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[PF] Pathfinder Sheet Thread 6

Matt G. said: 3rd, we confirm critical fumbles in our game so even if you roll a 1 its not earth shattering, unless you then confirm it by rolling under the enemies AC or by rolling another 1, similar to how critical success works but in reverse. Is there some way write that in to the macro? I see where it pulls from crit_confirm to roll a confirm for that, but I'm looking to add a similar roll for crit fails, and so far my google fu is failing me.  I do the same thing in games I DM, and I found the fastest way to do it is to manually edit the macro so that the attack line shows, for example, {{attack=[[ 1d20cs=1cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + @{attack_macro} ]]}} the cs>[[@{crit-target}]] is your regular critical threat and automatically rolls the confirmation as usual, and the cs=1 does the same thing for natural 1s, which are also automatically marked as autofails when you roll, making it so that the roll result shows a failed attack and a critical confirmation roll at the same time
I've just got my PCGen characters imported into the community PF sheet. I'd been bumping my head on the scripts not working with the targeted sheet for one reason or another for weeks, frankly. I finally went to Discord, the PCGen channel, and and asked.. a guy named Llisandur replied with&nbsp; @mystrzy You can try this. Drop it in outputsheets\d20\fantasy\htmlxml. csheet_roll20_HL_PF.xml.ftl 32.84 KB [ 6:54 PM ] You take the exported xml file, paste the text into " <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> " and save the results file to a&nbsp; json text file. You then open up the person's character sheet near the bottom , and paste as text from the json file into the Hero Lab import text block. Your PC is just about ready to play, the spells are organized in the correct order, under the appropriate level tabs. You'll have to massage in a few areas.. descriptions like size, weight and hair color don't make it over.. inventory has to be resorted into slots.. weapons have to be manually added with appropriate damage.. but it's pretty straight forward. Just click through all the action buttons (dice icon next to effect) your PC will take to verify proper operation. Good to go. Best wishes.&nbsp; Johnathan S. said: I am using an updated version of the old PCGen PFImport-script to import characters exported from PCGen. My coder managed to get spells imported, but for some reason the level-sorting doesn't work even though spell levels are imported. If I change the spell level using the dropdown away from the actual spell level, then back to the correct one sorting starts to work. I am noticing the same behaviour on all similar sorting-tabs (Abilities, Equipment List, etc.) Is there anything my coder can do to make it work from the get-go? Best regards.
OK, before I lose my mind I figure I will seek some help. I am trying to set up a token-specific macro to make attacks based on elements out of the character sheet, and I have copied elements of the macros out of the sheet itself (using a combo of the macros themselves and the "up arrow" trick) but no matter how many times I try the macro and make corrections, I keep getting the same error.&nbsp; TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined &nbsp;is all it says, and I have made about 100 corrects to the macro over the last week. I like the template the sheet uses but no matter what I don't seem to be able to make this work. What would be the best way to see what I am doing wrong? Thanks for the help in advance.

Edited 1589859425
Sheet Author
@David I was just about to send your post above to ( PCGen importer for Pathfinder ), but then I realized it was you.&nbsp; lol
Sheet Author
@JScot Can you post one of your macros where you are getting the error?

Edited 1589862359
Sheet Author
James W. said: Is there any reason that NPC attack macros display the PC macro text on the sheet, but use the NPC macro text (which isn't shown for editing) when rolled? This is making it impossible to customize my NPC attack macros, and is a strange inconsistency. The only reason I can see to do this is to be able to use @{NPC-whisper} instead of @{PC-whisper}, but this is already part of the roll button, so it shouldn't need to be in the macro text, too. I've done some quick testing, and it's definitely doubling up on the whisper command, it's just being hidden by the template. I think we should remove the whisper attribute from the macro text, eliminate the NPC macro text attribute, and just use the same macro text attribute for both NPC and PC roll buttons. I looked at this James and I'm not sure why there would be @{NPC-whisper} on the button as well as the npc-macro-text...&nbsp; I'll have to test and see if this was some sort of "workaround" for a forgotten pc/npc whisper conflict, but I think it would be safe to remove the extra&nbsp;&nbsp;@{NPC-whisper}. I also noted that the npc-macro-text had a display:none &nbsp;set on the textarea field for some reason, so all we see in the NPC attack is the pc macro-text.&nbsp; Again, I'm not sure why that is.&nbsp; I'm guessing that there was supposed to be a css toggle that ito hide the pc macro-text and show the npc-macro-text on the NPC/Monster attack.&nbsp; It's possible this was done in testing but just got overlooked.&nbsp; I'm not sure.&nbsp; It shouldn't be a problem to fix these.&nbsp; I've been off the PF sheet for a while with other "distractions".&nbsp; The more complicated js issues usually elude me, particularly on the PF sheet..., but I'll try and get some of the low lying fruit taken care. Cheers
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Vince said: I looked at this James and I'm not sure why there would be @{NPC-whisper} on the button as well as the npc-macro-text...&nbsp; I'll have to test and see if this was some sort of "workaround" for a forgotten pc/npc whisper conflict, but I think it would be safe to remove the extra&nbsp;&nbsp;@{NPC-whisper}. I also noted that the npc-macro-text had a display:none &nbsp;set on the textarea field for some reason, so all we see in the NPC attack is the pc macro-text.&nbsp; Again, I'm not sure why that is.&nbsp; I'm guessing that there was supposed to be a css toggle that ito hide the pc macro-text and show the npc-macro-text on the NPC/Monster attack.&nbsp; It's possible this was done in testing but just got overlooked.&nbsp; I'm not sure.&nbsp; It shouldn't be a problem to fix these.&nbsp; I've been off the PF sheet for a while with other "distractions".&nbsp; The more complicated js issues usually elude me, particularly on the PF sheet..., but I'll try and get some of the low lying fruit taken care. Cheers I don't think that it was ever supposed to switch between displaying the PC/NPC macro text, seeing as the NPC tab itself only shows up if the "Is NPC" box is checked, anyways. I would recommend changing the NPC roll button to just use the PC macro text; having the sheet maintain two separate macro texts is wasteful and confusing; people are likely to not understand that the PC and NPC macro buttons are using different macros. That said, I'd still recommend keeping the NPC macro text field for compatibility reasons, but update it to just refer to the PC macro text; I doubt anyone did , but in case they made a macro that refers to the NPC macro text, this would prevent something from breaking. TL;DNR: I recommend changing both the NPC attack button and NPC macro text to "@{NPC-whisper} @{macro-text}", and remove the "@{PC-whisper" from the PC macro text. This fixes the inconsistencies without risking breaking someone's macros.
Vince said: @JScot Can you post one of your macros where you are getting the error? Gladly Vince. I wasn't sure if that would be a good idea or even appreciated, so I figured I'd wait for someone, like yourself, to ask. Thank you very much. It is below. This is the final version I used, and still got the error. @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|PC-whisper} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|PC-whisper} &amp;{template:pf_attack} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|toggle_attack_accessible} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|toggle_rounded_flag} {{font=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|apply_specfont_chat}@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|use_specfont}}} {{scroll_desc=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|scroll-desc}}} {{color=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|rolltemplate_color}}} {{character_name=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|character_name}}} {{character_id=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=sling}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{repeating_weapon_$0_crit-target} ]] + [[ @{repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + @{repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}]] @{repeating_weapon_$0_type}}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} + [[ @{repeating_weapon_$0_crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[@{repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num} * (@{repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + ((@{repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}) * [[ @{repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]] @{repeating_weapon_$0_type}}} {{weapon_notes=@{ repeating_weapon_$0_notes}}} @{repeating_weapon_$0_iterative_attacks} {@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|macro_options} {{vs=@{repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}} {{vs@{repeating_weapon_$0_vs}=@{repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}} &nbsp;{{precision_dmg1=@{repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg1_type=@{repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_type}}} {{precision_dmg2=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg2_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_precision_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg1=@{repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg1_type=@{repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg2=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg2_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_critical_dmg_type}}} {{attack1name=@{iterative_attack1_name}}}
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
JScot S. said: Gladly Vince. I wasn't sure if that would be a good idea or even appreciated, so I figured I'd wait for someone, like yourself, to ask. Thank you very much. It is below. This is the final version I used, and still got the error. Try this: @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|PC-whisper} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|PC-whisper} &amp;{template:pf_attack} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|toggle_attack_accessible} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|toggle_rounded_flag} {{font=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|apply_specfont_chat}@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|use_specfont}}} {{scroll_desc=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|scroll-desc}}} {{color=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|rolltemplate_color}}} {{character_name=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|character_name}}} {{character_id=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=sling}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-target} ]] + [[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num}d@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}]] @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_type}}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} + [[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num} * (@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1) ]]d@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + ((@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}) * [[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]] @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_type}}} {{weapon_notes=@{ repeating_weapon_$0_notes}}} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_iterative_attacks} {@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|macro_options} {{vs=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}} {{vs@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}}&nbsp; {{precision_dmg1=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg1_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_type}}} {{precision_dmg2=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg2_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_precision_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg1=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg1_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg2=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg2_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_critical_dmg_type}}} {{attack1name=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_iterative_attack1_name}}} It looks like you forget to include the character name with the repeating weapon attributes, and you didn't treat the iterative_attack1_name as a repeating_weapon variable, like you should have.
James W. said: JScot S. said: Gladly Vince. I wasn't sure if that would be a good idea or even appreciated, so I figured I'd wait for someone, like yourself, to ask. Thank you very much. It is below. This is the final version I used, and still got the error. Try this: @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|PC-whisper} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|PC-whisper} &amp;{template:pf_attack} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|toggle_attack_accessible} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|toggle_rounded_flag} {{font=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|apply_specfont_chat}@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|use_specfont}}} {{scroll_desc=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|scroll-desc}}} {{color=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|rolltemplate_color}}} {{character_name=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|character_name}}} {{character_id=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=sling}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-target} ]] + [[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num}d@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}]] @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_type}}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} + [[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num} * (@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1) ]]d@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + ((@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}) * [[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]] @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_type}}} {{weapon_notes=@{ repeating_weapon_$0_notes}}} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_iterative_attacks} {@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|macro_options} {{vs=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}} {{vs@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}}&nbsp; {{precision_dmg1=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg1_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_type}}} {{precision_dmg2=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg2_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_precision_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg1=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg1_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg2=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg2_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_critical_dmg_type}}} {{attack1name=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_iterative_attack1_name}}} It looks like you forget to include the character name with the repeating weapon attributes, and you didn't treat the iterative_attack1_name as a repeating_weapon variable, like you should have. James, thank you for your help on this. Other than a few missing additions of the character name (there are a lot, so missing one or two is complete understandable) this seems to be an improvement. But I am still having some issues. The error is different but I am not sure where to look for the issue. Please see below for the macro and the error appears to be related to the MACRO_OPTIONS. The attack and damage are working, and I added a weapons note to test that and it worked fine. But it is displaying "{buff notes" between the Damage and Notes part of the template. I suspect that {buff notes is part of the MACRO OPTIONS (based on seeing it appear as part of the "up arrow" trick test i did previously) but I cannot identify where on the sheet the macro option is to see what it might consist of. @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|PC-whisper} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|PC-whisper} &amp;{template:pf_attack} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|toggle_attack_accessible} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|toggle_rounded_flag} {{font=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|apply_specfont_chat}@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|use_specfont}}} {{scroll_desc=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|scroll-desc}}} {{color=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|rolltemplate_color}}} {{character_name=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|character_name}}} {{character_id=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=sling}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-target} ]] + [[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} ]]]]}} {{damage=[[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num}d@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}]] @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_type}}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_attack_macro} + [[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-dice-num} * (@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1) ]]d@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage-die} + ((@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_damage_macro}) * [[ @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]] @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_type}}} {{weapon_notes=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_notes}}} @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_iterative_attacks} {@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_macro_options} {{vs=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}} {{vs@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_vs}}}&nbsp; {{precision_dmg1=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg1_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_precision_dmg_type}}} {{precision_dmg2=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg2_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_precision_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg1=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg1_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_critical_dmg_type}}} {{critical_dmg2=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg2_type=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|global_critical_dmg_type}}} {{attack1name=@{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_iterative_attack1_name}}} (a few additional things... 1) THANK YOU! 2) this is not time sensitive, so if there is need to wait I can be patient 3) I am curious how you put the macro in a box on this forum, that would make these posts cleaner for others to read)
Sheet Author
James W. said: I don't think that it was ever supposed to switch between displaying the PC/NPC macro text, seeing as the NPC tab itself only shows up if the "Is NPC" box is checked, anyways. I would recommend changing the NPC roll button to just use the PC macro text; having the sheet maintain two separate macro texts is wasteful and confusing; people are likely to not understand that the PC and NPC macro buttons are using different macros. That said, I'd still recommend keeping the NPC macro text field for compatibility reasons, but update it to just refer to the PC macro text; I doubt anyone did , but in case they made a macro that refers to the NPC macro text, this would prevent something from breaking. TL;DNR: I recommend changing both the NPC attack button and NPC macro text to "@{NPC-whisper} @{macro-text}", and remove the "@{PC-whisper" from the PC macro text. This fixes the inconsistencies without risking breaking someone's macros. This makes sense now.&nbsp; Thinking back, I believe we changed the sheet from using separate pc and npc repeating sections into just sharing repeating fieldsets. (hence the use of&nbsp; display:none )&nbsp; &nbsp;

Edited 1589935170
Sheet Author
JScot S. said: (a few additional things... 1) THANK YOU! 2) this is not time sensitive, so if there is need to wait I can be patient 3) I am curious how you put the macro in a box on this forum, that would make these posts cleaner for others to read) macro_options is a hidden attribute on the sheet that includes notes for buffs and conditions {{buff_note=@{buff_attack_notes}}} {{condition_note=@{condition_attack_notes}}} looking at your macro above it looks like there's an errant "{" right before the macro_options call. { @{Narsus Hillan Sacero|repeating_weapon_$0_macro_options} remove that, and it should fix the issue with "{buff notes" You can use a "code box" in your forum post by selecting the first dropdown from the top menu and choosing " Code ".&nbsp; Cheers
Vince and James, that was exactly what I needed to fix this issue. I still have some things to work out for additional options but I had already tinkered with those and know how to add them. I really appreciate the assistance. I do expect that I may have more questions as my quest to learn continues but I will definitely pass any of this information that is helpful to my friends as well. Thank you very much.

Edited 1589984140
Hi, there is a question I am looking to find an answer for: I use the Community Sheet, but for certain NPCs the list of abilities gets waaaay to long and it becomes difficult to stay on top of everthing and remember all the little things a creature can do. The NPC tab and the most compact view I can get doesn't really help since I still have to scroll a long way down. Is there a way to get a One-Screen-View of everything a GM wants to know? A good example would be the NPC version of the Roll20-Pathfinder Sheet. Is there something similar for the Community version? As a reference, the NPC Version from the Roll20 PF Sheet:

Edited 1590262409
I just love the Hero Lab products for characters and NPC's, but wonder why I can't seem to import an encounter into an NPC/monster sheet? I only do a single monster, thinking multiple won't import into a single sheet. I understand the process of conversion from an xml file to a json, and have done so many times. I have also tried to drag and drop the monster from the bestiary, and it doesn't fill out the NPC sheet (yes, I have setting for the campaign set to NPC sheets, since my characters have all been imported already). Please help?
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Dikus Maximus said: I just love the Hero Lab products for characters and NPC's, but wonder why I can't seem to import an encounter into an NPC/monster sheet? I only do a single monster, thinking multiple won't import into a single sheet. I understand the process of conversion from an xml file to a json, and have done so many times. I have also tried to drag and drop the monster from the bestiary, and it doesn't fill out the NPC sheet (yes, I have setting for the campaign set to NPC sheets, since my characters have all been imported already). Please help? As far as importing monsters/NPCs from Hero Lab, just do it like you would for a PC, then make sure "Is NPC" is checked in the character's Settings; all the stats used for PCs should also be used for NPCs. As for drag-and-dropping monsters from the Compendium, unfortunately the community sheet currently does not support this with monsters from the paid Bestiaries, only the free Compendium entries. The data structure for the Bestiaries are different, and the sheet hasn't been updated to support it, largely because anyone interested in doing have to pay for the content to test it with.
I was wondering if it was possible for whenever we create a new attribute or ability on the Attributes &amp; Abilities tab of the character sheet to have that newly created attribute or ability show up at the top of the page instead of at the bottom of the page? Granted, I could use the Ctrl + F to use the Find function but I like having newly created attributes for class features that improves at specific levels or is shared/improved by multiple classes (an example is sneak attack) at the top of the page for easy updating. Just a thought.&nbsp; :)
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Unfortunately, sheet html can't control that.
spent about 3 hours wracking my brains on this, so before i just give up, i guess i'll ask here. i'm trying to insert this into my weapon attack roll, but the only editable field i can see for that is "attack mods (a)" [[?{attack|deadly&amp;pbs,-1|deadly,-2|pbs,1|none,0}]] only i can't, or at least it won't calculate it. managed to easily (in seconds) insert a similar line for damage, because there were a plethora of places to insert that- "extra damage or attack modifiers" for global, and the actual attack itself both had "extra non-crit dmg" available... which makes me wonder, is the attack side of that just simply broken, or am i just losing my mind?
Sheet Author
There are 4 different types of "macro-enabled" fields on the sheet.&nbsp; These fields include a "type" (a,b,c,d) next to them.&nbsp; A key in the footer of the sheet explains what type of data each field accepts.&nbsp; You are are trying to enter a query and an inline roll macro into a field that must resolve "on-sheet".&nbsp; Basically these types of fields can only take pure math calculations, which might/might not also include attributes names in the calculation.&nbsp; Your query can only be resolved in chat when a roll is made, so it must get placed into an appropriate field.&nbsp; Each attack row has an 'Add-to-roll' Macros sub-section with an&nbsp;'Add to Attack' Macro:(c) &nbsp;field.&nbsp; You can enter your query there if you only need to use it for the one attack.&nbsp; If you want to apply it globally, you can use&nbsp;Extra Damage or Attack Modifiers section found on the attacks tab just before Attacks. Note: if you do not see these sections, go to settings|sheet configuration|advanced| and enable the checkboxes to reveal additional sections on the sheet.
I have a player with Furious Focus and I can't for the life of me figure out how to negate the penalty on his first attack with power attack. Anyone have any idea how to pull it off? I figure it'd be easiest to just inverse the power attack penalty macro and turn it into a bonus but I have no idea how to apply it to only that first attack.&nbsp;

Edited 1591361988
Sheet Author
Given some common queries for handling power attack (attack penalty and damage bonus); Power Attack - attack penalty -[[ ?{Power Attack?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4)) ]] Power Attack - 2h damage bonus [[ ?{Power Attack?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4))*3 ]] or if you want a 1h or 2h query, use; [[ ?{Power Damage?|No,0|1H,[[2+[[floor(@{bab}/4)*2]]]]|2H,[[3+[[floor(@{bab}/4)*3]]]]} ]] instead. I'll use the 2h damage macro above for the example below. On the primary attack, you can simply include a power attack query to add additional damage only since Furious focus negates the penalty on the first attack.&nbsp; Then, on the primary attack and each iterative replace all instances of "@{damage_macro}" with "@{damage_macro}+[[ ?{Power Attack?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4))*3 ]]" On iterative attacks replace all instances of "@{attack_macro}" with "@{attack_macro}-[[ ?{Power Attack?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4)) ]]" Hope this helps. EDIT/UPDATE:&nbsp; (thought after a nights rest...) it is probably easier to add your power attack query for attack and damage globally(section found above attacks), but then edit the primary attack macro-text to add the query penalty for attacks instead of subtracting it. Ie "@{attack_macro}+[[ ?{Power Attack?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4)) ]]"&nbsp;
I'm new to Pathfinder on roll20 - switched the " Rise of the Runekeepers " module character sheets to "Pathfinder Community Sheet" to allow me to use the "Pathfinder Companion Script". I have not turned any scripts on yet, all I have done is change the character sheet to this one. All of the monsters (populating the map for this module) character sheets are now blank. How do I fix this?&nbsp;

Edited 1591359964
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Unfortunately the community sheet is not compatible with the pre made modules. Some data may have been overwritten when you switched. I would recommend remaking a game from the module and staying with the official sheet, or manually convert the monsters.
For ConCurrent this weekend, a player is asking if it's possible to list more than 6 classes. Specifically we're playing all for immortality, and they need to be able to enter 14 separate classes apparently.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Nope, six is the maximum. I can't even conceive of a build where you'd use 6 classes let alone 14. That character is going to have just a single level in each class (maybe 2 in a couple of they're over level 14). And, while this isn't the place for rules discussions, it might be worth double checking the legality of their character for ability score. Also, since pfs doesn't use fractional advancement for Bab/saves afaik, their saves are probably going to be through the roof, while their bab could potentially be 0.

Edited 1592744873
JScot S. said: OK, before I lose my mind I figure I will seek some help. I am trying to set up a token-specific macro to make attacks based on elements out of the character sheet, and I have copied elements of the macros out of the sheet itself (using a combo of the macros themselves and the "up arrow" trick) but no matter how many times I try the macro and make corrections, I keep getting the same error.&nbsp; TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined &nbsp;is all it says, and I have made about 100 corrects to the macro over the last week. I like the template the sheet uses but no matter what I don't seem to be able to make this work. What would be the best way to see what I am doing wrong? Thanks for the help in advance. Could you share the updated PCGen export to XML template that your coder friend created? I'm trying to do this as well. As for spell sorting by level -- just guessing here -- maybe its a type error? Maybe the exporter is trying to export the spell level value as a string as opposed to an integer? EDIT: Sorry, I should say, "the updated PFImport javascript" that your coder developed. The above workflow that you outlined does still work -- one caveat, it doesn't seem to work if the Community Sheet is set to 'NPC' -- but alas, no spells. Thanks again to the developer of this sheet, it is excellent. I think this thread should be pinned.
Is there a way to make shield bonuses apply to touch AC? I'm not finding anything in the settings or backend, but not really sure what i'm doing.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
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Compendium Curator
We'll, the sheet is built to support RAW. I'm not aware of any way to get a shield bonus to apply against touch attacks. Even the shield spell doesn't do this, it simply applies to a specific subset of touch effects caused by incorporeal entities.
There's a number of 3pp ways to have shield apply to touch. I guess i'll just use an equivalent touch-specific bonus to make it work.
hi, i seem to be having an issue where ranged attack insert macro isn't applying to the first attack, but is applying to additional attacks. damage macro is applying properly though.
I'm trying to set an attribute (any attribute) on a character sheet to match an incrementing value in the turn tracker.&nbsp; When I put&nbsp; @{tracker|Item Name}&nbsp; in the attribute, I can't call the attribute and get a value.&nbsp; When I put it in an ability macro, it works properly.&nbsp; What I'd like to do is have the value also show up in a token bar by calling the attribute, but so far all I've been able to get is unprocessed macro text or nothing.&nbsp; How do I properly nest this call in an attribute call?&nbsp; I've tried html replacement for the closing bracket, but that hasn't worked either.
Scott C.
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Unfortunately, what you're trying isn't possible without an API script Pete. You might look at some of the combat management scripts to see if they can help, but to get exactly what you described is going to need a custom script I think.

Edited 1593370760
Sheet Author
joshua c. said: hi, i seem to be having an issue where ranged attack insert macro isn't applying to the first attack, but is applying to additional attacks. damage macro is applying properly though. Hi Joshua, I'm not able to reproduce this as either a global insert ie @{global_ranged_macro_insert} or a "per-attack" insert macro ie @{repeating_weapon_$X_attack_macro_insert}...&nbsp; Can you post the exact value you are using in the attack_macro_insert field?&nbsp; Do you experience the same issue on other attacks? Thanks

Edited 1593405215
?{attack|deadly&amp;pbs,-1 deadly&amp;pbs|deadly,-2 deadly|pbs,1 pbs|none,0} gif of roll results <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> value of 13 for roll 1, 7 for roll 2, 12 for roll 3 should have been 12/7/12 instead blanking out range attack insert macro results in the proper value for everything (13/8/13) replacing macro with value of -1 shows same result of 13/7/12 character has been exported to this table for your perusal, should you desire it <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> i certainly hope that i'm just oblivious to something.
Is there any way to toggle ACP for individual skills? The big one I'm looking at is ride on cavaliers.
Sheet Author
McBeardly said: Is there any way to toggle ACP for individual skills? The big one I'm looking at is ride on cavaliers. There isn't, but you could add a modifier to your Ride skill that negates any ACP. ie "abs(@{selected|acp})" There are other methods as well; Use a query and adjust as needed.&nbsp; (prompts for all skill rolls) You could also edit a skill's macro-text and just include the adjustment.&nbsp; Hope this helps.
Sheet Author
joshua c. said: i certainly hope that i'm just oblivious to something. I think the global range attack query may have a few syntax errors. Try changing this; ?{attack|deadly&amp;pbs,-1 deadly&amp;pbs|deadly,-2 deadly|pbs,1 pbs|none,0} to ?{attack|deadly&amp;pbs,-1|deadly,-2|pbs,1|none,0} I updated your pc in the test game.
....i just realized that i looked at the first test roll too quickly and i've just wasted our time :/ really sorry about that, it was my GM that brought it up to me and i didn't look as closely as i should have
Sheet Author
No worries. Been there. Done that. ;-)
Hi there -- apologies for the dumb question. I copied the JNOS file to the "Bio and Info" tab of my character sheet (there is no "Settings" button) and nothing is happening. Is there supposed to be a settings button that I am not seeing?&nbsp;

Edited 1593779949
Kuriin said: Hi there -- apologies for the dumb question. I copied the JNOS file to the "Bio and Info" tab of my character sheet (there is no "Settings" button) and nothing is happening. Is there supposed to be a settings button that I am not seeing?&nbsp; There is a settings button, towards the top of the character sheet. It looks like a crosshairs. Click that so that it becomes blue. Then scroll waaay to the bottom and open the 'HeroLab Import' section. You may have to hit a sideways arrow to make it open up. When you paste the JSON data into the field you may have&nbsp; to wait a bit, the import can take some time depending on the size of the JSON data. Afterwards I find that you will have to categorize and equip and equipment that was imported, and then also create defenses and attacks based upon that gear. It's not a perfect process, but it works with a little finagling and saves a load of time. One point that I had not realized is that this does NOT seem to work if the 'Is NPC' box is checked. Seems to work only for characters. EDIT: This is absolutely NOT a dumb question.

Edited 1593780298
Wow, thank you for the fast reply. I haven't used Roll20 in quite some time, so I am relearning this. Do I need to be a paying member to use this? Or does the GM need to have the "Pathfinder Character Sheet" code saved in order to use this? Edit: This is what I see edit 2: Ok, my best guess is that the GM hasn't put in the PF Sheet code from Github for the game. (Is this a paying member thing only?)
Kuriin said: Wow, thank you for the fast reply. I haven't used Roll20 in quite some time, so I am relearning this. Do I need to be a paying member to use this? Or does the GM need to have the "Pathfinder Character Sheet" code saved in order to use this? Edit: This is what I see. That's not the correct sheet. In order for this to work you need to specify (at the Game Settings Level, around the screen where you hit the 'Launch Game' button) which character sheet you will be using for your game. I think it's called 'Config Game' or something like that. You want to choose the 'Pathfinder Community Sheet'. Also, another sticking point, make sure you are exporting using the custom export sheet for PCGen found here:&nbsp; csheet_roll20_HL_PF.xml.ftl It needs to go into the proper folder in PCGen, and then when you export the data, it must be the export sheet that you use, otherwise it won't work.
Thank you so much for your help! I let the GM know.:)
Kuriin said: Thank you so much for your help! I let the GM know.:) You're very welcome. Yes, the GM has to specify the Pathfinder Community Sheet. It's got a learning curve, but worth the climb!

Edited 1593781759
Just tried it on one of my old games that I used to be a GM of. WOW! I remember back in 2014 on Roll20, Herolab imports were the stuff of DREAMS and it finally worked. It's even easier now than before! Love it!! Thank you guys!&nbsp;
Is it possible to get the current deflection bonus part of the AC? I want to add a note for smite evil that lists the correct amount of AC to add vs the smite target (cha-mod - current_deflection_bonus)
I've just gotten into using Herolab since I'm doing a high-power mythic game. Trying to import a level 20 / mythic rank 10 character into HL and whilst her spells and items import correctly, there's nothing in her feats/class features section. I'm not really keen on having to manually write all of that in.&nbsp; Here's a quick pastebin of the XML version of her sheet. I've tried using the direct JSON export to roll20, and exporting as XML and converting using CodeBeautify.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; My suspicion is that there's too much and Roll20's going "okay, what" - but if that's the case, how can I avoid this sort of scenario?&nbsp;
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hanhula said: I've just gotten into using Herolab since I'm doing a high-power mythic game. Trying to import a level 20 / mythic rank 10 character into HL and whilst her spells and items import correctly, there's nothing in her feats/class features section. I'm not really keen on having to manually write all of that in.&nbsp; Here's a quick pastebin of the XML version of her sheet. I've tried using the direct JSON export to roll20, and exporting as XML and converting using CodeBeautify.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; My suspicion is that there's too much and Roll20's going "okay, what" - but if that's the case, how can I avoid this sort of scenario?&nbsp; When the sheet doesn't import an entire section like this, it's pretty much always caused by something unexpected going on in the XML. I'm investigating.