Only spells you are going to use should be added. Adding an item to a repeating section adds attributes to the sheet, which slows it down. There is no way around this.
Philo S. said:
(first time using this sheet) I'm building a cleric and adding the spells takes a very long time, and causes the page to hang for a minuet or two with dropping in from compendium. The more spells I add the worse it gets and I'm only making a level 1 cleric.
Things in bold were outputted to chat. The sheet worked normally when I last used it, and I had not made any noteable changes in the interim.
No attribute was found for @{Eda|PC-whisper}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|toggle_spell_accessible}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|toggle_rounded_flag}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|apply_specfont_chat}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|use_specfont}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|rolltemplate_color}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|header_image-pf_generic}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|spellclass-0-name}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|spellclass-0-level}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|spellclass-0-level-total}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|spellclass-0-SP-mod}
No attribute was found for @{Eda|CasterLevel-0-note}
SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|\-] or [0-9] but "E" found.
No attribute was found for @{Eda|STR-check-macro-text}
Eda: Eda|STR-check-macro-text
No attribute was found for @{Eda|STR-check-macro-text}
Eda: Eda|STR-check-macro-text
No attribute was found for @{Eda|pf_spell_example}
Eda: Eda|pf_spell_example
No attribute was found for @{Eda|pf_ability_example}
Eda: Eda|pf_ability_example
No attribute was found for @{Eda|pf_spell_example}
Eda: Eda|pf_spell_example
Leigh M. said:
I have a friend that tried the new Hero Lab exporter on their OSX (Apple) and they said it crashes Hero Labs. He sent me the Hero Lab file (.por) and it loaded and exported on my Windows machine fine. Has anyone tried it on OSX? I have used it on >10 characters without a problem but I am hesitant to update the wiki until I know it works on Mac.
You may wish to engage Wolf Lair's customer support to see if they can identify what's causing the crash; be sure to give them the link to the module, and that no one's reported it failing on Windows.Johnathan A. said:
I have OSX, and it does indeed crash my Hero Lab without fail every single time, regardless of character, class, whether it's just a monster or even just a single class level.
Thank you for taking the time to report this. Since the exporter is running just a script, the hard crash must be on their end. I will contact them and see if they can check it out.Johnathan A. said:
I have OSX, and it does indeed crash my Hero Lab without fail every single time, regardless of character, class, whether it's just a monster or even just a single class level. Too bad though, I would LOVE to have something simpler than the current JSON copy over, especially one that allows input of equipment, attacks, spells, etc. Lately I have almost more been using the Statblock Output feature of Hero Lab and copying it into the handy NPC parser.
Vince said:
This sounds similar to what Alex experienced (https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/5905006/)
Is this only happening with one character and only on one page of the game? Has the game been rolled back or copied, was this character duplicated? Just trying to determine what's up.
Vince said:
Thanks Tarreb. So is this happening to all the characters in the game?
1. Import your character using the Character Vault feature to the beta site (you will need to wait for permission to be set by a GM, we usually check the beta daily depending on updates and will assign "All players" if we notice imported characters.) and test it with the new features.
Tarreb said:
It isn't happening with a person who made a new sheet, but it does seem to be occuring with the rest.
After spending some time poking around, it looks like all of the macro fields in the attributes page got blanked, and aren't repopulating with recalculation.
Roivan said:
Is there a way to make a Buff that gives a bonus to a specific skill (Stealth in this case) instead of all of them or all of a ability type?
The Condition you're looking for is labelled "Fear (any)", because all levels of Fear effects apply the same mechanical effects, as far as stats are concerned; the only difference is if/how you run away.Alex said:
I was sitting here skimming the list looking for "shaken" and not seeing it and I resorted to "find in page" looking for shaken and nothing was coming up. :(
Vince said:
While not as intuitive as having 3 levels of fear conditions, 2 of which have no effect on the sheet... the "Fear (any)" option does include hover text like all the contiions to help explain what the condition does "Shaken/Frightened/Panicked: -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks"