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[PF] Pathfinder Sheet Thread 5

chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
only a handful of spells, iirc, i did not write down which, of course .. why would i do something smart like that lol
Just skimmed through this thread so I'm not sure if I am posting in the right place: Attempting to get both the Buffs and the Attack/Damage effects to work.  Neither are working for me. Utilized the recalc button several times; still hasn't had any effect.  Right now my attack/damage says +8 to attack (I have nothing checked, and checking/unchecking doesn't change anything) - nor does it actually ADD to my attacks (I was attempting to utilize Smite and Prayer) and +6 to damage - same thing as with attack. I can't get it to show up on my attacks. Switched to the buffs area - now I permanently have 2 buffs checked and the melee isn't populating at all. Says I am using sheet version 0.37. I'm using Chrome as my browser because the sheets were also not working correctly with Firefox the last time I used them. I'm not sure if this is a known issue or simply user error. But so far nothing I've tried has worked.

Edited 1457336243
Sheet Author
Backing up a little... before trying to add additional mods using either Attack and Damage Effects or Buffs, does your regular attack modifiers function as expected?  Some things to check are BAB (classes tab) is filled in and on your repeating attack, you have chosen an Attack Type, Damage Type, and I always add Attack and Damage Mods as "0" if none apply, just to be safe.  That should be "ground-zero" before adding anything else.  Make sure that your Total Attack and Damage Mods adjust as you make changes on the repeating attack also.  If that works, then try adding Attack and Damage Effect. Toggle on/off to verify that they are being applied to all your attacks.  If that works, move on to adding a Buff.  Appologies if you have done the above and you are still having issues. Report back and we'll try to help.  Cheers 

Edited 1457358093
Vince said: 2-Column Feats is on the beta to play with.  Thoughts? It's super cool, though I may me missing the reorder bit from the animation you posted. That code doesn't appear to be in there (or, at least, I cant get that to display anywhere in-sheet).

Edited 1457367498
Sheet Author
Reorder of repeating sections is only on the Dev servers currently... ;-( PM sent.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Cyzzane said: I'm not sure if this is a known issue or simply user error. But so far nothing I've tried has worked. On the repeating weapon attacks, make sure your attack is not highlighted in a red dashed line. If so then delete all outlined in such a way then add them back. If it's ok, then on the repeating attacks, change the attack type dropdown to something else and then back, such as from Melee to Ranged and then back to Melee.
Update on the HP adj2 issue I was having.  If I create a new character, I can consistently change the value in HP adj2 with a hard value and have it show up in the Mod2 box.  For example, put in 2 <tab> and 2 shows up.  Continues working as long as I put in a hard number.  If I try to put in something like @{class-0-level} it seems to break. Mod2 doesn't change from the last hard value I put in and I can no longer put in hard values and get the Mod2 to change.  What I'd like to put in there is 3+{0, @{class-0-level}-3}kh1
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I am not able to replicate this, i can use @{class-0-level} the one thing that might be it is there might be a duplicate field with the same name but wrong capitalization, that might be causing it to not update. also you will need to use max, not kh1: since the sheet has a custom parser since we have to parse it in javascript or .. if you are using Toughness, then you want the second line: min not kh1: 3+max(0,@{class-0-level})   toughness: max(3,@{level})
So, I'm unsure if this is the right place to ask this, but it's about a macro I assume would be specific to this sheet. My players wanted to do crit fumbles and also crit fumble confirmation rolls. I don't want to waste game time by doing separate rolls every time they fumble, so I'd like to do the confirm roll via macro. I did a quick fix by adding a Confirm Roll to the Weapon Notes section, but that always shows up, whether or not they roll a 1. What I'm wondering is: is it possible to write a macro that would roll a Crit Fumble Confirm on a 1, in the way that crit successes are confirmed? Or would that require changing the sheet code itself?

Edited 1457447547
Sheet Author
Tanuki said: So, I'm unsure if this is the right place to ask this, but it's about a macro I assume would be specific to this sheet. My players wanted to do crit fumbles and also crit fumble confirmation rolls. I don't want to waste game time by doing separate rolls every time they fumble, so I'd like to do the confirm roll via macro. I did a quick fix by adding a Confirm Roll to the Weapon Notes section, but that always shows up, whether or not they roll a 1. What I'm wondering is: is it possible to write a macro that would roll a Crit Fumble Confirm on a 1, in the way that crit successes are confirmed? Or would that require changing the sheet code itself? I'm pretty sure that you'd have to make changes to the pf_attack template itself if you didn't want to see the fumble confirmation roll every time. I made a similar change to the D&D3.5 sheet for our group that wanted the same thing. In addition, it had a fumble chart roll of 1d100 to consult a homebrew chart. EDIT: Note that even if you did this, there would still be a dice rolled on the screen; you just wouldn't see it in the chat output.
First of all say that you have done a great job with that character sheet. I'm new on roll20 and I'm not very skilled in the macros stuff so I guess that's why I have some troubles trying yo fill in the character sheet. The issue is: I start to fill in the characteristic points such as STR, DEX, CON... and when I arrive to the HP part I cannot change the Max HP because It is blocked. On the right side there is a box that stands for "Max HP Formula" which I think is the key of that. So how can I set the Max HP in my character? The formula is: ((@{CON-mod} * @{level}) + @{total-hp} + (5 * @{condition-Drained})) so I think there should be each of these values to be set in the sheet. Although I'm not able to find them and it's impossible to set the Max HP Thank you in advance.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You have to first go to the 2nd tab, Classes, and fill in your class levels. There is an HP column there, add the hit points due to the class (do NOT add your CON bonus). Also add the level of the class on the right. &nbsp;If you use Favored Class rules for bonus hp or skill points, use the columns for those that start with "fc" There is space to multiclass up to 5 classes. After you add in your class hp and level , it has enough information to calculate hit points. Now go back to the CORE tab and look at HP, you will see MAX HP is filled in. the two adjustment fields are if you need to add in anything else such as Toughness or custom rules your GM may use. Here is some more information on the sheet:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
When drap and dropping spells into my spell list, I've that the spell level I'm dragging and dropping to will over write a random spell level or multiple spell levels. &nbsp;For example, I was dragging and dropping spells into my 3rd level spell list. &nbsp;When I went to drag and drop spells into my 2nd level spell list, I noticed that my second level spell list consisted of the 3rd level spells I just dragged and dropped into my 3rd level spell list. &nbsp;The rest of my spells for second level were erased. &nbsp;Anyone else having this issue? It was on the Pathfinder .37 character sheet.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I saw that happen sunday night when I popped out the character sheet into its own window. When the sheet was not in a separate window I had no problem. Was that what happened?
Sheet Author
Should the sheet have something in the attack templates to support some common bonuses and penalties to attacks? For example, I have these on most of my attack macros: {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{crit-target} ]] + [[ @{total-attack} ]]&nbsp; +?{Target Prone?:|Standing,0|Prone,4}[Prone] +?{Flanking Target?:|No,0|Yes,2}[Flank] ]]}} For ranged attacks, the prone adjustment would be negative, such as:&nbsp;+?{Target Prone?:|Standing,0|Prone,-4}[Prone] Of course, one could argue that the prone modifier adjusts the target's AC and not the attacker's attack roll, but in this situation, who cares? Also, you could argue over what is considered a "common" bonus that should produce a prompt or not.
Is t possible to populate a "textarea" field based off of a value? I have an output that needs a large amount of space that the normal "display:block" can't really handle as it's about a paragraph, and the grow/shrink options of the textarea field would work perfectly. I didn't see an example in-sheet to reverse engineer here, so I'm guessing not?

Edited 1457542181
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Magik: A not-insignificant portion of users are going to find having to answer prompts every time they go to attack annoying, and an even larger portion is going to find answering multiple prompts even more annoying.&nbsp; At best, that is something that should be something that should be an option to enable.
Sheet Author
Exactly, I love options! :)
Sheet Author
@Magik I like prompts and use them personally, but I agree with James. &nbsp;We could add them as optional under the Attack's options sub-section and include them in macro-options... @Encarthus I don't believe you can auto-populate a textarea. &nbsp;Maybe using sheet workers... &nbsp;Also I don't think there's a non-js method of have a textarea box autosize to the text. Could be wrong. &nbsp;;-)
Thought so, thanks for following up Vince!
Sheet Author
On cell traveling... I'll do some digging later and update if I find something.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I should mention that I've noticed that when you drag-and-drop spells from the Compendium, it seems it is possible to accidentally drop a spell on a slot on a lower spell level; for example, when trying to drop a spell onto a slot in the Level 2 tab, you can accidentally drop it onto a spell in the Level 1 or Level 0 tabs.&nbsp; This is likely caused by simply overlaying the higher spell level tabs over the lower ones, without hiding the lower ones. Until there's a fix, I recommend either import your spells starting from the highest spell level, or use the All Spells tab (which I haven't seen do this, but that might just be luck).

Edited 1457560362
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
hmm when a spell level (or page or skill) tab is not checked, this is the css of the surrounding div. well this is the default, and checked just makes one visible. visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; max-height: 0; overflow: hidden;
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
On another topic, is there any chance we could get a "times taken" field added to feats, for those like Extra Rogue Talent/Discovery/Whatever that can be taken more than once? &nbsp;It'd be nice not to have to add in a copy of the feat each time you take it, and it'd be helpful for a project I'm working on.
Sheet Author
There doesn't seem to be enough room for "Times Taken", but perhaps "Qty" or simply "#". It'll need to wait until Vince/Chris are done having fun with their faux layout project. :)
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
added it to the suggestion list in first post, also updated first post with bugs.

Edited 1457620204
Sheet Author
The Temp HP fields on the Core tab are odd to me and not something that I use. During game play, when I receive a buff that provides temporary HP, I just click on my HP bubble on the character token then enter a +5 or whatever. They really aren't usable the way that they are on the sheet. These don't contribute to other values on the sheet and there isn't a simple way to adjust them as you take damage. You would have to adjust the Misc field or the Buff(s) that provide the temporary hit points. A new field for Current Temp HP may be necessary. Also, since they don't contribute to other fields on the sheet, they aren't reflected when a player is active in a game in his colored bubbles above his character's token and/or the status bar to show how damaged the character is. It seems like when a character gets the temporary HP, at that time the player needs to adjust the Current HP? We don't want javascript to automatically adjust it. That can cause problems. It seems like things can get mis-managed and it's easier just to handle it on the token. I don't have a solution for this. Thoughts? EDIT: It seems like a good place for long-term/persistent temporary hit points, but that's about it.

Edited 1457623817
Magik said: The Temp HP fields on the Core tab are odd to me and not something that I use. During game play, when I receive a buff that provides temporary HP, I just click on my HP bubble on the character token then enter a +5 or whatever. They really aren't usable the way that they are on the sheet. These don't contribute to other values on the sheet and there isn't a simple way to adjust them as you take damage. You would have to adjust the Misc field or the Buff(s) that provide the temporary hit points. A new field for Current Temp HP may be necessary. Also, since they don't contribute to other fields on the sheet, they aren't reflected when a player is active in a game in his colored bubbles above his character's token and/or the status bar to show how damaged the character is. It seems like when a character gets the temporary HP, at that time the player needs to adjust the Current HP? We don't want javascript to automatically adjust it. That can cause problems. It seems like things can get mis-managed and it's easier just to handle it on the token. I don't have a solution for this. Thoughts? EDIT: It seems like a good place for long-term/persistent temporary hit points, but that's about it. The best solution here could be to have the hover-numbering on status icons to go higher than 0-9. Right now we just "heal" players by their temp HP and then add two color dots to indicate the total HP gained in this way or, for the players that do it frequently, use a second bar for it. If there was an api script that could expand the total digits recordable, you could add a red dot that says "27" and heal your player by 27 (or overheal them beyond their bar, which would show properly where the temp are). Then when the effect ends you can just subtract the 27 and would remember how much from there. Communicating with the sheet on this would likely not be the best way to do it given the sheer volume of different use cases with temp HP in pathfinder and how they are treated by different classes.

Edited 1457623803
Woah, somehow double posted there.
Sheet Author
James W. said: I should mention that I've noticed that when you drag-and-drop spells from the Compendium, it seems it is possible to accidentally drop a spell on a slot on a lower spell level; for example, when trying to drop a spell onto a slot in the Level 2 tab, you can accidentally drop it onto a spell in the Level 1 or Level 0 tabs.&nbsp; This is likely caused by simply overlaying the higher spell level tabs over the lower ones, without hiding the lower ones. Until there's a fix, I recommend either import your spells starting from the highest spell level, or use the All Spells tab (which I haven't seen do this, but that might just be luck). Would it make sense to have a sheet worker kick off when the spell level field is changed to move it to that new value's spell level? The sheet worker would have to create a new repeating item entry, which isn't a problem. I'm just not sure about how to delete the old one, but I could figure it out.

Edited 1457629640
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The only way to do it would be to have a 3rd field that sums them up, then subtract changes from temp hp first. The 3rd field, for backward compatibility, would have to be the same as the current hp field, where the user enters data. In order to do the auto sum from changes in a token, they would have to use the disabled field autocalculation, not sheetworkers. This is what I came up with; base-hp|max = sheetworker calc same as current hp|max base-hp = disabled autocalc = max(hp, basehp|max) temp-hp|max = sheetworker calc same as current temp-hp but make it the max now temp-hp = disabled autocalc = max(0,hp - base_hp|max) same names as current fields, but different use now: hp|max= sheetworker to set at hp|max + temp_hp|max hp = user entry Another improvement:&nbsp; on change of total hp|max, use sheetworker to set hp= hp+delta (hp|max) this is based on users asking to modify hp when buffs/con change, not just max. The above allows temp hp to be healed i'd have to think about how to stop that if necessary. with sheetworkers it's easy but since it's auto-calculated not sure offhand.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Magik said: James W. said: I should mention that I've noticed that when you drag-and-drop spells from the Compendium, it seems it is possible to accidentally drop a spell on a slot on a lower spell level; for example, when trying to drop a spell onto a slot in the Level 2 tab, you can accidentally drop it onto a spell in the Level 1 or Level 0 tabs.&nbsp; This is likely caused by simply overlaying the higher spell level tabs over the lower ones, without hiding the lower ones. Until there's a fix, I recommend either import your spells starting from the highest spell level, or use the All Spells tab (which I haven't seen do this, but that might just be luck). Would it make sense to have a sheet worker kick off when the spell level field is changed to move it to that new value's spell level? The sheet worker would have to create a new repeating item entry, which isn't a problem. I'm just not sure about how to delete the old one, but I could figure it out. Since there's no way to tell if something changed from user input or a Compendium import, that would also fire off any time a user changed the spell level, which is problematic for psychic spells.&nbsp; There might also be other reasons to have spells in repeating sections that don't match their actual spell level (for example, I put SLAs into repeating sections by how many times they can be used, so I can use my spellbook generator script, then edit the spell levels listed to the appropriate "X/day/week/etc" label). Long story short: probably not.

Edited 1457636000
So, I have a checkbox with a conditional variable related line im adding in the pf_generic roll template. The logic I'm hoping to have display is: If checked: Show Charges, else hide Charges . In the pf_generic I added: {{#Charges}} &lt;tr&gt;&lt;td colspan="2" style="font-weight:normal;"&gt;{{Charges}}&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;{{/Charges}} Which should take care of the roll template side of things. On the line in the repeating field it looks like this: input type="checkbox" name="attr_Charges" title="@{repeating_Attacks_$X_Charges}" value="?{Total Charges|}" style="width:15px;height:15px;" Now I'm not sure if it is because of the value here being a conditional variable (I'm assuming so) but is there a way to make the value of this equal null like on a text or number field so it won't display in the roll template when it&nbsp;isn't&nbsp;checked? Nevermind! I found a better workaround simply by not displaying it in the macro.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
As far as temp HP goes, there's a temp HP manager API script on the wiki .&nbsp; Basically, you assign one bar to HP, and another to temp HP.&nbsp; Every time HP is reduced, it'll instead take it out of temp HP first.&nbsp; The only downside is that as written, it applies to all tokens, no exceptions.&nbsp; With a bit of work, though, you could adapt this to look for changes to bars that represent a character's HP attribute, and change the character's temp HP attribute.
Update on color variations for roll template outputs: So getting the basic variations of the roll templates on a radial drop down for a rolling template is done, and works. [Default] and [Green] essentially just swap the black in the powercard for green by having duplicates of each roll template (not super elegant but gets the job done). What I can't figure out is if there is a way (without using api) to allow a sheet input to override a CSS style. For example, you have two variations of pf_attack: Default (what we have now) Custom (which pulls the colors for the roll template from an area on the options tab of the sheet where you can enter your hex). Still researching, but I think I've hit a dead end.

Edited 1457640763
As a follow up relating to this: I've copied the Attacks repeating fieldset to make a second one that works with our custom ruleset, and everything seems to be working as expected except for the Post ID which is not populating. Where can I find the code for that? I've gone through the 600+ lines of the HTML and the CSS and cant seem to find what populates that. Also: thank you guys so much for responding to all of these posts. I really appreciate it!
Sheet Author
Encartrus said: As a follow up relating to this: I've copied the Attacks repeating fieldset to make a second one that works with our custom ruleset, and everything seems to be working as expected except for the Post ID which is not populating. Where can I find the code for that? I've gone through the 600+ lines of the HTML and the CSS and cant seem to find what populates that. Also: thank you guys so much for responding to all of these posts. I really appreciate it! In the javascript portion under the comment "//set repeating IDS". on("change:repeating_weapon:ids-show",function(eventInfo) {PFSheet.checkIsNewRow("weapon",eventInfo);});

Edited 1457643236
Magik said: Encartrus said: As a follow up relating to this: I've copied the Attacks repeating fieldset to make a second one that works with our custom ruleset, and everything seems to be working as expected except for the Post ID which is not populating. Where can I find the code for that? I've gone through the 600+ lines of the HTML and the CSS and cant seem to find what populates that. Also: thank you guys so much for responding to all of these posts. I really appreciate it! In the javascript portion under the comment "//set repeating IDS". on("change:repeating_weapon:ids-show",function(eventInfo) {PFSheet.checkIsNewRow("weapon",eventInfo);}); I'm using the beta html & CSS which seems to have lost that line. I do have: [code]//REPEATING SECTIONS set IDs _.each(PFSheet.lists.repeatingSections,function(section){ var eventToWatch="change:repeating_"+section+":ids-show"; on(eventToWatch,function(eventInfo){PFSheet.checkIsNewRow(section,eventInfo);}); });[/code] But from my read on this my "repeating_Actions" table should be picked up automatically?

Edited 1457643355
Sheet Author
Do &nbsp;you have this? //REPEATING SECTIONS set IDs Never-mind ... ;-P

Edited 1457644124
Sheet Author
Any sheet version later than v.37 you just need to add your repeating entry name to this list. repeatingSections = [ &nbsp; &nbsp;"weapon", "class-ability", "feat", "racial-trait", "trait", "item" &nbsp; &nbsp;, "lvl-0-spells", "lvl-1-spells", "lvl-2-spells", "lvl-3-spells", "lvl-4-spells" &nbsp; &nbsp;, "lvl-5-spells", "lvl-6-spells", "lvl-7-spells", "lvl-8-spells", "lvl-9-spells" &nbsp; &nbsp;, "npc-spell-like-abilities", "npc-spells1", "npc-spells2" &nbsp; &nbsp;, "mythic-ability", "mythic-feat" ],
That was a surprisingly easy fix for something I've been bashing my head in for the last few hours on. Thanks @Magik! Also: thanks @Vince for the color thing from AD&D. Going to play around with that tomorrow to see if it will work a bit better than what I have going right now.
Feature Request: I would like to be able to create attack macros in the attacks page which roll damage but not an attack for attacks which are type none and or damage type extra or bleeding.
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I should point out that the Artistry skill is like Craft, Perform, and Profession, in that it's actually a series of skills, i.e. Artistry (musical composition) or Artistry (painting), etc. &nbsp;Currently there's only one "Artistry" skill on the sheet, and it doesn't have the means to specify what it's focused on.
Another sheet question! So looking at the rollable table for inventory, you have a calculating bit at the bottom: @{item-total-hp_max} which tallies up the total HP of each of the items above it in the rollable table which is super awesome. The issue I'm having is I can't seem to reference @{item-total-hp_max} in other display only fields on the sheet. It automatically turns to 0 regardless of what the sheet is calculating in the items section. What am I missing here?
Sheet Author
James W. said: I should point out that the Artistry skill is like Craft, Perform, and Profession, in that it's actually a series of skills, i.e. Artistry (musical composition) or Artistry (painting), etc. &nbsp;Currently there's only one "Artistry" skill on the sheet, and it doesn't have the means to specify what it's focused on. We were just testing how long it would take until someone who actually used artistry would say something... 8 months. &nbsp;;-p We'll add it to the list. &nbsp;Thanks
Encartrus said: Another sheet question! So looking at the rollable table for inventory, you have a calculating bit at the bottom: @{item-total-hp_max} which tallies up the total HP of each of the items above it in the rollable table which is super awesome. The issue I'm having is I can't seem to reference @{item-total-hp_max} in other display only fields on the sheet. It automatically turns to 0 regardless of what the sheet is calculating in the items section. What am I missing here? So the field beside it @{item-total-value} links fine elsewhere, it's just this one value. Hrm.
In the end I just made a new value to do the same thing, I'm seeing that line in the current Github character sheet so it being a (maybe) problem probably isn't a big deal at this stage.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
ill try it this weekend, weird.
Sheet Author
Attributes with associated max values can be referenced a couple different ways depending on what you are doing. Either _max or |max
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Magik said: Attributes with associated max values can be referenced a couple different ways depending on what you are doing. Either _max or |max If you're using the "@{attribute name}" notation, it would be "@{attribute name|max}". On another topic, I'm noticing that the recalc function isn't processing the class select drop-down under the Spells selection; basically, if I set a spell class to use a specific class from the Classes tab using the API, it won't ever update the spell class name or caster level until I manually select something else with the drop down.