I am very new to using macros and not very knowledgeable in programming in general, so I appologize ahead of time if I use the wrong terminology or do not explain something properly. I have come across a couple of problems while using the Spell Points and Multiple Spellcasting Classes options together. The first is more of a mild inconvenience than anything else. For some reason, when I change the name of the Spell Points field on the Spellcasting Class 1 and 2 tabs, it does not change the name of the drop-down tab like it does on the Spellcasting Class 0 tab. Weird and mildly annoying, but like I said, no biggie.
The second problem I came across was with the Points/Day field of the Spellcasting Class 1 tab while trying to set up an equation to automatically total my Arcane Pool. Without changing any of the other fields, the Points/Day field does not total the bonuses it is receiving, instead showing (0+0+). If I adjust the Base and Ability fields, it will change the respective number in the Points/Day field, but still will not total them together. If I add any static number or any reference (such as @{INT-mod}) to the Calculation field, suddenly it will total everything together. However, when I start trying to add more complicated equations to the field, particularly (@{INT-mod} + max(1, (floor(@{class-1-level}/2)))), it displays (0 + 0 + (3 + max(1, (floor(1/2))))), the 3 being a correct reference to @{INT-mod} and the 1 in the 1/2 correctly referencing @{class-1-level} (both references change if I change the referenced field). On either of the other two tabs, my equation works perfectly fine and everything totals out properly, so I am quite certain it is not a problem with the equation. It also isn't unique to any one game instance, rather it appears in every game I am currently using this sheet in, as well as any new ones that I create. As I said, I have no clue what goes into creating these sheets, so I have no idea what might be causing it, or how easy of a fix it might be. Since I can simply enter the numbers manually, I can work around it, but I do hope that this might be able to be fixed soon.