@MoldyVoldy, there are lots of different ways of doing some of these macros, but editing the iterative attack macro shouldn't generally be necessary. It's definitely possible to have more than one of them in the same field. You just have to add them together. Here are a few examples of my preferred way (which generally involves a prompt asking the player if they want to use that particular feat) to handle the feats you mentioned:
Power Attack:
Melee Attack Insert Macro: ?{Power Attack?|Yes,[[ (floor(@{bab} / 4) + 1) ]]|No, 0} * -1
Damage Insert Macro (on each individual weapon): ?{Power Attack?} * 2 * @{damage_ability_mult}
Ranged Attack Insert Macro: ?{Deadly Aim?|Yes,[[(floor(@{bab} / 4) + 1)]]|No, 0} * -1
Ranged Damage Insert Macro: ?{Deadly Aim?}*2
You could combine Deadly Aim with a macro about firing into melee like this:
Ranged Attack Insert Macro: ?{Firing Into Melee|No,0|Yes,(-4)|2 sizes larger,(-2)} + (?{Deadly Aim?|Yes,[[(floor(@{bab} / 4) + 1)]]|No, 0} * -1)
Ranged Damage Insert Macro: ?{Deadly Aim?}*2
I combine my Point-Blank Shot macro with a range macro on an individual weapon basis. Here's what it looks like for a composite longbow:
Attack Insert Macro (on individual weapon): ?{Range|Up to 30 feet,1|Up to 110 feet,0|Up to 220 feet,-2|Up to 330 feet,-4|Up to 440 feet,-6|Up to 550 feet,-8|Up to 660 feet,-10|Up to 770 feet,-12|Up to 880 feet,-14|Up to 990 feet,-16|Up to 1100 feet,-18}
Damage Insert Macro (on individual weapon): {0, ?{Range}}kh1
This works (with appropriate adjustments to the range increments) for any weapon with a range increment of at least 30'.
Here's what it looks like for a range increment of 10':
Attack Insert Macro (on individual weapon): ?{Range|Up to 10 feet,1|Up to 20 feet,-1|Up to 30 feet,-3|Up to 40 feet,-6|Up to 50 feet,-8}
Damage Insert Macro (on individual weapon): [[ { [[ { (?{Range} + 4), 1}kl1 ]], 0}kh1 ]]
YMMV. These macros fit with my particular preferences, but not everyone's. There are certainly other ways they can be made to work as well. I hope you find this useful.
MoldyVoldy said:
Greetings and well met. First and foremost, thanks for the great sheet. This has made my gaming life SO much easier and enjoyable. Y'all are awesome!
All the documentation and wiki stuff is great and has gotten me a good way into the basics of the sheet. I'm tripping up on getting Insert Macros and Global Attack/Dam macros to work with iterative attacks. For instance, I throw a Power Attack macro into the Atk and Dam insert macros; it works for the primary attack, but not for the iterative. What am I missing. I'm guessing I have to edit the iterative attack macro, but I can't find what needs to be changed.
Another quick one... When using the Insert Macros, can one have more than one macro? Say, Point Blank and Deadly Aim? Is there a way to have multiple queries or do I have to break them out into different places?
Thank you very much for any help you can offer.