this means you are losing strength by putting a point in it at 4, can you explain your reasoning (For more details check here: Why increase your highest stat ) I don't see the Elemental Soul class feature listed or reflected anywhere on your sheet. Since you are using Generic Magic Weapon +2 and Magic Amulet +2 I would encourage you to check out the Sales Thread and see if there is anything interesting you might want to start off with by purchasing it from another guild member.&nbsp; Looking through all the items in the game can take forever, but checking the bargain bin at the guild can narrow it down to a reasonable amount to pick from (And you can also get them for cheaper and help a guild member sell of their old gear).&nbsp; If you decide you want something, post on the thread that you want the item by copy-pasting the item entry, saying it is for your new character and then add it to your sheet (adjusting your spending as needed)
Gary M said: Ahmed A. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Please change your display name to either match R20 in the discord, or match discord in R20 Your armor needs to be labeled.&nbsp; Slick Cloth Armor +1 Fill out starting EXP at 5500 You do not have any race features listed under your race features section.&nbsp; Please fill this out Orcish is not a language.&nbsp; Orcs speak Giant.&nbsp; A list of langauges can be found by typing in 'languages' in the glossary on the compendium You do not currently have a theme.&nbsp; They are not required for play but generally you will want to pick one up at some point.&nbsp; You can look through the dropdown "character themes" to see some of the themes that exist in the game.&nbsp; You do not currently have a mechanical background. They are not required for play but generally you will want to pick one up at some point.&nbsp; You can look through the dropdown "Backgrounds" to see some of the themes that exist in the game.&nbsp; You do not have to deduct the 15gp for your adventurer's kit.&nbsp; Yes I should eventually re-record the video that says this. You want to add in Improved Defenses into your defenses.&nbsp; This is done by putting a 1 in the appropriate spots for your defenses (like the 2 you put for your neck). You gave yourself a +1 STR and +1 CHA at level 4.&nbsp; With the understanding that this means you are losing strength by putting a point in it at 4, can you explain your reasoning (For more details check here: Why increase your highest stat ) I don't see the Elemental Soul class feature listed or reflected anywhere on your sheet. Since you are using Generic Magic Weapon +2 and Magic Amulet +2 I would encourage you to check out the Sales Thread and see if there is anything interesting you might want to start off with by purchasing it from another guild member.&nbsp; Looking through all the items in the game can take forever, but checking the bargain bin at the guild can narrow it down to a reasonable amount to pick from (And you can also get them for cheaper and help a guild member sell of their old gear).&nbsp; If you decide you want something, post on the thread that you want the item by copy-pasting the item entry, saying it is for your new character and then add it to your sheet (adjusting your spending as needed) 1. I will change the R20 name to discord name. 2. Added Slick Armor+1 to magic Items &amp; Equipment. 3. Added 5500 to exp. 4.Added Racial Features&nbsp; 5. Changed the language to Dwarven 6.Added Theme 7.Added Background in background and notes section. 8. Deleted the gold cost and changed the leftover gold. 9. Added the benefits of the feat. 10. Changed the ability scores of str and dex (switched them) and used the level point on Con.&nbsp; 11. Added Elemental soul in Class features. 12.Will do check them.&nbsp;
Mimik AI said: Gary M said: Ahmed A. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Please change your display name to either match R20 in the discord, or match discord in R20 Your armor needs to be labeled.&nbsp; Slick Cloth Armor +1 Fill out starting EXP at 5500 You do not have any race features listed under your race features section.&nbsp; Please fill this out Orcish is not a language.&nbsp; Orcs speak Giant.&nbsp; A list of langauges can be found by typing in 'languages' in the glossary on the compendium You do not currently have a theme.&nbsp; They are not required for play but generally you will want to pick one up at some point.&nbsp; You can look through the dropdown "character themes" to see some of the themes that exist in the game.&nbsp; You do not currently have a mechanical background. They are not required for play but generally you will want to pick one up at some point.&nbsp; You can look through the dropdown "Backgrounds" to see some of the themes that exist in the game.&nbsp; You do not have to deduct the 15gp for your adventurer's kit.&nbsp; Yes I should eventually re-record the video that says this. You want to add in Improved Defenses into your defenses.&nbsp; This is done by putting a 1 in the appropriate spots for your defenses (like the 2 you put for your neck). You gave yourself a +1 STR and +1 CHA at level 4.&nbsp; With the understanding that this means you are losing strength by putting a point in it at 4, can you explain your reasoning (For more details check here: Why increase your highest stat ) I don't see the Elemental Soul class feature listed or reflected anywhere on your sheet. Since you are using Generic Magic Weapon +2 and Magic Amulet +2 I would encourage you to check out the Sales Thread and see if there is anything interesting you might want to start off with by purchasing it from another guild member.&nbsp; Looking through all the items in the game can take forever, but checking the bargain bin at the guild can narrow it down to a reasonable amount to pick from (And you can also get them for cheaper and help a guild member sell of their old gear).&nbsp; If you decide you want something, post on the thread that you want the item by copy-pasting the item entry, saying it is for your new character and then add it to your sheet (adjusting your spending as needed) 1. I will change the R20 name to discord name. 2. Added Slick Armor+1 to magic Items &amp; Equipment. 3. Added 5500 to exp. 4.Added Racial Features&nbsp; 5. Changed the language to Dwarven 6.Added Theme 7.Added Background in background and notes section. 8. Deleted the gold cost and changed the leftover gold. 9. Added the benefits of the feat. 10. Changed the ability scores of str and dex (switched them) and used the level point on Con.&nbsp; 11. Added Elemental soul in Class features. 12.Will do check them.&nbsp; Looks good, added journal in game.&nbsp; Hit Launch game and go to the journal section to start working on your macros.&nbsp; If you have questions ask in the discord.&nbsp; When you are ready to have your macros reviewed follow the instructions in the discord to get a DM's attention.

Edited 1585557649
baldhermit said: Simon C. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> hi Simon, welcome to the Guild 1) Please fill out the check penalty under Quick Look Up. Even if the answer is zero, we need to know that you know. 2) The monk unarmed strike benefits from the magi ki focus. Please take that into account for the Attack and damage calculations 3) With the race Features, please list the bonus skill chosen as well as the bonus at will chosen 4) please fill out the special senses / movement section. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 5) With the powers on page 2, please list their slot. Like At-Will, level 1 encounter power (or E1), level 5 daily power (or D5), etc 6) Under Coins and Wealth, please show the gold you spent on gear and how much you have left as a consequence. 7) Optionally you could select a character theme for your Gu Sheng. If you do so, please list it under Class Features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) fill out the check penalty (0) 2) Added Enc to Unarmed monk strike 3) Bonus skill and power listed now 4) Special sense/movement (N/a) 5) Listed powers type/level/rank 6) Wealth now calculated with costs listed. 7) Already had a theme harper agent, have listed it now and not just the theme benefit (harper pin)
Simon C. said: baldhermit said: Simon C. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> hi Simon, welcome to the Guild 1) Please fill out the check penalty under Quick Look Up. Even if the answer is zero, we need to know that you know. 2) The monk unarmed strike benefits from the magi ki focus. Please take that into account for the Attack and damage calculations 3) With the race Features, please list the bonus skill chosen as well as the bonus at will chosen 4) please fill out the special senses / movement section. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 5) With the powers on page 2, please list their slot. Like At-Will, level 1 encounter power (or E1), level 5 daily power (or D5), etc 6) Under Coins and Wealth, please show the gold you spent on gear and how much you have left as a consequence. 7) Optionally you could select a character theme for your Gu Sheng. If you do so, please list it under Class Features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) fill out the check penalty (0) 2) Added Enc to Unarmed monk strike 3) Bonus skill and power listed now 4) Special sense/movement (N/a) 5) Listed powers type/level/rank 6) Wealth now calculated with costs listed. 7) Already had a theme harper agent, have listed it now and not just the theme benefit (harper pin) At 1 : check At 2 : Missing the feat bonus At 3 : Check At 4 : Check At 5 : Check At 6 : Check and thank you At 7 : check
baldhermit said: Simon C. said: baldhermit said: Simon C. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> hi Simon, welcome to the Guild 1) Please fill out the check penalty under Quick Look Up. Even if the answer is zero, we need to know that you know. 2) The monk unarmed strike benefits from the magi ki focus. Please take that into account for the Attack and damage calculations 3) With the race Features, please list the bonus skill chosen as well as the bonus at will chosen 4) please fill out the special senses / movement section. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 5) With the powers on page 2, please list their slot. Like At-Will, level 1 encounter power (or E1), level 5 daily power (or D5), etc 6) Under Coins and Wealth, please show the gold you spent on gear and how much you have left as a consequence. 7) Optionally you could select a character theme for your Gu Sheng. If you do so, please list it under Class Features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) fill out the check penalty (0) 2) Added Enc to Unarmed monk strike 3) Bonus skill and power listed now 4) Special sense/movement (N/a) 5) Listed powers type/level/rank 6) Wealth now calculated with costs listed. 7) Already had a theme harper agent, have listed it now and not just the theme benefit (harper pin) At 1 : check At 2 : Missing the feat bonus At 3 : Check At 4 : Check At 5 : Check At 6 : Check and thank you At 7 : check Should have fixed the feat bonus issue now.
Simon C. said: baldhermit said: Simon C. said: baldhermit said: Simon C. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> hi Simon, welcome to the Guild 1) Please fill out the check penalty under Quick Look Up. Even if the answer is zero, we need to know that you know. 2) The monk unarmed strike benefits from the magi ki focus. Please take that into account for the Attack and damage calculations 3) With the race Features, please list the bonus skill chosen as well as the bonus at will chosen 4) please fill out the special senses / movement section. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 5) With the powers on page 2, please list their slot. Like At-Will, level 1 encounter power (or E1), level 5 daily power (or D5), etc 6) Under Coins and Wealth, please show the gold you spent on gear and how much you have left as a consequence. 7) Optionally you could select a character theme for your Gu Sheng. If you do so, please list it under Class Features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) fill out the check penalty (0) 2) Added Enc to Unarmed monk strike 3) Bonus skill and power listed now 4) Special sense/movement (N/a) 5) Listed powers type/level/rank 6) Wealth now calculated with costs listed. 7) Already had a theme harper agent, have listed it now and not just the theme benefit (harper pin) At 1 : check At 2 : Missing the feat bonus At 3 : Check At 4 : Check At 5 : Check At 6 : Check and thank you At 7 : check Should have fixed the feat bonus issue now. Looking good, I will set you up with a journal. When you hit Launch Game you will find it waiting for you in the top right corner. Please fill out the attributes and use the templates provided to set up macros for your characters powers and abilities. Once that is done flag down a DM to check it, they can then make you a token. This is also covered in the #welcome on discord. Please do not forget to add this character to the census
I have read the basic Rules/FAQ I have read the new player checklist&nbsp; I have also downloaded the portal compendium&nbsp; Below is a link to my sheet on myth-weaver that I have created using the above resources to the best of my ability. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Emily-May H. said: I have read the basic Rules/FAQ I have read the new player checklist&nbsp; I have also downloaded the portal compendium&nbsp; Below is a link to my sheet on myth-weaver that I have created using the above resources to the best of my ability. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Emily, welcome to the Guild 1) In the top right corner of page 1, please fill out this characters current XP. You can find this in the compendium under Character Advancement. 2) What feat did you take for this character that granted a feat bonus to attack ? 3) For a quarterstaff to be wielded as an implement, your character only needs to hold it in one hand. However, for it to be wielded as a weapon, your character would need to have it in both hands. this does not combine with a light shield. 4) Your class gives you healing surges worth 7 + constitution modifier. I do not think that adds up to 19 5) class benefit to heal checks missing 6) Optionally, you could select both a character theme as well as a mechanical background for your character. You can find both in the compendium. For backgrounds, Auspicious Birth seems popular, or one that gives an additional language or boosts a skill. If you pick either / both of those, please list them under class features. Neither is mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.

Edited 1585588836
baldhermit said: Emily-May H. said: I have read the basic Rules/FAQ I have read the new player checklist&nbsp; I have also downloaded the portal compendium&nbsp; Below is a link to my sheet on myth-weaver that I have created using the above resources to the best of my ability. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Emily, welcome to the Guild 1) In the top right corner of page 1, please fill out this characters current XP. You can find this in the compendium under Character Advancement. 2) What feat did you take for this character that granted a feat bonus to attack ? 3) For a quarterstaff to be wielded as an implement, your character only needs to hold it in one hand. However, for it to be wielded as a weapon, your character would need to have it in both hands. this does not combine with a light shield. 4) Your class gives you healing surges worth 7 + constitution modifier. I do not think that adds up to 19 5) class benefit to heal checks missing 6) Optionally, you could select both a character theme as well as a mechanical background for your character. You can find both in the compendium. For backgrounds, Auspicious Birth seems popular, or one that gives an additional language or boosts a skill. If you pick either / both of those, please list them under class features. Neither is mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) I have looked into the compendium and amended my xp to 5500. 2) I took staff expertise and as I am using a staff this adds a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls&nbsp; 3) I have removed my light shield&nbsp; 4) have amended my healing surges to 8 from 19 I accidentally put in the constitutional score instead of the modifier. 5) I have added my +2 to health checks from my class in the Conditional modifiers, resistances &amp; action point notes. 6)I have added a background Auspicious birth to class features and amended my hit points to 51 from 44 as I now use wisdom as my ability score of 19 instead of constitution of 12. I did not choose a character theme.
Emily-May H. said: baldhermit said: Emily-May H. said: I have read the basic Rules/FAQ I have read the new player checklist&nbsp; I have also downloaded the portal compendium&nbsp; Below is a link to my sheet on myth-weaver that I have created using the above resources to the best of my ability. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Emily, welcome to the Guild 1) In the top right corner of page 1, please fill out this characters current XP. You can find this in the compendium under Character Advancement. 2) What feat did you take for this character that granted a feat bonus to attack ? 3) For a quarterstaff to be wielded as an implement, your character only needs to hold it in one hand. However, for it to be wielded as a weapon, your character would need to have it in both hands. this does not combine with a light shield. 4) Your class gives you healing surges worth 7 + constitution modifier. I do not think that adds up to 19 5) class benefit to heal checks missing 6) Optionally, you could select both a character theme as well as a mechanical background for your character. You can find both in the compendium. For backgrounds, Auspicious Birth seems popular, or one that gives an additional language or boosts a skill. If you pick either / both of those, please list them under class features. Neither is mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) I have looked into the compendium and amended my xp to 5500. 2) I took staff expertise and as I am using a staff this adds a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls&nbsp; 3) I have removed my light shield&nbsp; 4) have amended my healing surges to 8 from 19 I accidentally put in the constitutional score instead of the modifier. 5) I have added my +2 to health checks from my class in the Conditional modifiers, resistances &amp; action point notes. 6)I have added a background Auspicious birth to class features and amended my hit points to 51 from 44 as I now use wisdom as my ability score of 19 instead of constitution of 12. I did not choose a character theme. At 1 : check At 2 : my apologies, i confused myself. What feat did you take to give a benefit to damage? At 3 ; check At 4 : check At 5 : you could add it to skill listing At 6 : check
baldhermit said: Emily-May H. said: baldhermit said: Emily-May H. said: I have read the basic Rules/FAQ I have read the new player checklist&nbsp; I have also downloaded the portal compendium&nbsp; Below is a link to my sheet on myth-weaver that I have created using the above resources to the best of my ability. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Emily, welcome to the Guild 1) In the top right corner of page 1, please fill out this characters current XP. You can find this in the compendium under Character Advancement. 2) What feat did you take for this character that granted a feat bonus to attack ? 3) For a quarterstaff to be wielded as an implement, your character only needs to hold it in one hand. However, for it to be wielded as a weapon, your character would need to have it in both hands. this does not combine with a light shield. 4) Your class gives you healing surges worth 7 + constitution modifier. I do not think that adds up to 19 5) class benefit to heal checks missing 6) Optionally, you could select both a character theme as well as a mechanical background for your character. You can find both in the compendium. For backgrounds, Auspicious Birth seems popular, or one that gives an additional language or boosts a skill. If you pick either / both of those, please list them under class features. Neither is mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) I have looked into the compendium and amended my xp to 5500. 2) I took staff expertise and as I am using a staff this adds a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls&nbsp; 3) I have removed my light shield&nbsp; 4) have amended my healing surges to 8 from 19 I accidentally put in the constitutional score instead of the modifier. 5) I have added my +2 to health checks from my class in the Conditional modifiers, resistances &amp; action point notes. 6)I have added a background Auspicious birth to class features and amended my hit points to 51 from 44 as I now use wisdom as my ability score of 19 instead of constitution of 12. I did not choose a character theme. At 1 : check At 2 : my apologies, i confused myself. What feat did you take to give a benefit to damage? At 3 ; check At 4 : check At 5 : you could add it to skill listing At 6 : check 2) have reread my feats and realised that I have made a mistake with the damage rolls and so have removed the bonus for feat.&nbsp; 5) have added the +2 heal in the misc section of skill listing.&nbsp;
Emily-May H. said: baldhermit said: Emily-May H. said: baldhermit said: Emily-May H. said: I have read the basic Rules/FAQ I have read the new player checklist&nbsp; I have also downloaded the portal compendium&nbsp; Below is a link to my sheet on myth-weaver that I have created using the above resources to the best of my ability. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Emily, welcome to the Guild 1) In the top right corner of page 1, please fill out this characters current XP. You can find this in the compendium under Character Advancement. 2) What feat did you take for this character that granted a feat bonus to attack ? 3) For a quarterstaff to be wielded as an implement, your character only needs to hold it in one hand. However, for it to be wielded as a weapon, your character would need to have it in both hands. this does not combine with a light shield. 4) Your class gives you healing surges worth 7 + constitution modifier. I do not think that adds up to 19 5) class benefit to heal checks missing 6) Optionally, you could select both a character theme as well as a mechanical background for your character. You can find both in the compendium. For backgrounds, Auspicious Birth seems popular, or one that gives an additional language or boosts a skill. If you pick either / both of those, please list them under class features. Neither is mandatory. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) I have looked into the compendium and amended my xp to 5500. 2) I took staff expertise and as I am using a staff this adds a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls&nbsp; 3) I have removed my light shield&nbsp; 4) have amended my healing surges to 8 from 19 I accidentally put in the constitutional score instead of the modifier. 5) I have added my +2 to health checks from my class in the Conditional modifiers, resistances &amp; action point notes. 6)I have added a background Auspicious birth to class features and amended my hit points to 51 from 44 as I now use wisdom as my ability score of 19 instead of constitution of 12. I did not choose a character theme. At 1 : check At 2 : my apologies, i confused myself. What feat did you take to give a benefit to damage? At 3 ; check At 4 : check At 5 : you could add it to skill listing At 6 : check 2) have reread my feats and realised that I have made a mistake with the damage rolls and so have removed the bonus for feat.&nbsp; 5) have added the +2 heal in the misc section of skill listing.&nbsp; Looking good, I will set you up with a journal. When you hit Launch Game you will find it waiting for you in the top right corner. Please fill out the attributes and use the templates provided to set up macros for your characters powers and abilities. Once that is done flag down a DM to check it, they can then make you a token. This is also covered in the #welcome on discord. Please do not forget to add this character to the census
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1585633063
Christina L. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Christina, welcome to the Guild 1) With the Race features, with the Human Power selection, please list the choice 2) With the race features, please list the chosen additional at will power. 3) optionally you could choose the benefit of a mechanical background for your character. If you do choose one, please list it and its benefit under class features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.

Edited 1585660895
baldhermit said: Christina L. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Christina, welcome to the Guild 1) With the Race features, with the Human Power selection, please list the choice 2) With the race features, please list the chosen additional at will power. 3) optionally you could choose the benefit of a mechanical background for your character. If you do choose one, please list it and its benefit under class features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Listed Human Power Selection to indicate choice as "Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power" under Race Features section 2) Listed Bonus At-Will Power (from chosen Human Power Selection in 1) above as "Bonus At-Will Power: Ardent Strike" under Race Features section 3) Listed "Background: Noble" showing "+2 Diplomacy" under Class Features section. (Note: This +2 Diplomacy from the Background was already included, I just did not previously list it on the sheet.)
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1585663429
Christina L. said: baldhermit said: Christina L. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Christina, welcome to the Guild 1) With the Race features, with the Human Power selection, please list the choice 2) With the race features, please list the chosen additional at will power. 3) optionally you could choose the benefit of a mechanical background for your character. If you do choose one, please list it and its benefit under class features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Listed Human Power Selection to indicate choice as "Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power" under Race Features section 2) Listed Bonus At-Will Power (from chosen Human Power Selection in 1) above as "Bonus At-Will Power: Ardent Strike" under Race Features section 3) Listed "Background: Noble" showing "+2 Diplomacy" under Class Features section. (Note: This +2 Diplomacy from the Background was already included, I just did not previously list it on the sheet.) At 1 : I apologise, that was unnecessary At 2 : thank you, check At 3 : check Looking good, I will set you up with a journal. When you hit Launch Game you will find it waiting for you in the top right corner. Please fill out the attributes and use the templates provided to set up macros for your characters powers and abilities. This is also covered in our second video. Once that is done flag down a DM to check it, they can then make you a token. You can find this in the #welcome on discord. Please do not forget to add this character to the census
hectorgrey said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello hectorgrey, welcome to the Guild. 1) With your race features, please list the additional skill and feat chosen 2) For your feats, please list what slot they take. 3) As it says in Step 5 of the New Player Checklist, we highly recommend characters having at least an 18 in their main stat. Missing makes even a warlord less functional. 4) In the attack and damage workspace can you please name two powers or weapons that you made this calculation for? Right now I do not know what is being calculated and whether that is correct. 5) Under Quick Look Up, please fill out special senses / movement. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 6) For the powers listed on page 2, please list what slot they take. For example AtWill, level 1 Encounter (or E1), Level 5 Daily (or D5) 7) Under Coins and Wealth, please give us a breakdown of your characters expenses and how it ended with 20GP 8) Elvish is not a language in this edition 9) Optionally your character could benefit from a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither is mandatory. If you do select one or both, please list them under class features with their benefit. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
baldhermit said: hectorgrey said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello hectorgrey, welcome to the Guild. 1) With your race features, please list the additional skill and feat chosen 2) For your feats, please list what slot they take. 3) As it says in Step 5 of the New Player Checklist, we highly recommend characters having at least an 18 in their main stat. Missing makes even a warlord less functional. 4) In the attack and damage workspace can you please name two powers or weapons that you made this calculation for? Right now I do not know what is being calculated and whether that is correct. 5) Under Quick Look Up, please fill out special senses / movement. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 6) For the powers listed on page 2, please list what slot they take. For example AtWill, level 1 Encounter (or E1), Level 5 Daily (or D5) 7) Under Coins and Wealth, please give us a breakdown of your characters expenses and how it ended with 20GP 8) Elvish is not a language in this edition 9) Optionally your character could benefit from a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither is mandatory. If you do select one or both, please list them under class features with their benefit. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1. Have listed the chosen skill, feat and power under racial features 2. Have listed when each feat was taken 3. Have chosen a different array that starts with two 16s, and added 2 to my strength instead of my intelligence 4.Named the weapons under the attack and damage workspace 5. Listed special senses and movement as NA, since I don't have either. 6. Listed when each power was taken in the power name field 7. Broke down how much each item cost in the Coins and Wealth section, with a running total next to each item 8. Corrected Elvish to Elven under languages 9. I won't be taking either mechanical background or character theme.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I am going to muligan my original first character this is why I am starting with extra gold and exp
Tom B. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello. Mostly a semantic point, but a 'Trickster' Rogue isn't a subclass or a name of anything. Your Dagger RBA is missing enhancement to hit. Both attack workspaces are missing Rogue Weapon Talent. You are missing the skill bonuses from Dead Rat Deserter. The cost of your Adventurer's Kit can be waived per rules on mundane items. Body of the Rat and Hybrid Bite should both be listed in your powers. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.

Edited 1585714845
Mimik AI said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I am going to muligan my original first character this is why I am starting with extra gold and exp 1. You seem to be missing your swordmage warding bonus from the class section of ac. Unless you are simply choosing not to use it for some reason? Even if you can only get the +1 version from your equipment, still presumably worthwhile. 2. You have your enhancement bonuses to NADs listed as +3 when you are wearing a +2 neck slot item. 3. You have a 4 proficiency bonus listed for your weapon, which is not possible. Longswords have a +3 prof bonus. 4. Bonuses of the same type don't stack. Versatile expertise does not add anything for you, and military is not a legal choice for the feat. I recommend replacing the feat, since it gives you nothing. Your feat bonus should only be +1. 5. You seem to be missing your racial skill bonuses. 6. Pixies have a base land speed of 4, not 5.&nbsp; 7. Your purchase list says slick armor +1 but your equipment lists magical armor +1. Which is accurate? 8. You should also have the Shrink racial power. 9. You are not taking any benefits from your background. It is not required, but you could have +2 arcana at no cost with your current background. 10. Please provide some kind of backstories and details of your character and their fluff. We aren't asking for a book, but please put some effort in on the character aspect of your character.&nbsp; Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
Blooper said: Mimik AI said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I am going to muligan my original first character this is why I am starting with extra gold and exp 1. You seem to be missing your swordmage warding bonus from the class section of ac. Unless you are simply choosing not to use it for some reason? Even if you can only get the +1 version from your equipment, still presumably worthwhile. 2. You have your enhancement bonuses to NADs listed as +3 when you are wearing a +2 neck slot item. 3. You have a 4 proficiency bonus listed for your weapon, which is not possible. Longswords have a +3 prof bonus. 4. Bonuses of the same type don't stack. Versatile expertise does not add anything for you, and military is not a legal choice for the feat. I recommend replacing the feat, since it gives you nothing. Your feat bonus should only be +1. 5. You seem to be missing your racial skill bonuses. 6. Pixies have a base land speed of 4, not 5.&nbsp; 7. Your purchase list says slick armor +1 but your equipment lists magical armor +1. Which is accurate? 8. You should also have the Shrink racial power. 9. You are not taking any benefits from your background. It is not required, but you could have +2 arcana at no cost with your current background. 10. Please provide some kind of backstories and details of your character and their fluff. We aren't asking for a book, but please put some effort in on the character aspect of your character.&nbsp; 1. Added +1 to AC in class slot. 2. Change NADs Enh to 2 each. 3.Changed the prof to +3. 4.Changed the feat to sudden roots. 5. Have add both nature and stealth bonus. 6. Fixed speed to 4. 7. Changed the list and the items to match: "Slick leather armor +1" 8.Added Shrink power. 9. Added background +2 benefit&nbsp; 10. Planning to add more to the background as I think about it more. Sorry but this is all I could think about (Wrote about 3 sentences...).
Mimik AI said: Blooper said: Mimik AI said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I am going to muligan my original first character this is why I am starting with extra gold and exp 1. You seem to be missing your swordmage warding bonus from the class section of ac. Unless you are simply choosing not to use it for some reason? Even if you can only get the +1 version from your equipment, still presumably worthwhile. 2. You have your enhancement bonuses to NADs listed as +3 when you are wearing a +2 neck slot item. 3. You have a 4 proficiency bonus listed for your weapon, which is not possible. Longswords have a +3 prof bonus. 4. Bonuses of the same type don't stack. Versatile expertise does not add anything for you, and military is not a legal choice for the feat. I recommend replacing the feat, since it gives you nothing. Your feat bonus should only be +1. 5. You seem to be missing your racial skill bonuses. 6. Pixies have a base land speed of 4, not 5.&nbsp; 7. Your purchase list says slick armor +1 but your equipment lists magical armor +1. Which is accurate? 8. You should also have the Shrink racial power. 9. You are not taking any benefits from your background. It is not required, but you could have +2 arcana at no cost with your current background. 10. Please provide some kind of backstories and details of your character and their fluff. We aren't asking for a book, but please put some effort in on the character aspect of your character.&nbsp; 1. Added +1 to AC in class slot. 2. Change NADs Enh to 2 each. 3.Changed the prof to +3. 4.Changed the feat to sudden roots. 5. Have add both nature and stealth bonus. 6. Fixed speed to 4. 7. Changed the list and the items to match: "Slick leather armor +1" 8.Added Shrink power. 9. Added background +2 benefit&nbsp; 10. Planning to add more to the background as I think about it more. Sorry but this is all I could think about (Wrote about 3 sentences...). Nearly good to go. 4. You do not qualify for sudden roots, not being a warden. 6. Should probably change the base speed listing as well, but yeah.
hectorgrey said: baldhermit said: hectorgrey said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello hectorgrey, welcome to the Guild. 1) With your race features, please list the additional skill and feat chosen 2) For your feats, please list what slot they take. 3) As it says in Step 5 of the New Player Checklist, we highly recommend characters having at least an 18 in their main stat. Missing makes even a warlord less functional. 4) In the attack and damage workspace can you please name two powers or weapons that you made this calculation for? Right now I do not know what is being calculated and whether that is correct. 5) Under Quick Look Up, please fill out special senses / movement. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 6) For the powers listed on page 2, please list what slot they take. For example AtWill, level 1 Encounter (or E1), Level 5 Daily (or D5) 7) Under Coins and Wealth, please give us a breakdown of your characters expenses and how it ended with 20GP 8) Elvish is not a language in this edition 9) Optionally your character could benefit from a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither is mandatory. If you do select one or both, please list them under class features with their benefit. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1. Have listed the chosen skill, feat and power under racial features 2. Have listed when each feat was taken 3. Have chosen a different array that starts with two 16s, and added 2 to my strength instead of my intelligence 4.Named the weapons under the attack and damage workspace 5. Listed special senses and movement as NA, since I don't have either. 6. Listed when each power was taken in the power name field 7. Broke down how much each item cost in the Coins and Wealth section, with a running total next to each item 8. Corrected Elvish to Elven under languages 9. I won't be taking either mechanical background or character theme. At 1: check At 2 : check At 3 : thank you and check At 4 : check At 5 : check At 6 : check At 7 : thank you and check At 8 : check At 9 : check new 10 : please adjust the attack and damage work space for the changed ability score array.
Blooper said: Mimik AI said: Blooper said: Mimik AI said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I am going to muligan my original first character this is why I am starting with extra gold and exp 1. You seem to be missing your swordmage warding bonus from the class section of ac. Unless you are simply choosing not to use it for some reason? Even if you can only get the +1 version from your equipment, still presumably worthwhile. 2. You have your enhancement bonuses to NADs listed as +3 when you are wearing a +2 neck slot item. 3. You have a 4 proficiency bonus listed for your weapon, which is not possible. Longswords have a +3 prof bonus. 4. Bonuses of the same type don't stack. Versatile expertise does not add anything for you, and military is not a legal choice for the feat. I recommend replacing the feat, since it gives you nothing. Your feat bonus should only be +1. 5. You seem to be missing your racial skill bonuses. 6. Pixies have a base land speed of 4, not 5.&nbsp; 7. Your purchase list says slick armor +1 but your equipment lists magical armor +1. Which is accurate? 8. You should also have the Shrink racial power. 9. You are not taking any benefits from your background. It is not required, but you could have +2 arcana at no cost with your current background. 10. Please provide some kind of backstories and details of your character and their fluff. We aren't asking for a book, but please put some effort in on the character aspect of your character.&nbsp; 1. Added +1 to AC in class slot. 2. Change NADs Enh to 2 each. 3.Changed the prof to +3. 4.Changed the feat to sudden roots. 5. Have add both nature and stealth bonus. 6. Fixed speed to 4. 7. Changed the list and the items to match: "Slick leather armor +1" 8.Added Shrink power. 9. Added background +2 benefit&nbsp; 10. Planning to add more to the background as I think about it more. Sorry but this is all I could think about (Wrote about 3 sentences...). Nearly good to go. 4. You do not qualify for sudden roots, not being a warden. 6. Should probably change the base speed listing as well, but yeah. 4. Sorry my bad read it fast. Changed to&nbsp; Resilient Focus. 6. Changed the base speed.
Mimik AI said: Blooper said: Mimik AI said: Blooper said: Mimik AI said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I am going to muligan my original first character this is why I am starting with extra gold and exp 1. You seem to be missing your swordmage warding bonus from the class section of ac. Unless you are simply choosing not to use it for some reason? Even if you can only get the +1 version from your equipment, still presumably worthwhile. 2. You have your enhancement bonuses to NADs listed as +3 when you are wearing a +2 neck slot item. 3. You have a 4 proficiency bonus listed for your weapon, which is not possible. Longswords have a +3 prof bonus. 4. Bonuses of the same type don't stack. Versatile expertise does not add anything for you, and military is not a legal choice for the feat. I recommend replacing the feat, since it gives you nothing. Your feat bonus should only be +1. 5. You seem to be missing your racial skill bonuses. 6. Pixies have a base land speed of 4, not 5.&nbsp; 7. Your purchase list says slick armor +1 but your equipment lists magical armor +1. Which is accurate? 8. You should also have the Shrink racial power. 9. You are not taking any benefits from your background. It is not required, but you could have +2 arcana at no cost with your current background. 10. Please provide some kind of backstories and details of your character and their fluff. We aren't asking for a book, but please put some effort in on the character aspect of your character.&nbsp; 1. Added +1 to AC in class slot. 2. Change NADs Enh to 2 each. 3.Changed the prof to +3. 4.Changed the feat to sudden roots. 5. Have add both nature and stealth bonus. 6. Fixed speed to 4. 7. Changed the list and the items to match: "Slick leather armor +1" 8.Added Shrink power. 9. Added background +2 benefit&nbsp; 10. Planning to add more to the background as I think about it more. Sorry but this is all I could think about (Wrote about 3 sentences...). Nearly good to go. 4. You do not qualify for sudden roots, not being a warden. 6. Should probably change the base speed listing as well, but yeah. 4. Sorry my bad read it fast. Changed to&nbsp; Resilient Focus. 6. Changed the base speed. Alright, you're good to go then. Edit the journal of the character you mulliganed into the new character.&nbsp;
Han S. said: Tom B. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello. Mostly a semantic point, but a 'Trickster' Rogue isn't a subclass or a name of anything. Your Dagger RBA is missing enhancement to hit. Both attack workspaces are missing Rogue Weapon Talent. You are missing the skill bonuses from Dead Rat Deserter. The cost of your Adventurer's Kit can be waived per rules on mundane items. Body of the Rat and Hybrid Bite should both be listed in your powers. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1 Changed it to Rogue (Scoundrel). 2 Add the enhancement bonus. 3 Added the bonus from Rogue Weapon Talent to the class boxes in the attack workspace and made the changes in the quick lookup as a result 4 Added the bonuses to Bluff and Stealth skills 5 Added the gold back to my character 6 Added Body of the Rat to my powers. --Hybrid Bite is a level 10 Feature though so didn't add that yet. Thank you
Tom B. said: Han S. said: Tom B. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello. Mostly a semantic point, but a 'Trickster' Rogue isn't a subclass or a name of anything. Your Dagger RBA is missing enhancement to hit. Both attack workspaces are missing Rogue Weapon Talent. You are missing the skill bonuses from Dead Rat Deserter. The cost of your Adventurer's Kit can be waived per rules on mundane items. Body of the Rat and Hybrid Bite should both be listed in your powers. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1 Changed it to Rogue (Scoundrel). 2 Add the enhancement bonus. 3 Added the bonus from Rogue Weapon Talent to the class boxes in the attack workspace and made the changes in the quick lookup as a result 4 Added the bonuses to Bluff and Stealth skills 5 Added the gold back to my character 6 Added Body of the Rat to my powers. --Hybrid Bite is a level 10 Feature though so didn't add that yet. Thank you At 1 : check At 2 : check At 3 : check At 4 : check At 5 : check At 6 : check Looking good, I will set you up with a journal. When you hit Launch Game you will find it waiting for you in the top right corner. Please fill out the attributes and use the templates provided to set up macros for your characters powers and abilities. This is also covered in our second video. Once that is done flag down a DM to check it, they can then make you a token. You can find this in the #welcome on discord. Please do not forget to add this character to the census
baldhermit said: hectorgrey said: baldhermit said: hectorgrey said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello hectorgrey, welcome to the Guild. 1) With your race features, please list the additional skill and feat chosen 2) For your feats, please list what slot they take. 3) As it says in Step 5 of the New Player Checklist, we highly recommend characters having at least an 18 in their main stat. Missing makes even a warlord less functional. 4) In the attack and damage workspace can you please name two powers or weapons that you made this calculation for? Right now I do not know what is being calculated and whether that is correct. 5) Under Quick Look Up, please fill out special senses / movement. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 6) For the powers listed on page 2, please list what slot they take. For example AtWill, level 1 Encounter (or E1), Level 5 Daily (or D5) 7) Under Coins and Wealth, please give us a breakdown of your characters expenses and how it ended with 20GP 8) Elvish is not a language in this edition 9) Optionally your character could benefit from a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither is mandatory. If you do select one or both, please list them under class features with their benefit. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1. Have listed the chosen skill, feat and power under racial features 2. Have listed when each feat was taken 3. Have chosen a different array that starts with two 16s, and added 2 to my strength instead of my intelligence 4.Named the weapons under the attack and damage workspace 5. Listed special senses and movement as NA, since I don't have either. 6. Listed when each power was taken in the power name field 7. Broke down how much each item cost in the Coins and Wealth section, with a running total next to each item 8. Corrected Elvish to Elven under languages 9. I won't be taking either mechanical background or character theme. At 1: check At 2 : check At 3 : thank you and check At 4 : check At 5 : check At 6 : check At 7 : thank you and check At 8 : check At 9 : check new 10 : please adjust the attack and damage work space for the changed ability score array. 10. Adjusted attack and damage both on the workspace and the quick lookup.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (Note: This is a mulligan'd character to fit in more with my original idea. I have swapped most powers and some feats.)
baldhermit said: Bandy said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Bandy, welcome to the Guild 1) Please fill out the characters current XP at the top right corner of page 1 2) Please fill out the class features 3) Please fill out the check penalty underneath Quick Look Up 4) Superior Will is not a free feat as per Step 8 of the New Character Check list ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) 5) As explained in Step 5 of the New Player Checklist, it is generally a bad idea to not prioritize your main ability score every step of the way.&nbsp; 6) Please list the purchased magic gear on the right side column on page 2. Read the fourth paragraph of Step 9 of the New Player Checklist for naming conventions, please.&nbsp; 7) A sloot increases exponentially, and early on you will find your character fight alongside level 6 and level 7 characters meeting appropriately challenging monsters, please make your character the best it can be. And by that I mean, please do not save up your starting cash. 8) Optionally your character could choose to have the benefit of a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither of those are mandatory,. If you do select one or both of them, please list those with the class features. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. I am trying to get a dialogue going here. 1) I put the corresponding 5500xp as in the PHB. 2) I wrote all the ardent class features and a little description to remember 3) I fill up the check penalty and the speed penalty too (&nbsp;-1) 4) I took "Master at Arms" as the free feat 5) As suggested I decided to go all in as a Cha/Con based character 6) every item has been listed and the slot where it belongs 7) I read a lot and found some very cool items for my level and bought a nice combination 8) I chose the "Early Life - Social Outcast" background and selected intimidation as a trained skill. Also chose the theme "Escaped Thrall" and listed its features in the class feature section and the powers in the second page. I'm still thinking on the story for my character and his personality, I hope that while you are reviewing this changes I can get inspired and added later.&nbsp;
Koulga said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (Note: This is a mulligan'd character to fit in more with my original idea. I have swapped most powers and some feats.) 1. Your hp and surges look like you had them set for 14 con and then changed to 13? 2. Your statistic block and your actual stats don't line up.&nbsp; 3. Why do you have a feat bonus to defenses? 4. Quick look up seems old? 5. Unclear where +2 to bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate are coming from. I see the racial +2 bluff but that's it.
Blooper said: Koulga said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (Note: This is a mulligan'd character to fit in more with my original idea. I have swapped most powers and some feats.) 1. Your hp and surges look like you had them set for 14 con and then changed to 13? 2. Your statistic block and your actual stats don't line up.&nbsp; 3. Why do you have a feat bonus to defenses? 4. Quick look up seems old? 5. Unclear where +2 to bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate are coming from. I see the racial +2 bluff but that's it. 1. Yep, that's right; Had 14 con originally, I have fixed it. 2. Fixed statistic block to include actual array. 3. Removed the old Improved Defenses bonuses. 4. Changed names to be accurate. 5. Added the weapon's +2 ENH as opposed to the original +1. 6. Yeah, that would've been the Skull Mask and... That one Player's Handbook Races: Tieflings neck piece. Thank you for catching the mistakes! &gt;.&lt;
hectorgrey said: baldhermit said: hectorgrey said: baldhermit said: hectorgrey said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello hectorgrey, welcome to the Guild. 1) With your race features, please list the additional skill and feat chosen 2) For your feats, please list what slot they take. 3) As it says in Step 5 of the New Player Checklist, we highly recommend characters having at least an 18 in their main stat. Missing makes even a warlord less functional. 4) In the attack and damage workspace can you please name two powers or weapons that you made this calculation for? Right now I do not know what is being calculated and whether that is correct. 5) Under Quick Look Up, please fill out special senses / movement. Even if the answer is N/A, we need to know that you know. 6) For the powers listed on page 2, please list what slot they take. For example AtWill, level 1 Encounter (or E1), Level 5 Daily (or D5) 7) Under Coins and Wealth, please give us a breakdown of your characters expenses and how it ended with 20GP 8) Elvish is not a language in this edition 9) Optionally your character could benefit from a mechanical background as well as a character theme. Neither is mandatory. If you do select one or both, please list them under class features with their benefit. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1. Have listed the chosen skill, feat and power under racial features 2. Have listed when each feat was taken 3. Have chosen a different array that starts with two 16s, and added 2 to my strength instead of my intelligence 4.Named the weapons under the attack and damage workspace 5. Listed special senses and movement as NA, since I don't have either. 6. Listed when each power was taken in the power name field 7. Broke down how much each item cost in the Coins and Wealth section, with a running total next to each item 8. Corrected Elvish to Elven under languages 9. I won't be taking either mechanical background or character theme. At 1: check At 2 : check At 3 : thank you and check At 4 : check At 5 : check At 6 : check At 7 : thank you and check At 8 : check At 9 : check new 10 : please adjust the attack and damage work space for the changed ability score array. 10. Adjusted attack and damage both on the workspace and the quick lookup. Looking good, I will set you up with a journal. When you hit Launch Game you will find it waiting for you in the top right corner. Please fill out the attributes and use the templates provided to set up macros for your characters powers and abilities. This is also covered in our second video. Once that is done flag down a DM to check it, they can then make you a token. You can find this in the #welcome on discord. Please do not forget to add this character to the census