There is a feature from the official sheet you should steal. When they link a spell, it puts the description in its own scrollable box, so that it doesnt completely blow up the chat. Loooks like you just change the output template formatting.
David L. said:
There is a feature from the official sheet you should steal. When they link a spell, it puts the description in its own scrollable box, so that it doesnt completely blow up the chat. Loooks like you just change the output template formatting.
I'm not sure i follow what "row 427" is in reference to...Phil. H. said:
i try to translate the de.json, and now i have the question how the row 427 ("skills-list": "acrobatics,.......) must be organized. Must it be in german translated order or in english original order?
Phil. H. said:
i try to translate the de.json, and now i have the question how the row 427 ("skills-list": "acrobatics,.......) must be organized. Must it be in german translated order or in english original order?
Phil. H. said:
Hello there.
Here is a screenshot from the current translation.json:
So my question for the translation row 427 ("skills-list": "acrobatics,.......): must it be in alphabetic order german translated or must it be in english but in alphabetic order like in german.
(As Mods can't move the message, I'll answer here).Phil. H. said:
Hello there.
Here is a screenshot from the current translation.json:
So my question for the translation row 427 ("skills-list": "acrobatics,.......): must it be in alphabetic order german translated or must it be in english but in alphabetic order like in german.
"skills-list": "acrobatics,spellcraft,craft,craft-rep,bluff,knowledge_arcana,knowledge_dungeoneering,knowledge_engineering,knowledge_geography,knowledge_history,knowledge_local,knowledge_nature,knowledge_nobility,knowledge_planes,knowledge_religion,knowledge-rep,disguise,diplomacy,stealth,handle_animal,ride,climb,sleight_of_hand,appraise,escape_artist,intimidate,linguistics,swim,perception,heal,profession,profession-rep,sense_motive,perform,perform-rep,disable_device,survival,use_magic_device,fly,custom-rep",
Couple things to check for this issue, have you changed your encumbrance options from the settings page? Make sure you pick one of the options that includes armor/shield otherwise ACP and Max Dex is ignored. On the Defense tab|Armor Penalties section, is the total ACP correct? If not, did you remember to "Set Armor" after you made adjustments to the armor attributes on the Equipment tab? Is the armor equipped?Jake W. said:
So I found a bug, that might or might not be known. It doesn't seem like the current version of the sheet is factoring in ACP for armor, at least with NPCs. I set up the ACP pentalty as a negative number (e.g. -3) in the armor's ACP box in the equipment tab, set it as armor, recalculated the sheet and it doesn't apply the pentalty to ACP checks like Swim and Climb.
Vince said:
There isn't any known issues other than maybe Lastpass causing major slow downs and/or crashes with roll20. Our group uses the community sheet weekly with lots of macro queries without issue... Maybe check extensions and if using FF, disable the autofill option from the browser settings.
Supposedly Roll20 fixed this so that FF users wouldn't have to worry about disabling autofill... glad that fixed things for you.exelsisxax said:
Vince said:
There isn't any known issues other than maybe Lastpass causing major slow downs and/or crashes with roll20. Our group uses the community sheet weekly with lots of macro queries without issue... Maybe check extensions and if using FF, disable the autofill option from the browser settings.
Disabled autofill and instead of 10+ second delays it's all instant, thanks for the fix.
Vince said:
There isn't a way to buff a single skill, but you can add a query to Intimidate specifically " +?{feral mutagen?|yes,2|no,0} " in the macro-text of the skill. You could also include a general query for all skills under Skill Options|Add Skill Bonus macro " ?{modifier?|0} [mod] "
Check your Skill Options to see if you are using "Enforce Requires Training?" If so, UMD will only show in the chat menu if you have a rank in it. You'll need to remove the additional UMD macro you added in the full macro-text to test/resolve what is happening though since it will override the sheet's mechanics for showing skills in the chat menu.
Vince said:
Most of the inputs and macro-text fields ( other than the a,b,c,d types that are empty and require user input ) have default value/macros that will auto-populate with their defaults if you delete them. Deleting/reseting an imput is a good way to start over with a macro if you messed something up. You can always keep a text doc offline that has your most common macros. I do this when helping players with various mechanisms for spells, feats, class features/abilities, etc.
That doesn't sound right. Which fields are you referring to specifically? Can you post a screen shot? Thanks
Not as an option. I believe we have crit confirm optional as a future feature request though. You can manually addDaniel W. said:
Is there a way to prevent attack macros from automatically rolling to confirm critical hits? Thanks.
{{crit_confirm=}} {{crit_damage=}} {{critical_dmg1=}} {{critical_dmg1_type=}} {{critical_dmg2=}} {{critical_dmg2_type=}}to the end of your attack's macro-text to hide all crit info. Or just ignore the crit info. :-P
Vince said:
My guess. I assume you manually created some(or all) of those attributes? I know that at some of those(NPC skills macro text specifically) are hidden inputs on the sheet and would not show on the attributes list. I believe if you manually create an attribute of the same name as a hidden attribute on the sheet it will get overwritten by the sheet when it recalcs for whatever reason. I would suggest only editing the available attributes from within the sheet to prevent conflicts. For NPC skills you do not have all the macro-text access you have as a PC. If you need more control over your NPC skills, you can use the PC side of the sheet. (set PC and NPC to whisper in settings if desired).
Dual wield;
Is the BAB high enough?
I've played around a little, but I'm not able to generate those NPC attributes. ;-( You might have to post the exact steps to reproduce. Regardless, you can just use the sheet like a PC for your familiar/animal companions. Much more customization on the PC side of the sheet. Most attributes are common regardless if it's a PC or NPC/monster. Is there something in particualr you are trying to do?Luca said:
Vince said:
My guess. I assume you manually created some(or all) of those attributes? I know that at some of those(NPC skills macro text specifically) are hidden inputs on the sheet and would not show on the attributes list. I believe if you manually create an attribute of the same name as a hidden attribute on the sheet it will get overwritten by the sheet when it recalcs for whatever reason. I would suggest only editing the available attributes from within the sheet to prevent conflicts. For NPC skills you do not have all the macro-text access you have as a PC. If you need more control over your NPC skills, you can use the PC side of the sheet. (set PC and NPC to whisper in settings if desired).
Dual wield;
Is the BAB high enough?
I am pretty sure I didn't create anything. I had some buttons tagged as "PC" and some as "NPC", I used the second for my familiar but it is almost a new sheet... and I've tried with a random imported monster: after modifying some of the skills (like adding a Foo misc skill) and dragging+clicking those NPC buttons, all those NPC-[...]-macro appears.
About the dual wield, I am trying to create a full natural attack with 1 bite and 2 claws, but I keep obtaining a 1 bite - 1 claw - 1 bite. Maybe it simply won't work for the natural attacks...
Vince said:
I've played around a little, but I'm not able to generate those NPC attributes. ;-( You might have to post the exact steps to reproduce. Regardless, you can just use the sheet like a PC for your familiar/animal companions. Much more customization on the PC side of the sheet. Most attributes are common regardless if it's a PC or NPC/monster. Is there something in particualr you are trying to do?Luca said:
Vince said:
My guess. I assume you manually created some(or all) of those attributes? I know that at some of those(NPC skills macro text specifically) are hidden inputs on the sheet and would not show on the attributes list. I believe if you manually create an attribute of the same name as a hidden attribute on the sheet it will get overwritten by the sheet when it recalcs for whatever reason. I would suggest only editing the available attributes from within the sheet to prevent conflicts. For NPC skills you do not have all the macro-text access you have as a PC. If you need more control over your NPC skills, you can use the PC side of the sheet. (set PC and NPC to whisper in settings if desired).
Dual wield;
Is the BAB high enough?
I am pretty sure I didn't create anything. I had some buttons tagged as "PC" and some as "NPC", I used the second for my familiar but it is almost a new sheet... and I've tried with a random imported monster: after modifying some of the skills (like adding a Foo misc skill) and dragging+clicking those NPC buttons, all those NPC-[...]-macro appears.
About the dual wield, I am trying to create a full natural attack with 1 bite and 2 claws, but I keep obtaining a 1 bite - 1 claw - 1 bite. Maybe it simply won't work for the natural attacks...
Chris posted some instructions here that might help with creating a full natural attack.
Joshua F. said:
Xathos, here's something I used as GM to roll skills for any token, so PCs would be included:
/w GM @{selected|NPC-skills-macro} {{whisper=@{selected|NPC-whisper}}} {{switch=~@{selected|character_id}|skills}}
Let me know how that works out.
"spells zeroing out"... Can you elaborate? Maybe post a screenshot.Monique said:
I'm going to admit that I don't know how to search threads, let alone 6 of them, for an answer to a question I'm sure that's been asked. So although it's in bad form I'll just ask it again.
Does anyone know a fix for spells zeroing out after every update? Seems to happen to me everytime but my GM says it doesn't happen to them. Happens to the Summoner in the party too. I'm playing Sorc, not that I guess it probably matters to the sheet any.
Do you mean you created extra attacks(repeating rows) and you want to delete them? You can use the "hamburger" icon found after the last repeating row, bottom right side. Hit that, then you can delete or rearrange any repeating row.Daniil said:
How do I delete buttons for attacks I accidentally made duplicates of?
Joshua F. said:
That is sadly beyond my current ability. I don't know what toggles seeing the bonuses vs. not seeing them.
Anyone able to chime in on that?
Something I'd like to work out eventually is a full party roll macro like the Perception one, but with a query for all skills so I can do quick Knowledge, Sense Motive, etc.
I made one of those a long time ago. Not sure if it still works with the most up to date sheet, though it does lack any misc created skills, extra professions/performs/crafts, and Artistry and Lore. The last two (Artistry and Lore) are easier to add in, while the former ones are not so without just having a lot of empty options on the dropdown.Luca said:
Joshua F. said:
That is sadly beyond my current ability. I don't know what toggles seeing the bonuses vs. not seeing them.
Anyone able to chime in on that?
Something I'd like to work out eventually is a full party roll macro like the Perception one, but with a query for all skills so I can do quick Knowledge, Sense Motive, etc.
So probably I'll stick with two macros, for now...
about the second point, maybe a superlong ?{ --- } stuff works... I am going to try it later, let's see what happens
Vince said:
Do you mean you created extra attacks(repeating rows) and you want to delete them? You can use the "hamburger" icon found after the last repeating row, bottom right side. Hit that, then you can delete or rearrange any repeating row.Daniil said:
How do I delete buttons for attacks I accidentally made duplicates of?
If this is an attack button you dragged to the quickbar, you can hover over the quickbar button and grab the buttons handle that appears along the button's right margin and simply drag up and off the quickbar and release.
Scott C. said:
That menu is based off of your repeating attack section. Simply delete the extra items from your attacks and you'll be good.
Sure. I realize reading it back I didn't really make it clear enough.Vince said:
"spells zeroing out"... Can you elaborate? Maybe post a screenshot.Monique said:
I'm going to admit that I don't know how to search threads, let alone 6 of them, for an answer to a question I'm sure that's been asked. So although it's in bad form I'll just ask it again.
Does anyone know a fix for spells zeroing out after every update? Seems to happen to me everytime but my GM says it doesn't happen to them. Happens to the Summoner in the party too. I'm playing Sorc, not that I guess it probably matters to the sheet any.