There's nothing we can do about that. Many things have to be set as attributes in order for older sheets to migrate properly, so we can't even have "on" as the default for that reason. So a new sheet has a lot of attributes setup right away at the beginning. Otherwise any older sheet would automatically break when opened. The only way around it is to start a pathfinder 2 sheet, which would eliminate all the backward compatible code and fields. That would probably be a faster sheet. it's just we can barely support this one. Plus that is just a reset, since people will want new or different features, and then the config variables will start coming back. Also you should not be changing those values there. Change it either on the Settings page (the gear next to the Pathfinder logo) or if you're the GM change it on the campaign settings page so it affects all sheets. All you can do is drag those down lower. But really there are so many attributes that that tab is practically useless for finding anything, which is why we have the mouseover title text to tell you the name, and we created the "custom" page so users could create their own attributes without having to scroll down a thousand attributes to find the one they want, you just have to use the clunky "customa4" names we created. However i am working on eliminating some things that show up, because they should not be set since they are defaults, but not the config variables, those will have to stay.