I tried the new PF sheet and it's nice in its simplicity, but given the vast array of options that PF (well, PF 1.0) has for both player characters and NPCs/monsters, the community sheet is significantly better with the vast amount of customization you can do with it. Is it a little slow? Yes, sometimes it is, especially with spells attached, but there are a few options to handle that without trying to tinker with the sheets. And given that PF 2.0 is due this year (summer, right?), I have my doubts that they will do much more customization with the current official PF sheet, although I think the last PF 1.0 content being made is slated for sometime in 2019. And while I will eventually give PF 2.0 a try, I honestly do have enough PF content to last me and my gaming group a couple more decades so we are o.k. with sticking to the PF 1.0 version (might crib from 2.0 if they have a really good idea that fits with 1.0 mechanically). So basically, I am saying, keep updating/improving this community sheet as long as you guys want to, and I will continue to use it. Heck, even after you guys stop updating/improving it, I will still keep using it. So long as it doesn't, you know, crash. ;) Cheers! CB