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[PF] Pathfinder Sheet Thread 6

June 25 (6 years ago)
I tried it with other monsters, but I used the dire rat as my example since I figured it was one of the simpler ones to migrate over. The pop-out character sheet was the issue! I had no idea that would be the cause, since I could still see the "yellow" visual from the drag-and-drop when it was popped out too. Thanks, Vince!!
June 25 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Paola R. said:

I tried it with other monsters, but I used the dire rat as my example since I figured it was one of the simpler ones to migrate over. The pop-out character sheet was the issue! I had no idea that would be the cause, since I could still see the "yellow" visual from the drag-and-drop when it was popped out too. Thanks, Vince!!
I'm not sure why it's not mentioned on the wiki, but popped-out sheets do not work with drag/drop from the compendium, drag/drop of sheet buttons to the quick bar, and couple other weird issues. ;-(
Glad you got it figured out.

June 26 (6 years ago)

Edited June 26 (6 years ago)

Something seems to have broken with the update. All of the text for macros is extremely small, and nested macros aren't working properly. They're only outputting the first macro nested in them, and they're giving me this error: 

EDIT: Nested macros are functioning for me properly now, but the text is still tiny.

June 26 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Asterism said:

Something seems to have broken with the update. All of the text for macros is extremely small, and nested macros aren't working properly. They're only outputting the first macro nested in them, and they're giving me this error: 

EDIT: Nested macros are functioning for me properly now, but the text is still tiny.

I believe this has something to do with the latest changes made on roll20 today.  After they work out all the bugs, we'll compensate for any issues on the sheet. 

June 27 (6 years ago)

I was about to say, something's off about the text but if it's something on roll20 side then I suppose not much you can do about it till things settle and then you can work stuff out. 

June 27 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Small font issue;

Bug report and more info here:

June 28 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Fix submitted for small fonts:

June 30 (6 years ago)

Edited June 30 (6 years ago)
Samuel Penn
KS Backer

Test without image, just keep getting "Page Not Found" when posting.

I'm not seeing a problem with small fonts, but 'Set Buffs' is showing buff values overlayed on top of each other when a buff is collapsed. This is on ChromeOS. 

[Edit]: Adding link to screenshot:

July 02 (6 years ago)

Edited July 02 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Samuel Penn said:

Test without image, just keep getting "Page Not Found" when posting.

I'm not seeing a problem with small fonts, but 'Set Buffs' is showing buff values overlayed on top of each other when a buff is collapsed. This is on ChromeOS. 

[Edit]: Adding link to screenshot:

Hmm.  Looks like a cool effect, but not the intended behavior. ;-P

Sorry about that.  I'll have a look and get that fixed ASAP.  Thank you for the help.

UPDATE: pr submitted

July 03 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter


I don't know if this issue already come up but the critical hit damages aren't correctly multiplied on my sheet.
The multiplier is always down by one.

Do I miss something?

Thanks ;)

July 03 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

It's because you add the additional crit damage(if crit is confirmed) to the original damage rolled.  example; with a x2 crit, you will see your original damage and if the crit is confirmed, an additional damage roll is also shown.  Just total the damage.

July 03 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Ok, I was confuse by the multiplier in the crit damage roll ;)

July 03 (6 years ago)

Edited July 03 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

PadRpg said:

Ok, I was confuse by the multiplier in the crit damage roll ;)

No worries.  It's come up before.  ;-P

July 06 (6 years ago)

So i have a multiclassed bard/skald. Trying to add half the bard and skald level to some skill checks (min 1 for each) in the misc macro field :

[[{(floor(@{class-0-level}/2)), 1}kh1 + {(floor(@{class-1-level}/2)), 1}kh1]]

i have tried with and without the [[ ]].

Both class are defined in Core. Class-0-level is 1 and class-1-level is 1 . if i type the macro in chat i get 2 (with 'selected|'), which is what i want..

I "recalc" when i make changes.

Thanks for the help!

July 06 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

@Mat, so what happens when you use your macro;

[[{(floor(@{class-0-level}/2)), 1}kh1 + {(floor(@{class-1-level}/2)), 1}kh1]]

in a Skill's "Misc Macro" field?  As a quick test, your macro works for me.

July 06 (6 years ago)

Vince said:

@Mat, so what happens when you use your macro;

[[{(floor(@{class-0-level}/2)), 1}kh1 + {(floor(@{class-1-level}/2)), 1}kh1]]

in a Skill's "Misc Macro" field?  As a quick test, your macro works for me.

Here is the result. there seems to be a problem with the misc macro field (as there is a red rectangle around it) I added additional info that may help sorting this out ...


July 06 (6 years ago)

Edited July 06 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

The red dashed border on a field indicates there's a problem resolving the value.  Usually it's a syntax error.  However, while the macro worked for me initially with no error, I did get the red dashed border when I manually did a recalc.  Something seems to be happening (or not happening) when a recalc is done.  Each recalc toggles the misc macro field good/error.  For now, try a recalc if you are seeing a red border state to see if the misc macro resolves w/out error.  I'll have to do some investigating to see what's going on and get a fix for it.

Also, have you made any changes to your skill's macro text?  On your hover it looks like there is an extra "]" for some reason.  Not sure if it's related to the misc macro or not.  I'm not seeing it on my rolls.

Thanks Vince. i do get the red border on and off too. but i'll never have the expected value in the gray "misc" box. I sometimes had "1" in that box, but never "2". 

I did have an error in my Skill Bonus Macro field and fixed it. I also tried to set "add skill bonus macro" to "No" to make sure it wasn't the combinaison of having both the bonus macro and the misc macro on,  but had the same result. For now, i'll hardcode the result of my misc macro in the field for now and will try later after an update. 

On another topic, since a couple of weeks, i've noticed the sheet is slow to react when i click a macro button (can take 10-20s before a result is displayed in chat). Also it sometimes takes a while before it's ready and i am able to click in a field to edit. Is it something related to roll20, the sheet or maybe it's only the campaign I am in ? Other players from this game are having this issue. I  just tried transmogrifying the sheet in a blank campaign and had the same issue. It's not unusable though, just a bit annoying when you're waiting for a roll result :)

Thanks for your help Vince!

Vince said:

The red dashed border on a field indicates there's a problem resolving the value.  Usually it's a syntax error.  However, while the macro worked for me initially with no error, I did get the red dashed border when I manually did a recalc.  Something seems to be happening (or not happening) when a recalc is done.  Each recalc toggles the misc macro field good/error.  For now, try a recalc if you are seeing a red border state to see if the misc macro resolves w/out error.  I'll have to do some investigating to see what's going on and get a fix for it.

Also, have you made any changes to your skill's macro text?  On your hover it looks like there is an extra "]" for some reason.  Not sure if it's related to the misc macro or not.  I'm not seeing it on my rolls.

July 07 (6 years ago)

Edited July 07 (6 years ago)

Oops sorry for the confusion but i posted with another account :)

July 07 (6 years ago)

Edited July 07 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author


It should NOT take 10-20s for a macro to roll.  That's crazy.  Should be more like 1-2s... There must be something interfering that's causing the delay.  You might want to make a bug report so that the Devs could have a look.

Some things to consider; 

  1. Extensions can cause issues, specifically, LastPass is known to cause performance issues with roll20. There may be others. These are exaggerated with the PF community sheet because of it's sheer size (number of attributes).
  2. Related to LastPasses conflicts... if you are using FF, turn off the autofill feature from settings.
  3. Limit the number of spells kept on the sheet.  Only keep your most often used/favorite spells on-sheet, and just drag/drop and remove as needed for others.  I know it's a pain, but each spell adds a crazy number of additional attributes.
  4. Use an updated browser; FF and Chrome only.  Some people use Opera(based off of chrome now I believe) but FF/Chrome is what roll20 supports.
  5. Other vtt set-ups can also cause performance issues, aFoW, dynamic lighting, 3d dice, giant maps and/or images, tons of individual tokens/images, tons of pc's and/or npc/monsters, etc.  A search on the forums for performance issues should bring up similar info and suggestions.
  6. Each person's computer set-up can also be a factor on their own in-browser performance on roll20.  Again, exaggerated by the PF community sheet's size and functions.
  7. Might try toggling your browser's Hardware Acceleration off or on.

I'm probably forgetting some other things, but you get the idea.  

July 07 (6 years ago)

I'll start with LastPass, i do have it since a couple weeks. and will dig down more if it's not better :D

July 07 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Mat said:

I'll start with LastPass, i do have it since a couple weeks. and will dig down more if it's not better :D

I'm an avid LP user and I love it.  I'm not willing to give up LP.  To make my life easier, I use an extension manager called SimpleExtManager ( to help toggle various extensions on/off.  You can set up groups of extensions that you want on/off as well depending on your activity.  Very handy extension.  I can almost guarantee that LP is causing major slow downs for you.

July 08 (6 years ago)

Edited July 08 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author


I should have noticed this earlier, but your original macro is wrapped in an inline roll which isn't allowed in the skill's misc macro field. Each macro text field has a superscript letter that can be used to identify the required syntax for a given field.  See the footer on sheet to help identify what is required for the various macro-text fields.  There may still be an issue with using multiple grouping rolls ie {a,b}kh1+{c,d}kh1 in the sheet's type (a) macro text fields.  It appears that one grouping roll can be used without throwing the red-dashed error, but if another grouping roll is added it errors.  Using multiple min(x,y) and max(x,y) in place of grouping (kl1 kh1) does seem to work and serves the same function.

Try using

max(floor((@{class-0-level})/2),1) + max(floor((@{class-1-level})/2),1)

update:  I think I found the issue where only the first grouping roll would get parsed.  I'll try and get the fix included in this weeks update cycle.


First off, I've scrolled through a few years worth of posts and your dedication to the community is impressive and appreciated.  I'm running into an error when I try to import my party's bard via the Hero Lab XML import.  Yes, I'm converting to JSON.  I've managed to import the rest of the characters in the party and quite a few NPCs, but the Bard kicks back this message:

    Cannot read property '0' of null

Any idea what's going on?  Not totally clear how I attach the XML to this post (#amateur).



July 13 (6 years ago)
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Ryan L. said:

I'm running into an error when I try to import my party's bard via the Hero Lab XML import.

Upload it to someplace like Dropbox or Google Drive and send me a link to it, and I'll take a look at it.

July 13 (6 years ago)
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Having received the XML from Ryan, it appears the issue is related to the five no-name Knowledge skills the character has; deleting them from the character allows it to import without error.  I'm going to take a closer look to see exactly where it's barfing, and see if I can't do something to fix it.

July 13 (6 years ago)
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Looks like the regex expressions I used to match the stuff in the parentheses for things like "Knowledge (religion)" didn't return anything if there was nothing inside the parentheses, which was resulting in the exception Ryan was getting.  The fix has been submitted to our repo, so it should be in the next update we push out.

July 13 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Thanks James.  I'll make sure to submit an update for next week.

July 15 (6 years ago)

Edited July 15 (6 years ago)
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

I went ahead and updated the Hero Lab import instructions on the sheet's wiki page to link to Leigh M.'s Roll20 Pathfinder export module, so users have the option of skipping the XML-to-JSON conversion.  I should mention to those who haven't gone through all 31 pages of this thread that there are reports of that export module causing the Mac OS X version of Hero Lab to crash when attempting to "Save Custom Output" using it; I reported that issue to Wolf Lair, but I don't know if they ever fixed it.

Heyo. First off, just wanted to say that what y'all have done with this character sheet is astounding. The amount of functionality and flexibility it provides is great.

Anyways, I hail from a living campaign that has a large number of players/sheets in it. Editing a sheet can... be an effort in patience. So, what I want to know is if there is a setting/way to manage our sheets to cut down on the number of input boxes on our sheets? Any other advice/suggestions you have would be much appreciated.

Also, I've been using this sheet for years now and feel like I should start giving back to it. I'm a bit rusty when it comes to working on sheets, but if one wanted to help y'all out where would you like them to help?

July 24 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

missionz3r0 said:

Heyo. First off, just wanted to say that what y'all have done with this character sheet is astounding. The amount of functionality and flexibility it provides is great.

Anyways, I hail from a living campaign that has a large number of players/sheets in it. Editing a sheet can... be an effort in patience. So, what I want to know is if there is a setting/way to manage our sheets to cut down on the number of input boxes on our sheets? Any other advice/suggestions you have would be much appreciated.

Also, I've been using this sheet for years now and feel like I should start giving back to it. I'm a bit rusty when it comes to working on sheets, but if one wanted to help y'all out where would you like them to help?

On behalf of the many sheet's authors, thanks. There have been many volunteers along the way.

There really isn't anything you can do to limit the number of attributes that are automatically created. I know Chris has revisited the sheet worker (javascript) portion of the sheet numerous times, attempting to speed things up.  It's very difficult to streamline a sheet that's been in constant development for 3+ years.  Unfortunately, without creating a new sheet, there isn't much more we can do to make the sheet more efficient. ;-(

We really need someone with good javascript and solid css/html skills. If this is something you, or anyone is interested in, just send me a PM and I'll give you more details.

Vince said:

On behalf of the many sheet's authors, thanks. There have been many volunteers along the way.

There really isn't anything you can do to limit the number of attributes that are automatically created. I know Chris has revisited the sheet worker (javascript) portion of the sheet numerous times, attempting to speed things up.  It's very difficult to streamline a sheet that's been in constant development for 3+ years.  Unfortunately, without creating a new sheet, there isn't much more we can do to make the sheet more efficient. ;-(

We really need someone with good javascript and solid css/html skills. If this is something you, or anyone is interested in, just send me a PM and I'll give you more details.

Yeah that was my fear, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. I guess the best we can do is try not to generate more repeating fields than necessary in the sheets.

August 01 (6 years ago)

Edited August 01 (6 years ago)
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

So I've been working on one of my character's attack macros, and I've noticed that it appears that there's some styling issues with ability buttons in the Description property on the pf_attack macro:

It appears that pf_ability has the same problem:

Whereas putting the button elsewhere, such as in the Attack property, makes it look like it should:

August 01 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

@James I'll have a look at it and get it in the next update.  Thanks James.

August 08 (6 years ago)
KS Backer

Hi. My group has been using the sheet for about 6 months. This past weekend during our game we noticed anyone that left the character sheet open (either as a popped out sheet or left in the main roll20 window) we'd end up getting an out of memory error in Chrome. It always happened after having the sheet open for a bit. Once I stopped opening it and just manually typed my rolls in it didn't have a problem the last 2 hours of the session. I don't know if it's related to the recent updates in Chrome that causes extra memory use.

August 08 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

I noticed chrome crashing in game for me over the weekend regardless if I had sheet(s) open...  I just figured it was my large map, lots of tokens, dynamic lighting, etc.  I don't think anything done on the sheet recently would be culprit. The exact map didn't have any crashes on our previous game the week before last.  I wasn't aware chrome updated.  Maybe that's an issue.  I'm really not sure.  ;-( 

Hi, am I the only one experiencing super sticky dice when I do attack rolls from the attack section of the PC Sheet? Also, 50% of the time macro only seems to roll damage dice (with 3D dices/in chat box result comes out right)?

August 28 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

I'm not noticing any 3d dice issues with attacks rolls made directly from the sheet.  Truth be told, the 3d dice do not integrate well with multiple simultaneous rolls within in roll template.  You can never be sure which 3d roll you are seeing since all dice are rolled at once and then the roll template determines which rolls actually apply.  

What do you mean exactly in regards to "super sticky dice"?  Slow response?

September 02 (6 years ago)

I haven't played a spellcaster using the Roll20 sheet in over a year. I remember there being a Misc. Option to modify the DC of a particular spell (because of Spell Focus, a class, feature, or whatever). The PF Community Sheet Help page indicates that the 'DC Mod' editable field exists, both with an image example (this one) as well as in the text (this section). When I view the Misc section of each of my spells, I do not see the DC Mod editable field.

These spells in particular were imported using the Compendium Drag-n-Drop, but even trying to do it manually does not reveal this option. I have the "Show More Fields" check box ticked. I can't find it. Help would be appreciated.

September 02 (6 years ago)
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There might be an additional show-more-fields you haven't checked. there are global spell ones for spell level fields, but also a checkbox just above the spell list. 
September 04 (6 years ago)

Quick question: recently we decided to run a kineticist, but we're using a modified version of burn that does half level nonlethal per burn instead of per level. Is there anywhere I can edit that burn calculation, or is that embedded in the sheet somewhere? If not its fine, I can manually track it, merely was curious if there was a spot to edit that for this sheet. 

September 04 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Shawn F. said:

Quick question: recently we decided to run a kineticist, but we're using a modified version of burn that does half level nonlethal per burn instead of per level. Is there anywhere I can edit that burn calculation, or is that embedded in the sheet somewhere? If not its fine, I can manually track it, merely was curious if there was a spot to edit that for this sheet. 

Sadly I haven't played/dm'ed a kineticist yet... I believe Chris may have played one(hence the extra kineticist section), so he'll probably chime in.

Maybe I'm wrong, while you can modify the burn available ie @{kineticistburn_macro_text}, I don't think the sheet actually handles the nonlethal damage the kineticist receives from using burn. I believe you manually apply the non-lethal already.

September 05 (6 years ago)

Edited September 05 (6 years ago)
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Shawn F. said:

 we're using a modified version of burn that does half level nonlethal per burn instead of per level. Is there anywhere I can edit that burn calculation,  

Off the top of my head:'d have to uncheck or just delete the kinetic blast damage bonus from the elemental overflow buff row, and any references to @{kineticistburn} in the damage macro buff (created pressing the "create macro" button), 

2. change the kinetic blast (not elemental overflow) damage macro to add "+[[floor((@{kineticistburn}+1)/2)]]" at the end, and just remember that the 2nd number is the nonlethal damage. You can also edit the description text of the "extra damage" fields to indicate 1st num is damage type x , 2nd num is nonlethal.

the reason to do it  separately rather than modify the Elemental Overflow buff is that buff will just add the dmg to the total, but you are adding nonlethal, a separate damage type. so you want both numbers to appear in the output.

OR, Replace 2 with : add "nonlethal kinetic dmg" and "[[1/2 burn calc]]" to the global "extra damage" and "extra crit damage" fields, it would always appear for every attack but at least then it would be on a separate line and just ignore it if you are stabbing someone with a dagger. I am not sure if extra damage appears by default or if you have to check the "show more fields"

i think that should do it. 

Actually it's a lot easier

1. change the buff calculation for Kinetic Blast Damage in the Elemental Overflow Buff to floor((@{kineticistburn}+1)/2)

2. when you choose your dropdowns and press the generate macro button, edit the damage button to remove +@{buff_dmg_kineticblast-total} from inside the [[]] brackets and into it's own bracket so the end of the damage macro looks like this:

... ]] + [[ @{buff_dmg_kineticblast-total} ]][nonlethal]
This will cause your output to put 2 numbers in the damage row. The first is regular damage, the 2nd is the nonlethal dmg.

Then delete the attacks you created already, and press create attack to re-create your new attacks.

(you can also go  in and edit all your previously created attacks, you'd have to edit the "extra dmg" and "extra crit dmg" macros the same way as above, put the damage buff at the end.

That works as long as you don't have some other source of kinetic blast damage buff.

New Roll20 user, here, this character sheet is wonderful!  I do have a question that I've been unable to find an answer for, though...

Is there any way (possibly not through the sheet itself even) to identify equipment as having a carried/not-carried state dependent on another item of equipment, so that I can track when a character has dropped their backpack to be less encumbered in combat?  (That is, is there some kind of container support available that interacts nicely with the encumbrance calculations on the sheet?)

I really like the automatic calculation of encumbrance-by-weight-carried, as that's a segment of the game that's often ignored due to teduim or complexity.  My players like to carry a lot of stuff, and will often possess enough equipment (bedrolls, rope, food, rope, camping supplies, rope, torches, rope, etc.) that they're generally walking around under a medium (or sometimes heavy) load, but have taken care to reposit most of their Standard Mundane Adventuring Gear in a container of some kind, a backpack or the like (we call them SMAG Bags), that can be easily dropped at the start of combat as a free action.  I generally house-rule that, above level 1, this free action is something that all characters can (and are assumed to) do as part of rolling initiative.  That said, I also like to track all of the weight they carry so that I can accurately track the effects of the stuff they've got if they're ambushed or otherwise find themselves in a situation where dropping things is problematic (if they're under flight over a river of molten rock, say, or underwater with no ocean floor readily apparent).

September 09 (6 years ago)

Edited September 09 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

Currently there isn't a way to change the carried state of multiple items based on whether or not another item is carried/not carried. 

You need to manually toggle the carried state per item (change location to "not carried"). 

Option 1: Pro users could create a chatsetattr api script macro to change the carried state of multiple items at once. 

Option 2: You could fake it as well by adding a negative value(how much does your backpack weigh?) to @{selected|carried-misc} found in the encumbrance>carried weight section.

Option 3: Change the setting temporarily for encumbrance to "Armor & Shield Only". (settings|sheet configuration|encumbrance).  Or, if your party uses the "drop my backpack" in combat as a rule other than the exception, maybe just change encumbrance to "Armor & Shield Only".  On the off chance they do not get to drop gear, switch encumbrance to "Armor, Shield, & Load".

September 10 (6 years ago)

Edited September 10 (6 years ago)

Both of my inventory managers make a backpack item weigh as much as the objects inside it (which are all *always* set to 'not carried').
Then I can just set a single item as 'carried' or 'not carried' without having to iterate over a bunch of items and lag up a sheet.
While I can't release the inventory managers as is for a couple reasons, here's something that should do the trick.
It assumes each character has 1 bag and just adds up all repeating weights that aren't 'carried' and setting that to the bag value.

Like this

BagId isn't case sensitive and it respects the 0/1+ quantity rules.
Just switch the bag you specified from 'carried' to 'not carried' if you need to drop it.
Run the command to add up all the not carried items in the inventory.

I've been curious, is the buff system listing customa1, etc as the modified value instead of the name of the custom attribute a bug or a limitation of the character sheet? (Shown: current on left / ideal on right)

September 10 (6 years ago)

Edited September 10 (6 years ago)

Thanks for the quick replies; I'd venture to guess that I'm in a very small minority of people interested in seeing features added to support more fine-grained encumbrance settings...  As it stands, that script seems to be rather handy, thanks!

Another entirely different question: I use Hero Lab extensively, and I'm very pleased to have found such well-developed Hero Lab import support on the sheet, but is the character-sheet import process unable to handle importing animal companions, eidolons, familiars, etc.?

Hero Lab won't permit me to export those 'minion' entities as individual characters, and the inclusion of their information in the JSON arrays that I paste in for their owner-characters is not resulting in the creation of any additional records...  Also, the API-script for HL import is giving me errors I don't feel like debugging at present.

The only other thing I can think of to try would be to see if I can extract the minion data from the JSON and doctor it up to import independently, but I'm hoping there's a more elegant way that I just haven't noticed...

September 10 (6 years ago)

Edited September 10 (6 years ago)
Sheet Author

James W. added the HL import feature of the sheet, so he's most qualified to comment on it's capabilities/limitations.  My guessing that we are limited to importing into a single sheet.  Animal companions, eidolons, familiars, etc. all need their own sheet on roll20.

September 11 (6 years ago)

new here, haven't waded through the entire thread yet so please forgive me if this has been asked before already:
I love the sheet, but the game I'm running now uses a different skill selection (many skills have been rolled together, added new, or removed entirely), is there a means to remove or replace the baked-in skills listed on the sheet?