CB said: It has been a couple of months since I last ran a game at Roll20 so I was pleased to see that a lot of updates have been done. So I am in the process of seeing what broke and needs to be fixed on the large number of character sheets in my campaign. One thing that is bugging me is that when I tried to call on the Abilities radio button as a token action (so that the relevant sheet does not need to be open), it is not working. All I wrote in the token action was %{selected|abilities}. That alone should have displayed the list of abilities on the chat screen. Instead, all I got was selected|abilities as the output. I tried @{selected|abilities} and it does not work either, stating that "No attribute could be found for @{selected|abilities}." This is not with an older character sheet, it is a brand new character sheet that I started from scratch (since I figured I would have to start all over again for the base sheets for each monster type). The radio button from within the sheet works fine, so I do not know where the problem is. And currently the sheet's configuration is not set to NPC. Although I tried that too and it did not work either. Thoughts? **Update:** Apparently, while keeping the sheet as PC, but changing the token action to %{selected|npc-abilities}, it does display the buttons on the chat screen but it does so as a public roll (even if you have the sheet configured to do rolls as whispers for both pc and monsters/npc), with the title indicating that it is NPC Abilities. This gets weirder and weirder. **Update 2:** O.k., out of curiosity, I started trying various radio buttons in the token action, with both PC and Monster/NPC rolls set to roll as whispers to the GM. So here are the results: %{selected|abilities} or @{selected}abilities} does not work. %{selected|attacks} or @{selected|attacks} does not work. %{selected|defenses} works (shows up as whisper). %{selected|skills} works (but shows up as public). %{selected}ability_checks} works (shows up as whisper) %{selected|Roll-for-initiative} works (but shows up as public) %{selected|combat_skills} work (shows up as whisper) %{selected|items} works (I think; it does show up as a whisper but states "None," presumably because that sheet has no items entered in the inventory yet). **Update 3:** O.k., I tried the above across multiple character sheets, same issue. Bug somewhere? I found a lot of these so i should get them in before Phil does the update this week. One Note: the whisper /public refers only to the individual buttons inside the menus. The menus themselves should whisper to the character (so only the one player sees them, unless they are controlling more than one). (It seems that as GM you'll still see the whisper to the character if there is no user set to control it, so this works out ) As you note certain menus are public which they should not be. almost go them all though.