Sean R. said:
Can we get some documentation on what's required for a custom turn marker? Every time I try to make one, the script crashes. This was also a problem with Combat Tracker.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined
at turnorder.forEach.turn (apiscript.js:1601:34)
at Array.forEach (native)
at checkMarkerturn (apiscript.js:1600:19)
at getOrCreateMarker (apiscript.js:1585:19)
at doTurnorderChange (apiscript.js:1716:27)
at sortTurnorder (apiscript.js:1796:9)
at rollInitiative (apiscript.js:1417:13)
at startCombat (apiscript.js:1319:13)
at commandHandler (apiscript.js:281:17)
at _.each (apiscript.js:142:25)
It depends on what you mean, but I'll give you 2 possibilities:
1. If you're referring to Status Markers - don't forget you need libTokenMarkers API to use them - here is the documentation:
2. If you're referring to the Marker or Platen for whose turn it is, make the marker and make sure it is hosted on the internet somewhere that you can refer to it's url. Make sure the url is not encoded (such as the 2 mile long string that often starts with "data:" and ends without file type information) or using CDN information (..."/sample.jpg&width=200&height=300&quality=hd").
I don't know what dimensions or file type are required, but I'm certain any type and the API will control it's size (I've seen it enlarge on screen for larger size creatures). Personally, I would choose gif or png as file type for the transparency.
Then click the url location of the current, replacing it with your url directly to the art file. Do yourself a favor, unless Victor wants to put in a reset to default for the current default marker, make a note of the url that is defaulted when you installed Combat Master. I didn't and don't remember it anymore :::Shrugs:::