Hey, I'm trying to add a few macros to my ranger's character sheet, but I'm having trouble understanding some of them. So far, I've been able to work pretty well just by copying the example macros on roll20 wiki for Pathfinder Community Sheet, but my understanding is nearing its limit.
So, the ranger has following feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim. In addition, he of course has a Favorite Enemy. And he has a Bane longbow.
Point Blank Shot works well enough. Under All Attack Macros for Ranged Attack Insert Macro, I have: (And its companion macro for damage)
[[ ?{Target within 30 ft?|No, 0|Yes, 1} ]]
Favorited enemy is under Global Attack Insert Macro (And its companion macro for damage)
][[ ?{Favored Enemy?|No, 0|Human, 4|Outsider, 2} ]]
Those two work just fine. But now here's the trouble part. I cannot get Human Bane's extra 2d6+2 damage to work properly and in conjucation with Deadly Aim. I know my macro code for them is wrong, but any help in solving what's what?
Specific Attack Insert Macro under the Longbow entry for attacks
[[ ?{Human Bane?|No, 0|Yes, 2} ]] -[[ ?{Deadly Aim?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4)) ]]
Specific Damage Insert Macro under the Longbow entry for attacks
[[ ?{Human Bane?|No, 0|Yes, 2d6+2} ]] [[ ?{Deadly Aim?|Yes,1|No,0}*(1+floor(@{bab}/4))*2 ]]
Now, while I was doing this, I realised that I should've added the extra 2d6 under Extra Non-Crit Dmg, and the +2 enchantment bonus under "all" damage, but this just goes so complicated and I can't get any of it to work.
I should also note that for a while I kept 9th attack as Haste and used the Haste show on / show off macro for it, but even when shooting non-hasted attacks, it still displayed the damage, just without the "haste" title above it. Any workaround how I can keep my haste entry with all these other macros?
I hope I was able to adequately describe my problem(s). Thank you for any help. I greatly appreciate all the work put into PF Community Sheet!
Edit: Also, I'd be delighted if someone could help me figure out how to add Sneak Attack query macro with incorporated table.
That is, right now for the attack, I have Extra Non-Crit Dmg Sneak attack (treats all 1s as 2s).
However, I'd much rather have the sheet ask me every time I roll for an attack if the attack should add the Sneak Attack damage.
I found the macro for basic sneak attack, but how do I change it to roll from the table? Thanks again!
[[ ?{Sneak Attack?|No,0|yes,1}*[[ [[ ceil((@{class-0-level}) / 2) ]]d6 ]] ]]