happened again yesterday and right now ( but i was wise, i saved the text in a file). i wrote a huge text yesterday and when i sended, error. I had put images with the problems and detailed explanations and another bug.
BUT, it's not a problem because I think i found something that works perfectly.
Beggining again. My objective is change condition throuht chat commands. I had this idea in the wiki of the sheet in the buff section, even in conditions sections talk nothing about it. I tryied the same command that works fine for buffs and functioned partially for conditions.
Eg, for entangled: !setattr --sel --condition-entangled|[[1-@{selected|condition-Entangled}]]. This command changed condition Entangled to 1 ou to 0 because 1 is the number for a buff activation and 0 is the number for deactivation. When i use this command, i have only -2 em dextery, miss the -2 in dextery, -2 in attacks and half speed and the button still off. Searching in "Attributes & abilities" section of the sheet, i found when i put Entangled condition manually, the value for "condition-entangled" is 2. So, a try the macro : !setattr --sel --condition-Entangled|2 and work perfectly exactly like put mannuali, included the button on.
From there i try ach condition and found the respectivly correct number with the macro: !setattr --sel --condition-XXXXX|Z
Blinded>2, Cowering>2, Dazed>1, Dazzled>1, Deafened>4, Drained>any number, Entangled>2, Exhausted>3, Fascinated>4, Fatigued 1, Grappled 2, Invisible>2, Nauseated>1, Pinned>4, Prone>1, Fear>2, Sickened>2, Stunned>2,
At first sight is working very well.
With buffs i cant do this beacuse the identifier of each is variable. I will make manually for each one. eg, blees: !modattr --sel --HP-temp|[[d8+1]] --buff_attack-total|1