I had the issue with the ability menu not creating links for abilities that do not have a type, but those were resolved by indicating a type and then reverting back to N/A. However, I have been having weird issues with the spells section. First, for whatever reason, whenever I hit recalc, it gets rid of the listed spell class name for every spell that belongs to the second spell class listed (I haven't checked if this occurs for the 3rd spell class because none of my characters have 3 different spellcasting classes). Secondly, on many spells (not all of them, and I can't figure out what is the pattern here) the spell's casting time is not displayed on the chat screen when you roll it. I looked at the macro for the spells that have this issue and, sure enough, where it is supposed to have {{casting_time=@{cast-time}}}, it just shows instead {{casting_time=}} . I toggled on and off the spell options (all of them), and this doesn't fix the issue. I resolved it by going into the macro of each such time and adding in the missing piece, @{cast-time} , but sometimes, it disappears again (either that or I keep missing a spell or two, and thinking that I did fix it when I really didn't, but that would be just crazy, ;-P ). Sorry for being the bearer of bad news, :( CB