CB said: I didn't realise this before but when you have the mythic options toggled on for the sheet, the mythic feats only show the short descriptions when you roll them - the actual descriptions are missing. It looks like {{description=@{description}}} is not part of the macro text for mythic feats. Was that intentional (as in people requested it)? CB EDIT: I noticed the same thing with mythic abilities. They are missing {{description=@{description}}} in the macro text for mythic abilities. Hi CB, I believe this was an oversight when the Mythic features were added. I've made a note to update the Mythic macro-text to match their non-mythic counterparts. Updating the sheet's default macro-text to include "{{description=@{description}}}" is not difficult and all new mythic abilities added or any existing macro-text that's reset would be updated. If we wanted to update a character's existing Mythic macro-text, there's a little more involved. If the macro-text hasn't been touched, it's not so difficult to swap the old value with the new, but if someone has customized their macro-text, there's needs to be some protection/validation the custom macro-text is kept intact while "{{description=@{description}}}" is appended. Meaning I would definitely need some programming guidance. ;-) Temp Workaround: manually add "{{description=@{description}}}" to any Mythic macro-text where you desire the longer description.