You don't need to toggle NPC off, the core tab is still accessible.
Scott C. said:
You don't need to toggle NPC off, the core tab is still accessible.
Jeremy R. said:
Here's the next piece I'm struggling with. I'm trying to add stats from the NPC stat block out of the book. You can see in the image that I've typed in the AC, Touch and Flat stats above as well as the base statistics in the Parser. Should I not be doing this? It's adding them together below, which is adding additional AC to the NPC.
Scott C. said:
Is it 1d8 per 10 exceeded, +5 per 10, or 1d8 +5 all together per exceeded?Simon said:
I would like some assistance in writing a macro.
What I need it to do is roll a Craft skill check against a DC of 15, and then roll 1d8 +5 per 10 that it exceeded the DC. Is that possible, how would I go about doing this?
I'd do something like this (can neaten it up with templates as you see fit):
for the first possibility
[[(1d20+@{craft}-15[DC])/10-0.5)d8 +5]]
for the second possibility
[[1d8 + floor((1d20+@{craft}-15[DC])/10)*5]]
for the third possibility
Best bet here is going to be using an API/ability command button to figure the roll after you roll the check since you can't reuse a roll result in a macro. So the macro to be called would be [[?{10's of success}d8 + 5*?{10's of success}]]
EDIT: adjusted so that the macros would result in you being able to see the results of the 1d20
Scott C. said:
@Jeremy R.
make sure to toggle expanded mode on and then checkmark "add class levels"
chris b. said:
Trying to reply to Lin O. but i don't see his message.
You should do the reverse: use buffs to ADD to the abilities not subtract. If you subtract, it shows up in the "Penalties" column of the ability score. This only changes the modifier, (the 2nd column) it does not change the ability score.
Addition does update the ability score.
Jeremy R. said:
Scott C. said:
@Jeremy R.
make sure to toggle expanded mode on and then checkmark "add class levels"
I found it. The arrow is hidden by the header below it in npc mode. If I hover my cursor around where it should be, I can expand it. So I can't see it, but I can use it.
Swole Patrol said:
When using the skillbook button I can't seem to see any of my skills defined by modifiers they currently have.
Simon said:
Request: Can we get a button that lists (seperately) active and inactive buffs, where if we click on a specific buff it lists what bonuses it grants and whatever notes it contains?
chris b. said:
Swole Patrol said:
When using the skillbook button I can't seem to see any of my skills defined by modifiers they currently have.
thanks i'll add that to the bug list
TryThe Storyteller said:
I'd like to add a sneak attack macro to all damage rolls. So far I have putting it in the extra non-crit damage (though I've been toying with the global "precision_dmg1".
So far I have: (?{Apply sneak attack?(1 to apply)|0}*(@{class-0-level}/2}d6)[sneak attack damage]) Where class-0 is Rogue. The question comes up fine but the output just displays: "[ (1*(4/2}d6)[sneak attack damage]) ]"
(4 levels are indeed in Class-0 so at least it's doing that right but it isn't rolling the damage.Help!
This isn't normal or expected behavior. Is this only happening on the one sheet? What you are explaining is very strange. Did you create individual new characters or make duplicates of a sheet and modify (ie template style)? If this a single character with the issues, you might create a new character and test before spending too much time on the seemingly broken one. ;-(Jeremy R. said:
Any thoughts on why the Abilities Macro %{selected|defenses} wouldn't work for a specific character? I can actually call this from one character's sheet while selecting another and it works. But I can't get it to work on the character in which it resides. The button on the character sheet itself "Defenses" does work as expected.
Edit: It's starting to happen for other abilities now as well. Could the player have screwed up the character sheet? He was entering values in last night.
I'm now also having issues where the settings button isn't working. It's getting stuck on settings, or on the character sheet unless I close the character sheet and re-open it.
You don't want to use the extra/precision damage attribute/field on the sheet for sneak attack? "precisiondmg_1" seems like a custom attribute. Where are you trying to use it? ( ie editing the full macro-text of an attack, from a custom ability macro off-sheet, within a precision damage field on-sheet, etc ). What is the value of "precisiondmg_1"?The Storyteller said:
Ok that seems to work, and I managed to alter it to get it into the {{precisiondmg_1}} global variable (I tested it out extensively and managed to get it working). Now I need to put the precision damage 1 into individual attacks. I've tried:
and I've tried it without the equal signs. I get:
Attack: 9 vs AC
Extra Dmg:
How do I get it to roll it properly
Vince said:
This isn't normal or expected behavior. Is this only happening on the one sheet? What you are explaining is very strange. Did you create individual new characters or make duplicates of a sheet and modify (ie template style)? If this a single character with the issues, you might create a new character and test before spending too much time on with the seemingly broken one. ;-(Jeremy R. said:
Any thoughts on why the Abilities Macro %{selected|defenses} wouldn't work for a specific character? I can actually call this from one character's sheet while selecting another and it works. But I can't get it to work on the character in which it resides. The button on the character sheet itself "Defenses" does work as expected.
Edit: It's starting to happen for other abilities now as well. Could the player have screwed up the character sheet? He was entering values in last night.
I'm now also having issues where the settings button isn't working. It's getting stuck on settings, or on the character sheet unless I close the character sheet and re-open it.
Vince said:
Ok. Maybe there was an import issue. IDK. James handles the HeroLab import function and might have some thoughts...
Jeremy R. said:
Have you checked the show button next to the abilities you want to show up in the chat frame?
"=[[ [[ ?{Apply sneak attack?(1 to apply)|0} ]]*[[ ceil(@{class-0-level}/2) ]]d6 ]]"Vince said:
You don't want to use the extra/precision damage attribute/field on the sheet for sneak attack? "precisiondmg_1" seems like a custom attribute. Where are you trying to use it? ( ie editing the full macro-text of an attack, from a custom ability macro off-sheet, within a precision damage field on-sheet, etc ). What is the value of "precisiondmg_1"?The Storyteller said:
Ok that seems to work, and I managed to alter it to get it into the {{precisiondmg_1}} global variable (I tested it out extensively and managed to get it working). Now I need to put the precision damage 1 into individual attacks. I've tried:
and I've tried it without the equal signs. I get:
Attack: 9 vs AC
Extra Dmg:
How do I get it to roll it properly
"the sheet tends to "lock up" at points and not allow modifications or alterations to certain aspects..."B14d3r11 said:
I myself and several of my players have noticed that the sheet tends to "lock up" at points and not allow modifications or alterations to certain aspects... this basically results in us having to recreate their characters every other week cause it disallows buffs or alterations to equipment. We have no idea what is going on, but it has happened with every single one of my player's characters and happens more often than it should... Any ideas why this is occuring?
I attached an image just to show, With buff and without its not increasing AC as it should but it is increasing Touch AC...
CB said:
I also noticed that for some reason, whenever you hit recalc, it toggles off the option for "Allow AC and CMD to use different ability scores."
some ideasB14d3r11 said:
this basically results in us having to recreate their characters every other week cause it disallows buffs or alterations to equipment. We have no idea what is going on, but it has happened with every single one of my player's characters and happens more often than it should... Any ideas why this is occuring
chris b. said:
some ideasB14d3r11 said:
this basically results in us having to recreate their characters every other week cause it disallows buffs or alterations to equipment. We have no idea what is going on, but it has happened with every single one of my player's characters and happens more often than it should... Any ideas why this is occuring
1. has anyone tried refreshing the browser, that has always cleared up the locking .
2. more than one person should not have the sheet open at a time, that has caused problems for sheets
3. before we had an issue with tabs locking on certain computers, neither we nor roll20 could figure out why till we just redid thetabs to work differently. i think this might be similar, can you:3. 1. tell us what operating systems and browsers the people with the problems are using3. 2. if my suspicion is correct it mainly happens after expanding an area or clicking a checkbox on the settings screen. can your players let us know is that is the pattern?3. 3. again if that is it, refreshing the browser will fix it, it is annoying but better than recreating a sheet.
if that is it, then the solution for the tabs was to move the checkboxes out of the labels. we'd have to do it for the other checkboxes as well.
Vince said:Even editing from inventory, the Armor and Shield won't change their values, also if you delete the armor/shield in the inventory they are still plugged in on the defense sheet... whats up with that? Even after a recalc it stayed...
You can only edit from inventory. Worn equipment (slotted items)and armor/shield(on Defense page) are read-only. Can you edit from inventory?
Here are screenshots of my sheet. i should have 52 pts including FC. it's all in there. i just can't see the code for MSR box, so i can't figure out what the discrepancy is.Vince said:
Can you give a little more detail Eric? From the Class grid, what class level or levels if you multi-class. What do you have for Skill pts/lvl? Do you have any points for Favored Class, FC Skill? Looking at the Skill Ranks section; do you have anything in the Extra Ranks macro? Maybe post a screen cap.Eric said:
Is any one else having issues with "Max Skill Ranks"? i should have 52 (according to my level section), but it says i have 97. really confused what i did wrong.
oh duh! thnxJames W. said:
Looks correct to me; you're getting 48 from your various classes, 4 from FCB, and 45 for a +3 Int mod across 15 levels.