Phil. H. said: Hello there. Here is a screenshot from the current translation.json: So my question for the translation row 427 ( "skills-list": "acrobatics, . ......): must it be in alphabetic order german translated or must it be in english but in alphabetic order like in german. (As Mods can't move the message, I'll answer here). This entry is used to order the PC skill list according to the language alphabetic order. Don't change/translate the names inside, because they are the i18n keys of the individual skill translation, but reorder them according to German alphabetic order of the translated skills. For example, here's the French version: "skills-list": "acrobatics,spellcraft,craft,craft-rep,bluff,knowledge_arcana,knowledge_dungeoneering,knowledge_engineering,knowledge_geography,knowledge_history,knowledge_local,knowledge_nature,knowledge_nobility,knowledge_planes,knowledge_religion,knowledge-rep,disguise,diplomacy,stealth,handle_animal,ride,climb,sleight_of_hand,appraise,escape_artist,intimidate,linguistics,swim,perception,heal,profession,profession-rep,sense_motive,perform,perform-rep,disable_device,survival,use_magic_device,fly,custom-rep",