Rabulias said: For 1), I think he is talking about an animal companion with a natural attack. Core Rulebook p.182 says: "If you possess only one natural attack (such as a bite—two claw attacks do not qualify), you add 1–1/2 times your Strength bonus on damage rolls made with that attack." I think the sheet does this (but I'm not sure). But if the animal companion has a STR penalty , he is saying it should not multiply the penalty. I can't find a reference for this in the rules, but it makes sense to me. Basically I think he is saying the sheet can't just blanket multiply STR modifier by 1.5 -- it needs to verify the STR mod is >= 0 before multiplying it. The rule you quoted specifies Strength bonus ; since it specifies bonus, that means you only multiply the Strength modifier if it's positive, because a penalty is not a bonus. Basically, it's well established that: If they mean positive modifiers only, they say "bonus". If they mean negative modifiers only, they say "penalty". If they mean either, they say "modifier".