Vince said:
robert d. said:
Vince said:
It looks like the parser just ignores the "+2d6" that comes directly after the text "Sneak Attack +2d6" found in the compendium's entry under the Special Attacks description and is just using the standard formula for sneak attack. Thanks for catching this and I'll add it to our bug list.robert d. said:
Something small but I do not know enough about the macros to manually fix it myself. I imported a Nabasu demon from the compendium and everything looks fine at first glance however the sneak attack is funky. According to the special ability it is says 2D6 extra damage which is accurate according to the PDF I have. However when i roll any of the attacks it is rolling 5D6 for sneak attack damage.
Workaround; manually change the formula under the Extra Damage or Attack modifiers section from [[[[floor((@{level}+1)/2)]]d6]] to [[2d6]] I might even suggest changing it to a query ie [[ ?{sneak attack?|no,0 |yes,1}*2d6 ]]
What you are saying makes sense to me I just do not see where to put it. Here is what the damage macro is saying. "[[ @{total-damage} ]] [Total] + @{toggle_damage_macro_insert} + @{damage-type_macro_insert} + @{toggle_global_damage_macro_insert}". Is the global damage macro what i should be replacing? There is also several parts talking about precision damage in the full macro but replacing those doesn't seem to change anything. I added what you gave me to the extra damage macro section and that gives me the rolls labeled as extra damage which works as a temporary fix. I do not see the attack modifies sections. That may be the missing link that i cant find to make the change you are suggesting.
You shouldn't need to adjust any of the full macro-text.
You can modify the "global" extra damage here;
And/or you can apply extra damage/precision etc. per attack using the "Extra Dmg" sub-section of the particular attack.
FYI: You can enable(reveal) additional sections on the sheet from Settings>Sheet Configuration>Advanced. I always enable all three options.
I found the problem. the section you are talking about was in the normal part of the character sheet. not the npc tab. I did not realize the NPC's and monsters still used the rest of the sheet. thank you for the help!