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[PF] Pathfinder Sheet Thread 5

James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Just found a better way to calculate bonus spell slots: Math.floor((abilMod + 4 - spellLevel) / 4)
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That is better than the formula I came up with, which is in the JavaScript. 
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
In yet another bug report, it appears @{class-5-level} isn't added in to @{level}.

Edited 1457814413
Diction bug report. Initiative modifiers have incorrect results when dealing with negative values due to the tiebreaker. Example (from last night's game): Black Pudding (-5 Init) rolls a 3 on the die for Init. Expected result is -2.05, actual result is -1.95. Likely cause is a double negative, -(-.05) results as +.05, or an errant abs() call, either of which gives an incorrect result.
Sheet Author
Here's the math currently used for init, which works UNLESS you get a negative result since the ability mod has been converted using abs.   [[ (1d20 + [[ @{init} ]][init] + [[ abs(0.01 * @{init}) ]][tie-breaker]) &{tracker} ]] That said, does it really matter?  If you happen to have multiple combatants with negative total initiative rolls, they will all have the same math applied and their initiative order would not change regardless of how the tie-breaker had been applied. Good catch Rory.  I'm surprised that was not noticed before, or at least I can't recall anyone bringing up.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Anyone else think it'd be a good idea to put in an option on the config page to replace the 1d20 roll on skill checks with a roll query to give the option to take 10 or 20? ?{Roll|Roll,1d20|Take 10,10|Take 20,20}

Edited 1457841765
Sheet Author
Adding 1/100th of the initiative bonus is a convenient trick to provide an easy way to visually see the tie breaker, but doesn't work for negative values. The abs() should be removed and change it to use a max(0, @{init}) instead (or whatever kh1 syntax will work). When working with negative initiative bonuses, the player will just have to refer to the sheet when there is a tie.
Sheet Author
James W. said: In yet another bug report, it appears @{class-5-level} isn't added in to @{level}. Found the issue. The bold section was missing below in the function updateClassInformation. getFields = [totalColName, col0Name, col1Name, col2Name, col3Name, col4Name, col5Name ];
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You know, it just occurred to me, we could replace the "misc" skills at the bottom of the skills page with a repeating section, and the only visible difference would be the "Add" and "Modify" buttons.

Edited 1457914943
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Another interesting bug: when I set the Concentration ability modifier via the API, it will update the Concentration bonus, and the bonus spell slots, but not  what's displayed in the drop-down list, even after a recalc. EDIT: Also, total spells/day doesn't update on a recalc, which is an issue for API-originated changes. EDIT THE SECOND: Turns out I wasn't matching what the Concentration drop-down was expecting (left out the parentheses around it, because I wasn't expecting them).  Fixed on my end. EDIT THE THIRD: Grr, now it looks like the latest beta isn't calculating bonus spells after I set the Concentration ability, even after a recalc... (If you haven't already figured it out, I'm working on a script to import Hero Lab characters...)
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
FYI, I posted the first version of my  Hero Lab import script to the API forums , if anyone wants to try it out.

Edited 1457962341
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
on beta .. it looks like recalc is not doing everything. a quick fix is to remove ,null,true); at the end of calls to handleDropdown. I posted in the dev  forum

Edited 1457968621
So presently I have my custom duplicate of the Attacks fieldset, and everything works correctly in sheet. But when I go to add it to the quickbar for macros I get: Lord Gladbagel|repeating_actions_-KCXTmEXOPo4boaS8t3N_roll No ability was found for %{Lord Gladbagel|repeating_actions_roll} My roll looks like this, and it seems to work fine from the sheet. I've edited other rolls and they also seem to work fine:    <span class="sheet-table-data sheet-center"><button type="roll" name="attr_roll" title="%{selected|repeating_Actions_$X_action-roll}" value="@{macro-text}"></button></span> I've poked around with the macro text and that isn't the problem. Any thoughts on what I broke?
Sheet Author
From the message "No ability was found for %{Lord Gladbagel|repeating_actions_roll}", that points to an issue with the macro-text containing an {{ability}} parameter that is undefined.

Edited 1457969489
The macro works in sheet though. I've removed each {{}} from the text in troubleshooting and then as an aggregate added one back at a time and It still doesn't word regardless of the macro text.Clearing everything out and just putting in text or a simple roll gives the same error. Maybe I don't understand what you mean by undefined? As in something isn't properly linked with an attribute?
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I can only guess that it thinks that  -KCXTmEXOPo4boaS8t3N  is incorrect. IDK if case matters, like will it work with lower case. I thought they all had a second minus sign somewhere in the middle

Edited 1457972322
...can you change the post ID manually then? Another row made in that fieldset gives me this error:  Lord Gladbagel|repeating_actions_-KCXSFsHy9vFO-AUvRye_roll And when I click the post ID (and in the box) I have:  Row id-kcxsfshy9vfo-auvrye
Update: so it is case sensitive, at least for what you can name your repeating field. I had my field titled: repeating_Actions Switching that to: repeating_actions fixed the whole thing.

Edited 1457980365
Sheet Author
chris b. said: on beta .. it looks like recalc is not doing everything. a quick fix is to remove ,null,true); at the end of calls to handleDropdown. I posted in the dev  forum I'll update. thanks Chris @Encartrus Although it doesn't apply to this case(same error however), there's an issue to be aware of when creating new fieldsets: the "repeating_foo" for the class name needs to be lowercase.  Later when you drag/drop the "repeating_Foo" gets converted to lowercase for the dragged button and will throw the No attribute found error when triggered.
Good to know, thanks man!

Edited 1458248904
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
James W. said: I should mention that I've noticed that when you drag-and-drop spells from the Compendium, it seems it is possible to accidentally drop a spell on a slot on a lower spell level;&nbsp; I've been thinking and I think the fix for this may be to switch to one spell list instead of 10 lists, as described here&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... this way the spell level tabs would only display/hide single items.&nbsp; If that doesn't work, we at least have the option then of, when you hit add, unhiding them all to make sure you are at the bottom and not dragging over some hidden one. or making the hidden ones not exactly hidden but minimized like an accordion interface. then at least you'll know exactly where you are dragging. I'll play around with some samples for people to look at and test.
So I have tried making a Turn Undead ability in the Class Features and Abilities section of the character sheet. The macro works fine, but when I try having it autocaculate the maximum number of uses, it fails to show up in the Uses/Max field. Here is the code I have typed there:&nbsp; ((@{Derwyrdd Briarsoul|CHA-mod})+3) What am I missing, and why wont it autocalculate it?

Edited 1458316266
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Just write this @{CHA-mod}+3 the parenthesis and character are for when you are referencing it from a macro outside of the sheet

Edited 1458334145
chris b. said: Just write this @{CHA-mod}+3 the parenthesis and character are for when you are referencing it from a macro outside of the sheet Okay I tried this and it still doesnt show up in Uses/Max.

Edited 1458335778
Simon said: chris b. said: Just write this @{CHA-mod}+3 the parenthesis and character are for when you are referencing it from a macro outside of the sheet Okay I tried this and it still doesnt show up in Uses/Max. I use this in one of the cleric character sheets in my game:&nbsp;3+@{CHA-mod} I know this one does work. &nbsp;Sometimes, I've noticed that if you've put something into the calculation macro that the sheet wasn't expecting, you need to refresh the browser and/or recalc the sheet to get it to recognize a valid input.

Edited 1458338826
Okay, I tried refreshing Browser, I tried recalc, I tried 3+@{CHA-mod} aswell as 3+(@{CHA-mod}) each with refreshing browser and recalc. Nothing seems to be working. It is quite annoying really. I mean, I like having uses precalculated as it makes my life so much easier and having to update fewer things on level-up.
Sheet Author
Strange. It may be a bug with the current sheet version that you are using (v.37). I tested it in PF Beta (link in the first message of this thread) and it works there (v.45). Is it possible that you are copy/pasting the formula from Word or some other application that may be using a symbol that looks like a hyphen, but isn't the one that the sheet will accept?
Magik said: Strange. It may be a bug with the current sheet version that you are using (v.37). I tested it in PF Beta (link in the first message of this thread) and it works there (v.45). Is it possible that you are copy/pasting the formula from Word or some other application that may be using a symbol that looks like a hyphen, but isn't the one that the sheet will accept? I tried switching out the hyphen and it still doesnt work. However, my Charisma modifier is negative, could that have an effect on it?
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes negative does not work in prod. You can try&nbsp; 0-@{CHA-mod} negative is fixed in beta&nbsp;
I was looking over the PF Beta sheet (version .45) and while having two columns for things like feats and items might be useful, I feel like it makes viewing and editing spells difficult and not very aesthetically pleasing to my eyes. See below: It gets even worse when you click the unlock button located in the top left hand corner of the image also provided.&nbsp; - Just my two cents.
Sheet Author
It's optional for a reason. &nbsp;;-) I agree that 2-columns on spells is very compacted, however you might find It's a nice feature for extra wide layouts.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes you don't have to use it, click on the column/two column button on the right to switch back and forth. Each list has its own setting. In a future version week be editing the "collapsed" version of each attack and spell to only show partial necessary fields so it will look &nbsp;good with either 1 or 2 columns
I was wondering if there was a way to turn on and off one of the buffs as a token action or similar fashion? &nbsp;For example, a character could have the Power Attack feat or the Combat Expertise feat. &nbsp;Instead of opening the character sheet (I know that is a simple matter but for me it is a hassle if I have multiple npcs/monsters in combat, thus requiring multiple windows open), is there another way to simply activate or deactivate the buffs? &nbsp;Would it even be possible to have that as a drop-down menu (i.e., so that you can select a specific buff without having to create multiple token action [assuming you can create a token action to activate/deactivate a buff])? Thanks for any insight into this request. CB out.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sorry, you need a pro account and the API to modify attributes from outside of the sheet. This is because even if you link the buff toggle to one of the 3 top bars/circles (the only way free accounts can modify an attribute from the token) the sheet will not recalculate changes to attacks/damage on the fly unless you edit it right on the sheet. Roll20 is working on something to allow updates like that but even then we don't know which subscriber level it would be available to.
Chris, Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it. &nbsp;I have been considering getting a Pro account (given that I have put more than 2000 hours in Roll20 between running the game and prepping to run the game) but I barely even know what I am doing, heh. &nbsp;I did not even know programming at all - I just happen to be stubborn enough to keep trying until I get it right. Cheers, CB out.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Even API scripts will not trigger character sheet updates; this is only a problem with updating character sheet fields, though (which includes the buffs section of the sheet).&nbsp; You can modify the macro text on your attacks to include other attributes, though; you could create an attribute named "Power-Attack", and then assign one of your token's bars to represent that attribute, and use it in the macro text. If you do end up getting a Pro account, I'd recommend taking a look at my ToggleStatus script; I literally wrote it for handling Power Attack on characters in the campaign I'm running.

Edited 1458582492
CB said: I was wondering if there was a way to turn on and off one of the buffs as a token action or similar fashion? &nbsp;For example, a character could have the Power Attack feat or the Combat Expertise feat. &nbsp;Instead of opening the character sheet (I know that is a simple matter but for me it is a hassle if I have multiple npcs/monsters in combat, thus requiring multiple windows open), is there another way to simply activate or deactivate the buffs? &nbsp;Would it even be possible to have that as a drop-down menu (i.e., so that you can select a specific buff without having to create multiple token action [assuming you can create a token action to activate/deactivate a buff])? Thanks for any insight into this request. CB out. CB, the solution I've found for things like Power Attack is to write my own attack macros and put in queries for things like Power Attack, Deadly Aim, etc. &nbsp; I'll throw this query into the attack macro:&nbsp; - [[ ?{Power Attack?| Yes, (floor(@{bab}/4)+1)| No, 0} ]] And this into the damage and critical damage portions: + [[ (2*?{Power Attack?}) ]] If the weapon is a two-hander, I change the 2 to a 3. For the crit confirm or subsequent iterative attacks, you only have to put - [[ ?{Power Attack?} ]] into the attack portion. The query is exactly the same for Deadly Aim. You can also make queries for things like Point Blank Shot, the Bane quality on a weapon, a Ranger's Favored Enemy bonus, a Paladin's Smite, etc. This is all doable for any level of R20 membership. Edit: Here's an example of a full macro with some queries for a weapon with Bane: Dragon and Holy on it. Note that it's from an old character sheet, so everywhere it says _0_ would have to be replaced with _unique weapon ID_ &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name= @{repeating_weapon_0_name} }}} {{attack= [[ 1d20cs&gt;@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency} + @{attk-effect-total} ) ]] - [[ ?{Power Attack?| Yes, (floor(@{bab}/4)+1)| No, 0} ]] [Power Attack] + [[ 2*?{Dragon?| No, 0| Yes, 1} ]] [Dragon] ]] }} {{damage=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability} + @{dmg-effect-total} + @{buff_DMG-total} ) ]] + [[ (2*?{Power Attack?}) ]] [Power Attack] + [[ (2*?{Dragon?}) ]] [Dragon] + [[([[2d6]]*?{Dragon?})]] [Dragon] ]] + [[2d6]] **[Holy](<a href="**" rel="nofollow">**</a> }} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency} + @{attk-effect-total} - ?{Power Attack?} + [[ (2*?{Dragon?}) ]] ) ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability} + @{dmg-effect-total} + @{buff_DMG-total} + (2*?{Power Attack?}) + [[ (2*?{Dragon?}) ]] ) ]] * (@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{repeating_weapon_0_type}}} {{description=@{repeating_weapon_0_notes}}}
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Too many roll queries on one roll starts to get a bit annoying, though; you can break static bonuses out on their own line on the attack template (something like "{{Favored Enemy=+2 attack/damage vs humans}}"), and you can break the damage for things like bane or sneak attack out as a separate component on the damage line ("{{damage=[[1d6+4]] + [[2d6]] human bane + [[1d6]] sneak attack}}") so you can add those in the old-fashioned way if they apply.
True. &nbsp;I just didn't like the look of having multiple +2d6 damage numbers after the initial damage, it got cluttered quick. &nbsp;Honestly, to each their own because anyone can modify that macro any number of ways to meet their needs. &nbsp;In a game with 8 players it was worthwhile to hit the macro one or two players before my character's initiative and have most everything already totaled so the GM could look at it, see what he needed, and move on. &nbsp;Not everyone is in that situation though, and that's fine. &nbsp;
Bug Report: &nbsp;When linking "Perception" ability to a token (in the colored circles above the token), the total always reads "0". &nbsp;Other skills and abilities appear to display correctly when linked to a token.

Edited 1458627661
Sheet Author
Not sure Rick, @{perception} and @{perception-ability} both link for me... Bar 1 is linked to&nbsp;@{perception-ability} below; UPDATE: &nbsp;I lied. &nbsp;Above was done with the beta where it seems to work fine, but I can confirm that there is an issue with the community v37 sheet. &nbsp;v40 was merged today so this should be solved as soon as the main servers pick it up.
Hej guys, you're probably sick and tired of me mentioning this, but it's just that this would be tremendously beneficial for GMs using the sheet - at least in my opinion. I'm talking about putting a condition and buff section on the NPC page. I know you've been talking about a complete overhaul of the NPC section and if this is planned to be part of that then ignore this, please, but I would love to be able to toggle of buffs and conditions without switching tabs in the sheet. /K
Sheet Author
This is much more likely to happen now K., since buffs are now a repeating section. &nbsp;It would have been a huge burden on the sheet previously to include the buffs array in both places. &nbsp;

Edited 1458681469
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
idea for discussion: combine all spell lists into one. instead of 10 lists of spells: &nbsp;repeating_lvl-0-spells_-k3uf8fffd0, repeating_lvl-1-spells_-k3893fjef &nbsp;it would be repeating_spells_-k83jff8e &nbsp;etc. The main benefit of this is :may be faster due to smaller page in memory, also a lot easier for us to maintain., no strange differences between NPC and PC. The look would remain the same, you could display spells by level, though we'd add display by spellcasting class as well. And it opens us up to be able to use other methods of organization also since you only need a number to identify the "category" you want to use. Also improved would be the spell would display in the correct list even if you change the spell level, which does not happen now. (We could also then come up with a solution where metamagic affected spells display in the right slot, but where calculations are done for the proper spell level)&nbsp; The drawback would be when you hit "modify" to re-order, you'd have to reorder spells among the entire list of spells which may not be a big deal or it could be a lot of spells. Secondly, macros you've built to call certain spells would have to change to use the new repeating section, though not right away.. We'd provide a field showing all the before and after ids to use to convert your macros that call those specific spells. Note the old rows will remain until you manually delete them, so macros will still work and you wouldn't log in 5 minutes before gametime to find everything broken. I have already written 95% of the code to do the above , so it could be put in version .45 or .5. There should be enough time for James W and others to update API scripts that look at spells.&nbsp; I have other ideas for the compendium and spells as well as abilities, (such as parsing the spell level and comparing the name of the spell list in the compendium with the class name and assigning the default level and class selection, and having a button to create an attack in the repeating weapons list and having them linked to each other) but getting it down to one list will go a long way to making spells supportable. it is just really hard right now since we have to make each change in 10 spots not including the NPC page and as you can imagine it is easy to make mistakes like that. Please give us feedback on the above
Chris, I like it. &nbsp;I was thrilled with the ability to drag and drop spells until I discovered I'd been rewriting lower level spells and sometimes class abilities. &nbsp;I don't even use the tabs for 1-9 any more as a result. &nbsp;Taking the weight of those tabs off the sheet is fine by me. &nbsp;

Edited 1458681259
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I actually just figured this out and just put in a request , we had spells as visiblity: hidden or visible. when really we needed display:none. for the spells we were not displaying. Changing it to display:none allowed me to drag spells to higher level lists without overwriting the others. When I changed it back, then the bad behavior came back. So that should be the fix. I put the request here. Hopefully they'll get that in. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... edit: well that was fast Riley merged it already hopefully it will be pushed live with the rest, esp. since it's just a css change. edit2: i just realized my fix probably breaks "all spells" but that is a small price to pay. i'll get that fixed later.
So I don't know if this has already been addressed but I was wondering if there is any plan to incorporate something for animal companions/eidolons/familiars/etc. at any point? again, sorry if this has already been discussed. Thanks, and keep up the awesome work.

Edited 1458687816
Hello! Little minor issue on version 0.4 : Intimidate is affected by ACP when it shouldn't. Edit2 : Disregard that, I had changed my intimidate skill to key off STR instead of CHA. Everything's fine. I'll throw the question in here then, I had done that because my character picked up intimidating prowess (STR to intimidate on top of CHA), and I couldn't find a way to add the @{STR-mod} as a modifier to the skill, so I swapped CHA and STR there since STR would change more often with buffs. Is there a way to have a variable field added to a skill? (and thank you for the wonderful work you're doing!) Edit : @Chris b : I don't know if your fix covers this or not, but I just realized that drag and dropping spells overwrote stuff on the Class features and feats lists. Haven't tried it on the latest version. Edit3 : Unless I'm overlooking something again, it seems like shields add their bonus to the armor field instead of the shield one. Edit4 : I promise I'll stop editing after this. Melee and damage buffs on the core tab don't appear on the attacks tab. On the repeating buffs page, melee and damage are @{buff_Melee-total} and @{buff_DMG-total}, but on the attacks page, it's @{DMG-mod} and I'm not sure which one it should be for attack. I see it now. On the attacks page, Attack and CMB block, the totals for melee, ranged, cmb and damage don't include the new fields from buffs. They're displayed correctly there, but not included in the calculation.

Edited 1458689309
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
#1: you should be able to add more in the macro at the far right of the line of each skill. so you can add +@{STR-mod} there and keep CHA in the dropdown. #2:wow they overwrite class features not just other spells? &nbsp;Ok .. we'll have to go over all the css and make sure other all pages have display:none not just visibility:hidden. #4:&nbsp;the buffs are applied if you hit Refresh, which you can use as a workaround, we'll find out why they are not being applied right away though. none of the buffs are applying right away except for the 6 abilities. dammit 2 weeks of testing and this stuff does not get uncovered.