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Old Character Sheet Thread (Locked Apr 2020)

Warrior Priest said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Warrior Priest, welcome to the Guild. 1) please fill out this characters current XP in the top right corner of page 1 2) Training in Arcana seems missing 3) Under Coins and Wealth please provide us with a breakdown of your expenditure Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
baldhermit said: Warrior Priest said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Warrior Priest, welcome to the Guild. 1) please fill out this characters current XP in the top right corner of page 1 2) Training in Arcana seems missing 3) Under Coins and Wealth please provide us with a breakdown of your expenditure Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Filled out xp as 5500 per level 5 2) Checked Arcana skill, somehow forgot that so it shows as trained now 3) Noted starting gold and breakdown of how much gold spent on what magic item EDIT: 4) Took out bit in background about hiding warlockness.
Warrior Priest said: baldhermit said: Warrior Priest said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Warrior Priest, welcome to the Guild. 1) please fill out this characters current XP in the top right corner of page 1 2) Training in Arcana seems missing 3) Under Coins and Wealth please provide us with a breakdown of your expenditure Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1) Filled out xp as 5500 per level 5 2) Checked Arcana skill, somehow forgot that so it shows as trained now 3) Noted starting gold and breakdown of how much gold spent on what magic item EDIT: 4) Took out bit in background about hiding warlockness. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
Thank you so much!
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1574358956
Lord Z. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> hi lord Z, welcome to the Guild 1) please fill out the characters current XP in the top right hand corner of page 1 2) please fill out the race features. Among other things you will find out they do not get a racial bonus to both Intelligence and Strength 3) please fill out the class features, which will also show you that your character only gets one type of aegis, not all three. 4) please read Step 9 of the New Character check list again. 5) Please give the attack calculations another shot. Specifically the proficiency bonus section and enhancement section. This might help :&nbsp; link 6) Please give the damage calculation another shot as well, using the same link 7) rather than making an attack and damage calculation for two powers that act more or less the same way mechanically, I would recommend you make this calculation for both of your chosen at-will powers. 8) The chosen class is not proficient in the use of Studded Leather armor 9) Under Quick Look Up, please fill out the check penalty as applicable to your chosen armor 10) Can you show the math of how you got to that number of healing surges. I come to a different number, but to best help you I would like to know where we differ. 11) While you are totally free to select the Student of Sword Magic feat, we actually and actively warn people against using a spellbook in the Guild. Most sessions being a single work day means you would have to select your dailies for that session before session start. Since you cannot know in advance which dailies would suit the session best without metagaming, combined with the fact we have some fairly liberal mulligan rules that allow you to change anything and everything about your character for the first few levels you play at, I would recommend picking a different feat, and just the best dailies for your character now. Try those out, and change em if needed between sessions (do talk with a DM if you do make changes) 12) Character sheet page 2 is missing daily choices for this spellbook, if you do get ahead with that. 13) Missing is a level 2 utility power 14) I see you have around 40% of your starting cash saved. With loot increasing exponentially, and with level 5 characters starting out fighting alongside higher level compatriots, starting characters tend to fight above their level. My recommendation would be to spend your money on the best gear you can find, to deck this character out to the best of your ability. 15) Optionally, this character can have the benefit of a mechanical background 16) Optionally, this character can have the benefit of a character theme Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Larry said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello, and welcome to the Guild. Please label Divine Mettle and Divine Strength and Channel Divinities. With a +2 Magic Plate Armor, your character should have a 2 AC bonus to Enh. (optional) Please note that you can choose a Theme and Background as part of character creation. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
Han S. said: Larry said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello, and welcome to the Guild. Please label Divine Mettle and Divine Strength and Channel Divinities. With a +2 Magic Plate Armor, your character should have a 2 AC bonus to Enh. (optional) Please note that you can choose a Theme and Background as part of character creation. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1. In the Powers section,&nbsp;I have relabeled the Divine Strength and Divine Mettle as Channel Divinity: Divine Strength and Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle. Please note that&nbsp;&nbsp;I've also listed the two Channel Divinity features under the Class/Path/Destiny Features section. 2. I've added the 2 AC bonus to Enh in the AC row of the Defenses section. 3. I've chosen not to use the Theme and Background as part of character creation.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Larry said: Han S. said: Larry said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello, and welcome to the Guild. Please label Divine Mettle and Divine Strength and Channel Divinities. With a +2 Magic Plate Armor, your character should have a 2 AC bonus to Enh. (optional) Please note that you can choose a Theme and Background as part of character creation. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1. In the Powers section,&nbsp;I have relabeled the Divine Strength and Divine Mettle as Channel Divinity: Divine Strength and Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle. Please note that&nbsp;&nbsp;I've also listed the two Channel Divinity features under the Class/Path/Destiny Features section. 2. I've added the 2 AC bonus to Enh in the AC row of the Defenses section. 3. I've chosen not to use the Theme and Background as part of character creation. Sheet approved, but I am having an issue with assigning your journal. Please login to the campaign and let me know what your display name there is, since I can't seem to assign it to 'Larry'.
macr05s said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Looks fine, journal granted.
Han S. said: Larry said: Han S. said: Larry said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello, and welcome to the Guild. Please label Divine Mettle and Divine Strength and Channel Divinities. With a +2 Magic Plate Armor, your character should have a 2 AC bonus to Enh. (optional) Please note that you can choose a Theme and Background as part of character creation. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1. In the Powers section,&nbsp;I have relabeled the Divine Strength and Divine Mettle as Channel Divinity: Divine Strength and Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle. Please note that&nbsp;&nbsp;I've also listed the two Channel Divinity features under the Class/Path/Destiny Features section. 2. I've added the 2 AC bonus to Enh in the AC row of the Defenses section. 3. I've chosen not to use the Theme and Background as part of character creation. Sheet approved, but I am having an issue with assigning your journal. Please login to the campaign and let me know what your display name there is, since I can't seem to assign it to 'Larry'. My display name on the Campaign is Struxio. Sorry for the confusion.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Maksymilian S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello, and welcome to the Guild. Please make the capitalization and spacing in your sheet consistent, in particular with the formatting in your powers section. On a hybrid character, please also list the class that each (class) power comes from. Your beginning XP should say 5500. Please include in the 'Statistic Block' on page 1 your initial stat array, your racial stat boosts, and your stat boosts chosen at 4. Please include an explicit breakdown of your purchases on page 3, 'Coins and Other Wealth'. Also, a level 1 Cape of the Mountebank is not 100 gp. Please move the Low-light vision over to 'Special Senses/Movement'. I believe you are missing your racial power in your powers. (optional) I would remove the text of your item powers from your 'Magic Items and Equipment' section, as you will run out of room to fit all your items in that section if you do so. If you must list them somewhere, listing them with your powers would be preferred. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.

Edited 1574909815
Han S. said: Maksymilian S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello, and welcome to the Guild. Please make the capitalization and spacing in your sheet consistent, in particular with the formatting in your powers section. On a hybrid character, please also list the class that each (class) power comes from. Your beginning XP should say 5500. Please include in the 'Statistic Block' on page 1 your initial stat array, your racial stat boosts, and your stat boosts chosen at 4. Please include an explicit breakdown of your purchases on page 3, 'Coins and Other Wealth'. Also, a level 1 Cape of the Mountebank is not 100 gp. Please move the Low-light vision over to 'Special Senses/Movement'. I believe you are missing your racial power in your powers. (optional) I would remove the text of your item powers from your 'Magic Items and Equipment' section, as you will run out of room to fit all your items in that section if you do so. If you must list them somewhere, listing them with your powers would be preferred. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Thank you for having me I made the capitalization and spacing in my sheet consistent. I added description of&nbsp; (source) for every power like: (wizard encounter 3) beginning XP is now 5500. In the 'Statistic Block' on page 1 there is now&nbsp; initial stat array,&nbsp; racial stat boosts, and stat boosts chosen at 4. There is list of my purchases on page 3, 'Coins and Other Wealth'. Level 1 Cape of the Mountebank is now 1000 gp. &nbsp;Low-light vision was moved over to 'Special Senses/Movement'. I added racial power and "speak with spirits(shaman feature)" power that was missing too. (optional) I removed the text of my item powers from&nbsp; 'Magic Items and Equipment' section and moved them to powers section I changed one cantrip and bought 4 potion of healing in addition to corrections. Potions are listed in magic items table, added as power and included in purchase list&nbsp; on page 3, 'Coins and Other Wealth'.
Maksymilian S. said: Han S. said: Maksymilian S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello, and welcome to the Guild. Please make the capitalization and spacing in your sheet consistent, in particular with the formatting in your powers section. On a hybrid character, please also list the class that each (class) power comes from. Your beginning XP should say 5500. Please include in the 'Statistic Block' on page 1 your initial stat array, your racial stat boosts, and your stat boosts chosen at 4. Please include an explicit breakdown of your purchases on page 3, 'Coins and Other Wealth'. Also, a level 1 Cape of the Mountebank is not 100 gp. Please move the Low-light vision over to 'Special Senses/Movement'. I believe you are missing your racial power in your powers. (optional) I would remove the text of your item powers from your 'Magic Items and Equipment' section, as you will run out of room to fit all your items in that section if you do so. If you must list them somewhere, listing them with your powers would be preferred. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Thank you for having me I made the capitalization and spacing in my sheet consistent. I added description of&nbsp; (source) for every power like: (wizard encounter 3) beginning XP is now 5500. In the 'Statistic Block' on page 1 there is now&nbsp; initial stat array,&nbsp; racial stat boosts, and stat boosts chosen at 4. There is list of my purchases on page 3, 'Coins and Other Wealth'. Level 1 Cape of the Mountebank is now 1000 gp. &nbsp;Low-light vision was moved over to 'Special Senses/Movement'. I added racial power and "speak with spirits(shaman feature)" power that was missing too. (optional) I removed the text of my item powers from&nbsp; 'Magic Items and Equipment' section and moved them to powers section I changed one cantrip and bought 4 potion of healing in addition to corrections. Potions are listed in magic items table, added as power and included in purchase list&nbsp; on page 3, 'Coins and Other Wealth'. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Everything looks good, journal granted. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium and own PHB1-3 and the five Power books. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. I think I have caught all the differences between the printed material and the Compendium and apologise for anything I may have missed. Korin Half-Elf Valorous Bard
Taffy said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium and own PHB1-3 and the five Power books. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. I think I have caught all the differences between the printed material and the Compendium and apologise for anything I may have missed. Korin Half-Elf Valorous Bard Hi Taffy, welcome to the Guild. it would be useful if you tagged the attack and damage work space with "weapon" and "implement" rather than the ability modifier used, to make that easier to read at a quick glace, but other than that, looking good. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
baldhermit said: Taffy said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium and own PHB1-3 and the five Power books. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. I think I have caught all the differences between the printed material and the Compendium and apologise for anything I may have missed. Korin Half-Elf Valorous Bard Hi Taffy, welcome to the Guild. it would be useful if you tagged the attack and damage work space with "weapon" and "implement" rather than the ability modifier used, to make that easier to read at a quick glace, but other than that, looking good. When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census. Relabeled attack and damage workspace for greater clarity Added "Head /" to equipment because I missed that slot and it irked me Added character to the census Thank you, I'm off to play with macros!
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Joshua P. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Joshua, 1) please fill out the characters current XP at the top right of page 1 2) please clear out the statistics block and use it to list the ability score array chosen and where you used the racial bonus and level 4 boost 3) Under Quick Look Up, please list the characters check penalty form armor and shield 4) please list this characters special senses or movement 5) What feat gives this character the feat bonus to damage? 6) Please give us a breakdown of your expenses under Coins and Wealth 7) If at all possible, give the rest of page 3 some attention. It does not have to be a novel, but please do tell us something about his character, traits, mannerisms. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
baldhermit said: Joshua P. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Joshua, 1) please fill out the characters current XP at the top right of page 1 2) please clear out the statistics block and use it to list the ability score array chosen and where you used the racial bonus and level 4 boost 3) Under Quick Look Up, please list the characters check penalty form armor and shield 4) please list this characters special senses or movement 5) What feat gives this character the feat bonus to damage? 6) Please give us a breakdown of your expenses under Coins and Wealth 7) If at all possible, give the rest of page 3 some attention. It does not have to be a novel, but please do tell us something about his character, traits, mannerisms. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1, put In the base xps for level 5 2. Cleared stat block and listed base stats 3. Wearing cloth armor and dont have a shield, so no check penalty 4. No special senses, filled in move speed,but no special movement. 5. Whoops! I switched out weapon focus for weaponproficiency, removed bonus. 6. Listed the magic items and their costs. Remainder should be correct. 7. Filled in some character details with a bit of backstory, will probably expand a little bit, but I'm content for now.
Joshua P. said: baldhermit said: Joshua P. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Joshua, 1) please fill out the characters current XP at the top right of page 1 2) please clear out the statistics block and use it to list the ability score array chosen and where you used the racial bonus and level 4 boost 3) Under Quick Look Up, please list the characters check penalty form armor and shield 4) please list this characters special senses or movement 5) What feat gives this character the feat bonus to damage? 6) Please give us a breakdown of your expenses under Coins and Wealth 7) If at all possible, give the rest of page 3 some attention. It does not have to be a novel, but please do tell us something about his character, traits, mannerisms. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. 1, put In the base xps for level 5 2. Cleared stat block and listed base stats 3. Wearing cloth armor and dont have a shield, so no check penalty 4. No special senses, filled in move speed,but no special movement. 5. Whoops! I switched out weapon focus for weaponproficiency, removed bonus. 6. Listed the magic items and their costs. Remainder should be correct. 7. Filled in some character details with a bit of backstory, will probably expand a little bit, but I'm content for now. At 1 : check At 2 : check At 3 : check At 4 : check At 5 : check At 6 : check At 7 : check and thank you When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1575864562
Samantha L. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello. Unless I've missed something, I don't believe you have a feat bonus to damage. If you require a 12 CHA for some reason, it is more efficient to start with slightly higher CHA in your array and raise your higher stats with your stat boosts later. For instance, starting with 17 INT/15 WIS/13 CHA/10 CON/10 DEX/8 STR and putting your racial and level 4 boosts in INT/WIS is strictly better than what you have. Your HP seems a little low. Dishearten is not Level 3. Psychic Anomaly is not Level 1. Your initiative also seems a little low.
Han S. said: Samantha L. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello. Unless I've missed something, I don't believe you have a feat bonus to damage. If you require a 12 CHA for some reason, it is more efficient to start with slightly higher CHA in your array and raise your higher stats with your stat boosts later. For instance, starting with 17 INT/15 WIS/13 CHA/10 CON/10 DEX/8 STR and putting your racial and level 4 boosts in INT/WIS is strictly better than what you have. Your HP seems a little low. Dishearten is not Level 3. Psychic Anomaly is not Level 1. Your initiative also seems a little low. 1. fixed 2. i was messing around with the more unusual arrays and didn't even think about this! thank you, changed my array 3. was missing 2 hp from the racial bonus, fixed 4. switched those around (dishearten to 1 psychic anomaly to 3) 5. unless i'm missing something, i get 3 from WIS and 2 from Battle Intuition, plus half level is 7
Samantha L. said: Han S. said: Samantha L. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello. Unless I've missed something, I don't believe you have a feat bonus to damage. If you require a 12 CHA for some reason, it is more efficient to start with slightly higher CHA in your array and raise your higher stats with your stat boosts later. For instance, starting with 17 INT/15 WIS/13 CHA/10 CON/10 DEX/8 STR and putting your racial and level 4 boosts in INT/WIS is strictly better than what you have. Your HP seems a little low. Dishearten is not Level 3. Psychic Anomaly is not Level 1. Your initiative also seems a little low. 1. fixed 2. i was messing around with the more unusual arrays and didn't even think about this! thank you, changed my array 3. was missing 2 hp from the racial bonus, fixed 4. switched those around (dishearten to 1 psychic anomaly to 3) 5. unless i'm missing something, i get 3 from WIS and 2 from Battle Intuition, plus half level is 7 Check. Your WIS should be 18 afterwards, not 16. Deva don't have a racial bonus to HP, but 47 is also not what I'm getting. (I'm getting 48.) Can you provide the calculation you used? Check. See point 2.
Han S. said: Samantha L. said: Han S. said: Samantha L. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello. Unless I've missed something, I don't believe you have a feat bonus to damage. If you require a 12 CHA for some reason, it is more efficient to start with slightly higher CHA in your array and raise your higher stats with your stat boosts later. For instance, starting with 17 INT/15 WIS/13 CHA/10 CON/10 DEX/8 STR and putting your racial and level 4 boosts in INT/WIS is strictly better than what you have. Your HP seems a little low. Dishearten is not Level 3. Psychic Anomaly is not Level 1. Your initiative also seems a little low. 1. fixed 2. i was messing around with the more unusual arrays and didn't even think about this! thank you, changed my array 3. was missing 2 hp from the racial bonus, fixed 4. switched those around (dishearten to 1 psychic anomaly to 3) 5. unless i'm missing something, i get 3 from WIS and 2 from Battle Intuition, plus half level is 7 Check. Your WIS should be 18 afterwards, not 16. Deva don't have a racial bonus to HP, but 47 is also not what I'm getting. (I'm getting 48.) Can you provide the calculation you used? Check. See point 2. 2. adjusted WIS 3. i meant the increase of INT (due to her background). i'm doing 12+19+4+4+4+4 (excluding the +1 to int from level 4 for starting HP) 5. adjusted initiative to reflect new WIS
Samantha L. said: Han S. said: Samantha L. said: Han S. said: Samantha L. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello. Unless I've missed something, I don't believe you have a feat bonus to damage. If you require a 12 CHA for some reason, it is more efficient to start with slightly higher CHA in your array and raise your higher stats with your stat boosts later. For instance, starting with 17 INT/15 WIS/13 CHA/10 CON/10 DEX/8 STR and putting your racial and level 4 boosts in INT/WIS is strictly better than what you have. Your HP seems a little low. Dishearten is not Level 3. Psychic Anomaly is not Level 1. Your initiative also seems a little low. 1. fixed 2. i was messing around with the more unusual arrays and didn't even think about this! thank you, changed my array 3. was missing 2 hp from the racial bonus, fixed 4. switched those around (dishearten to 1 psychic anomaly to 3) 5. unless i'm missing something, i get 3 from WIS and 2 from Battle Intuition, plus half level is 7 Check. Your WIS should be 18 afterwards, not 16. Deva don't have a racial bonus to HP, but 47 is also not what I'm getting. (I'm getting 48.) Can you provide the calculation you used? Check. See point 2. 2. adjusted WIS 3. i meant the increase of INT (due to her background). i'm doing 12+19+4+4+4+4 (excluding the +1 to int from level 4 for starting HP) 5. adjusted initiative to reflect new WIS 2, 5 - Check. 3 - You don't exclude the +1 to INT (or CON for normal HP calculations), your HP will also increase as your stat increases. The sheet's close enough that I'll grant the journal, though, just please fix point 3 when you get the chance.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I&nbsp; Mulligan: 1. Starting implement.&nbsp; Orb of Debillitating Languor+2(2600gp)(lvl7)&nbsp; ⇶ &nbsp;&nbsp;Tome of the Replenishing Flame +2(2600gp)(lvl7)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2. Feat&nbsp; &nbsp;Orb Expertise&nbsp; ⇶ World Serpent's Grasp&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;3. New set of powers&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4. "In Session and Campaign Notes"&nbsp; i record my guild activities now. Macros are already prepared. Sorry for change after one session should't happen again.
Maksymilian S. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I&nbsp; Mulligan: 1. Starting implement.&nbsp; Orb of Debillitating Languor+2(2600gp)(lvl7)&nbsp; ⇶ &nbsp;&nbsp;Tome of the Replenishing Flame +2(2600gp)(lvl7)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2. Feat&nbsp; &nbsp;Orb Expertise&nbsp; ⇶ World Serpent's Grasp&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;3. New set of powers&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4. "In Session and Campaign Notes"&nbsp; i record my guild activities now. Macros are already prepared. Sorry for change after one session should't happen again. Sheet looks fine, though if you're changing powers in the future for a mulligan, please write down what the changes were. In addition, to be clear it is absolutely fine to mulligan after one session, if something's not working to your liking.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Grey_Moment said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Grey_Moment, Please check the armor as heavy if you'll be using the class bonus in the defense calculation. Please on page 2 list the type of weapon, the type of armor Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
baldhermit said: Grey_Moment said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Grey_Moment, Please check the armor as heavy if you'll be using the class bonus in the defense calculation. Please on page 2 list the type of weapon, the type of armor Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. I have checked the box for Heavy Armor. I have added the type of weapon for shielding blade and type of armor for screaming armor.
Grey_Moment said: baldhermit said: Grey_Moment said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hi Grey_Moment, Please check the armor as heavy if you'll be using the class bonus in the defense calculation. Please on page 2 list the type of weapon, the type of armor Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. I have checked the box for Heavy Armor. I have added the type of weapon for shielding blade and type of armor for screaming armor. Excellent. New journal waiting for you. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Patrick O. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome back Patrick, I guess? 1) Under Quick Look Up please fill out the check penalty 2) Can you please show the math for your characters HP total? I come to a different number and am not sure where we differ. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.
baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome back Patrick, I guess? 1) Under Quick Look Up please fill out the check penalty 2) Can you please show the math for your characters HP total? I come to a different number and am not sure where we differ. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Good to be back 1) Filled in check penalty with 0 2) 15 + 16 (Con score at 1st level) + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 to get 55, do I add one when I bump my con score at 4th level?
Patrick O. said: baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome back Patrick, I guess? 1) Under Quick Look Up please fill out the check penalty 2) Can you please show the math for your characters HP total? I come to a different number and am not sure where we differ. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Good to be back 1) Filled in check penalty with 0 2) 15 + 16 (Con score at 1st level) + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 to get 55, do I add one when I bump my con score at 4th level? Mythweavers seems down, and I will be away for the next 18-24 hours, so maybe another DM can help you. HP should indeed be 15+17 + (6+6+6+6)
baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome back Patrick, I guess? 1) Under Quick Look Up please fill out the check penalty 2) Can you please show the math for your characters HP total? I come to a different number and am not sure where we differ. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Good to be back 1) Filled in check penalty with 0 2) 15 + 16 (Con score at 1st level) + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 to get 55, do I add one when I bump my con score at 4th level? Mythweavers seems down, and I will be away for the next 18-24 hours, so maybe another DM can help you. HP should indeed be 15+17 + (6+6+6+6) Cool, added 1 to my HP

Edited 1577058078
Patrick O. said: baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome back Patrick, I guess? 1) Under Quick Look Up please fill out the check penalty 2) Can you please show the math for your characters HP total? I come to a different number and am not sure where we differ. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Good to be back 1) Filled in check penalty with 0 2) 15 + 16 (Con score at 1st level) + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 to get 55, do I add one when I bump my con score at 4th level? Mythweavers seems down, and I will be away for the next 18-24 hours, so maybe another DM can help you. HP should indeed be 15+17 + (6+6+6+6) Cool, added 1 to my HP Your sheet looks mostly fine, but I think you have a +2 Sacrificial Weapon instead of +1? I also think you should move your Misc. bonus to damage to Enh. instead unless that's a different bonus. (In which case you still need to fill out your Enh. to damage.)
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Thomas A. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> OK, you know what to do
Han S. said: Patrick O. said: baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Welcome back Patrick, I guess? 1) Under Quick Look Up please fill out the check penalty 2) Can you please show the math for your characters HP total? I come to a different number and am not sure where we differ. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed. Good to be back 1) Filled in check penalty with 0 2) 15 + 16 (Con score at 1st level) + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 to get 55, do I add one when I bump my con score at 4th level? Mythweavers seems down, and I will be away for the next 18-24 hours, so maybe another DM can help you. HP should indeed be 15+17 + (6+6+6+6) Cool, added 1 to my HP Your sheet looks mostly fine, but I think you have a +2 Sacrificial Weapon instead of +1? I also think you should move your Misc. bonus to damage to Enh. instead unless that's a different bonus. (In which case you still need to fill out your Enh. to damage.) Ok, that should be everything fixed, enh is 2 and been moved to enh
Patrick O. said: Han S. said: Patrick O. said: baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: baldhermit said: Patrick O. said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium or have access to the Online Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Ok, that should be everything fixed, enh is 2 and been moved to enh When you hit Launch Game you will find a journal in the top right corner. Our second video also covers this. Please fill it out using the templates provided. When that is done, contact one of our DMs (see the welcome channel on discord). They can then make you a token. Don't forget to add this character to the census.
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Bear said: I have read the Basic Rules/FAQ. I have read the New Player Checklist. I have downloaded the Portable Compendium. Below is a link to my character sheet which I have made using the above resources: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello Bear, welcome to the Guild 1) please clear out the statistics block, and put your chosen array, the racial bonus and level 4 boost there. 2) Please fill out the special senses . movement under Quick Look Up. None is also an answer, but we want to knw that you know what applies to your character. 3) Gear : all the non-magical gear can go to the bottom center of page 1. 4) under Coins and Wealth, please provide us with a breakdown of your expenses 5) As it currently stands, your characters Wisdom Weapon attacks do not meet minimal effectiveness guidelines. The odds of hitting the monsters your character is likely to meet&nbsp; with a Str based attack are around 45%, which is kinda low. The odds of hitting with a Wisdom based Weapon attack are around 30%, which means your character would be missing 70% of the time. I worry you would not enjoy that, and would recommend changing your character to have a higher Wisdom score, or picking different powers. Please take your time to review the above. When you are ready, please use the Quote function to include this message in your response. Let us know what, if anything, you changed about the sheet. Using phrasing like "Fixed" or "Done" is not recommended as it still forces a DM to search through your sheet to see what was changed.