C.J. C. said: Happy to provide the macros: Ranged Attack Insert Macro: ?{Target w/in 30 ft?|No,0|Yes,1}+?{Deadly Aim (Attack)?|No,0|Yes,-@{customa2-mod}} Ranged Damage Insert Macro: ?{Target w/in 30 ft?|No,0|Yes,1}+?{Deadly Aim (Damage)?|No,0|Yes,@{customa2-mod}*2} Global Attack Insert Macro: ?{Sneak Attack (Attack)?|No,0|Yes,2} Extra Non-Crit Dmg: [[?{Sneak Attack?|No,0|Yes,@{customa3-mod}d6+(@{customa3-mod}*2)} + ?{Bane [Damage]?|None,0|Mythic OR Normal,2d6|Mythic AND Normal,4d6} + ?{Vital Strike?|No,0|Yes,1d6+@{total-damage}|Yes (w/Point Blank),1d6+@{total-damage}+1|Yes (w/Deadly Aim),1d6+@{total-damage}+(@{customa2-mod}*2)|Yes (w/Point Blank & Deadly Aim),1d6+@{total-damage}+1+(@{customa2-mod}*2)}]] Type: SA+Bane: ?{Bane Type?|}+MVS Attack Insert Macro: ?{Bane?|None,0|Mythic OR Normal,2|Mythic AND Normal,4}+?{Mythic Rapid Shot?|No,0|Yes,-2} Damage Insert Macro: ?{Bane?|None,0|Mythic OR Normal,2|Mythic AND Normal,4} Notes: [Arrowmaster's Gauntlets]:?{Arrowmaster's Bracers +20 Attack Bonus (1/Day)?|No,No Effect|Yes,+20 to 1st Attack ONLY} Attack: Weapon Focus = +1, Signature Weapon +4, Greater Bracers of Archery = +2 Damage: Adaptive = +@{STR-mod}, Greater Bracers of Archery = +1 Impervious: Cannot Rust/Rot, X2 Hardness/HP, +(Enhancement Bonus)X2 to Sunder DC Liberating: DC (15+Spell Level/Creature HD) CMB check to Free Self or Adjacent Creature from Spell/Ability that restricts movement, STD Act Seeking: Ignores All Miss Chances Dead Shot: Ignores Cover Improved Sniping: +10 Stealth when Sniping Conserving: Ammo from missed shots are teleported to their quiver unharmed Skirmisher: ?{Any Movement This Round?|No,Does Not Apply|5' Step,Does Not Apply|10+',Attacks deal Sneak Attack as if Flat Footed} Fleet Charge: ?{Fleet Charge?|No,Does Not Apply|Yes, Swift Action / Move up to Base Speed / Bypasses DR / Costs 1 use of Mythic Power} Bane Arrows = Limning Arrows (Target affected by Faerie Fire for 1 Round) 5th Iterative Attack Macro Text (addition underlined): {{attack5=[[ 1d20cs>[[ @{crit-target} ]] + [[ @{attack_macro} + @{iterative_attack5_value} + @{mythic-tier} ]] [iterative] ]]}} {{damage5=[[ @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + @{damage_macro} ]]}} {{crit_confirm5=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{attack_macro} + @{iterative_attack5_value} ]] [iterative] + [[ @{crit_conf_mod} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage5=[[ [[ @{damage-dice-num} * [[ @{crit-multiplier} - 1 ]] ]]d@{damage-die} + ((@{damage_macro}) * [[ @{crit-multiplier} - 1 ]]) ]]}} {{precision_dmg51=@{precision_dmg_macro}}} {{precision_dmg52=@{global_precision_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg51=@{critical_dmg_macro}}} {{critical_dmg52=@{global_critical_dmg_macro}}} {{attack5name=@{iterative_attack5_name}}} @{customa1-mod} = (@{class-0-level}/2) @{customa2-mod} = floor((@{bab})/4)+1 @{customa3-mod} = floor(@{Level}/2)+1 @Vince - Is there anything else you need from me?