baldhermit said: wasted said: baldhermit said: wasted said: Gary M said: wasted said: Hi there, I'm new to this campain, but looking forward to playing. My first character is ready to be set up in a journal entry, so if someone could create an entry that I can edit, I'd be greatful. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Only things that's missing is the roleplaying stuff, I'll fill all of that out before I join you guys for a session of course. Oh, and a second entry in the journal would be nice, for my defender alt. Thanks in advance, and thanks for inviting me to play along! Please notice there is a method for getting a journal entry. Repost in the proper format and I will check the sheet. Your neck isn't equipped, you didn't label your powers, work spaces are blank. There are a lot of things just not included. There is no rush, just fill things out. Take a minute and fill out your sheet and then we can review it. Sorry, I didn't read the first page of this thread.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ.
I have read the New Player Checklist.
I have access to the Online Compendium.
Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1) fixed, it was filed under misc mod, sorry
2) fixed, I thought naming them on the sheet
would be fine, as the token makros have all the info anyway
3) work spaces?
4) Aside from Personality Traits, Mannerisms and Appearance,
Companions and Allies and Session and Campaign Notes, I have no idea what you
could mean. And I filled some of them out. unter Step 14: Fill out your Journal Entry (in the new players check list) I could not find
the "Player Characters" tap, only the following taps: monsters,
aurzel's stash, evil squid lair, and 2 adventure taps Hi wasted, welcome to the Guild Living capaign. Are you part of our discord chat yet ? To start with the last point first : you do not see anything for your player journal, because you have not yet been assigned one. 1) could you please show the calculation you used to get to that HP score, as that number is incorrect. Showing the calculation will help us find where you went wrong and assist you from there. 2) please od the attack calculation on the right have side of page 1 for both your at wills. 3) please od the damage calculation on the right have side of page 1 for those same powers 4) For your racial features, please make a choice in regards to the Human Power Selection, and list that choice 5) In the statistics block, as per Step 5 of the New Player Checklist, please list the chosen ability array, the racial bonus and the level 4 boosts. 6) what feat did you take that gives you a feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and Will defense as listed in the calculation on the top center of page 1? 7) The ranger class gets Nature / Dungeoneering plus 4 other skills. You trained 6. I am not sure how you get access to 6 trained skills. The background that allows you to train thievery as a class skill means it replaces a different class skill. Please take your time to review the above. When you're ready please use the Quote function to reply and then use the same numbers I did to indicate what, if anything, you changed. Thank you for your warm welcome, and yes, I joined the discord group! 1) max hp = starting hp of 12 + con score (11) = 23 + 5hp per level (5*4=20) = 23+20 = 43, don't know what could be wrong about that? (I read the houserules, but didn't see anything amiss with my HP calculation. 2) fixed, added the info 3) fixed, added the info 4) already was; i choose heroic effort as listed racial features 5) fixed, added the info 6) fixed, racial bonus was listed as feat bonus, now listed under misc bonus 7) I am a human, and as a human I get a bonus skill, the background only gave my the ability to train thievery, it didnt add any skill. 1 nature or dungeoneering from ranger (nature) , 4 additional skills (dungeoneering, acrobatics, perception and stealth), 1 human bonus skill (thievery) = 6. I read the house rules, I don't think anything from the human race was changed. At 1 : my apologies and check At 2 : check At 3 : check At 4 : check. Rather than the benefit, please list the names of features. At 5 : check At 6 : check At 7 : please list with the racial features that you selected this skill. Most of this may seem awfully nitpicky, but the idea behind is that some DM midgame can look at your sheet and understand it. In a normal campaign of a DM and a handful of players, the DM will know each player character after a few sessions. Here the team doe snot aseemble till the start of a session, and is different each session. The above is very minor, so I will set you up with a journal. You will find this by hitting Launch Game, and going to the top right corner, as you already discovered. Once that is done, flag down a DM, and they can make you a token. EDIT : or at least I will do all that as soon as i know your roll20 handle. at4: fixed at 7: fixed roll20 handle in the campain should be listed as "David (5S)" sorry for not listing it, didn't think it through (that you wouldn't know the name) sorry for the trouble