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[PF] Pathfinder Sheet Thread 5

chris b. said: #1: you should be able to add more in the macro at the far right of the line of each skill. so you can add +@{STR-mod} there and keep CHA in the dropdown. Thanks, that does the trick! It would be nice though to have a way to include STR in the main modifier, for situations where for example the GM asks what's your modifier to quickly judge your intimidation factor, without requiring you to roll. Minor issue though. >dammit 2 weeks of testing and this stuff does not get uncovered. The joys of software dev :D

Edited 1458695142
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This will fix the buffs and shields applying to armor, version .41 : &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It should also fix the compendium copying over other pages, not just other spell levels., but i can't really reproduce it very well. However it's the same fix as I used for spells (changing the "not checked" status of pages' css to display:none) Updated the top post with current status.
I noticed while playing a game where we are playing primarily medium size quadrupeds, that the multiplier for carry weight does not let you use fractions, such as 1.5. I was wondering if this is intentional.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Wayward Foal said: I noticed while playing a game where we are playing primarily medium size quadrupeds, that the multiplier for carry weight does not let you use fractions, such as 1.5. I was wondering if this is intentional. Check the Details tab, center of the third row under "Character Details"; you'll find a place to specify that the character is a quadruped.&nbsp; That will adjust your carrying capacity accordingly.
James W. said: Wayward Foal said: I noticed while playing a game where we are playing primarily medium size quadrupeds, that the multiplier for carry weight does not let you use fractions, such as 1.5. I was wondering if this is intentional. Check the Details tab, center of the third row under "Character Details"; you'll find a place to specify that the character is a quadruped.&nbsp; That will adjust your carrying capacity accordingly. Thank you very much.
Sheet Author
Seth J. said: So I don't know if this has already been addressed but I was wondering if there is any plan to incorporate something for animal companions/eidolons/familiars/etc. at any point? again, sorry if this has already been discussed. Thanks, and keep up the awesome work. Have a suggestion Seth? &nbsp;Normally I would say to use another sheet for companions. &nbsp;Not sure how others manage...
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Vince said: Seth J. said: So I don't know if this has already been addressed but I was wondering if there is any plan to incorporate something for animal companions/eidolons/familiars/etc. at any point? again, sorry if this has already been discussed. Thanks, and keep up the awesome work. Have a suggestion Seth? &nbsp;Normally I would say to use another sheet for companions. &nbsp;Not sure how others manage... I was going to say the same thing; I'm not sure exactly what benefit one would get from having them on the same sheet, as opposed to being their own character.

Edited 1458695616
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
We use another character sheet for animal companions and cohorts. I have 6 PCs playing in my campaign, two have animal companions, (one has additional undead "pets") and the other is a Arcanist (Occultist archetype summoner) so i have tons of char sheets ready with monsters on the summon lists. And next level I just know they're going to all take Leadership, because I told them "oh leadership is cool sure take it" (I just told them the cohorts can't stay home and craft) So there's no other way to do it, since PCs could have who knows how many companions. This way the tokens also are linked to another sheet and it stays clear what is what. I suppose, we could add a tab for "companion" that has the most often used subset of features, but you would still need to use a separate character sheet for your companion. That might be useful for animal companions at least. I also think combining Details and Core would be useful especially so it's easy to find some of those items like size and biped/quad

Edited 1458695856
I already use a new sheet, but a drop down for animal companion would be great, since it is mostly the same stuff besides the differences of attacks, stats, and where you spend the skill ranks. That way all the player has to do is plug in the stats, attack types, and which skills they want. Of course, that seems like it would be a lot of work, so I haven't asked for it and instead just make sure the players understand the math behind the animal companions. Edit for clarity: Essentially just choosing Animal companion would fill out the fields for the basic companion for you, but of course not every animal type, leave that to the player to fill out.

Edited 1458695910
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Added to suggestion list on top post :) if we rework/lower the number of tabs it would be good to add Animal companion/summoned creature as a tab, or at least modify the npc page to work better for those cases.
Also one thing that bugs me and my players is that for background skills, the trade section is in the gear and not on skills and when you trade a point it shows like below. Which is kind of confusing for people not used to this, and constantly causes my players to think they are making mistakes.

Edited 1458742925
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
We can probably just eliminate that field since with sheetworkers it is easier to do the logic. We really only need to know that adventure skills is under the max , and backgrounds is under the max plus 2/lvl minus adventure total&nbsp; edit: and probably change that row around some. added this to list too
James W. said: Vince said: Seth J. said: So I don't know if this has already been addressed but I was wondering if there is any plan to incorporate something for animal companions/eidolons/familiars/etc. at any point? again, sorry if this has already been discussed. Thanks, and keep up the awesome work. Have a suggestion Seth? &nbsp;Normally I would say to use another sheet for companions. &nbsp;Not sure how others manage... I was going to say the same thing; I'm not sure exactly what benefit one would get from having them on the same sheet, as opposed to being their own character. Yeah, so I guess the reason I was asking was because some of my players were thinking that it would help simplify things, though I guess if they use the npc tab of a new sheet, it might work pretty well. Thanks again.
Vince said: This is much more likely to happen now K., since buffs are now a repeating section. &nbsp;It would have been a huge burden on the sheet previously to include the buffs array in both places. &nbsp; Yay!
Forum Champion
So, since the new update to the sheet, it won't let me apply more than +3 Dex modifier to my AC, even though my Dex is 24. I've tried reloading, reclacling, equiping and unequiping my armor, etc, etc. Nothing seems to fix it. Bug or am I missing something painfully obvious?&nbsp; Find 2 images attached <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Franky H. said: So, since the new update to the sheet, it won't let me apply more than +3 Dex modifier to my AC, even though my Dex is 24. I've tried reloading, reclacling, equiping and unequiping my armor, etc, etc. Nothing seems to fix it. Bug or am I missing something painfully obvious?&nbsp; Find 2 images attached <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Have you checked your encumbrance? If it's Medium Load you won't get more than +3. /K

Edited 1458735195
Sheet Author
Right, carrying capacity / load applies its maximum dex limit as well as armor. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... You can turn these off if you like using the drop-downs under Armor Penalties on the Defenses tab, but the sheet applies the PF rules, as expected.

Edited 1458742903
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sam M. said: Thanks, that does the trick! It would be nice though to have a way to include STR in the main modifier, for situations where for example the GM asks what's your modifier to quickly judge your intimidation factor, without requiring you to roll. Minor issue though. now that the macro parsing code is fixed to properly handle negatives, it is safe to use it in more places. we could turn "misc" into a macro field so users could enter the second attribute if it's just "adding" to the total not replacing it. Or we could add a dropdown for a secondary ability. I updated the suggestion list
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
anyone have suggestions on how to make the sheet faster and smaller? :)
Sheet Author
chris b. said: anyone have suggestions on how to make the sheet faster and smaller? :) PF Legacy ;-p
I also notice that the weight and value for items in the item tab don't calculate fractions, so if something weight 1/2 a lbs, (I put it as .5) it just seems to round down. Or when I try to calculate a cost that's lower then a gold, it doesn't take the tenths or hundredths into account. Is this a limitation of how the sheet works when it comes to repeating sections?
I just checked the defense tab in the character sheet (version 0.41) and the armour bonus from worn armour is showing up as a shield bonus in the defense value calculation of AC. &nbsp;I tried both re-entering the values and the re-calculate button. &nbsp;The problem persist. &nbsp;What a strange twist. &nbsp;At least the shield bonus is showing up correctly in the defense value calculation of AC. CB out.

Edited 1458761593
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Wayward Foal said: I also notice that the weight and value for items in the item tab don't calculate fractions, so if something weight 1/2 a lbs, (I put it as .5) it just seems to round down. Or when I try to calculate a cost that's lower then a gold, it doesn't take the tenths or hundredths into account. Is this a limitation of how the sheet works when it comes to repeating sections? coins are in whole numbers, but it looks like we should be passing F (for float) to TAS.repeating somehow to make sure it is not rounding down each row, so we don't round down until the very end. Edit: this is fixed in .42 now, which should become available early next week mon or tues (we submitted it but roll20 controls schedule). Now it won't round off the weight until the very last summation.
Fun glitch: I was filling out a sheet for an oracle and when I started filling in things on the spells tab, my bonus spells showed up as decimals. &nbsp; Not sure what to think about this. &nbsp;Let me know what other info you need, if any.&nbsp;

Edited 1458794588
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
oops parenthesis was in wrong spot. thanks. Round them down and you get the correct number.
I'm trying to create a buff for the hunter ability Animal Focus: Falcon. &nbsp;It gives a +4 bonus to Perception checks when active. &nbsp;I've created a buff for the ability under the Core tab. &nbsp;I assume I want to select the Check box. &nbsp;But I don't understand what to enter in the field asking for # or Macro.
Sheet Author
Since Perception isn't an attribute specifically listed for Buffs on the sheet, I would probably just add 4 Misc(or any free column field) for Perception on the Skills page. &nbsp;That said, I'm not sure what you mean by "But I don't understand what to enter in the field asking for # or Macro."...? ;-(
Here's a screen grab of the buff window:

Edited 1458800141
Sheet Author
You can enter a mod or a macro formula there and it will be applied to all Skill and Ability checks.
I see. &nbsp;I misunderstood the purpose of the buffs section.
Sheet Author
Rick said: I see. &nbsp;I misunderstood the purpose of the buffs section. Buffs can be used to apply a modifier to any of the attributes listed. &nbsp;"Check" was added as a quick way to apply a mod to Skill and Ability checks. &nbsp;It does affect ALL Skill and Ability checks however...&nbsp;

Edited 1458800688
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Assuming you didn't delete that buff, you can replace the macro text for the Perception skill with this: @{PC-whisper} &{template:pf_generic} {{color=@{rolltemplate_color}}} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_generic}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=Perception}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Perception} ]] + [[4*@{repeating_buff_-kdavgupquwjvmzxubdt_buff-enable_toggle}]][Animal Focus: Falcon] ]]}} If you did delete that buff, you can recreate it, but you'll have to replace the row ID with the ID of the new entry. EDIT: To explain, the check box for enabling the buff is actually an attribute itself; it's 0 when it's unchecked, 1 when checked.&nbsp; So you can multiply the bonus by the checkbox attribute to add the bonus only when the buff is enabled.
Forum Champion
Magik said: Right, carrying capacity / load applies its maximum dex limit as well as armor. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... You can turn these off if you like using the drop-downs under Armor Penalties on the Defenses tab, but the sheet applies the PF rules, as expected. Thanks! That was it. Our group doesnt use encumbrance, or really track it, so I hadn't thought to look there. Apparently with only 10 str, my gold weight alone(which is the only weight the sheet was calculating) was putting me at medium encumbrance.
Sheet Author
You can definitely get creative with the buff section. Be sure to hover your mouse over the labels near the check boxes, including the Enabled check box to get some details on what each does. As James points out, there is a useful way to use even the toggle button of a buff without having to fill in any other fields of a buff. I use it for my character when I get enlarged to help adjust my weapon damage as I described in a post back here . I've added these mouse-over texts to several parts of the sheet to help make it self-documenting. If you find something that is missing these or needs more clarification, please post about it. Thanks!
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
what do you all think of this solution for temp hp: max is the hp plus temp, and when you edit HP it subtracts first from the temp hp. There are two versions, the second gets rid of some buttons to look less cluttered. For both the fields are the same. HP for hp, HP|max or HP_max Lock keeps max temp hp from resetting if you hit the refresh button (so it doesn't change in the middle of combat) OR: this is version 2 - a few less fields and how it all works is hidden: reset button resets max hp (and current to max) The max hp here is actually hp plus temp. either way when you are at max, the temp hp will cause bar to extend beyond the border.&nbsp;
Magik said: As James points out, there is a useful way to use even the toggle button of a buff without having to fill in any other fields of a buff. I use it for my character when I get enlarged to help adjust my weapon damage as I described in a post back here . HOW DID I MISS THIS? &nbsp;I have a couple characters in various campaigns that enlarge regularly, and I've gotten the "Go through the sheet and change all the boxes" drill pretty well trained. &nbsp;I'm SO damn glad I can stop doing that. &nbsp;It's very annoying to forget to change one back after. &nbsp; You're a genius, Magik. &nbsp;Thank you. &nbsp;
Sheet Author
I'm glad you found it useful. Note that I didn't update the critical damage in my macro changes, so you'll have to do that in yours.
I'm not sure if this is the place to ask but i'm having issues finding out how to propperly add class features and abilities. I'm playing an easy fighter class and nearing level 3 (new player) and was wondering how I can add armor training onto the sheet and into the AC calculations. Google nor the wiki has the answer so far. Apreciate your time and effort!
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Pieter said: I'm not sure if this is the place to ask but i'm having issues finding out how to propperly add class features and abilities. I'm playing an easy fighter class and nearing level 3 (new player) and was wondering how I can add armor training onto the sheet and into the AC calculations. Google nor the wiki has the answer so far. Apreciate your time and effort! You can enter Class Features on the Classes tab, but they don't do much other than provide a means to track uses/day and a place to put the description.&nbsp; For something like Armor Training, you'll need to manually apply it to your armor's Max Dex and ACP on the Defenses tab; likewise, with Weapon Training, you'll need to manually add the bonus to attack and damage on the appropriate attacks.
Sheet Author
Right, the Classes tab under the "Class Features and Abilities" section helps keep track of "what" you took "when". If a class feature or ability has a number of uses per day then you can keep track of it there like James said. On the Defenses tab, under the "Armor and Shield" section, you can adjust the numbers for your armor and shield as James said. You may want to jot down some notes why you adjusted these numbers from the default in the Armor Notes section at the bottom. Just remember that the sheet is not only for you, but for your GM to look at too. The more information you put on it, the easier it will be able to justify later.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Magik said: The more information you put on it, the easier it will be able to justify later. Corollary: the more information you put on it, the easier it will be to remember why you did it later.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It occurs to me: now that players have control of the template header color, is anyone planning on updating the default header images with transparency?
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I thought Vince did already .... not sure how that part works or where they went.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ah, looks like it's already been done, it just didn't update the characters I had set to use the defaults to the new &nbsp;default images.

Edited 1458962103
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
James W. said: Magik said: The more information you put on it, the easier it will be able to justify later. Corollary: the more information you put on it, the easier it will be to remember why you did it later. speaking of "justify", I used to audit my player's sheets and leave snarky messages in the notes about their choices. ;)
In the Carried Weight section, should either the Worn Equipment or the Carried Equipment include weapons and armor? I can't seem to get it to account for them.
Sheet Author
Joe B. said: In the Carried Weight section, should either the Worn Equipment or the Carried Equipment include weapons and armor? I can't seem to get it to account for them. It is being worked on. For now use the Equipment section. Worn Equipment will merge with Equipment soon without data loss. The Location drop down will keep track of where it is worn.
@James and Magik Thank you for your anwser and time invested in this increadable character sheet.
Hey guys, Noticed that there's no "shaken" condition on the PF character sheet. Is it located somewhere else not under the core conditions? Thanks

Edited 1459112936
Sheet Author
Fear will cover the gambit from Shaken, Frightened, and Panicked. &nbsp;Sheet effects for all levels of fear are the same, only the level of fear includes other non-stat(non-sheet) consequences .