Thank you so much James! bummer that you can't couple the 2 macros together so you could do all 3 actins on one. But We will make do! And thanks for the confirmation on the Bard, I'll have to set up the buff actions then! James W. said: Michelle D. said: 1. For my Ranger player, she has Rapid shot, point blank shot and deadly aim. I can make her a deadly aim macro, and I can make her a Point blank shot macro, and I can make her a rapid shot macro, but I cannot make them all together. I read about iterative macros, but have been giving myself an aneurysm trying to string them together. I looked on the Pathfinder community sheet macro page and my eyes crossed and I think I started trying to decipher hieroglyphics. It got fuzzy pretty quickly. On the Settings screen, under Advanced, enable "Display Advanced roll-time macro fields". Then on the Attacks tab, under Extra Damage or Attack Modifiers, under All Attack Macros, check the box next to Ranged Attack Insert Macro, then enter this in the field: ?{Point-Blank Shot?|Yes,1|No,0}-?{Deadly Aim?|Yes,(1 + floor(@{BAB}/4))|No,0} Then check Ranged Damage Insert Macro, and enter this: ?{Point-Blank Shot?}+(?{Deadly Aim?}*2) Once you do this, any time that you use one of that character's ranged attack macros, it will ask if PBS and/or DA apply, and apply the appropriate attack and damage modifiers; it will also scale Deadly Aim's attack penalty and damage bonus automatically based on Base Attack Bonus. As for Rapid Shot, you'll need to set up a separate attack for it. When you set it up, enter "-2" in the Attack Mods field (or subtract 2 from whatever other mods you put in there), then under Iterative Atks, check "Include a 2nd attack?", and change the "Attack Mod" field for that row to a 0 (because this represents the difference from the first attack). Michelle D. said: B. For our bard I would like to give her the ability to add her +2/+2 to everyones attack and damage instead of trying to remember to add it in after the fact. Can this even be done? If yes, How? You'll have to do this on a per-character basis, but you can add a buff that will add bonuses automatically to the appropriate rolls; just go to the top of the sheet, and expand the "Set Buffs" section. Once the buff is added to that character, you can just check/uncheck the buff to enable/disable it.