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[PF] Pathfinder Sheet Thread 5

Sheet Author
Tavi B. said: In skills, the Knowledge (Nobility) misc is keyed to the Acrobatics misc field. Numbers in the input fields still add to the correct skill, but it still seems like something that should be addressed This will be corrected, but it doesn't affect the proper functionality of the sheet. What you are seeing is only for display purposes. The sheet will not pull data from Acrobatics for the roll or compute the bonuses/penalties.
Why are Azure and Violet actually the same color for the roll templates?  I confirmed in a screenshot with both colors--they are both 6B00DC for the header background.
Sheet Author
Dragynwulf said: Why are Azure and Violet actually the same color for the roll templates?  I confirmed in a screenshot with both colors--they are both 6B00DC for the header background. Not sure... (we'll need to dig a little more) here's the css we are using.  Clearly different colors are being used in the code. .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_generic.sheet-color-violet, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_defense.sheet-color-violet, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_attack.sheet-color-violet, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_spell.sheet-color-violet, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_block.sheet-color-violet { border-color:#6B00DC; } .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_generic.sheet-color-violet  .sheet-roll-header, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_defense.sheet-color-violet  .sheet-roll-header, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_attack.sheet-color-violet  .sheet-roll-header, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_spell.sheet-color-violet  .sheet-roll-header, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_block.sheet-color-violet  .sheet-roll-header { border-color:#6B00DC;     background-color:#6B00DC; } .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_generic.sheet-color-azure, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_defense.sheet-color-azure, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_attack.sheet-color-azure, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_spell.sheet-color-azure, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_block.sheet-color-azure { border-color:#3399FF; } .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_generic.sheet-color-azure  .sheet-roll-header, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_defense.sheet-color-azure  .sheet-roll-header, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_attack.sheet-color-azure  .sheet-roll-header, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_spell.sheet-color-azure  .sheet-roll-header, .sheet-rolltemplate-pf_block.sheet-color-azure  .sheet-roll-header { border-color:#3399FF;     background-color:#3399FF; }
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Dyndrilliac said: So one thing that I recently noticed is that under my Attacks tab, every time I click the recalculate button, I have two empty "dummy" attacks that say there is an error and they need to be deleted prior to adding/editing attacks. Image below. I tried migrating all of my data to a brand new sheet, but the issue persists. Is this intentional behavior? I am having the same problem in dev with red outlined rows reappearing, so i have a case to submit to the devs.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
actually it looks like i had Azure and Dark Azure repeated, it appears again later overriding the earlier one, i can delete it. some of them seem wrong we need to double check them. 
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm not sure that removing the ability to have buffs apply penalties to ability scores was the best idea; alchemists, for one, are going to have to fiddle with their ability scores every time they drink a mutagen/cognatogen, now, rather than just hitting the buff and calling it good.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It was actually incorrect before, if you put a negative there then it was actually acting like drain, not damage.  I wanted to add up the negatives separately to make sure they apply correctly. But ... should the mutagen act like drain, actually lowering the abilities? I didn't want people to apply spell damage there instead of in the abilities section. i could comment it out for the .52 build tuesday, until we come up with a better idea.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
chris b. said: It was actually incorrect before, if you put a negative there then it was actually acting like drain, not damage.  I wanted to add up the negatives separately to make sure they apply correctly. But ... should the mutagen act like drain, actually lowering the abilities? I didn't want people to apply spell damage there instead of in the abilities section. i could comment it out for the .52 build tuesday, until we come up with a better idea. No, mutagens apply penalties, and cognatogens apply penalties (and damage once the duration expires), but mathematically it should only matter in some corner cases. If we're already doing special case handling to prevent negative modifiers from being added to the ability scores, we could have them added to a "buff penalty" attribute ("STR-buff-penalty"), and add that to the ability score penalty before calculating the ability modifier.

Edited 1464464073
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That was actually my plan.I changed the behavior back for .52 so it won't interfere with players at roll20con. I just wnat .52 to be super stable before the convention. I'll add the 6 extra penalty fields as your example after.  I think most debuff spells apply penalties so probably always add them there. Drains and damage seem to be due to other causes.
I've found two more issues: When removing fatigue or exhaustion, clicking on the "Neither" radio button does not actually remove the penalty until the sheet is manually recalculated. When the ACP source is set to "Armor, Shield & Load," it's stacking the penalties from armor and load, rather than taking the worse of the two (as RAW requires -- see CRB p. 169). Thanks for all of your hard work coding this sheet for us!
Hey, I appreciate the work that's going into this, but I have a game tonight and none of my players can use or update any of their spells! We're back to paper sheets for tonight. What's going on? Do we have to rebuild everything on the spell list for the spell list to work?

Edited 1464482692
NPC tab: the minimize/maximize button on attack rows is invisible, and covers all but one pixel of the d20 "roll" button. (edit, sorry)
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Those issues are fixed in the beta site, and it should be available to everyone on tuesday. (they could update spells but they were still pretty buggy so .. )
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
When removing fatigue or exhaustion, clicking on the "Neither" radio button does not actually remove the penalty until the sheet is manually recalculated. When the ACP source is set to "Armor, Shield & Load," it's stacking the penalties from armor and load, rather than taking the worse of the two (as RAW requires -- see CRB p. 169). Fixed the 2nd, but the first issue i can only make it appear if I click fast enough. So , not sure how to fix it yet.
Regarding reordering of repeatable sections -  It worked for me, so i made a video just to confirm my friend (who was trying in both chrome and firefox, no luck) was on the same page as me.  If you recall, he could not get his spells to re order when he wanted them alphabetically. He confirmed he was doing what I was doing and it was not working.  But he found out what the issue was: I appreciate the video. Yes, I follow all of those steps. It does not work. On a whim, I went into settings, and turned off window popouts. If I edit the sheet that way, it works. So I am not sure if this is a known issue, or a new bug, or working as intended.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
yes when you pop the character sheet out, a lot of weird stuff happens with repeating sections. You can't drag the compendium spells over. but yeah .. I just tried and when I pop the sheet out I also cannot move the items. This is probably a bug that affects all sheets and we should post it in the bug forum

Edited 1464506725
When using the roll button for iniative , it adds both the total initiative bonus, and misc bonus to the roll. Edit: I should specify the legacy sheet

Edited 1464514335
Sheet Author
Weatley said: When using the roll button for iniative , it adds both the total initiative bonus, and misc bonus to the roll. Edit: I should specify the legacy sheet This thread is for the Pathfinder - Neceros sheet. &nbsp;That said, I had a look at the legacy sheet and see what the problem is. &nbsp;I'll submit a fix. Done:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
hey can you add a couple of misc slots to Worn Inventory? i have a couple ion stones that don't take up and body slots but they are "worn." thnx.
Sheet Author
The "Worn Equipment" section will be going away entirely. In its place will be further entries to the drop-down for Location in the "Equipment" section. Worn locations to be added:&nbsp;Armor, Belt, Body, Chest, Eyes, Feet, Hands, Head, Headband, Neck, Ring 1, Ring 2, Shield, Shoulders, Wrist. I wasn't considering adding a "Slotless" entry to the list since that would simply be Carried, in my opinion. For Ioun Stones, I suppose you could use "Not Carried" so that its weight (if any) wouldn't count towards your encumbrance/load. Some features of this drop-down modification: 1. All equipment will be managed from one section. This will avoid duplication of effort in trying to update equipment in multiple locations on the sheet. 2. The drop-down will trigger sheetworker code to enforce uniqueness in slot usage. 3. The drop-down will trigger updates to the Worn Armor and Worn Shield on the Defenses tab. Note that the Attacks tab contains attack entries, which is not equivalent to "weapon entries". Weapons should be stored once in the "Equipment" section. The duplicated values for Hardness, HP, Max HP are being removed from other parts of the sheet.

Edited 1464673816
Magik said: The "Worn Equipment" section will be going away entirely. In its place will be further entries to the drop-down for Location in the "Equipment" section. Worn locations to be added:&nbsp;Armor, Belt, Body, Chest, Eyes, Feet, Hands, Head, Headband, Neck, Ring 1, Ring 2, Shield, Shoulders, Wrist. I wasn't considering adding a "Slotless" entry to the list since that would simply be Carried, in my opinion. For Ioun Stones, I suppose you could use "Not Carried" so that its weight (if any) wouldn't count towards your encumbrance/load. Some features of this drop-down modification: 1. All equipment will be managed from one section. This will avoid duplication of effort in trying to update equipment in multiple locations on the sheet. 2. The drop-down will trigger sheetworker code to enforce uniqueness in slot usage. 3. The drop-down will trigger updates to the Worn Armor and Worn Shield on the Defenses tab. Note that the Attacks tab contains attack entries, which is not equivalent to "weapon entries". Weapons should be stored once in the "Equipment" section. The duplicated values for Hardness, HP, Max HP are being removed from other parts of the sheet. the only thing with using "Not Carried" for iouns is that, to me anyway, it sounds like it's left at home or something, as opposed to around my head.
Sheet Author
Yes, the "Not Carried" designation is intentionally left vague so that players can use it however they wish, but the specific difference between "Carried" and "Not Carried" is that the former counts against your encumbrance whereas the latter does not. You could use "Not Carried" for bags of holding and similar devices, stuff you leave at home, to keep track of property that you own, and the list goes on. That being said, I can understand the desire to have some way of designating that the slotless item you have is "active", but since there is a very limited number of items that require this designation, I'd recommend that you work out a system such as putting an asterisk next to the name of the ioun stone that is active. That way you can easily see that 5 of the 20 stones that you own are active and can be attacked. Another option would be to create a Buff entry for each stone and only when that Buff is active is the stone considered active.
So I'm having a problem with the Misc Macro row of the Skills section. Basically, anytime I put an actual macro as opposed to a number in there, it calculates correctly in the '-misc-mod' section, but isn't ever reflected in total modifier, and doesn't show up in the row. As an example of what I'm actively having a problem with, the character I'm working with gets to add their @{CHA-mod} to all Knowledge skills (not replacing INT, just adding to it), and my @{CHA-mod} is 5. If I put '5' in the @{Knowledge-Arcana-misc} field, it is reflected in -misc-mod, in the total modifier, and when I hit the _roll button. However, if I instead put '@{CHA-mod}' into that field, it is only reflected in the -misc-mod field, but my total bonus as well as the macro are shorted that additional bonus. This bug applied to all skills I tried, as well as a number of different attributes, both auto-calculated and editable by the user, and extended to brand new characters. Looks like you guys got your hands full, I hope this is an easy fix. :-)
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Err... ioun stones have negligible weight anyways, so it's not like setting them as "carried" adds anything to a character's carried weight...
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Bennet that is fixed in the .52 update, which should appear tomorrow or thursday.
Perfect, thank you! Sorry if that was already addressed in the thread; I went through the last couple pages before posting but if it was there, I missed it. &gt;.&gt;
Sheet Author
Bennett S. said: Perfect, thank you! Sorry if that was already addressed in the thread; I went through the last couple pages before posting but if it was there, I missed it. &gt;.&gt; This can be a very active thread. &nbsp;;-P Joe wins the prize for this one :&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1465152655
Magik said: Yes, the "Not Carried" designation is intentionally left vague so that players can use it however they wish, but the specific difference between "Carried" and "Not Carried" is that the former counts against your encumbrance whereas the latter does not. You could use "Not Carried" for bags of holding and similar devices, stuff you leave at home, to keep track of property that you own, and the list goes on. That being said, I can understand the desire to have some way of designating that the slotless item you have is "active", but since there is a very limited number of items that require this designation, I'd recommend that you work out a system such as putting an asterisk next to the name of the ioun stone that is active. That way you can easily see that 5 of the 20 stones that you own are active and can be attacked. Another option would be to create a Buff entry for each stone and only when that Buff is active is the stone considered active. Thanks. i'm prob just being picky lol. wouldnt be fisrt time :)
I have some gripes. In particular, the NPC section. First, with the hit-die part, isn't it supposed to calculate how many dice, rather than the kind? And on that note, wouldn't it also show the total number of hit-dice? Also on the note of calculating, why is the Challenge rating a calculating field? I like to use fractions, rather than decimals for challange rating, but having it as a calc field makes that difficult and a bit obtuse. Just my thoughts so far. Keep up the good work.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Wayward Foal said: I have some gripes. In particular, the NPC section. First, with the hit-die part, isn't it supposed to calculate how many dice, rather than the kind? And on that note, wouldn't it also show the total number of hit-dice? Also on the note of calculating, why is the Challenge rating a calculating field? I like to use fractions, rather than decimals for challange rating, but having it as a calc field makes that difficult and a bit obtuse. you mean the top section?&nbsp; ok, yes the # of hit dice is better than the kind , that is what I meant to do. and they are read only due to oversight.. we'll change those in the next version.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Well i'm glad the .52 is out , this fixes a whole ton of bugs. If you had problems migrating spells and still have the "old" spells on the config tab you can try to re-migrate them by deleting the spells from the Spells tab, then go to config tab and uncheck "spells migrated" then hit refresh. It will attempt to copy the spells from the config tab to the spells tab again.
Really liking the new update. It streamlines a lot, and the attack buttons and spellbooks are a great feature.
Every character sheet with a spell in the spell section takes ages to do anything. I'm having a lot of trouble with spells in general. Whenever I migrate them it migrates a ton of blank spells which I then can't delete. I'm very close to try and just remaking the characters from scratch which could take all day at the rate it takes these character sheets to do anything.

Edited 1465039914
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jake W. said: Every character sheet with a spell in the spell section takes ages to do anything. I'm having a lot of trouble with spells in general. Whenever I migrate them it migrates a ton of blank spells which I then can't delete. I'm very close to try and just remaking the characters from scratch which could take all day at the rate it takes these character sheets to do anything. how many spells do you have? some people are reporting a lot of problems. &nbsp;I've tested it with up to 80 spells, and it's pretty slow at that high number. 1.&nbsp;But it's a lot faster with fewer. If there are spells you barely ever use you may try to delete those and just keep them noted somewhere. 2. once your "new" spells on the spell tab are working and everything looks good, delete the "old" spells in the config page.that will halve the number of attributes on your sheet which should improve the speed. I put a post up on the pro board regarding speed and am going to try to get some help from the Roll20 team. I had some ideas to remove some of the fields from repeating sections to lower the total # of fields. But we are going to add some timing features to the page and see where the problems are.
Sheet Author
When working with the spells and things aren't working correctly, try using the All tab under spells. Things may work better there.

Edited 1464982649
The .52 update hasn't seemed&nbsp;to be live on the dev server...
Sheet Author
We'll let Phil know so he can update. &nbsp;Thanks Bennett.

Edited 1465149218
I'm loving the spellbook as an idea, but it really needs a readability pass: That's kinda hard to work with. Ideally, each spell would list only its name and would be awesome if it was a clickable button so I can just cast it from the spellbook. Another great addition would be listing the prepared count in front of the spell, and spells/day after the Level line. Example: Level 1 [8/8 per day] &nbsp; [0] Ant Haul &nbsp; [2] Bless &nbsp; [4] Cure Light Wounds &nbsp; [2] Ray of Sickening Level 2 [3/5 per day] &nbsp; [1] Blinding Ray &nbsp; [2] Cure Moderate Wounds&nbsp; &nbsp; [0] Detect Undead The list is shortened for brevity's sake, and the underscore marks that you can click it to roll the spell macro.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Rory, That screenshot indicates something is going wrong with your spellbook, because this is what it's supposed to look like: Those are buttons, and clicking on them will, in fact, trigger the spell as if you were clicking on the roll button for the spell in the character sheet. The format Roll20 uses to make those buttons is [Button label](~Character name|Ability name) Which is exactly what I'm seeing listed in that macro.&nbsp; That said, if the name of the spell is a link, which is formatted as [Link label](Link URL) ...then that will prevent Roll20 from properly rendering the button.&nbsp; That is, if the name of the spell in the spellbook is formatted as a link, that spellbook macro will output the spell button as... [[Link label](Link URL)](~Character name|Spell roll ID) ...which will get rendered on screen as... [Link label](~Character name|Spell roll ID) ...instead of as a button, as intended. Assuming your character has the spell names as links, as I'm suspecting here, we are aware of this issue, and a solution to filter out the link in the button text is currently in testing.&nbsp; You'll still be able to use links for the spell names, it'll just grab the link label to use for the button label. If I'm wrong about my assumption, we're going to need to take a closer look at the character to see what's going on. As to your other suggestions, we're currently looking at options to customize the spellbook output, but the idea is to keep the default spellbook macro simple.&nbsp; Any customizations will probably be options to enable in the sheet configuration tab, so that they can be enabled for characters that they actually make sense for; spontaneous casters don't need their spells to indicate how many times they prepared them, for example, and prepared casters probably don't need their spell levels to indicate how many they get a day.
Sheet Author
What James said and more eye candy:

Edited 1465153068
James W. said: Rory, That screenshot indicates something is going wrong with your spellbook, because this is what it's supposed to look like: Those are buttons, and clicking on them will, in fact, trigger the spell as if you were clicking on the roll button for the spell in the character sheet. The format Roll20 uses to make those buttons is [Button label](~Character name|Ability name) Which is exactly what I'm seeing listed in that macro.&nbsp; That said, if the name of the spell is a link, which is formatted as [Link label](Link URL) ...then that will prevent Roll20 from properly rendering the button.&nbsp; That is, if the name of the spell in the spellbook is formatted as a link, that spellbook macro will output the spell button as... [[Link label](Link URL)](~Character name|Spell roll ID) ...which will get rendered on screen as... [Link label](~Character name|Spell roll ID) ...instead of as a button, as intended. Assuming your character has the spell names as links, as I'm suspecting here, we are aware of this issue, and a solution to filter out the link in the button text is currently in testing.&nbsp; You'll still be able to use links for the spell names, it'll just grab the link label to use for the button label. If I'm wrong about my assumption, we're going to need to take a closer look at the character to see what's going on. As to your other suggestions, we're currently looking at options to customize the spellbook output, but the idea is to keep the default spellbook macro simple.&nbsp; Any customizations will probably be options to enable in the sheet configuration tab, so that they can be enabled for characters that they actually make sense for; spontaneous casters don't need their spells to indicate how many times they prepared them, for example, and prepared casters probably don't need their spell levels to indicate how many they get a day. No, you're right that's exactly the case; I have links for my spell name. Since the bug is being worked on, I'll just leave it as-is and wait for the character sheet to be updated. Thanks guys :) (Edit: Spells/day and prep counts would still be pretty useful if you can find a way to work it in).
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Do people use the number to count down? Also for the feats and abilities, do you count down or up?
Sheet Author
Prepared spells count down. You could have 3 fireballs prepared then cast one and now have 2. Feats, class abilities and such allow you to put in a calculation for max uses, so you could have 2 uses of the Elemental Fist feat per day and would count it down.
I'm having a problem with the buffs section. I seem to be able to add every kind of buff except for strength. I've refreshed the page several times, deleted and replaced the buff...

Edited 1465180925
Sheet Author
That's a strange one Justin. &nbsp;Do you have the same problem if you add a new buff? &nbsp;It's working for me. ;-(
Sheet Author
Does it apply the buff even if it doesn't show in the Buff's window?

Edited 1465188684
Sheet Author
I wish I could give you a magic fix or tell you why you are having an issue with the STR buff, but I can't. &nbsp;It may be a corrupted attribute. &nbsp;Try deleting any "buff_STR"-based &nbsp;attributes that show under Attributes and Abilities, then enable/re-enable adding STR as a buff. &nbsp;Do "buff_STR"-based attributes get recreated? I'm hoping that will fix the issue. Specifically: when adding STR to a buff and enabling it, you should see "buff_STR_exists" and "buff_STR-total" on the Attributes list.